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Crush: I can close my 3 pretty well with a set, still a ways from my elite.

No set I can close my 1 :tongue I don't like no sets, I don't train no sets very often, I'm better at juggling my grippers in the air than no sets.

Bending: I put down another triangle grade 5 last night. These things are tough! Managed to get two more very close but no cigar.

Block weights: RH I can lift my 35lb hex with 5lbs added. left with maybe 2.5 on a good day.

I've torn a deck of cards before. I've bent a few (easy) horseshoes. I've got 45lbs to come up (not to full lockout) on the hub lift. RT 152lbs the first and only time I've tried it.

Other than that:

Bench 385 touch and go RAW, Squat ass to grass 405 for a few singles with no gear no belt nothing, Going to try for 500 powersquat this year with just a belt. Just got a 500 dead this last spring, only a belt. Going to go for a 250 seated military press this year, have done 235 no support equipment.

Stats: 5'8" 200 lbs

I'm finally starting to get strong, I've still got a lot more to go though!

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These are my best results for my right hand, left hand results are too weak to post. Yet!


HG300 4+ reps



One hand deadlift


Two handed pinch


Not much, but I will improve.

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The only two PR's that I have any proof of is my farmer's walk record, and certifying under the new rule for the #3 CoC list in April 2004. I set the farmer's walk record at the Music City Showdown last year(240# ea. hand for 160ft w/turn) I did it in 18.75 seconds. I work on the RT, grippers, and I have started doing some bending. I owe a lot of thanks to Ryan Brown.

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10 reps with 15 kg plate curl strikt!

this style:


1 rep plate wrist curl with 15 kg plate, the whole range of movemet, strict of course.

98 kg in RT.

137 kg V-bar both right and left hand.

CoC#3 and BBE (ranked 3,22)

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Tearing- St Louis Phonebook with yellow pages in under 10 seconds, have 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8ed deck of cards (cheap ones) and have ripped 2 decks at once, still though cant rip a deck cleanly with one motion which is my next goal.

Bending- Just tonight bent a 5.5inch grade 5 bolt Double OH (only second time I have tried this style, best previous was 5inch grade 5 double underhand, and have kinked a grade 8. Goal is red both styles by end of year.

Pinch- Have broken 2-35lbers from ground just barely, can usually do 2-25lbers with 15lbs added, goal is 2-35lbers full DL by end of year.

Grippers- IM #2 closed havnt really trained these yet- Goal #3 by next july

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Nothing to brag about... and hard to stay happy with progress because there's always more .... but so far:

- 65lb hub lift with real plate

- 2x15kg plate pinch passed around body 5 times

- tear pack of cards in about 8 seconds

- CoC #3 right hand on good day, getting there leftie

- 5" blue nail bend

- 180kg double overhand DL

- 10kg+2.5kg plate curl

Next goals

- 15kg plate curl

- 2x20kg pinch

- consistent #3 close right hand, #3 close left

- 227.5kg double overhand DL - i.e. 500lbs

... that's plenty... if I get a couple of these by year end I'll be happy

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i can:

no set close the #4 with only my pinky

hammer curl the millenium db

concetration curl the inch db

plate curl a 100# plate

bend a 3" thick grade 8 bar

do one arm rafter chins

deadlift a 200# hex blob

bench 1000#

squat 2000#

dl 1000#

bend a im red nail with my mind



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i am still pretty new to the game so the only thing i can do worth noting is crush a #2 and lift a 35lb hex blob (i gotta get a 40# now). i can also lift a 30lber with my left pinky and ring finger. i got a loadable inch db (by im) but haven't seen what i can do on it yet. the camming action on the "holle db" makes it extremely difficult. oh ya, i can also do fingertip, openhand pullups on an old metolius simulator (i weigh 200lbs).

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#2 either hand little set, right no set a few special times

#3 pretty close either hand with set

155# either hand on my loadable inch simulator (homemade)

155# RT first time, jumped to 185 cracked it. In contest like 3yrs ago before gripboard.

Red finished from 90º, 4.5" blue overhand, close G5 underhand

1 arm clean/jerk w/2" bar 165#, OL bar 185right,175left

40#blob lots of reps first try, either hand

35#blob around back 5 times first try

rolled up a fairly good frying pan first try

bent some easy horseshoes

have torn a few decks of easy cards, tough for me

torn a license plate that was old and had a starter crack

blow up coke can first try

Inver stone overhead but no lockout, strict pressed the Dalwhinnie stone

250# 11" log, 220-320stones in like 20ish seconds, 700# yoke for 100', keg clean/press each rep 21 times in 60s

dips BW+135x6reps, BW+180#x2 reps (BW was 225ish)

Bench raw start from chest 350, raw normal bench 365

Squat 501, knee wraps/belt in contest long ago @ 186#

Deadlift 565 sumo 550 reg, haven't maxed in a long time sumo, stronger that way


Lift the Dinnie stones, Inver overhead locked, inch overhead, no set close 3 each hand same time, bend reds easily with minimal wrapping, C&J 400, bench 500, Deadlift 800, squat 700, 1 hand C&J 250ish, blob C&J, bend some tough spikes/shoes, DB press 100# x 40 reps in 1min. Get my back to stop hurting :)

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Mike, you are a freak. :bow I went through your list and picked your one arm C&J of 165 pounds on the 2" bar as the most impressive to me. Most casual weight trainers wouldn't be able to do that with HALF that weight. Great lifts!

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I no set closed a SM first time I picked it up, I can lift 160lbs on my rolling thunder I can deadlift 400lbs. my goals are to close the 3, lift the inch, hub pinch a 45lb plate, lift the blob and bend a red nail. :D

Edited by handgripperman
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  • 4 weeks later...



Goal- Grade 8- 6"x1/4"


One hand- left and right

2-35lb plates(CAP)

Goal- 45lbers(of course!)

Two Hand

177lbs(I think, maybe 172?)

Goal-none at this time


#2 no set both hands, Old BBMx5 Right hand only

No goals for grippers.


2" Barbell- double overhand- 270x1

Goal- 300x1

Eagle Loops-

Just been hanging with bodyweight

Goal- Going to start going after some heavy one hand lifts on this, but at this point not sure where I want to be with this lift. Seems like I saw Bill in and old Ironmind catalog long ago doing some impressive stuff hanging from his pinkies and ring fingers maybe??? I need this as I got some bad weakness in the pinky area of my right hand from a boxers fracture.

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Can close #2

Can rip 45 playing cards (hope to update to Full Deck of Cards very soon) :cool

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