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Austin breaks stuff

Austin Seitter

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Man today’s session was insane. Main focus was DU and I hit some MASSIVE PRs! 
The DU bends were as follows:

GoG 5.5 Star cut to 5”

ECGB 1/3x5” O-1

Horrido 8.8 cut to 5”

ECGB 23/64x8.5” O-1 (certification)

SSB 5/16x7” 1018 CRS square

IronMind Gold Nail

ECGB 11/32x8” O-1 (previous fail from a while ago)

ECGB 23/64x8.5” O-1 (another previous fail)

BSC practice Nanook in doubles (felt like a bendy straw)

BSC Nanook (certification)


These all felt amazing but I had a couple girthy soft metal bars I wanted to try DO so I switched it up to that. 

The ECGB 13/32x7” C360 brass round felt great but the 10mmx7” S275 HRS round put up one hell of a fight. Just like the 6” one I tried last week it felt buttery smooth to kink and sweep but as soon as it hit the 3” mark it hit the breaks HARD. It ended up being an 11 minute fight to get the thing within 2” but I got it there! 

The pictures below are the aftermath of the session and measurements of the biggest bends. 








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Here’s the video of the Gold Nail Double Underhand bend

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Here’s the full certification video for the ECGB 23/64x8.5” drill rod. 

And here’s the full certification video for the Bend Sport Canada Nanook Bolt. 

Now that I’ve taken down the Gold Nail I’m going to be chasing down that Ogopogo certification. 

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Had another ridiculously good bending session!
For DU I did the following: 

GoG 5.5 Star cut to 5” (5/16x5” 303 SS)

Horrido 8.8 cut to 5”

5/16x4.5” Grade 5

Horrido 10.9 at 6”

ECGB 3/8x9” O-1 (only got it to 20°)

9.5x200mm 304 SS (rolls weird but that’s it)

After those 2 fails I figured I’d switch it up to Reverse style to give my chest a break for the DO bends and it just happened that my DHWOG order came in while I was attempting that beefy stainless bar so I scrapped my original Reverse plan in favor of bending some double nails.

The Reverse bends were as follows:

DHWOG 2x68k nails (pads touching singles)

DHWOG 2x80k nails (pads touching singles)

DHWOG 2x100k nails (pads touching singles)

DHWOG 3x68k nails (thick veg tan singles)

Horrido A2 cut to 6” (doubles)

For DO I did what I’m calling the “Big Softy” lineup.

Those bends were as follows:

3/8x6.5” Grade 2

7/16x7” 6061 Aluminium

13/32x7” C360 Brass

GoG Gofannon bar (10mm x 8” S275JR HRS)

3/8x10” 100d Common Spike

DU didn’t go 100% according to plan and I didn’t feel 100% for my Reverse stuff but all in all this turned out to be a ridiculous session with lots of trophies and a couple certs 💪🏻😜 the pictures below are the aftermath of the session and measurements of the biggest bends. 











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Here’s the full cert video for the 6” Horrido 10.9 DU.

Ended up being 66.6° so I’m nicknaming this bolt the Devils 10.9 💪🏻😈

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Heres the full cert video for the 6” Horrido A2

Just barely made it past the 40° mark but hey a win is a win 😂

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Though it doesn’t count as an official certification, I filmed the GoG Gofannon Bar as if it did. The toughest part of this for me was mobility lol it was hard getting it started because I had a tough time getting it in a comfortable position but as soon as it started moving it was smooth as butter. 

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My right pec was still pretty tender from last weeks session so I switched things up to exclusively focus on Heslep and Reverse style to give my chest a little bit of a break. 

