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Tues 4/6/24

Deadlifts (with straps) :

70k x 3

120k x 3

170k x 2 (suit)

200k x 4 


Inc DB Bench :

12.5k x 8

25k x 2 x 10 


60mm Axle Deads / Face Pulls

70k x 2

85k x 1 x 5 

Face Pulls

yellow band 10 x 3

Ironmind Pinch Block/ Band Pull Aparts

15k x 2

20k x 1 x 10

31.35k x 1 rh

32.60x 1 rh PB 

Pull Aparts 

yellow band 10 x 3 


Yet another rushed session. I thought I’d break out the deadlift suit & start to try to rebuild my poverty deadlift. Went ok but a long way to go. I’m after a triple body weight at least dead. 
Db Bench to get that Swoldier look. 
Axle  deads were  a little off so I decided on reps & try to work the tech. Felt ok come the end. 
Pinch felt well off at first but somehow I managed to work out where I was going wrong & sneaked a PB in.  
All in all not a bad sess. Loads to work on as usual. Triple body weight deadlift incoming.  
Had a tough sess at Bjj after this which included me having to fight for my life against a very talented female purple belt. I certainly knew I had trained tonight. 

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Had the chance to have a catch up with a long time friend & part time training partner Sam PhatMuscle tonight . Was great to see him & his better half  Julia. Lad has records to break & then he’s coming after a few grip records. 

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Tues 11/6/24

Safety Bar Bix Squat/Face Pulls

Bodyweight x 6   
70k x 3. 
120k x 1 x 9

Face Pulls. 
10 x 5


60mm Axle Rows   
30k x 5   
50k x 3   
70k x 5   
60k x 10 x 3


Farmers Holds   
15k x 10 secs   
60k x 5 secs   
100k x 40 secs 


Rolling Thunder   
20k x 2   
40k x 6 x 3


Fat Gripz Hang   
Blue  Far Gripz x b/w x 15secs 



Safety Squat   
Upped weight from last sess & hit reps do not bad. Will continue to up weight each sess. Hopefully this should help my knee rehab a bit as I’m not going super heavy( for me).

Axle Rows   
Another exercise I’m weak at. Improve on these & it means  I’m getting stronger or something like that.    

Farmers Hold    
Felt heavy enough. Slipped out of my right hand but to be expected as much rh was hurting before the sess started. Good base time to work from. Working from a raised position now. 

Rolling Thunder    
Got numbers & was quite comfy. Looking forward to getting these numbers right up.

Fat Gripz Hangs   
Not great but a start.


5am sess so chuffed I even made it to the garage. Got all the exercises in I needed so not a bad effort. Training changed  but as I’m getting guidance from someone now. Mobster gave me a base outline to work from & that has served me very well. I’m now getting programming from an old friend so I don’t have to think, thankfully lol. All I do now is pick 2 movements from a squat, deadlift or bench & add them to my program. Working well as I can taper depending on how busted I am from Bjj & life . 


Farmers set up 

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 Mon 17/6/24

60 mm Axle Deads:    
45k x 2   
65k x 2   
85k x 1 x 3 sets

Hub Pinch    
5k x 1    
10k x 1   
15k x 3 x 3     

Anvil ( reverse cone)    
25k x 1    
35k x 1   
40k 5 x 2    

Reverse Wrist Curls   
Bar x 20 x 3 


Axle Deads:   
Ok. Rh slipped a bit on last reps.

Hub Pinch:     
Felt comfy 

Anvil :     
Felt very comfy. Loads more there.

Reverse Wrist Curls:     
These things are very hard. My left thumb unwinds on these. I reckon they will have great carry over .

Quick sess as I got in late from work. Will do my weights in the morning. Everything seems to be ticking along nicely. But grip improvements on the horizon. 


Hubtastic in my trendy work clothes . 

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IMG_3230.thumb.jpeg.f0643edce7395ca21cf64b55dffd0e16.jpegmy purchase has arrivedIMG_3231.thumb.jpeg.dc755b96c2086ec291467c4965e15b4c.jpegmy Horne Top ready for me to get training for my compIMG_3232.thumb.jpeg.15550e42892e50d36b61a23242c7a9f6.jpeghas to think of a way to attach the loading pin & this is what I came up with.  
Looking forward to giving this a trial run. 


IMG_3233.thumb.jpeg.909bbb5cb0459b847732579729af1ed9.jpegAlso treated myself to this from Strength Shop. Start of my db collection.


Training a bit hit & miss at the min due to work & it being stupid hot. Back on it sat morn for sure. 

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Awesome.. Im buying some more World of Grip gear from Godsofgrip soon. 

those strength shops are nice. I'd like to have a collection myself. When I get my house and have the space...

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50 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Awesome.. Im buying some more World of Grip gear from Godsofgrip soon. 

those strength shops are nice. I'd like to have a collection myself. When I get my house and have the space...

I’m ordering a couple bits from Gods of grip nxt wk . I’m after a short loading pin , mid hub & maybe the new thumb thing they do.  
Waiting on my tax rebate to get a Holle 50k bell. No rush to get the kit but I am an impatient person lol. I am running out of room as well lol. 

