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Idea For The Gripboard

Bill Piche

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That ain't what I meant. By all means, sign your article.

What I meant is that the articles will be reviewed for content. During this review process, the article's value will be decided.

If the moderators do this: fine; but, this creates only more work for Bill.

I was thinking the article could be posted and the Members of this Board could vote on the article. Hopefully, this would save Bill some time.


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Sign your article after it has been posted, not when submitting it for review. The moderator in charge could leave the name off until it has been decided upon. We don't want people accepting or rejecting articles because the like or dislike the person writing it.

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Some good ideas - also:

How about an open section where people can post requests for article topics? People could post their ideas there, and that might give the authors some ideas of topics to write about.

First suggestion - a Beginner's Guide to Grip and Grip Equipment

Beginner's Guide to Grippers

Beginner's Guide to Bending

Beginner's Guide to Block Weights


Intermediate Guide to Grippers

Intermediate Guide to Bending

Intermediate Guide to Block Weights


Advanced Guide to Grippers

Advanced Guide to Bending

Advanced Guide to Block Weights


Also, I would volunteer some of my time and layout experience to compile these articles from time to time in a PDF/CafePress book, if desired.

Edited by ianders1
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Also, I would volunteer some of my time and layout experience to compile these articles from time to time in a PDF/CafePress book, if desired.

I'd volunteer some editing (grammar, usage, and/or style) skills to those who are interested. Anyone considering this should note that I speak and write American English, and he should not be surprised if a word like colour gets "corrected" to color.

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I think it's a great idea. All the info at the #1 place for grip strength in one convenient spot.

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I'd volunteer some editing (grammar, usage, and/or style) skills to those who are interested.

Scary :whacked - you'll get two English geeks ;) to volunteer their time - I have an English degree and was a writer/editor for several years, and I would be happy to do some editing as well :D

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Rather than having a vote on it, what about setting up the new forum with a new moderator who could (1) review the article for content and value, (2) edit as needed, and (3) post it to the forum. Like what we have now with the Records and Stats forum: one go-to guy who handles it on his own and defers to Bill with questions.

Edited by Moderator

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It all sounds great, except about the "only grip" clause. IF it relates, ie "How to work your grip training into a PL routine" or something like that, that contains other info too, I think it should be included. That is one of my worst problems that could be helped by others, how to work in grip with strongman, OL, etc and not have problems. Just a thought...

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Sounds good to me. I especially like some sort of a review of the article before it's posted in the "articles forum."

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As a newbie this would be great, having an area like this to get started would also save a lot of the questions we all think or ask to get going.

Some of the lists i.e. the bending stock strength list and list of grippers would also fit in well.

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New forum has been added. I posted some guidelines for discussion. These are not set in stone obviously, but just starting guidelines to open discussion. Let's discuss.

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I don't like the idea of writing priviledges. It's no big loss reading a subpar article and just because you're not as strong as the next guy doesn't mean you don't have anything to contribute.

It doesn't matter the strength of the author. There are some guys in strength training who could not write their way out of a paper bag but who are very strong.

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I don't like the idea of writing priviledges.  It's no big loss reading a subpar article and just because you're not as strong as the next guy doesn't mean you don't have anything to contribute.

It doesn't matter the strength of the author. There are some guys in strength training who could not write their way out of a paper bag but who are very strong.

And vice versa. Look at the late Dan Duchaine. That guy was built like a librarian, yet tons of bodybuilders were paying for his advice.

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