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Austin breaks stuff

Austin Seitter

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Figure it’s time to start a training log. It’s been a few days since my last session now but I trained DU, a little DO, and some braced bending. 

To start the session I finished off some of the lighter bars from previous DU and reverse sessions DO. Those were:

1/4x6” drill rod

1/4x6” Grade 5

1/4x6” Grade 8

Red Nail

6” Horrido A2

5/16x6” 1018 CRS Hex

These are all really easy for me but I just had them in a pile next to me so I used them as a warm up and to see how my DO was feeling. Wasn’t feeling it though so I opted to switch it up to DU. From there the bends were as follows:

Red Nail

GoG 5 Star cut to 7”

5/16x7” 303 SS Hex

and a surprisingly easy Horrido 8.8 cut to 5.5”

I got pretty ambitious after how easy that 8.8 felt so I tried a 6.5” 10.9 but sadly I only managed to slightly kink it. It’s going down soon though! 
After that fail I decided to try another really hard bar to see what I could do to it, this time being a 23/64x8.5” drill rod. I managed to kink it to 12° before running out of time and energy so I after admitting defeat I moved on to some braced stuff. 

The first braced bend was a 14” rebar that measured 59/128” between the ribs and 31/64” at the widest point. I got this bar to within 2” with a knee kink and thigh crush. 

After that, I did a Horrido 10.9 cut to 6” purely with a thigh crush. This was pretty eye opening because I found out just how much of a fight I’ll have on my hands trying to certify on this thing unbraced. 

To finish things off, I just did some pretty casual single suede unbraced snaps of a 3.3x65mm nail and three 3.7x75mm nails. This was to get some practice for the DHWOG British Bending and Breaking Championship next month. 

Here is the aftermath of the session. 


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These are the 2 certification videos from the session. 

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lol thank you guys! I feel like this’ll be a better way of tracking my progression. Especially now that I’m no longer specializing in DO there’s a lot more to keep track of 😅 

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Feeling sick today so today’s session was especially brutal but I wasn’t about to let it stop me. The main focus of todays session was DU but I also threw in a little reverse, braced, and an unbraced snap.

For DU I did the following:

5/16x5” 1018 CRS round

5/16x5” 1018 CRS hex

5/16x5.5” 303 SS hex

Horrido 8.8 cut to 5”

5/16x6” Grade 5 (practice Nanook)

11/32x7” O-1 

I then switched it up to reverse where I did a 1/4x6” grade 8 pretty easy so I tried doing a Horrido A2 cut to 6.5” but only managed to kink it to 18°.

I switched it up again after that to braced. I started that with a 12x12x460mm (31/64x31/64x18” in freedom units) HRS square bar with a knee kink and thigh crush. It went really smooth so I tried a Horrido 12.9 cut to 6.5” after that but time failed it by a minute. Once they’re back in stock I’ll try it again though.

To finish off the session, I did an Eat Chalk Get Big 1/4x6” O-1 unbraced snap. Now that I have a better understanding of the technique I need to get some more 9/32 bars and try that again.

Below is the aftermath of the session.


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These are the cert videos from todays session. 

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Kid you are strong 💪 

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Today’s session definitely didn’t go as planned. Was supposed to be DU focused but then I hit a MASSIVE PR for DO instead 😂 

Started with DU where I did:

5/16x5” 1018 CRS Hex

5/16x5” 303 SS Round

5/16x5” 303 SS Hex

Attempted a Horrido 10.9 cut to 6.5” but couldn’t get comfortable with it so it didn’t move at all. Switched to DO though and managed to really get some serious movement on it! Kinked it past 90° before getting stuck! 

I rested for a bit then attempted to do an unmodified 10.9 DO but kinked it to the exact same spot as the 6.5” one. Definitely need to work on the final leg of the crush because this is HUGE for me. Before today I have only ever kinked one to like 8° and today I was 2.25” away from getting it at a half inch shorter! 

Switched it up to horseshoes after that and my warmup bend felt insanely good. Did an SX7 #1 in about 20 seconds so I was thinking today was going to be great for horseshoes. Got a little over ambitious and tried a SSP #000 but couldn’t even get it started. Humbled by that fail I tried a SSP #3 and it felt really solid at first but then I couldn’t finish it off. It’s stuck at the same point as the last SSP #3 I attempted. 

After that I moved on to an unbraced snap attempt on the Eat Chalk Get Big 5/16x7” drill rod. I was way more exhausted than I thought though because man was that way harder than it should’ve been. Once I time failed I called it quits so it’s still in 1 piece unfortunately but I learned my padding was way too thick which was part of the reason it was so much harder than normal. Ended up making a massive bend surface on it and has a pretty satisfying shape to it but it’s still a fail. 

