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Your gripper workload is unbelievable... I know you will get

the sacred #4..

Keep at it Josh

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Sledge work

Lever to the front:


21 inch

21.5 inch

22 inch

22 inch

22.5 inch didn't quite lock it out

22.5 inch PR PTL :bow



21.5 inch

22 inch

22inch didn't quite lock it out

22 inch didn't quite lock it ou

22 inch PR PTL :bow

Lever to the rear

RH: 3 reps full length, 2 reps full length, 3 reps about 90% lockout, full length

LH: same as above

Lever to the nose

RH: 2 reps, 3 reps

LH: 2 reps

Had to quit at this point to go meet the mother-in-law for dinner

need to hit those rotations later in the week

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Everyting went fine with your mother-in-law? :D

Please excuse my ignorance.

Whats PTL? :blush

What are your no-set abilities? Do you train for them?

Keep the good work!!!

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PTL is Praise the Lord. I try to give him thanks when I get hit big PR's. Big Steve and Tommy do this a lot and that's something that I've always admired.

My no set abilities or lack thereof are 11-12 reps with a filed #2. I started with a no-set then let it out the full length for each rep. My best effort on a #3 is around 1/4". I used to just see how many reps I could get on the filed #2 at the end of the workout but I've never trained no-set seriously and I doubt I ever will.

Yeah... and everything went fine with the mother-in-law :D

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Looks like everything is coming around nicely. And like the other guy said, I have no doubt you will close the #4 someday. God is good!


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OAP workout

BW: 224

Neutral grip negatives


set 1: actually held in 45 degree position for about 3 seconds then did a great negative

set 2: same but only about 90 degree on the lock


set 1: 90 degrees about 3 seconds great negative

set 2: same

Palm facing negative:


set 1: held the lockout for about 3 seconds then did a great negative

set 2: no lockout but great negative

set 3: fell pretty quick


set 1: good negative

set 2: good negative

set 3: fell pretty quick

Mixed grip: bar is one of those with the ends turned down so I'm already out on the end so I'm going to just use fingers from the hand that is overhand


set 1: start at beginning of curve, do a rep, move my hand down farther, repeat until end then did 3 reps with 2 fingers on the end

set 2: 4 reps with two fingers

set 3: 5 reps with two fingers

LH: same as RH

**will work up to using just my pinkie and see where I'm at. I'll try just the middle finger next workout

Assisted Pullup and Dip

70lbs counter weight: alternating nonstop singles to failure each set

set 1: RH: 1, LH 1

set 2: 85lbs: RH 4, LH 4

set 3: 85lbs: RH 3, LH 3

set 4: 85lbs: RH 5, LH 5 used 1 finger to cheat up last two reps

WOW, my back is toasted, I have very little endurance with this stuff

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20 sets of pony clamp, all negatives, and I added another rubberband

wow, biceps and brachioradialis(spelling??) still plenty sore from OAP workout the other night

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Did some more wrist work after legs tonight

Plate wrist curls


10kg plate x3

15 kg plate to 45 degrees for 5 seconds

15kg plate cheated up and held at 90 degrees/parallel for 3 seconds then negativex 3 sets


10kg plate x 2

10kg plate x2

10kg plate x 1.5

10kg plate x1

25lb plate x 1

Wrist curls


221x0 parallel just couldn't roll it over


223x0 parallel just couldn't roll it over

223 x0 parallel just couldn't roll it over

immediately stripped it down to 133 and cranked out 14 reps

Plate wrist curls really zapped me tonight just didn't have that little extra to break parallel on the wrist curls

Oh...and a new PR :D , Apparently I did something to my tricep... on leg day. It just started killing me right before I started on my wrist work. Sometimes I just amaze myself :D

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new #4 in choker: attempt then negative

set 1: 1/2/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 2: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 3: VLM/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 4: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5 VLM/ pretty much blew open

BBSE in choker:

set 6: VLM/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 7: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 8: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 9: VLM/ 1/2 3-4 seconds

Good negatives tonight but the goal attempts weren't so hot


set 10: 1/4


set 11: 1/8

set 12: 1/8


set 13: barely shut it

Stopping hands fried from the negatives just don't have that last little burst tonight


10 attempts followed by negatives on 04#3 all pretty crappy except for 2 around 1/8. Don't know what's going on here, hopefully it's better next time

Pony Clamp: added another rubberband

10 sets all negatives

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Just a quick one tonight. I'm swamped with a big school project

Warmup ISG


new #4 in choker: goal attempt followed by negative

set 1: 1/2/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 2: 1/2/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 3: vlm/around 1/2 3-4 seconds


set 4: vlm/1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5: vlm/3/8 3-4 seconds


MM2dud: 1/8

04#3: 1/8

Wow, that was crap workout. I will eliminate the choker work next workout to see if I'm losing ground or just worn out from the choker work.

