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Well, I wanted to get a blob and bending workout in over the weekend but never got around to either one. Then I realized I forgot my gym bag while walking in the door for work today so I was pumped all day to come home and hit some crush.

Warmup: GM1 for a couple of reps


BBGE: 1/4" mounting, 1/16" narrow, maybe more now that it's getting seasoned?: Closed

MM3dud: parallel pause type set: closed: first time I've closed it with a legal MM set PTL :bow


#3: Credit card

BBSM: ground it

Hardyhandshake: app 1/4" ROM

RH and LH




95+1 8oz washer x1x1x1

92.5+3 8oz washers x 17 singles


87.5+1 8oz washer x 20 singles missed 2 of them

Sledge Rotations

hand above 1st hole: RH: 10 LH: 15

hand below last hole: RH: 4 LH: 4

I played around with the IM bending pads a little tonight, just fiddling with some 1/4" stock. After being used to the leather and then wrapping something up with those it's like going from a Lamborghini to a Ford Festiva. I couldn't even get them to wrap tight they're so slick. I'm messing around with different ways to wrap stuff with them, trying to think outside the box. I'd love to come up with a way to wrap with them that negates the pain factor and thus outsmarts the good doctor :D

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If you ever find a suitable wrapping with those crappy pads, please tell me, Josh. :D

I'm searching too.

I can't even bend a Yellow with those pads DO. :blush

When bending DU thats not that big of a problem.

Then I can bend a G5, eventually a G8, should test this again.

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OAP workout

LH: 80x10, 110x3, 110x5, 120x3, 120x3, 120x3

RH: 80x10, 110x5, 120x3, 130x3, 140x2.75, 150x1 then negative held for 5 seconds in locked position, 190x 2 negatives

wrist curl workout in 2005 Wrist Curl Log

*very weak on the pullups tonight. I cut my food intake down last week because the gym was closed and I felt pretty weak after the 1st 45 minutes or so tonight in the gym.

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Attempted a blob workout, with attempted being the key word. I got through two cycles and other than a couple of sloppy reps on the ttk and a mid shin blob lift, I'd failed on every lift.

I decided to try some bending after this. I took down 2 reds but it took forever and then I had problems with some 6x1/4" stock. I must have caught a severe case of that vaginosis Gamidon is always talking about :D



OC with #2


MM1dud: sliver

MM2dud, pause, parallel set: 1/8",closed

MM3dud in choker: 1/8"

* looks like I'm still suffering from the vaginosis :D



95+2 8 oz washers: 12 singles

92.5+4 8oz washers: 4 singles


87.5+2 8oz washers: 20 singles missed one

HH last two fingers

RH: 50x0, 25x3, 30x3, 35x3, 37.5x1, 40x1, 42.5x1, 45x1, 47.5x0

LH: same except I topped out on 40

Several attempts on my #3 all around 1/4" to 1/8"


Decided to do some tearing at this point and WOW was I rusty. I tore a pack of Mavericks and it took forever. I thought these were supposed to be easy :blush Well when you're driving to Columbia you don't stop in Clark so I broke out some of the dreaded Malaysians from DollarTree. I got through the deck but it was REAL ugly. I started a tear in the usual over/under hand method. Next I anchored my left thumb into the tear and put my best vice grip on them with my left. Then I crunched down on the top of the deck with my first two fingers on my right hand. Fingers were basically paralled to the left thumb. Then I just started twisting with the right and pulling down and away from the tear with my left. It was ugly but at least I was the victor.

The blob50 was smirking at me from the sound thrashing it gave me the other night so I went over and barely got a full pull righty with it. :rock

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BW 223lb

OAP workout

RH: 110x8, 160x1 (mid ear level), 190 for negativesx 4 sets

LH: 110x5, 120x3, 130x3, 130x2, 130x2, 130x2

*after the workout I almost did a OAP on the neutral grip pullup station using only pinky from other hand on the other handle

** haven't made any progress on this for a long time so I'm going to start trying the negatives and see what that does.

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5 Blobkta cycles

ZERO air on any blob50 attempts

added another 8 oz washer to my accessory lifts and went 5/5 on the TTK both hands, 4/5 RH and 0/5 LH 1st 2 fingers 5.5" HM pinch block, 4/5 RH and 3/5 LH last 2 fingers 5.5" HM pinch block. Once again accessory lifts go up and blob50 attempts are garbage :angry: I don't know what the deal is I even cleaned it off with windex and re-chalked it after the first attempt