Learned some stuff this session and hit a huge PR so I can’t complain too much but definitely didn’t go as expected 😅 

Here’s the aftermath of the session. 


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Aaaaand because I’m a glutton for punishment I decided before I call it quits for the day I wanted to paperclip that SX7 #1 so now I’ve got a new link to add to my horseshoe chain 😂


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Couldn’t help myself. Was supposed to take a break from bending this weekend because of the Donald Dinnie Gathering on Sunday but my order from Eat Chalk Get Big came in and I needed to vent some frustration so I did a mini bending session 😅 started off with Heslep style since the Bend Sport Canada Goose bar I did before bed last night felt so easy. 
For Heslep style I did the following:

1/4x6” Grade 5 (practice Amarok)

1/4x6” Grade 8

ECGB 5/16x7” O-1 (time failed it so I just finished it off DO because I was mad at myself)

I then switched it up to Reverse style since that was intended to be the main focus. Those bends were as follows:

1/4x6” Grade 8 (felt like a bendy straw so I knew I was gunna make something happen)

IronMind Red Nail (bent it to 89.95° in 2 hits)

ECGB 1/3x7.5” O-1 

That 1/3x7.5” bar put up one hell of a fight to get it started but once I got it to a little over 20° it was over 💪🏻😜 

Here’s the aftermath of the mini session:


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Heres the link to the ECGB 1/3x7.5” reverse bend cert video

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Posted (edited)

The Donald Dinnie Day Gathering was an amazing event. I didn’t compete this year but I hope to do so next year. It was so cool seeing so many crazy talented athletes in 1 place and watching them make stone lifting history. 
Though I didn’t compete I still got to scratch the stone lifting itch 💪🏻😜 

Yesterdays lifts were:

100kg Excalibur lift (I did this one quite a few times. It was a very popular attraction 😂)

265lbs Inver Stone to shoulder

168kg Durris Stone to lap

Got a little wind beneath the 360kg Big Nicol stones but it wasn’t definitive enough for me to be satisfied with it so I’m counting it as a partial. 

Today’s lifts were at the Sheriffmuir Stones. Those were:

Tried doing a press medley of the 3 lightest stones but couldn’t lock out the last one. Just ran out of steam. But the weights are 55kg, 73kg, and 95kg. First 2 were no problem but the third was only a partial. 

120kg stone to shoulder

And then I got the heaviest stone which weighs 163kg to my lap but unfortunately it was so rainy today that that’s as far as I could take it. I tried loading it to the plinth so I could try to stack all the stones but the mud and water just made it impossible for me to get a good grip on it. Couldn’t make it happen today but hopefully next time it’ll be dryer and I can get that monster up there. 



















Edited by Austin Seitter
iPhone is stupid and includes the crop button and bar in screenshots of videos for some reason. Cropped the pictures to get rid of that.
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Way cool ,that looks like a lot of fun

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Man today was one hell of a great session!! Started things off with DU and those bends went as follows:

5/16x5” 1018 CRS hex 

5/16x5” GoG 5.5 Star (303 SS round)

21/64x5” O-1 from ECGB

5/16x5” Horrido 8.8

5/16x6.5” Horrido 10.9

23/64x8.5” O-1 from ECGB (previous failed cert attempt which I had kinked to 18° and finished off to test the waters for another cert attempt) 

23/64x8.5” O-1 from ECGB which I only managed to kink to 21° this time because I ran out of steam. Next time I’ll try full sending it on a fresh bar so I’m not throwing everything I’ve got at a previous fail. 

I then switched it up to Reverse style where I did a double 1/4x6” common nail bend no problem but upon trying the next warmup which was a Red Nail equivalent I realized my wrists were too fried to continue unbraced so I just did that DO and moved on. 

For the braced bends I started off with a Diamond Classic #00 paperclip (I had already bent it past 180° a while ago but I wanted to revisit it). This thing put up significantly more of a fight than I expected but I managed to finish it off. 

I then did the ECGB 13/32x10” drill rod purely with a thigh crush. Had to start behind my knees at first because of the crazy length on the thing but as I got it moving I went up higher and higher in my thighs. 

After that I did a quick triple 1/4x6” common nail bend with the thigh crush as well. 