Inspired by Pdoire I thought I'd break out the ISG for one last negative before I hit the school project again

ISG 10,12 inverted grip

11 seconds, opened up to a credit card at around the 6 second mark but never got any wider until the 11 second mark when it blew open


04#3 goal attempt then negative

set 1: 1/4/ /185 seconds....garbage set

set 2: 1/8/ credit card 10 seconds

set 3: 1/4/1/8 10 seconds


set 4: 8,12: 12 seconds

set 5: 8,12: 15 seconds

set 6: 8,12: 10 seconds

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Inspired by Pdoire I thought I'd break out the ISG for one last negative before I hit the school project again

ISG 10,12 inverted grip

11 seconds, opened up to a credit card at around the 6 second mark but never got any wider until the 11 second mark when it blew open


set 4: 8,12: 12 seconds

set 5: 8,12: 15 seconds

set 6: 8,12: 10 seconds

Thanks for your kind remarks.

Looks like if you can hold ISG for 6 secs at (10,12)!!!at credit card width,

it is time for a third spring there and working up to 5 sec holds!!

Be careful you don't fold that ISG in half!!! :bow

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OAP workout BW 221lbs

Palm facing negatives: tried 2 per arm and fell pretty quick, don't know what's wrong because I got some lockouts last week

Mixed grip: palm facing and 2 fingers on end of the bar

RH: 1,1,1,1

LH: 1,1,1,1

***was going to try 1 finger but I noticed that I wasn't starting from a dead hang, I had some flexion in my elbow so I had more or less had to take a step back this workout to do them right.

Neutral grip negatives: tried 2 sets of these after some tricep work and fell pretty quick just like the other negatives. I just don't have it tonight. I'm usually stronger on these than the palm facing.

Mixed grip: palm facing and 2 fingers

RH: 1,2,1

LH: 1,2,1

****elbows starting to hurt so I think I'll go do some one arm pulldown work

One arm pulldown: The gym has what I call "minaturized" adjustable pulley station, which is pretty much useless unless you're a girl or a male gymnast but they have a bar that connects the carabiners of the two weight stacks and it's good and wobbly so it's great to do one arm pulldowns with

RH: 110x3, 130x1, 130x3/4, 130x1, 120x2, 110x2

LH: 110x3, 130x1, 130x3/4, 130x1, 120x2, 110x2

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Sledge work: thought I'd jack around with the sledge while my wife was washing her car in the driveway.

lever to the front

23 inches: full lever

23 inches: full lever

23 inches: full lever

**noticed my elbow is bending a little rather than staying locked

22.5 inches: full lever

22.5 inches: full lever


23 inches: 3/4 lever

22.5 inches: full lever

22.5 inches: full lever

22.5 inches: full lever

22.5 inches: full lever

Lever down to nose


set 1: 3 reps

set 2: 2 reps

set 3: 3 reps


set 1: 2 reps

set 2: 2 reps

set 3: 2 reps

****heavy wind today so this was a little more challenging than usual

Lever to the rear


set 1: full length 3/4 lever

set 2: full length 3/4 lever

set 3: full length full lever but I leaned forward on this one, immediately choked way up on the sledge and did a burnout set


set 1: full length 3/4 lever

set 2: full length 3/4 lever

set 3: full length full lever but I leaned forward on this one, immediately choked way up on the sledge and did a burnout set

was really ticked off about my elbow bending on the front levers, wondering if I've just been cheating myself this whole time instead of making progrees so I decided to try a new PR of 24 inches....and I nailed it with my elbow locked PTL :bow

Rotations same for both hands

1st hole from top: 5 rotations

2nd hole from top: 5 rotations

3rd hole from top: 3 rotations, immediately choked up a couple of inches above the first hole and did a burnout set of about 10 reps

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Warmup ISG


MM2dud: concentrating on parallel set: closed it easy, ok I'm not losing crush, back to some negatives