Heslep didn’t go 100% as I would’ve hoped but it was still pretty solid. Those bends were as follows:

1/4x7” BSC Goose bar

1/4x6” DHWOG Double 68k nails

1/4x6” DHWOG Double 80k nails

1/4x6” Grade 8 

5/16x7” ECGB O-1 (failed but got it to 27.8°)


Switch it up to Reverse style after that and all I can say is man I was on fire today lol all the Reverse stuff I did today felt amazing and I set some MASSIVE PRs. Those bends were as follows:

1/4x6” Grade 8 

5/16x7” IM Red Nail from 2014-2015

5/16x7” 1018 CRS hex 

5/16x6” BSC Moose bar 

5/16x5” Horrido A2 

5/16x7” Horrido 8.8 (failed but got it to 21.6°)

5/16x5” BSC Moose bar

5/16x4” Horrido A2 (failed but got it to 15.7°)

Since I kinked the 8.8 further than the 4” A2 I’ve come to the conclusion I’m not even gunna try to take down a shorter A2. Just gunna focus on taking down that 8.8 💪🏻😈

To finish things off I wanted to see how many DHWOG double 80k nails I could bend in 2 minutes. This was pads touching single suedes. Underestimated how exhausted I’d be though because I only managed to get through the first one before spending the rest of the time fighting the second. Gunna have to try this again when I’m fresh because I want to shoot for this record at the Conan the Barbarian day record breakers in November. 

the pictures below are the aftermath and measurements of the biggest bends:







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heres the full cert video for the 5” A2

and here’s the full cert video for the 5” Moose bar

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Another insanely good session 💪🏻😜 todays focus was on DU but I also did a brutal lineup of nails DO and went on a brief Heslep side quest. 
The DU bends were as follows:

3/8x5” C360 Brass Hex

5/16x5” Grade 5 bolt

5/16x5” Horrido 8.8

5/16x6” Grade 8 bolt

5/16x5” Horrido 10.9 (failed but kinked to 15.2°)

3/8x8” Bend Sport Canada Ogopogo

Then I tried and failed to move a 10mmx8” EN3B HRS Square 😅 that’ll be my distant goal now lol

After that I began the brief Heslep side quest. Those bends were as follows:

1/4x7” Bend Sport Canada Goose bar

6mmx6” DHWOG double 68k nails

6mmx6” DHWOG double 80k nails

The 80k nails put up a lot more fight than I would’ve liked so just to save some energy for the main event I stopped the Heslep stuff there to move on to DO. 

The DO bends were all nail feats. Those bends were as follows:

5/16x7” 70d

6mmx6” DHWOG quadruple 68k nails 

3/8x12” 120d (the seller of these felt the need to draw out the pointed end with what I assume was a blow torch and hammer so the pointed end was severely weakened. Had to cut it off to continue the bend safely but I’ll have to get new ones to do this feat properly.)

3/8x10” 100d (felt way easier than last time)

3/8x8” 80d (felt so easy I’m planning to try the Ogopogo very soon 💪🏻😜)

Genuinely didn’t expect this result for the day lol aftermath and measurements are below:












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here’s the full cert video for the Bend Sport Canada Ogopogo DU bend


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Though it wasn’t for anything official, I made a pseudo cert style video of the quadruple DHWOG 68k nail bend. Just wanted to see if I could do it lol

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Killer bend

Way, cool music too

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Today was a weird session. Wanted to do heavy DO, DU, and Braced but my right pec is still pretty beat up from last week. Tried the warmup bend of a 5/16x5” grade 5 and my pec sounded like rice crispies. Felt too sketched out so I switched up to a Reverse session. Was feeling great there so those bends were as follows:

5/16x7" Red Nail

5/16x7" 303 SS round

6mmx6" DHWOG double 80k in 2min (I only had 3 of these ready and the first 2 done in 23 seconds, I then took an unnecessary rest and finished the 3rd at 1:24. Had I prepared a 4th I could’ve easily matched the current record of 4 but I want to do 5 at Conan the Barbarian day)

6mmx6" DHWOG double 100k

6mmx6" DHWOG 100k+124k (kinked in pads touching single suedes but finished in normal wrapped single vegtans)

6mmx6" DHWOG double 124k (vegtan doubles)

11/32x8" ECGB O-1 (barely kinked it but it moved!)

