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Heath Sexton, Level 3

Bill Piche

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Everyone has off-days. I'm sure you'll grind it when your on.

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Three attempts, three about paper thickness from being closed. Couldn't have been closer without closing it. Then he tried his replica and was about the same....I personally witnessed him overcrush his replica last night. Shoulda went for cert last night, but he thought he would be too tired from the plane trip.

Tough gripper, you really need to be on your game for it. Hats off to big Rob, and Heath will get it next time.

Shame about that three attempt limit thing.......he's been taking out his frustrations on my grippers and they are not happy. I have to live with Heath for the next few days, won't be easy :blink

I don't like the 3 attempt rule. I think it wastes time. When its a max effort you need to feel good and therefore need more attempts. Well Heath get it next time

no shame in missing a gripper HARDER than some #4s.

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No one is ALWAYS on Heath. If anything, you have showed us you are human after all. :bow (I was getting a little concerned! :laugh;) )

Good show my friend. I am not at all concerned with the second meeting of You VS. the MM3.

You will destroy it round 2.

Rick Walker :rock

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Heath, wasn't it you that said you missed the #3 the first cert attempt?

You said that to me when I missed mine the first time.

If it was you, rest assured I have zero doubt you'll nail this thing.

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Three attempts, three about paper thickness from being closed.  Couldn't have been closer without closing it.  Then he tried his replica and was about the same....I personally witnessed him overcrush his replica last night.  Shoulda went for cert last night, but he thought he would be too tired from the plane trip.

Tough gripper, you really need to be on your game for it.  Hats off to big Rob, and Heath will get it next time.

Shame about that three attempt limit thing.......he's been taking out his frustrations on my grippers and they are not happy.  I have to live with Heath for the next few days, won't be easy  :blink

I don't like the 3 attempt rule. I think it wastes time. When its a max effort you need to feel good and therefore need more attempts. Well Heath get it next time

no shame in missing a gripper HARDER than some #4s.

99.99% of the people...if they don't close it in 3, forget it. It won't be there. And, having the gripper cert be an all day thing, well...that's ridiculous which is why we have the rule. Bottom line: either you are strong enough that day or you aren't on the first attempt.

Stronger than a #4? :blink Certainly none of my #4s!

In Heath's case, there were other circumstances too and he went thru with it anyway and would never mention it because he has never/ever given an excuse...ever. :)

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maybe a time limit would be a good compromise????? Witness isn't stuck somewhere all day and the individual isn't nailed down to a certain number of attempts?

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Thanks for the support fellas. I was pretty damn embarassed, it's wearing off some though.

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maybe a time limit would be a good compromise?????  Witness isn't stuck somewhere all day and the individual isn't nailed down to a certain number of attempts?

We ARE NOT making a rule change. As I said, do you hear Heath whining about it? No. He also won't eat crow now or ever.

He called me right away and as usual was his normal high integrity self. No excuses. No whining. No complaints.

He is example for us all to follow.

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Thanks for the support fellas. I was pretty damn embarassed, it's wearing off some though.


Embarassed? I would LOVE to have your OFF days Heath! And, I bet the majority here would. I can only dream of closing a gripper that hard! :rock

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off days happen, dont sweat it. youll git it next time

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It's not like we haven't made rule changes before (set depth, what constitutes an attempt, bending rules, etc...)but whatever, just a suggestion. You're absolutely right, Heath is the example we should all follow.

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It's not like we haven't made rule changes before (set depth, what constitutes an attempt, bending rules, etc...)but whatever, just a suggestion. You're absolutely right, Heath is the example we should all follow.

I understand. There's no reason to make rule changes at the drop of a hat though. :)

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You're right. Must be why you're in charge :D

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Embarassed? I would LOVE to have your OFF days Heath! And, I bet the majority here would. I can only dream of closing a gripper that hard! :rock

That's a great idear. I will give you all my bad days, I'll keep the good ones and we'll both be happy! :trout:trout:trout

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Heath integrity at its finest. You will come back stronger then ever. As Bill said Heath has had some issues recently and never mentions them and never made an excuse even though he had every right to. Kill it next time around!

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This must be a very tough gripper.

Yup. Only grip studs need apply. No credit card needed! :D

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Heath, a man such as yourself never "loses". ;)

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You are no victim, Heath. You've been challenged!

Next time this gripper gets its little butt kicked.

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Maybe if Terminator hadn't wedged a red nail in-between the handles it would've been easier ;)

Seriously, Hydraulic Heath, there are so many things that can contribute to an off day - just the plane trip alone could've been enough to throw you off, so don't worry about it. Besides, it's not like can't close the MM3 or the #4 for that matter - we all know you can, just not all the time, anytime. At least not yet. By the time you go for the MM3 next time, you'll nail it, even if it's an off day!


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It must be a very hard gripper, indeed! Sorry to hear that its first victim was you, Heath, but an unexpected failure by one of the top dogs really does make the whole process that much more interesting. Best of luck next time.

Mike M.

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Again you have stood tall even though things did not go your way.

I look up to you for that because many times in the past I have gotten pissed, yelled, bitched, moaned, whined, thrown shit around, broken things, gotten wasted, etc.

Kepp that goal in your mind and next time there will be a different result.


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