ISG: added a spring, 8,10,12: WOW this is a beast, hard to close with two hands, blew open to around 1/4 pretty quick

ISG: 1, 10,12: somewhere between 1/8 and credit card, 5 seconds

Choker attempts then negatives

#4: vlm/3/8 3-4 seconds

#4: 1/2/1/4 3-4 seconds

#4: vlm/3/8 4-5 seconds

#4: vlm/3/8 4-5 seconds

BBSE: vlm/1/4 4-5 seconds

BBSE: vlm/ 1/2 3seconds

BBSE: vlm/1/2 3 seconds

MM2dud: 1/8

04#3: credit card


a bunch of attempts on the #3, nothing even close, just couldn't get it comfortable in my hand today, it felt like the strength was there, it just kept twisting around


1,5,12 setting: 1/4, 1/4, 1,8

ISG: 1,3,5, last two fingers

RH: 1/8, 1.8, closed, closed

LH: 1/8, 1/8, closed, closed

10 sets of pony clamps all negatives, added two more rubberbands

another try on the MM2dud parallel set: closed it but barely

04#3: closed, closed, closed

Edited by jad
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OAP workout

BW: 224lbs

Palm-facing negatives: tried two sets per arm and fell pretty quick

Mixed grip

RH: pulling arm and 1 finger on the edge of bar for 5 sets 3/4 rep on each one

on the last two sets I added a finger to finish the rep and then removed non-pulling hand and peformed a negative, strangely enough I got 3/4 lockout on the last one when I couldn't get one fresh while peforming negatives????

LH: same as above

One arm lat pulldown

RH: 110x3, 120x1, 130x1, 130x1, 130x1, 140x1

LH: 110x3, 120x1, 130x1, 130x1, 130x1....elbow started throbbing

*******pretty happy with the mixed grip work and the OA lat pulldowns but I've been having trouble with the negatives, hopefully I do better next time

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strangely enough I got 3/4 lockout on the last one when I couldn't get one fresh while peforming negatives????

I found on the full body stuff that warmups always helped me...sounds like that's

what happened here. Your one armed lat pulldowns are at your bodyweight

in a very short time you will be mastering the OAP's.

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warmmup on ISG


Goal attempt then negative NO choker

#4: 3/8 then 1/4 on negative held for 5 seconds

#4: 1/2 then 3/8 on negative held for 5 seconds

BBSE: 1/2 then 3/8 on negative but it blew open pretty quick

BBSE: in choker: some good movement then 3/8 on negative for about 3 seconds then I forced it back and it opened up to 3/8 again held it for about 2 seconds

inverted negative on ISG: 8,10,12: blew right open to about 3/8 held here for 5 seconds

negative on ISG: 8, 10, 12: couldn't even get it shut with two hands this was a joke

inverted negative on ISG: 1, 10, 12: 1/8 held it for 5 seconds

MM1dud attempt: 1/4 then it just locked up, cheated it closed and held it at a credit card for 7 seconds

MM2dud attempt: credit card

NO set 04#3: 1/8 I like to do one of these every once in awhile just to see where I'm at

MM2dud: closed


04#3: 1/8 then credit card on negative held for 5 seconds

04#3: 1/8 then credit card on negative held for 5 seconds

04#3: 1/4 then 1/8 on negative held for 5 seconds

04#3: 1/8 then 1/8 on negative held for 3 seconds

04#3: 1/4 then 1/8 on negative held for 5 seconds

04#3: 1/4 then 1/8 on negative held for 5 seconds

04#3: 1/4 then 1/8 on negative held for 5 seconds

***I really feel like this is a technique issue as well as strength. I just can't get it comfortable. I'm going to see if my brother will let me borrow his #1 so I can drill with it lefty

ISG last two fingers


RH: closed, 1/8 , 1/8, closed and held for 3 seconds, 1/8 cheated it shut and held for 3 seconds, closed

LH: 1/8, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/8,1/8

TTK: wanted to see where I am and make sure all the pony clamp work is paying off

25x5, 30x3, 35x3, 40x3, 45x1, 47.5x1 definetly some body english, 40x3 then drop set down to 25 for 20 reps, last 3-4 had some body english

Thought I'd try some bending since my shoulder feels good

5.75 inch galvanized 60d: u'd it in under a minute

G5: u'd it in under a minute

G8: shut me down, It felt ready to go it just didn't happen, maybe next time

Set some great PR's on the TTK tonight and had a really good goal attempt and negative on the #4, for me anyway. PTL :bow

