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Deadlift Lockouts max 680pds

1 Hand Pinch 3 10pd Plates 2 25's plates

2 Hand PInch 175pds

Plate curl 15pds

1 hand Deadlift 150pds

Grippers IM #1 HG 200

Bending IM white/green nails

Chin ups Using only middle finger of each hand 5 reps

MY main area of my workouts are clubbells right now, which kill every part of your grip. I have to back off on a lot of other exercises, to not overtrain. So easy to overtrain your grip when using the Clubs.


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194lbs two hand pinch at 180lbs bodyweight.

Or at 179lbs bodyweight to be more precise (LGC X, december 2003).

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Well I have been still working on getting my weight BELOW 150LBS. (normal weight 165-170). I have this strange goal of becoming the 2nd lightest COC, (and yes, I have been FINALLY closing my 2004 #3, 50% of my attempts). I just cant get down to 137LBS. to be the lightest ! ( I dont think I want to even try!) Anyway, can close #2 with no set, BBSM no set, BBGM with 1.5 inch set. Hub pinch with plates , 55LBS. both hands , same time. 65LBS. right hand, 55lbs hub, two finger and thumb. RT 170 LBS. in plates at 155LBS. BWT (done a couple of months ago). My goals are BBE (down to 1/2 inch, on good days) really just working on the grippers lately, been using A LOT of forced reps all the way up to the BBPRO. So I really dont feel like doing anything else. Very interesting thread, there are some definite FREAKS ( and I mean this as a compliment) on this board! Everybody keep up the awesome feats :rock . Mike

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I did think about that after I posted. I still wonder if we did the right thing (maybe Bill can let us know)! If it is any consolation, I did post pictures of my lifts in my gallery so I hope this qualifies as the proof rule. Also, I'm not sure anything I do qualifies as World Class. But you're right. Rule #4 may be slammed here.


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I must admit , Old Guy and Sixgun, I was a little hesitant to post also. But I dont think I have read any world class claims. (That havent been proven) Mike

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#4 close with a deep set

5.5" red (pic in gallery)

Inch lift with tilt to lockout

202lbs RT lift in competition

150lb 2 hand pinch (sucks I know!)

585 deadlift

250x3 log press

Currently working on bringing up that horrible pinch strength with a ton of blockweights and two hand pinching. It'd also be nice to get better at thickbar.

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Hey, I never really read this thread. However, now that it's gone two pages we'll let it go and be "immune" to the #4 rule.

JUST THIS ONCE though. :)

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Apart from rule 4, I have no proof and cannot currently duplicate any of my best feats. I prefer to consider what I can do now. :calm

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#3 close, various no sets on SM's, 80lb plate pinch, 2 fat 35's either hand, 35's 2 fingers right hand, 35's put around waist 10 times, 30 ft. farmers pinching 35's in each hand, 5 10's either hand, 45 by the hub with either hand but not together, 210 on a old RT and a blue cut to 5 3/4 at a contest the first time giving bending a serious shot.

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- #3 with a 1" set,

- Grade 5 and 247.5kgs challenge bar with 1/2" off center,

- Nothing good pinch wise, except a decent 44lbs on The Swiss blob replica.

I haven't been able to really train grip lately so all these belong to the past. BUT those PRs have all been witnessed either during a comp or by David Hurzeler (aka The Swiss).

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I never thought of Rule #4, therefore I apologize. On the other hand, no one has requested or demanded recognition for anything posted. I wasn't around when rule 4 was put in place, but I imagine legitimacy disputes where the reason for it's origin. Also, many of the feats stated don't have a list in the Records and Stats forum and therefore should be exempt from rule 4. I can definitely see the need for rule 4, but I don't think this thread should be a violation of it. I find the rule far too generalized for the spirit of this board. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, and besides learning I believe that's why most of us are here. We all know we must provide video or photo proof to be believed, but the way the rule is written I can't even post "I finally got the #4 closed. I'll have a video up soon." It doesn't state "hey put me on the #4 list, because I can close it now." Anyway, I obviously think the rule needs amending, and not just because of this thread. Perhaps something like:

"Any topic wherein the topic starter is claiming a World Class feat without proof will result in locking of the post until proper proof by video or pictures is presented. A witness from the gripboard as well is needed."


"Any claimed World Class feats without a credible gripboard member and video or photo proof will not be recognized by the Gripboard Community. If dispute arises due to the claim, the thread will be locked until such proof is given."