Attempted a deck of the Malaysians and it was total crap. The cards just kept tearing and falling out. Finally when I got down to about a third of a deck the whole stack tore.

closed the #3 a couple of times and bent a G5 between blob cycles

***Goal is to get two finger blob50 lift on video and I haven't even got a full lockout with my whole hand the last two workouts. If the next workout isn't A LOT better then I'm going to put the blob away and go after my 2 45's goal then come back to it once the 45's are accomplished.

*** I definetly wasn't on with the #3 tonight. Maybe it was the blob work but my technique felt way off. I'm going to stick to grippers only until the MM2 cert then go back to the HH, otherwise I'll screw around and miss that MM2. The closing power is there, I just need to get back into my groove.

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BW: 228lbs

OAP workout

assisted OAP: draped cable handle attachment over end of the end of the lat bar and grabbed the neutral grip in the center with the arm I was working. I hooked one finger from nonpulling arm through loop concentrating on keeping it on the last line of the finger as much as possible


index finger: got up to eye level x 5 singles

pinky finger: 2 attempts about forehead high


index finger: got up to eye level x 5 singles

ring finger: got up to about forehead high

Neutral grip pullups with two hands let down with one: 4 pullups/negatives per arm

**decided to switch it up a little tonight. My lats are just throbbing

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  • 2 weeks later...


Been awhile... :D

I've been doing a lot of the trying to perform grip feats lately instead of training for them. Time to get back to the grindstone


Sledge rotations

last hole: 8 rotations per hand


both hands: 22.5 for 10 reps

Blob50 work: I set up the couch cushions like Anubwius(sp) and went at it. This is a blast. Great idea Anubwius :bow I don't know how many attempts I did. I'll track it in the future. LH I just did full hand attempts. For my right, I started with 2 fingered lifts and performed one or two, then immediately went to 3 fingers and performed a couple, then immediately went to all four fingers and performed a couple. I did several giant sets like this and it really torched my thumbs.

2 45's: not strong enough to perform negatives, maybe fresh. I did a couple of sets with both hands using only the first two fingers. I attempted a set with only the last two fingers and just hovered it....maybe fresh.

HM 2.5" Pinchblock

RH: 1st 2 fingers: 50, 60, 65 hovered it, whole hand: 70, 75 felt like the thumb skin was gonna come off so I hung it up for the night :D

LH: 1st 2 fingers: 50, 60 hovered it, 65 no movement: whole hand: 70, 75 hovered it

Took two attempts at the 6"x5/16 FBBS: first attempt I got nowhere, the next attempt I put a decent kink in it but due to another limp-wristed wrap job on my part, it slipped and I tore the skin off of the inside of the knuckle on both middle fingers and have a giant insta-callous on my index fingers, that runs from 2nd to 3rd lines.

Sledge pickups

barely got an old PR and couldn't even move the current PR. Anybody that thinks DO doesn't work the wrists, I challenge you to do a max bend and then attempt some levering. You'll be in for a very humbling experience.

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warmup: oc #2 and some sledge rotations


TNS GM3 attempts: 1/4, 1/8, 1/4

#4 in choker: all out attempt, cheat it shut and perform negative

1/4, 1/8, etc...refer to amount it opens up after negative

decent movement/1/4 5seconds

decent movement/1/8 4 seconds

decent movement/1/8 4 seconds

VLM/ 1/8 3 seconds

VLM/ 1/4 3 seconds

BBGE 1/4" mounting in choker: same stipulations as above

1/4/closed 1 sec then CC for 2-3 seconds

1/4/CC 1 sec then 1/8 4 seconds

1/4/1/8 5 seconds

1/4/1/8 5 seconds

1/4/1/8 5 seconds

P4dud in choker: same stipulations as above except I set it a little since it was significantly past parallel even in the choker

1/4/1/8 3 seconds

1/4/ 1/8 3 seconds

MM3dud in choker: same stipulations as #4 and BBGE

1/8/CC 3 seconds

1/4/1/8 3 seconds

1/4/1/8 5 seconds


#3 15 attempts, then cheat it shut and perform negative for 5 seconds: best attempts were at 1/8, worst ones were around 1/4

