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Dmitry Volegov Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 4 Gripper


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Dang it! The proof was right under our noses!

Here you can slide your finger between the coils of the spring, lol

Edited by insane.warrior
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And here is, probably, a CoC 1 (1.5, 2 ?) spring with CoC 3 handles. The spring looks tiny compared to the handles.

It seems like CoC 2.5 has a thicker spring than CoC 3.

EDIT: Although this may also be an illusion due to the compressed picture 🤔, it is possible that on the first video he is actually trying to close the CoC 3 because he's struggling.

Edited by insane.warrior
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I think all this attention is what Dmitry was striving for anyway. As odd as it seems, he might not be that upset about being exposed as a fake, as long as we are still giving him the attention he feeds off of. Personally, I was initially on his side, but then was swayed in the other direction and finally ultimately I have decided to no longer support him or give him my time of day after his certifications were taken down... This is probably the last time I will spend even a minute diverting my concentration that could be used better elsewhere.

It bugs me that he not only wasted everybody's time, tarnished the reputability of the certification process, but also defiled those grippers (GHP9, Silarukov 150, Tetting [?], etc) by changing out the springs & throwing them around... and has paved the way for more cheaters for our future. Good job, Dmitry! 🫤🫣


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I sincerely believed him until he began to break his promises for his fans. First of all, he invited nobody to himself certification but he could do it. The second thing, He didn't come to meeting of Russian-speaking grip community due to "camel" reason. I don't believe in such coincidences. Too many coincidences.

Conclusion I have made is the strength doesn't appear magically - you must spend years to acquire it.

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2 hours ago, degradated said:

I think all this attention is what Dmitry was striving for anyway. As odd as it seems, he might not be that upset about being exposed as a fake, as long as we are still giving him the attention he feeds off of. Personally, I was initially on his side, but then was swayed in the other direction and finally ultimately I have decided to no longer support him or give him my time of day after his certifications were taken down... This is probably the last time I will spend even a minute diverting my concentration that could be used better elsewhere.

It bugs me that he not only wasted everybody's time, tarnished the reputability of the certification process, but also defiled those grippers (GHP9, Silarukov 150, Tetting [?], etc) by changing out the springs & throwing them around... and has paved the way for more cheaters for our future. Good job, Dmitry! 🫤🫣


From what I've been sent it appears he was at one point basically a D grade celebrity where he lives with at least 1 talk show TV type show appearance, attempting to do modeling, and putting in a lot of effort to try to become a YouTube vlogger documenting his life and relationship publicly. The fake grip certs just seemed like a publicity stunt to try to get more attention and add to his resume of things people should pay attention to him for.

You mean to say that someone with a belly button tattoo would lie on the internet? Just for attention?

Edited by C8Myotome
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1 hour ago, weightlifter said:

I sincerely believed him until he began to break his promises for his fans. First of all, he invited nobody to himself certification but he could do it. The second thing, He didn't come to meeting of Russian-speaking grip community due to "camel" reason. I don't believe in such coincidences. Too many coincidences.

Conclusion I have made is the strength doesn't appear magically - you must spend years to acquire it.

Yeah, but all of the above is not direct evidence of cheating.


This, however, is a concrete proof ⬇️

4 hours ago, insane.warrior said:


Dang it! The proof was right under our noses!

Here you can slide your finger between the coils of the spring, lol


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1 hour ago, insane.warrior said:

Yeah, but all of the above is not direct evidence of cheating.


This, however, is a concrete proof ⬇️


When I first saw the 3.5 cert with no idea who he was I was immediately skeptical given skipping the 3 and recent tiziano stuff...seeing these training videos is what convinced me for a fact dmitry was a fraud and influenced my decision to not believe either the 3.5 or 4 certs. Why would someone go through the effort of using fake grippers to fake just coc 3 level, then suddenly become legit later on while plenty of videos are still up on youtube showing obvious fake grippers being used. Many of his springs were very light silver color like those tough ape springs, you spotted a huge gap in a spring coil where it normally shouldn't be, and even in the training videos he often (but not always) purposely handled grippers in a way to attempt to obstruct the spring from view. There was a video of a fake 3.5 close where there was space between every one of his fingers looking like he'd never even used a gripper before, for terrible form/leverages. Nobody closes 3.5's like that. With all this stuff publicly available to look at I was surprised anyone ever fell for it, and just like with tiziano, many people chose to stick up for dmitry and continue to argue up until the very point Ironmind decided to revoke the certs, only THEN at which point they would agree they were wrong. Like the gene's grip channel guy on the coc 4 youtube comments that wanted to argue with me repeatedly, then later apologized and admitted he was wrong the entire time.

The training videos aren't really direct evidence of cheating as the cert videos are separate, however using logic it is very clear that this is indirect evidence which in my opinion should be used against him. It is very reasonable to make the assumption that fake grippers used in training videos would also be used in cert attempt videos.

It's possible he could have painted whatever fake springs he used to make the colors match better. There's chrome spray paints etc. If faking was someone's hobby I'm sure there's ways you could make a visually accurate replication of pretty much any spring that is a lot weaker, even to the point of matching all measurements except rgc.

