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Return of the OG Mash Monsters (Feat Meet Invitational)


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Saturday, September 14th marks the return of the OG Mash Monster grippers as they will be featured at the Feat Meet Invitational!!!

We’ll be doing a ladder with the Mash Monster grippers to kick off the contest! This will be the first time people have access to all 10 at once and I’m sure we’ll see some fireworks!!!

The full event lineup is:

Event 1: Mash Monster Grippers Ladder 

Event 2: Reverse Bending

Event 3: Euro Pinch

Event 4: Max Marcy 45 Hub Lift

Event 5: Inch/Blob combo lift 

The Inch/Blob combo lift may be of interest as well since it features a newly created scoring formula. The event will be based on a scoring system where a lift will get One point per Inch Dumbbell pound and Three points per Blob pound (2.75 points/lb for Legacy’s under 130). Based off of some reverse engineering, it seems 300 points is really good, 350 points is great, and 400 points in otherworldly (398 and 401 are the highest unofficial scores I came across 😮). I’m excited to see how it plays out in a contest setting!!!


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This is going to be a blast!

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Are there any Blobs that you're missing in the series?  If I have them, I'm happy to bring them.

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10 minutes ago, Jedd Johnson said:

Are there any Blobs that you're missing in the series?  If I have them, I'm happy to bring them.

I have all the blobs through Fatman. Of the legacy’s:

100 - have

105 - missing

110 - have

115 - have

120 - have

125 - missing

130 - have

135 - missing

140 - Tim bringing

145 - missing

150 - have

My bigger legacy’s aren’t the most seasoned, so if you’re targeting something specific feel free to bring yours!

For the Inches I have approximately:

100 (Holle)

120 - bolt on

130 - bolt on

140 - Holle

150 - Holle (Chaz bringing)

160 - bolt on

172 - slater

190 - Holle I think (Tim bringing)

I’ll see if I can get another bolt on to around 180ish

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What a day, we had an amazing group that all competed hard and had a great time doing it! Huge thank you’s to everyone who made it out! 

The final podium was:

First: Chaz

Second: Jedd

Third: Alex

My event results were:
Event 1 Mash Monster Gripper Ladder: Closed the MM1 and missed the MM2, same results as last time I tried them for judges but at least means first time MM1 wasn’t a fluke 😃

Event 2: Reverse Bending (7” 0-1 drill rod in imps): Bent I in a nice hard bend that took the full minute and then didn’t put much of a dent in K

Event 3: Euro Pinch (58mm): 160 pounds for a 2 pound PR then just barely missed 170 in a heartbreaker!!!

Event 4: Max Marcy 45 Hub Lift: 65 pounds pretty smooth but 70 foiled me! That was another small PR of 2.5 pounds.

Event 5: Inch/Blob Combo Lift: 292 points via 142 pound Holle Inch and 50 pound Next Gen. That was my first attempt but then struggled to find a path over 300 points. Closest was a decent attempt with the 142 inch and a Holle 24. I’ll keep practicing that one!!!




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My bad on teasing the Mash Monsters and then not giving an update on them😂

The successful Mash Monster closes (all judged by former MM Judges) were:

Chaz Strange MM1, MM 2

Ben Aquilina MM 1, MM 2 (both first time MM closes for Ben!!!)

Jedd Johnson MM1

Alex Guiha MM1

Edited by featsofalex
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Alex. You hosted an excellent contest in a beautiful venue, with the weather gods aligning. Despite feeling poorly and chafing at simply watching(heart crap and always), I managed to find enjoyment in being there and seeing gripsters realize their training gains, or even having to work around the CNS of the day.

The mushroom farie ring of implements was just as magical as stumbling on a natural one in a deep forest. The ritualistic prelift prep from the competitors (esp. Jedd, Chaz, Tim, Vin) seemed ceremonial and nearly always led to successful lifts.

You were extremely thoughtful regarding the competition and managed to move the comp forward without anyone feeling rushed. Big thanks to you and your family for opening your home to everyone.

The day lit a flame in me. Acknowledging current restrictions, I shall endeavour to find a lift/feat I can train for excellence. Thank you for that Alex.

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It was a fantastic event in every way, with awesome company.

Since I could not really use my left hand for much more than gentle guidance lol, I did not formally weigh in or compete, because knew I would not be doing what I am normally able to do, but I really had as good a time as I usually do at any comp, trying stuff and seeing what I could do around the injury.  I won't do a write-up as I usually do, but I will make a few comments about some highlights for me:

(1) I enjoyed meeting Steve (Weiner?) -- he was kind of like Jedd -- a fount of grip history and experience, and happy to talk about it all.

(2) Since I could not set a gripper because of my injured left hand, it was fun trying to TNS the COC 3 rated 140.  I almost got it and might have with another attempt, but I wanted to actually close it so I used my palm to try to set it a little and it went down easy, but that mild help was not good enough for me to get the MM1 from so wide (almost did but not quite).  That was disappointing because I have closed MM2, but I felt like my crush was fine and I just need to get the finger better so I can set again.  Since King Kong has no grippers, that gives me some time to heal before I need to compete on those again and I can keep using my choked grippers to continue training in the meantime.

(3) For the reverse bend, I tried the easiest one and barely got it, but I was surprised I even did that much, given the bad finger.  It was exacerbating the finger, so I stopped after that first one but heck, I don't bend, that was enough lol.

(4) The hub plate lift was fun, I had never done that before, and I was pleased with 65 and almost 70 (I got 70 pretty far up, but it went down before I wanted it to, so I would have been scored 65 but I know I will get 70 on that plate next time).

(5) I got 190 Euro, which absolutely astounded me because I was heavily favoring my right hand trying to avoid exacerbating the left pointer finger, and 190 is not that far below my PR of 213 when I was 20 pounds heavier, so I am feeling pretty good about Euro once the finger heals.  I also bought myself another Euro that I picked up while there, so I can train it again.  Watch for me in the 74 kg weight class next time Euro is contested.  I intend to take that record soon!

Congrats to Chaz, for beating Jedd, which very few people ever get to do, and to Jedd, for being a good sport about that, because he does not often have to experience second place lol.

Congrats to all the competitors for a slew of impressive lifts, including many PRS for many of them.

For the record, had I been formally competing, I'd have placed last, and in this crowd, I may very well have placed last even if I had not been injured.  And that would not have been insulting in the least.  It was a very strong crowd, and I was honored to be invited to join them.

Thank you Alex, for hosting so well, and at such a great venue (your amazing house!).


Edited by Vinnie
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Thank you both for many kind words, I’m so happy you both made it out!

Nate, it’s wonderful to hear that you’ll be hunting down a feat/lift to conquer, I can’t wait to follow along and see you triumph!!!

Vinnie it was awesome to see you compete so fully even while hurt! Next time hopefully you’re injury free and I’m sure the leaderboard will look very different! 

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Awesome contest and great people! Here are my lifts

MM2 (almost gotbthe MM3) 

MZ7 drill rod reverse bend

230lb Euro

70lb Marcy hub

64kg Inch and 50lb next Gen blob



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Chaz, you slayed.  Great seeing you all!

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In further exciting news, for the Euro Pinch, Benny got 14th place in the 120kg gsi leaderboard and Chaz got 11th in the 105kg’s plus Chaz’s lift was good for 30th ALL TIME in one of the most glamorous lifts with records dating back at least 17 years!!! Huge congrats guys!



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