HH: 75lbsx5 for 5 sets


47 Malaysians: wasn't by any means quick but I did it only ripping two outside cards

Remaining 9 cards: 1/8'ed em'

***Big Steve's tip about spreading them out on the ground and rubbing them around to get dirt on them and increase the friction works wonders :bow

***gonna start hitting the chokers hard again because I want to cert on that GM3 bad. I'm deporting the little nasty out to Madss tommorrow but I'll have my revenge :rock

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Pinch workout


sledge rotations: hand above 1st hole x10 per hand, hand below 1st hole x8 per hand

TTK: 25x10

2.5" HM Pinchblock

RH: 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 hover, 80 midshin, 80 lockout PR PTL :bow

LH: 50, 60, 70, 75 hover, 75 midshin, 75 lockout PR PTL :bow

Couch cushion blob50 work

RH: 5 singles with 2 fingers with 3-5 second hold at the top, 1 giant set: 2 then 3 then 4 fingers each held to failure

LH: 5 singles all fingers, 1 giant set performed as above but much quicker on holds :D

2.5" HM Pinchblock using last two fingers

RH: 32.5x5 singles

LH: same

***The couch cushion assist work with the blob is a good time. I feel like Jedd or Doc just toying with the thing :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


Warmup: oc #2 and no set hg300


#4 in choker: all-out attempt then cheat it shut and perform negative

set 1: decent movement/ then 1/8 for a about 2 seconds then 1/4 for 3-4

set 2: decent movement/ 1/4 5 seconds

set 3: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 4: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

BBGE with 1/4" mounting in choker performed same way as above

set 6: 1/4 from closed/CC 2-3 seconds then 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 7: 1/4/from closed 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 8: 1/4 from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 9: 1/4 from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 10: 1/4from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds


10 attempts with HG300, closed the 1st missed the next 9 by CC to 1/8"


2.5" HM Pinchblock

RH: 60, 75 3/4lockout, 75 3/4 lockout, 75 3/4 lockout, 80+large washer: no movement

LH: 60, 75 hovered, 75 no movement, 75 no movement, 75 no movement

Narrow pinch was pretty much crap today so I switched to blob50 work

1/4/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

Blob50 on couch cushions


all fingers, full lockout and held til failure about 8 seconds

3 attempts with 2 fingers: about 3/4 lockout was my best one :angry:

did 4 giant sets with every one held to failure

rep out with all fingers: 4 lockouts


9 normal attempts holding each one to failure if it didn't fall on the way up

2.5" HM pinchblock last two fingers

RH: 35lbs held till failure: took me 3 attempts to even lock it out righty

LH: 35lbs held till failure: locked it out lefty on the 2nd attempt

Sledge Work

Front sledge pickups off of the table

RH 5 sets with a new PR at 26 7/8" :bow PTL

LH 5 sets with best effort at 25 1/2"

sledge rotations

below 1st hole: 10 reps both hands

below 2nd hole: 6 reps per hand

Lever to nose

RH: 8 reps

LH: 4 reps then my grip felt like it was slipping and since my face isn't sledge proof, I quit, not to mention I had to head off to the Mother-in-laws for BBQ :)

In summary my crush and pinch were a little off, especially the narrow pinch but apparently my wrist strength has gone up :blink

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BW: 230 yikes!

OAP workout

assisted OAP: draped cable handle attachment over end of the end of the lat bar and grabbed the neutral grip in the center with the arm I was working. I hooked one finger from nonpulling arm through loop concentrating on keeping it on the last line of the finger as much as possible

did 5 singles per arm like this; each rep probably takes around 5 seconds as it's an all-out effort

did a burnout set with both arms or a normal neutral grip pullup and I only got 4 reps so the singles pretty much toasted me

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Warmup: RH: OC #2, HG300, LH: OC #2

#4 in choker: all-out attempt then cheat it shut and perform negative

set 1: good movement/ very close to being held shut for about 1 sec then slipped out to 1/8 for 2-3 seconds

set 2: decent movement/ 1/4 5 seconds

set 3: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 4: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

BBGE with 1/4" mounting in choker performed same way as above

set 6: 1/4 from closed/held shut for split second then credit card for 2-3 seconds

set 7: 1/4/from closed 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 8: 1/4 from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 9: 1/4 from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

set 10: 1/4from closed/ 1/16-1/8 3-4 seconds

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2.5" HM Pinchblock

RH: 50, 60, 75x0, 75x0, 75x0, 62.5, 65, 67.5, 70 hover

LH: 50, 60, 75x0, 75x0, 75x0, 62.5, 65, 67.5x0, 67.5x0

*Still doing poorly on these, I think I need to watch some videos and see how the pros are gripping the plates. I don't think I've got enough hand on the block because my thumb webbing never gets sore and that is one of the main complaints I hear from people that pinch plates frequently.