Ironmind is not the all-knowing speaker of truth. Some people really need to learn how to use their brains to critically think and put the pieces of a puzzle together. When more and more and more things continually do not add up, it's not a coincidence, you're being lied to. I'm not sure exactly what Ironmind's stance on this is, as the youtube video is still up but certs removed; if this is a case of "let's see if he can earn his certs back" I am fully confident he never will, because they were faked in the first place. We know that. He wanted the instant gratification of faking certs then moving on to other things.

I don't think he is physically incapable of legitimately training to the point of doing a 3.5 cert, as I think many men are, however this is something that would take years of actual training, lots of struggle and failure in the process, and then not be egotistically repping it for the cert video, and then repping a 4 cert (about 21% harder) a couple months later.

I do enjoy the difficulty of having a CCS cert available to work towards but who knows the future of CoC certs with stuff like this going on repeatedly...

If there is ever a CCS version of mash monster I'd like to propose the name Cash Monster...lol

We will surely see frauds again...use your brains next time. A lot of people that believed him have clearly never met sociopaths/compulsive liars in real life, and it shows

Edited by C8Myotome
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I know this was brought up before, but the way he releases those grippers is incredibly suspicious. I don't think I've ever seen anyone treat a 190+ RGC gripper that way. The only example I can think of is Magnus Samuelsson's CoC4 cert over 20 years ago (no idea on RGC, but it's a 4). Happy to be wrong, of course, but I don't think anyone who has legitimately closed a gripper of that rating would let go of it with such little regard. 

Edited by BenMorrissey
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1 hour ago, C8Myotome said:

When I first saw the 3.5 cert with no idea who he was I was immediately skeptical given skipping the 3 and recent tiziano stuff...seeing these training videos is what convinced me for a fact dmitry was a fraud and influenced my decision to not believe either the 3.5 or 4 certs. Why would someone go through the effort of using fake grippers to fake just coc 3 level, then suddenly become legit later on while plenty of videos are still up on youtube showing obvious fake grippers being used. Many of his springs were very light silver color like those tough ape springs, you spotted a huge gap in a spring coil where it normally shouldn't be, and even in the training videos he often (but not always) purposely handled grippers in a way to attempt to obstruct the spring from view. There was a video of a fake 3.5 close where there was space between every one of his fingers looking like he'd never even used a gripper before, for terrible form/leverages. Nobody closes 3.5's like that. With all this stuff publicly available to look at I was surprised anyone ever fell for it, and just like with tiziano, many people chose to stick up for dmitry and continue to argue up until the very point Ironmind decided to revoke the certs, only THEN at which point they would agree they were wrong. Like the gene's grip channel guy on the coc 4 youtube comments that wanted to argue with me repeatedly, then later apologized and admitted he was wrong the entire time.

The training videos aren't really direct evidence of cheating as the cert videos are separate, however using logic it is very clear that this is indirect evidence which in my opinion should be used against him. It is very reasonable to make the assumption that fake grippers used in training videos would also be used in cert attempt videos.

It's possible he could have painted whatever fake springs he used to make the colors match better. There's chrome spray paints etc. If faking was someone's hobby I'm sure there's ways you could make a visually accurate replication of pretty much any spring that is a lot weaker, even to the point of matching all measurements except rgc.

Ironmind is not the all-knowing speaker of truth. Some people really need to learn how to use their brains to critically think and put the pieces of a puzzle together. When more and more and more things continually do not add up, it's not a coincidence, you're being lied to. I'm not sure exactly what Ironmind's stance on this is, as the youtube video is still up but certs removed; if this is a case of "let's see if he can earn his certs back" I am fully confident he never will, because they were faked in the first place. We know that. He wanted the instant gratification of faking certs then moving on to other things.

I don't think he is physically incapable of legitimately training to the point of doing a 3.5 cert, as I think many men are, however this is something that would take years of actual training, lots of struggle and failure in the process, and then not be egotistically repping it for the cert video, and then repping a 4 cert (about 21% harder) a couple months later.

I do enjoy the difficulty of having a CCS cert available to work towards but who knows the future of CoC certs with stuff like this going on repeatedly...

I agree with everything you said 👍


As for me, I am a very skeptical and direct person by nature. If I see some bullshit, I'm straight up about it.

But gripboard has taught me to be a little careful in my statements and conclusions, at least in the internet 🙂.

So I was patiently waiting for an indisputable proof, which I personally found only today, and did not voice accusations and guesses out loud which most of us had since day 1.


1 hour ago, C8Myotome said:

Cash Monster


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This will probably come across as mildly racist to some but i find guys over in the russian side of the world don't really care about the sports that they take part in, Most only care about the accolade and trophy

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3 minutes ago, Jermiah Merciconah said:

This will probably come across as mildly racist to some but i find guys over in the russian side of the world don't really care about the sports that they take part in, Most only care about the accolade and trophy

Sory, but you are wrong. That guy was exposed as fake by effort of Russian-speaking grip Community. 

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Let’s not continue this particular line of trajectory please. 

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Did his 3.5 cert have any controversy at the time of it? I ask because I haven't known of him very long.

Edited by Luke Blackwell
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39 minutes ago, Luke Blackwell said:

Did his 3.5 cert have any controversy at the time of it? I ask because I haven't known of him very long.

Meh, kind of. It’s almost unheard of to skip the #3 cert. If I’m not mistaken, Mark Burke is the only person who legitimately started at #3.5. So not controversy, per se, but something to notice.


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