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So Boys How Has Your Training Changed?


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I would change the way I training the thing is setting the grippper is cool

if you want fast gains. And allow your to move in gains to the higher grippper.

For example, if setting close the #4 you can do the #3 with no setting rules no

problem. So get back to setting closing the #3 and enjoy the fast gains.

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No change in training.

I picked up the grippers to improve my hand strength, which they have. A CoC certification was just an extra.


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I almost never use grippers in my training anymore anyway, so it doesn't effect my training...but it still upsets me.

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No change for me. Don't need Strossen's pat on the back and him telling me how I can close a gripper. And, yes, we can cert ourselves on IM grippers. They belong to us once we buy them.


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No change for me. Don't need Strossen's pat on the back and him telling me how I can close a gripper. And, yes, we can cert ourselves on IM grippers. They belong to us once we buy them.



Are we certified to break the rules? I would like to remind you all of my warning regarding the red nail certification rules. They will change, I am afraid (or the nails themselves made out of harder steel). Not because there is something wrong with them but rather because soon there will be too many people in Milo having destroyed the red. One scenario is IM not allowing the hands to touch the chest at all, which of course would open a whole new world of possibilities to injure yourself, following in the footsteps of the new gripper rules. IM wants us to buy their products but at the same time maintaining the "red's" status as a world class feat. The IM definition of a world class feat is pretty much a feat which only a small number of people can do. The red nail remained more or less unbendable for a long time, largely because rather few people were bending. My good friend Arne Persson set the ball in motion (along with Rick who included bending in the first BFGS) by suggesting that bending would be one of the five standard events in the European Championship. David Horne then started manufacturing the Challenge bars and soon almost everyone was bending steel. This whole section of verbal diarrhea can be interpreted as negativity, whingeing or as a realistic prediction of the future. I hope it is one of the former two. Sorry about the deviation from the original topic.

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No change for me.  Don't need Strossen's pat on the back and him telling me how I can close a gripper.  And, yes, we can cert ourselves on IM grippers.  They belong to us once we buy them.



Are we certified to break the rules? I would like to remind you all of my warning regarding the red nail certification rules. They will change, I am afraid (or the nails themselves made out of harder steel). Not because there is something wrong with them but rather because soon there will be too many people in Milo having destroyed the red. One scenario is IM not allowing the hands to touch the chest at all, which of course would open a whole new world of possibilities to injure yourself, following in the footsteps of the new gripper rules. IM wants us to buy their products but at the same time maintaining the "red's" status as a world class feat. The IM definition of a world class feat is pretty much a feat which only a small number of people can do. The red nail remained more or less unbendable for a long time, largely because rather few people were bending. My good friend Arne Persson set the ball in motion (along with Rick who included bending in the first BFGS) by suggesting that bending would be one of the five standard events in the European Championship. David Horne then started manufacturing the Challenge bars and soon almost everyone was bending steel. This whole section of verbal diarrhea can be interpreted as negativity, whingeing or as a realistic prediction of the future. I hope it is one of the former two. Sorry about the deviation from the original topic.

Siversson and i usually don't see 'eye to eye'but he is right about the red certs.

The Iron Mind rules, IMO, are transient and whimsical.

First the Rolling THunder rules,then the gripper rules......now what????

10 years from now you will be required to kiss your witness full on the lips, grasp you balls with the free hand,twist your sack until it bleeds, bend over and close the gripper with your eyes closed.There will be more hoops to jump through. :help

Or not? ;)

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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I agree with Mikael 100%. Back when I was emailing Dr. Strossen about the gripper rule change I even asked him if the JB article was a precusor to a rule change on the Red nail because I didn't want to waste time training with the Holle style and then have it made illegal and all he would tell me was to let him gather some more information and he would get back to me. I'm guessing the official IM Red nail rules are his answer.

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We do not need IM or it's products and certifications, to enjoy grip training and grip competitions.

John... this may be the greatest statement you've ever made on this forum. :)

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I agree with Mikael 100%.  Back when I was emailing Dr. Strossen about the gripper rule change I even asked him if the JB article was a precusor to a rule change on the Red nail because I didn't want to waste time training with the Holle style and then have it made illegal and all he would tell me was to let him gather some more information and he would get back to me.  I'm guessing the official IM Red nail rules are his answer.