Blob50 on Couch cushions

RH: 3 2 fingered attempts and didn't get any full lockouts, just knee high stuff

then I did 4 giant sets and 1 burnout set with the whole hand

LH: around 10 deadlift attempts not a single full lockout

2.5" HM Pinchblock last two fingers

RH: 30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40

LH: 30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40x0

**Pinch workout was pretty crappy yesterday with the exception of hitting 40 with the last two fingers on the 2.5" block. I wasn't mentally into it I was thinking about my final presentation for class.

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BW 225

OAP workout

OAP workout

assisted OAP: draped cable handle attachment over end of the end of the lat bar and grabbed the neutral grip in the center with the arm I was working.

Did around 7-8 sets per arm with this I started with three fingers and worked down to one. I did some variations where I hooked my finger through the small

D-ring on the cable handle attachment. This was painful but helpful because it really discourages you using the off hand. I didn't get any with just the pinky but I had one that was pretty close. After being able to do them with just the pinky I'll get a longer attachment which will give less leverage and start over.

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Warmup: oc #2 and hg300


#4 in choker: all-out attempt then cheat it shut and perform negative

set 1: decent movement/ then 1/8 for a about 2 seconds then 1/4 for 3-4

set 2: decent movement/ 1/4 5 seconds

set 3: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 4: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

BBGE with 1/4" mounting in choker performed same way as above

set 6: 1/4 from closed/CC 2-3 seconds then 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 7: 1/4/from closed 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 8: 1/2 from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 9: 1/2 from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 10: 1/2from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds


10 attempts with HG300, closed the 1st missed the next 9 by CC to 1/8"

**a below average workout. I tried some pinching, bending, and tearing and none of it went too well either so I'll just have to come back stronger next time

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Started the new gym today...

OAP workout


One arm lat pulldown on a real latpulldown machine :rock

RH: 8x5, 10x3, 11x2, 11x2, 11x2, 10x3

LH: 8x5, 10x3, 10x3, 10x3, 10x3, 11x2

* "8", "10" etc.. is what the plates were labeled I know good and well they aren't multiples of 10lbs because I was warming up with 110 at the other gym and if anything this latpulldown is easier because I'm actually anchored. Whatever they were I got a great workout which is really what matters

** the 11s were only coming down to about nose bridge level

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Warmup: oc #2 and  hg300


#4 in choker: all-out attempt then cheat it shut and perform negative

set 1: decent movement/ then 1/8 for a about 2 seconds then 1/4 for 3-4

set 2: decent movement/ 1/4 5 seconds

set 3: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 4: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

set 5: VLM/ 1/4 3-4 seconds

BBGE with 1/4" mounting in choker performed same way as above

set 6: 1/4 from closed/CC 2-3 seconds then 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 7: 1/4/from closed 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 8: 1/2 from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 9: 1/2 from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds

set 10: 1/2from closed/ 1/8 3-4 seconds


10 attempts with HG300, closed the 1st missed the next 9 by CC to 1/8"

**a below average workout.  I tried some pinching, bending, and tearing and none of it went too well either so I'll just have to come back stronger next time

#4 and BBGE in a choker...Jad your just killing things man. Keep going and keep posting man, and keep inspiring the guys like me coming up to keep going :rock

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started off with the grippers and it was so pathetic I won't even bother posting it....figured I might as well do some pinch

2.5" HM pinchblock

RH: 60, 75, 80 almost locked out, 80 no movement, 80 no movement, 80 hovered it

LH: 60, 75 almost locked out, 75 hovered, 75 no movement, 75 no movement

** almost locked out 80 so that was good, my PR is 82.5 but 80 is a lot better than it has been

Blob50 on couch cushions

**wanted to see how much carryover I was getting so I tried a normal(no cushions) deadlift RH and it came up like a toy. OUTSTANDING! :mosher RH:

5 sets of 2 fingers: locked out the first two almost locked out the last 3

3 giant sets

2 sets of full hand deadlifts on the cushions to failure

LH 10 sets of full hand deadlifts holding each to failure...all but 2-3 came up to full lockout

** I noticed that tilting the thing towards your fingers helps quite a bit. I'd seen others do this but never really could get it to work for me. I think I got the hang of it tonight.