Casual mention in passing should not ruffle anybodys feathers. ;)

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Doesn't Wanna unlock them already once proof is provided?

I think video is enough and even photos will suffice for some feats. Having a gripboard member witness it can be quite a hassle if you don't live close to any GB members. For example, if you provided a video of yourself closing a #4 that's good enough for me, I don't care whether or not a GB member was there when you were filming. Great thread Woodchuck.

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For what it's worth if we have a rule #4 I think it should ALWAYS apply - no exceptions.

Not going to make a thing of it though.

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I am the king of Mediocrity – rule #4 (World Class Feats) doesn’t apply to anything I can do. I can ALMOST do a lot of things, but none of the big ones have fallen yet. I don’t specialize much but just keep plugging along and try different things (tests) every once in a while. My goal is to get just ONE of the “big ones”. Some things I’m proud of are

Qualified for the World Masters meet in Austria in Olympic lifting in 2004. Not grip I know but I worked hard for it for two years. I qualified for it at the Arnold Classic this year.

I went climbing last weekend and did a 5.11b and a 5.11c – not much now a days I know but I am getting along in years just a little. My goal is to still be climbing 5.11 at 60 – just need to hold on for 4 years.

Apollon Axle – double overhand DL - best 370# - current 352# - goal is 2x bodyweight.

Rolling Thunder – best – 182# + RT and loading pin - current 175# - goal is bodyweight (BW is 198#). My RT is 3 years old.

Grippers closed with no set– COC1, COC2, Heavy hands 250 and 300, PDA 260

Grippers closed with deep set or in Choker – COC #3(I have two different ones). I can close both (I guess that should be either of) my 3’s about 1 time out of 8 or 10 at best – not at all consistently. Goal is to close consistently with a 1” set (old rules). I have a #4 but I can’t make myself believe it’s possible yet. It’s a beast.

Pinch – my best is 2 – 35# plates – can also do + pipe with 5# added – sometimes 10#.

3 – 25# plates – broken from floor maybe 6” a couple times. This one seems more doable than the 5 – 10’s for me at this point.

5 – 10# plates – have done one time right handed – usually get it 6” up and it spreads and goes. Can do it with pipe + 10#. Have broken 6-10’s from the floor.

York Blob – just barely broke it from the floor at the Arnold GNC booth this year – maybe ½”. This thing is hard but seems doable with time. I’m at 42# to 46# on my PDA Blobette usually.

Bending – Have bent 2 different 60d nails – not TT. I also have three other 60d’s that I can only kink but not finish. Best Challenge bar is 190K. Goal is 200K bar. I haven’t bent in a while due to a sore elbow that just keeps hurting and I’m too dumb to take time off and fix it.

I can tear a deck of cards but it takes a minute or so. Sometimes longer. Cards vary quite a bit.

2.5” handle plate loading dumbbell. 135# level is my best - 140# with a good tilt on a good day. 2 3/8” dumbbell add about 5 to 10 #.

I tried the v-bar lift with a ¾” pipe loading pin I have (diameter is just over 1”). 185# and serious pain – OUCH!

There are several things listed I haven’t done for a long time that I’ll give a go to and see what I can do. Wrist curls, one arm DL on 2” and Olympic bar, etc.

Just call me MR ALMOST. My goal is just to be able to break rule #4.

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Congratulations on qualifying for the World Masters, climber511.

Won't have to worry about rule #4 on my post either. Since starting grip training about a year and a half ago I have focused on two areas, grippers and more recently block weights. I can no set a #2 and can close the Supermaster with a set. My next gripper goal is to no set the Supermaster and get certified by Warren Tetting. I'm still a novice on the block weights and am currently working on getting a 35lb hex to a full deadlift.


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i can not post as i break all the world records for all feats.....JK

i can no set 1,2,and hg250 all for reps. i can get my mutant 3 to 1/4 inch sometimes.

thats the only grip thing i really do...but i lift weights regularly.

i can do 425x6 deadlifts no straps.....i dont go for 1rm

my personal best for bench is 315x6 but now im not at that level...maybe 315x2 or 3.

i can squat 315 for 12 pretty easy for full range. and 405x10 but not going down all the way to parrelle. i have done 495x3 but agian not full parelle squats. and i use no equitment when i lift.