5/16x4.5" BSC Moose (missed by >3° 🤦🏼‍♂️)

5/16x7" Horrido 8.8 (failed but also had the threads snap off on me. So now I guess I’m going to have to try to cert at 6.5” and hope for a super easy one…) 

After that I wanted to go for some braced certs but apparently my left leg isn’t fully healed yet. I wanted to warm up by finishing off some of my bars I had done DU with a leg crush and just a 3/8x6” brass hex felt super sketchy. Knew I wasn’t going to get any big bends today so I stuck with the thigh crush just finishing off bars and bolts that were super close to being done anyway. That ended up being a 5/16x7” GoG 5 star, 6” Horrido 8.8, 5/16x6” Grade 5, and a 3/8x5” Grade 2. All bars that’d normally be really easy for me but with my leg still jacked up from that 15/32x12” drill rod they were just enough to do something without risking injury. 

Was disappointed I couldn’t go all out on braced and still had a lot of energy so I opted to just do random stuff lol that went as follows:

Single barehand crush of a Goose bar I previously bent Heslep style

Penny crushed a couple pennies between the handles of a rgc 108lbs GoG Elite 5

Combo lifted a 94lbs anvil while hub pinching a Strength Shop deep dish 20kg plate that weighs 43.35lbs

Combo lifted the same deep dish 20kg plate while plate pinching a couple Ivanko 15kg plates that weigh 32.9lbs each

Plate pinched a couple Standard Barbell 20kg plates which weigh 43.45lbs and 42.75lbs (couldn’t hold it at the top but I did stand all the way up with it and controlled it down so I’m counting it as a partial. Surprised by this PR because I genuinely can’t remember the last time I trained plate pinch) 

combo lifted the 94lbs anvil while levering a 14lbs sledgehammer 

then just to see if I still could I lifted the anvil on the back side in a pseudo pinch/vertical bar style and got it off the ground but not locked out. Skin started coming off though so calling it a day with that lol 












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WAY COOL, great lifts

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Another great session aside from having to cut it short due to an unscheduled rapid disassembly of the skin on my palm 😅 

Started things off with DU and those bends were as follows:

5/16x5” Horrido 8.8 

13/32x5” C360 Brass round

5/16x5.5” Horrido 10.9

5/16x5.5” Grade 8 (fail but kinked to 28.7°)

3/8x7.5” BSC Ogopogo

3/8x9” ECGB O-1 drill rod (only kinked to 7.7° and it took a half dollar sized chunk of skin off my palm for my efforts…)

Had planned some major PRs for DO that I wanted to do today but having a chunk missing from my hand I knew it wasn’t happening today. Me being a glutton for punishment though, I decided to say screw it and full send the Ogopogo anyway. It was significantly slower and more painful than I would’ve liked but I still came out victorious 💪🏻😜

Couldn’t leave well enough alone though so I made an attempt at a double 1/4x6” Grade 5 bend and between the pain in my palm getting worse and the bolts being weirdly springy it was a failed attempt. Couldn’t quite get all the way through the sweep. Will have to get some more Grade 5s though just to have another go at it when my hand heals. 

Below is the aftermath, the damage to my hand, and some of the measurements of the bends:








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Here’s the full cert video for the 5.5” Horrido 10.9 DU


Here’s the full cert video for the 7.5” Bend Sport Canada Ogopogo DU 

And here’s the full cert video for the Ogopogo DO

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That’s some crazy stuff dude 

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Wanted today to be a primarily DO focused session but still having some pain in my right pec. Did a few warm up bends for DO to test the waters a bit and I got through a 5/16x7” 1018 CRS hex, GoG 5.5 Star, and a 3/8x6” Grade 2 before I came to the conclusion it’s not a good idea to push it today. So I switched it up to a Reverse and feats session lol the bends were as follows:

DHWOG double 100k nails

DHWOG 100k+124k nails

DHWOG double 124k nails

5/16x4.5” Horrido A2

That A2 put up one hell of a fight and my hands were absolutely fried after that so started messing with my new Holle dumbbells and blob. 