Sledge work


1st hole: 10 per hand

last hole: 2 per hand (this set was actually performed last in the workout)

Front pickups off of the table

6 sets per hand: got down to 4.5" away from the full length RH on my last set after missing it the previous 4 PTL :bow

V-bar: did these between sledge work sets

RH: 250 for 5 singles

LH: 225 for 5 singles

tried some levering to the rear but it was a joke, my hands were just too fried

picked up the blob one more time for good measure (no cushions)

TTK: Tried some last two finger plate pinches but I could even get 1 25lber so I loaded up the ol' TTK and did that using only the last two fingers and thumb

RH: 5x15, 7.5x8, 10x3, 12.5x3, 12.5x3, 12.5x3

LH: 5x15, 7.5x8, 10.3, 12.5x3, 12.5x3, 12.5x3

Edited by jad
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Nice work Josh. Those v-bar sets are particularly impressive to me. I've pulled the same on a 2" and 1" v-bar. I'd LIKE to be able to pull more on the 1". Just doesn't make sense. So I don't do them any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ben


Just got back from NY earlier today....WOW what an experience. It's an AMAZING place but too crowded for this small town boy. I think the old saying about real estate being "location, location, location, "must have originated there. One bedroom apartments in Manhattan were ranging from $2700-3500 per month and this one APARTMENT sold for 41 million. :) We had a blast and want to go back again some day because there is just so much to do that you can't do it all in one trip.

#4 in choker: all-out attempt then cheat it shut and perform negative

5 sets: good movement on all sets, ranged from 1/4-1/8" from holding it closed on the cheat shut. I didn't do them in front of the mirror so it's just a rough estimate

5 sets of ISG using only last two fingers, no-set style

RH: 1,3 x 10, 1,4 x 5, 1,5 x3, 1x6 x 5 singles

LH: same


RH: 260 for 5 singles

LH: 235 for 5 singles


Got my 6" FBBS to around the 90 degree mark, a little wider. I just barely kinked it a couple of weeks ago and haven't been able to move it since. I've got it off center now otherwise I'd have probably finished it tonight.

Picked up the ole' blob50 once for good measure :D and called it a night

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After watching Dave REP that #4 I just have to give this volume thing a try. I'm not seeing much progress lately on the chokers so I don't think it can hurt anything :D


RH: 20,20,20,73,50,50,50,50,49,49,52,32, = 515 reps

LH: 8,13,16,20,33,15,13,30,20,30,20,14 = 232 reps

*all reps are baby reps

** I literally couldn't write down the numbers for about 30 seconds or so after my 3rd set of 50. I love it :rock

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After watching Dave REP that #4 I just have to give this volume thing a try.  I'm not seeing much progress lately on the chokers so I don't think it can hurt anything :D


RH: 20,20,20,73,50,50,50,50,49,49,52,32, = 515 reps

LH: 8,13,16,20,33,15,13,30,20,30,20,14 = 232 reps

*all reps are baby reps

** I literally couldn't write down the numbers for about 30 seconds or so after my 3rd set of 50.  I love it :rock

Holy cow, you are repping that #2 like crazy!! I tried the high volume too, curious what will happen. How far do you open the gripper?

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After watching Dave REP that #4 I just have to give this volume thing a try.  I'm not seeing much progress lately on the chokers so I don't think it can hurt anything :D


RH: 20,20,20,73,50,50,50,50,49,49,52,32, = 515 reps

LH: 8,13,16,20,33,15,13,30,20,30,20,14 = 232 reps

*all reps are baby reps

** I literally couldn't write down the numbers for about 30 seconds or so after my 3rd set of 50.  I love it :rock

I can't wait to see how you do on high volume Josh, "no pain no gain" my friend

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