***how do you guys do the one arm deadlift....just pick up the oylmpic bar from the very middle with one hand? or something else involved???***

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oh and one more thing....imo everyone is a adult here....so if a guy lies about what he can do hes only showing he is insuccure sp? with him/herself! i dont think anyone would do that but i guess it is possible!

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Nothing special but here are some of my prs to date


no set grandmaster, #3

elite, rb300 with a set

#3 strapholds with pda strap 22 lbs, and 11 pounds with tetting banding

super gripper at 10&12 closed

bending hard 60d underhand and just bought some grade 5's so hopefully next workout. lol

180 rt. Only tried it a couple of times but any type of pinch work seems to help as its gone up each time ive tried it every 4 months of so.

pinch 2-35s

Thats about it. My 2 short term goals are:

No set elite for tetting cert

IM red underhand

Great thread!

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180 rt. Only tried it a couple of times but any type of pinch work seems to help as its gone up each time ive tried it every 4 months of so.

RT once every four months? I wish I could gain strength that easily. Unfair. In order to get 209lbs @183BW I maxed out three times per week (12-18 singles) for more than a year.

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Nothing too big here:

Grip Stuff

38# BLOB clean and press both hands (hit & miss)

CoC #2 hold for 31 seconds

CoC #3 a hair away from closing - I have faith this will fall soon.

Quartered about half a deck of cards (30 cards)

Soda Can Bursting

Broken Keys

Bent a hard 60d nail, but could not "U" it (not a TT)

140# Rolling Thunder (right hand)

135# Rolling Thunder (left hand)


425x5 deadlift - belt only, no straps

245x20 breathing squats - no equipment

295x5 bench - no equipment (have done better but cannot remember what it was ... this is a weak area for me)

Weighted Dips for 5 reps with 135# @ 210 lb bodyweight. I weigh 220-ish currently but have done those numbers at 228 as well.

Lifting goals for this year:

Squat 405

Deadlift 500 (I should be able to do this now based on calculators)

Bench 315 x 5 or better

Weighted dips 180 x 3 to 5 reps

Grip goals for this year:

Close my stinkin' #3

Tear a full deck of cards

Pass my 38# BLOB behind my back, or at least build some consistency in cleaning and pressing it.

Maybe some bending and/or levering

Rolling Thunder improvements? Maybe ... not enough time in the rest of the year.

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Set closed BB Elite with my dominant hand.

No set closed #3 with my dominant hand.

Set closed #3 with my nondominant hand.

Carried (bearhug)250lb sandbag for couple blocks.

Benched 350lb no shirt no nothing.

Can Platepinch 35kgs.

Some of my accomplishment are nothing compared to some monsters at this board.

My goals are: Close #4,pinch 40kgs,toy the Blob,Bench 400lbs,clean & jerk 300lbs

sand bag.

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Though I bought a Rolling Thunder 2 yrs ago or so, it's only the last 3 months or so that I've really got into grip training. Here's my "novice" lifts: :-)

a. Rolling Thunder:

right hand: 135 lbs

left hand: 125 lbs

b. Grippers:

right hand: a set close w/ RB-160 or 6-7 no-set closes w/ IM-1

left hand: a no-set close w/ IM-1

c. Sledgehammer Leveraging(my favorite):

right hand: a "strong" 11 lbs to forehead and back up

left hand: a "shaky" 10 lbs to forehead and back up

Both are done separately, not at the same time. I'm too scared to try both

simultaneously now.

d. Bending:

have bent a green nail to 45 degrees (but I "folded" it. I could not bend it).

this was hard for me and taxed my wrists, so I started the sledge lifting

regularly 1-2 month ago to strengthen my wrists. I have not bent anything

since then.

e. Plate curls:

right arm: 2-3 reps w/ a 25 lb plate

left arm: 1-2 reps w/ a 25 lb plate

f. Block weights: (another new favorite):

got a 25 lb (actually weighs 24 lbs) york block weight. Couldn't even budge

it. But I chalked my fingers/hands and then lifted it very easily. Can now

lift it in either hand w/ 2 fingers and a thumb. Can also lift it (w/ 6 lbs added)

in either hand w/ only 2 fingers and a thumb. Can also lift it in either hand

w/ 16 lbs lbs added. I don't know what size block weight I can lift now, but I

would like to try a 35 lb block weight next to see how I do.


Did 27 consecutive chinups (my max) and could always do around 21-23.

Since I separated my shoulder in a jiu-jitsu tournament, I've only been able

to do 18-19 (new max).

That's it folks,


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