People have been bending steel for hundreds of years, we don't need Ironmind to tell us what "illegal." If someone buys 5/16" cold rolled steel from the Hardware store and cuts it to 7" they can bend it anyway they please and be satisfied with themselves. Currently, Ironmind's "rules" seem reasonable, but they certainly are subject to change as others have noted above (not to mention changing the actual steel of the bar again).

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We do not need IM or it's products and certifications, to enjoy grip training and grip competitions.

Certainly not. I have no interest in certifying on the red should I be able to bend it in the future. I just feel sorry for those to which IM's certifications are important. It seems the highest caliber allround grip competitions (i.e., BFGS and the European championship) will ignore the changed gripper rules which is obviously a healthy sign.

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No, we are not certified to break the rules. But there will not be any rules broken. IronMind rules are only for IronMind certifications that will go on IronMinds list and that will get a picture in Milo. As long as we are not trying to cert for the IronMind list, then we are not breaking the IronMind rules. If we cert under The GripBoard rules to get our names on The GripBoard list, then The GripBoard rules are the only rules that we have to worry about. Remember, It's a free country, the grippers belong to us once we purchase them, and we are free to have our own rules pertaining to whoever is doing the certing.


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My training has remained the same...and I have remained unable to consistently close the #3. Nothing new there. :angry: I've only set the gripper just enough to get my pinky around the handle. Luckily my hand is big enough to do it also without a set. But of course my strength is down a bit when doing the no set.

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Nope. I won't ever. I will try the goofy credit card trick every once in a while for curiosity's sake, but I am after the top levels of the MM now.

What is MM?

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Why would you want to set it to 3cm before trying to close it? Is it to avoid injury because of small hands? Please forgive me, I'm only on the #2.

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RE: Why would you want to set it to 3cm before trying to close it?

3 cm? Or three inches?

The old way, you brought the handles to parallel or about 1 in, and then closed it. The close is the hardest part of the grip, so it didn't really matter and equalized the feat for people of all hand sizes.

Of course, now that many people are certifying (#1 having figured out how to use proper hand leverage to get the strongest possible crush and #2 having figured out a proper way to train e.g. KTA) Randy's getting a little tired of mailing out so many certs and T-shirts.

So the NEW rule, get this, is that you have to stick a credit card (2.8in) into the gripper to make sure it's almost open, and then start the crush from there. It basically favours guys with large hands and makes it a much more difficult feat (and considering it's a difficult feat to start off with...) - I find that I cannot get the proper leverage to pull starting from the gripper being that wide open. If you have larger hands, it's no biggie, you can bury the gripper in your hand, get your fingers on, and still have it open to credit card width.

That's why guys like the six foot eight Clay Edgin refers to the efforts and successes of most of us as "baby reps".

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That's why guys like the six foot eight Clay Edgin refers to the efforts and successes of most of us as "baby reps".

AND make fun of our affinity for the power puff girls, which, frankly, is just mean < < ...

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you have to stick a credit card (2.8in) into the gripper

You've got a credit card 2.8in in width? How long is it? Mine is only about 2.125 X 3.375 in. :blink

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first of all im still training to close the #3 with a ''set'' close...i dont care if i dont get a title that says im a captain of crush, closing it will be satisfying enough...

so my training is still the same except i now have one day just for doing no set closes. any of you guys switch up your training ??

at first i was thinking of dropping crush all together cause of the new rule change... however, a couple of times i just grabbed a #1 with my right hand right off the table and thought let's see how close i can come to shutting this thing without getting my pinky around the handle seeing as my hands are very small.

i got it - it was quite difficult but i got it. also i believe john wood said this himself, "if someone can no set a trainer or any gripper, there's no reason why that same person cannot no set a #3."

so yah it has changed my training, now if i touch an ironmind gripper it is always a no set attempt.

stay strong :rock

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I've got no problems getting my pinky around the gripper for a no-set. My hands are 21cm (8 1/4 inch) :-)

Now why am I still having problems with that no. 2? hehehehe... hand size is not everything it seems...

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having big hands isn't everything, no but it does help somewhat.

just like having short arms is an asset in benching - but isn't everything. in the long run it is the hard work that counts.

napalm jedd is blessed with massive hands and he can shut that #3 with ease. on the other hand i work with a mountain of a man who has hands probably much bigger than jedd's - but he can't shut the #3 if his life depended on it.

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