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Sledge work

lever to the front:

took several attempts between 21-24 inches with both hands and didn't get a full rep on any of them, pretty disappointing on front levers today

lever to nose

RH: 5 reps, 3 reps, 5 reps

LH: 3 reps, 3 reps, 3 reps

lever to rear

RH:full length: 3/4 rep, 1rep, 3/4rep

LH: full lenght: 1rep, 3/4 rep, 1 rep


RH: last hole for 2 reps for 2 sets, an inch down from last hole for a single for 2 sets

LH: same as above

Played around with balancing it on my middle finger then when it began to fall grabbing it with the same hand. Sometimes it was easy when I caught it high on the handle but other times pretty challenging if I grabbed it low on the way down, lots of torque.

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OAP workout

BW: 221

1 arm latpulldowns

RH: 110x3, 140x1, 150 x1, 160 down to my ear for 5 singles, 110x6

LH: same

****need to figure out a way to anchor myself as I'm getting air on the 160 and probably could've gotten the full rep if I was anchored.

One arm DB rows

RH: 100lbx10, 100lbx10, 100lbx8

LH: 100lbx10, 100lbx8, 100lbx8

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Wt plate wrist curls

RH: 25x5, 10kgx3, 15kg for 4 singles all negatives, 15kg about 1/3 the way up and hold for 5 seconds

LH: 25x5, 10kgx1, 10kgx.95(not quite vertical on top), 10kgx1, 10kgx.95, 10kgx1

wrist curls

133x3, 221x1, 221x1, 221x1, dropset 133x10 got a huge stinger in my left tricep at this point so I headed home, not quite sure how the heck I did this

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warmup on ISG


choker attempt then negative

#4: vlm/3/8 2 seconds

#4: vlm/ 1/4 2 seconds

#4: vlm/3/8 2 seconds

#4: vlm/ 1/4 2 seconds

BBSE: vlm/1/4 3-4 seconds

BBSE: vlm/3/8 2 seconds

BBSE: no movement/blew open

BBSE attempt no choker: about 1 inch

MM1dud attempt: 1/4

MM2dud attempt: 1/8

***** I'm done this is ridiculous. I shouldn't of worked out today my forearms and wrists are still fried from the wrist work last night but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway


multiple attempts on the #3 all of which were around 1/4. Stinger came back from last night so I stopped

20 sets of pony clamp, added more rubberbands, all negatives

While out in the yard earlier I one hand pinch gripped one of those concrete spillways you place under your gutter pipes and carried to the other end of the yard. It's probably 2 feet long, 10 inches wide, and 2-3 inches thick depending on where you measure it. I was pretty happy because I've tried it before and barely broke it off the ground. Hard on the skin though, any further and I'd of lost some.

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OAP workout

BW: 221lbs

OA Lat pulldowns

RH: 120x5, 140x3, 160x2, 170 x0:down to top of ear for 3 attempts, drop set to 120 for 5

LH: 120x5, 140x3, 160x2, 170x0: down to top of ear for 3 attempts, drop set to 120 for 5

Partial DB Hammer curls on P bench went to 90 degrees

LH: 50x8, 80x5, 100x4, 100x3, 100x3

RH: 50x8, 80x5, 100x4, 100x4, 100x4

Experimented with some variations of the OAP, another member told me about, after my working sets to get some bicep work in while still staying specialized on the feat but I just couldn't get the feel of them. I'll try them again next time. I opted to go with the partial hammer curls as I think they'll really help with the lockout portion. Got a double with a 160 which I couldn't even get for a single last week so PTL :bow Thanks to Pdoire for the anchoring idea, it worked great.

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Have to get up early so I thought I would try something that would give me some good work quickly. I might try some LH stuff tomorrow but the RH is the priority with the MM1 cert coming up.

Goal is 10 MM2dud closes in 10 minutes

results: missed by credit card on set 5 and by 1/8 on set 10, the rest I closed

Goal is 10 04#3 closes in 10 minutes

results: missed the first, closed the next 9 then did an extra one to make up for the first

blew my first attempt because I was laughing too hard at our pet bull who was sitting on the couch like a human with his back against the back rest and his feet straight out.

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you should make a similar goal for you left!

Keep you left on track, buddy.

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