The final bend of the day was a 5/16x1x8” 1018 CRS flat from Short Steel Bending and wow was that brutal lol it was significantly harder to kink than any pry bar I’ve ever bent and it made be fight for every bit of movement on it but I managed to crush it to within 2” 💪🏻😜

below is a picture of the aftermath of the session:


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Here’s the full cert videos for the 6.5” 10.9 DU and 13/32x10” O-1 Braced

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this is the video finishing the 23/64x8.5” O-1 DU

this is the video of the double 60d Reverse 

this is the video of the triple 60d braced

and this is the video of the 5/16x1x8” 1018 CRS flat braced 

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Wasn’t supposed to be bending today but I was bored and these wrenches and nails were looking at me funny 😂 haven’t bent any wrenches in a while but I did them in suede singles. The nails are 3.7x73mm and I did those in a single suede pad. Might have to throw in a beefier wrench for my next actual session. 


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Yeahhh buddy!! 1 of only 2 people to bend the 10.9 DU and first one to get on the ECGB braced roster! Only 2 styles away from the every style list with the bare handed stuff being the final boss lol 1/4x6" feels too sketchy so going to have to work my way up to the 9/32x6.5" or the 5/16x7" for it. So far I have managed to kink a 9/32x6.5" barehanded but man was it brutal lol need to learn proper technique if I'm going to make that happen.


ECGB Big 3.png

ECGB style certs.png

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Tied for 1st place with David Horne for the British Bending and Breaking Championship 💪🏻😜 

Event 1 was the braced multiples of nails in doubles. I managed to do 5 of the 68kg nails at once and got the win on this event. 

Event 2 was reverse bending 2 nails at once in singles and with the pads touching. For this I did 2 of the 100kg nails which was the max for today’s event so I got the win on this event as well. This felt surprisingly easy for me though so I’m curious how my nails rate by comparison. 

Event 3 was unbraced snapping a 3.75x75mm nail in a single suede. Took second place at this event with a significantly worse time than what I’ve done in training. Wasn’t happy with my time on this but oh well. Just gotta work on my technique.

Final event was the 10mmx12” braced rebar snap in doubles. I took 3rd in this event but can’t complain lol first time ever doing a rebar snap and it was one hell of a a way to start 😂 I failed my first attempt at this so I was the only one who had to do back and try again. I eventually got it but it was around a minute slower than David Horne and Tom Morris. I’m just happy I was able to complete it though. Learned a lot from this event so expect to see more snapping from me in the future lol

After the competition, I managed to thigh crush 6 of the 68kg nails at once in doubles of my vegetable tan wraps. They’re quite a bit thicker and bigger than the ones allowed for the original roster so I was just doing this to see if I could but David Horne said he will add it to the list in its own category 💪🏻😜 I was too beat up to do more today but I think I have more in the tank if I go at it fresh! Also wanna keep building up to do this for the original roster too.

Such an awesome day. David and Tom were super nice and I learned a ton from both of them. That grip shed is like stepping into an interactive museum too lol everywhere you look there’s grip history and crazy cool old implements. Looking forward to the next competition!









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Nice work, looks like you had a great day 

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Thank you! And oh yeah it was one hell of an experience. Looking forward to the record breakers comp coming up soon! 

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Today’s session definitely didn’t go as planned but all in all it was still pretty solid. Wanted the unbraced stuff to be reverse and the grade 8 felt pretty good but the 5/16x7” 1018 CRS round after that felt awful. Got it to 30° the first hit then just couldn’t get comfortable so I finished it DO. After that I did a quick 5/16x7” 1018 CRS hex DO and it felt really easy so I figured what the heck I’ll see if I can snap a 5/16x7” drill rod unbraced. Half hour later I FINALLY snapped it but man that sucked. Massive time fail but hey at least now I know I can do it so I just need to get faster at it to get it on the ECGB unbraced snap roster. 
After a LOT of rest I rolled into the braced stuff for the day starting with the 7/16x11” drill rod from ECGB. I meant to do it in quads but as I was getting it into position the rubber band snapped on me so I just said screw it and went for it in triples. The kink was tough but the sweep and crush felt buttery smooth. Got ambitious and overly cocky and tried the 15/32x12” drill rod in doubles after that and got it to wobble 😅 tried again on a fresh drill rod in quads and got it kinked to 3.5° before there was a hard crunch in my inner left thigh. No clue what that was but there’s no pain, discoloration, or impaired movement so I don’t think I injured myself but it definitely scared me so I called it quits on braced for the day 😅 

Wasn’t ready to end it there though so I decided to see what I could do to a 10mmx6 HRS round unbraced. Started off DU and it felt like a bendy straw so I wanted to see if I could finish it DO. Felt really promising until it hit the 3.5” mark lol had to fight for every millimeter from that point on. I eventually got it to 2-7/8” before my skin started tearing so I called it there but I want to revisit it and finish it off unbraced at some point. I really need to get better at that final crush.



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here’s the video of the 7/16x11” drill rod bend though. Also, according to YouTube, the music I’m listening to is banned in a few countries so it might not be viewable if you live in one of those. No clue why or which countries though. 

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