From there I did a few unassisted lifts on the 64k dumbbell. Got it locked out a few times right handed but left I’d get it just past my ankles before losing it. 
Did some assisted lifts of the 24k blob and felt solid on both sides. Then I started seeing if I could get it off the ground unassisted. Managed to get it to ankle height left handed but only hovering right handed. So freakin close but no cigar yet. Once I get it though I’ll be pushing for the silver standard challenge 💪🏻😜 

below are the pictures of the aftermath and some of the lifts.






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Here’s the full cert video for the 4.5” A2 Reverse bend. 

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Well today sucked. 1 massive disappointment after another. Failed all 4 of my biggest DO bends at the same point 1 of which was supposed to be the easiest part of the Magnificent Bastard in Every Way. Got through the Reverse and DU portions of that easily but failed the DO portion. Then icing on the cake when I went back to try filming the Reverse bend individually since it felt so easy the first time I failed it. I had literally just done it in 2 hits 10 minutes ago but this time I could barely get it moving. Idk wtf is going on with me today but pretty mad at myself. I know not every session can be a winner but I’m failing stuff that should be a warm up right now. The kink felt insanely strong but the crush was nonexistent and all I have to show for my efforts is a bunch of skin tears and failed bends. 

here’s what I ended up doing before calling it a day:


3/8x6.5” Grade 2

3/8x7” common nail (no head or spike)

13/32x6” C360 brass (failed at 3.25”)

5/16x6.5” Horrido 10.9 (failed at 3.5”)

3/8x7” FBBC KOAB (failed at just over 3.5”)

kink felt strong so wanted to see what I could do to a 12.9 DU and kinked it to 4.95°. Had no expectations so just happy to have gotten movement.

then switched it up to Reverse/Every Way.


DHWOG double 100k in vegtan singles

DHWOG 100k+124k in vegtan singles

Attempted FBBC Magnificent Bastard in Every Way and easily did it Reverse and DU but failed DO at 2.75”

waited a bit and tried just the Reverse again and failed it at 26.7°

Rage quit the session after that. Too mad at myself and at this point all im doing is tearing skin. Gunna try again next week. 

Edited by Austin Seitter
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Just an off day no big deal, tomorrow will be better.

keep moving forward 

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Had to redeem myself for how poorly I did last week with a Reverse and DU focused session. This time it was nothing but FBBC stock and I did a mega cert run in both styles until I failed. Started things off with Reverse and those bends went as follows:

DHWOG Double 100k

DHWOG 100k+124k

Magnificent Reverse Bastard

Magnificent Reverse Golden Bastard 

Reverse Hexabastard (kinked but failed)

These FBBC 1018 hex are pretty evil. I’ve done the same size and material from ECGB before and it was way easier than this. Got it moving though so I know I’ll take it down soon. But since I failed it I moved on to DU and those bends were as follows:

Magnificent Underhanded Bastard 

Insane Underhanded Bastard

Underhanded Hexabastard

Magnificent Underhanded Golden Bastard

Underhanded Golden Hexabastard

Shiny Underhanded Bastard 

Underhanded Sexabastard 

Underhanded Duke of All Bastards 

Huge Underhanded Duke of All Bastards 

Grand Underhanded Duke of All Bastards 

Underhanded King of All Bastards (kinked it to 28.7° in doubles)

tried the KOAB again in quads after that and barely moved it at all before I started having a weird burning pain in my right index finger. Not sure what’s up with that but stopped the session there since it didn’t feel safe to continue and I have already been bending for a little over 7 hours at this point 😂 needless to say I’m exhausted but I’m confident if I try again fresh I can take it down and maybe even a TOAB but calling it a day here.

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Here’s all of todays FBBC cert videos for when they start up the roster again next year 💪🏻😜 

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