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Mon 24/6/24

Prone Rows / Band Face Pulls

32.5k x 6

42.5k x 5 x 5 

Face Pulls   
10 x 5


Bench / Band Pull Aparts   
Bar x 10     
Bar x 3   
40k x 3   
60k x 1    
80k x 1 x 5

Band Pull Aparts  
10 x 5  

Farmers Hold   
15k x 10 secs   
65k x 5 secs   
110k x 30 secs 😩


Prone Row    
I was hoping for a bit more but def had to put some effort in. Felt em tho.

I’m weak as piss at bench so I thought I might as well try to get a bit better at it. Going to be a long struggle but worth a go . 

Farmers Hold    
This was the heaviest I’ve been on this exercise. I made sure I tried to look after my r/h fingers as these have been the weak link on this exercise historically. The weight felt pretty heavy & I’m not going to lie my head went before my grip. My hands were burning after. Not a bad effort I reckon.


All in all a quick but decent sess. Kept it short as I’m still a bit tired & beaten up after a heavy wkend of grappling.
Looking forward to the rest of the wks training. 



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Thurs 27/6/24

SSB Box Squat /Band Face Pulls   
Bar x 3 , 3   
70k x 3   
120k x 3 x 3 

Face Pulls    
10 x 5


65mm Axle Deads    
25k x 2    
57.5k x 2    
87.5k x 1 x 3   
75k 3x3


10k x 3 l/h r/h   
16.25k lh F rh 3 x 3 


45k x 5 x 3 


Reverse Wrist Curls    
Bar x 20 x 3 


Ssb squat wasn’t heavy but struggling in this heat, need to do better.

Axle Deads felt comfy enough. Getting stronger slowly.

Hub rh felt strong for me. Lh weak as piss. Going to drop the weight & hit a load of reps on my lh to try & close the gap between hands.

Anvil straight in at top weight just to see what it felt like. Got it done a bit quicker as well.

Reverse Wrist Curl are the devils work. Showing very small signs of improvement in this movement. Small steps are steps. 

Struggling with interest & the heat. I’m getting home from work pretty much wiped out nearly every day. Need to man up & get my gym sessions in. Still managing to get my Bjj sessions in but they are suffering from the heat & my lack of energy.    
Any way slowly getting a touch stronger 


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15 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:


Thank you.

Better than not training. 

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Tues 2/7/24

Axle Deads / Face Pulls.   
45k x 2    
75k x 2     
90k x 1 F F   
77.5k x 3 x 3     

Face Pulls   
10 x 5 sets

10k x 2 L R   
16.25 5 x 3 RH     
13.75 3 x 3 LH    

30k x 2 lh rh    
45k x 1 lh rh    
50k x 3 lh rh    
45k 2 x 6 lh rh 


Reverse Wrist Curls        
3 x 20



Well this was a nightmare sess. I thought get it done before work & give myself a bit of time to rest before Bjj in the evening. Didn’t quite go to plan & I now know my grip doesn’t wake up early. Everything felt so hard & I didn’t even get my numbers on deads. Got told by Phat Muscle after the sess to never just do just grip in the morning. Warm up with some normal gym work. So a valuable lesson learnt. 
Git home from work & thought let’s rerun the sess. Still missed the deads but got all my other numbers so a lesson learnt & move on to the next sess. 3 wks til comp, can’t wait. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, SOCK BOY said:

Tues 2/7/24

Axle Deads / Face Pulls.   
45k x 2    
75k x 2     
90k x 1 F F   
77.5k x 3 x 3     

Face Pulls   
10 x 5 sets

10k x 2 L R   
16.25 5 x 3 RH     
13.75 3 x 3 LH    

30k x 2 lh rh    
45k x 1 lh rh    
50k x 3 lh rh    
45k 2 x 6 lh rh 


Reverse Wrist Curls        
3 x 20



Well this was a nightmare sess. I thought get it done before work & give myself a bit of time to rest before Bjj in the evening. Didn’t quite go to plan & I now know my grip doesn’t wake up early. Everything felt so hard & I didn’t even get my numbers on deads. Got told by Phat Muscle after the sess to never just do just grip in the morning. Warm up with some normal gym work. So a valuable lesson learnt. 
Git home from work & thought let’s rerun the sess. Still missed the deads but got all my other numbers so a lesson learnt & move on to the next sess. 3 wks til comp, can’t wait. 

Phat Muscle is stronger than I’ll ever be and knows more about lifting.. 

Not taking anything away from him. But you can train grip early in the morning.


it’s not ideal and it did take a while to figure how to activate my CNS. But it can be done I’ve been doing it for 2 years now.

Edited by Blacksmith513
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2 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Phat Muscle is stronger than I’ll ever be and knows more about lifting.. 

Not taking anything away from him. But you can train grip early in the morning.


it’s not ideal and it did take a while to figure how to activate my CNS. But it can be done I’ve been doing it for 2 years now.

Yeah he did say don’t do grip without firing up ur cns, I did misquote him there. U r right I have done grip but always after my lifting sessions & not just grip on its own. So in future I’ll do my gym work before grip. 

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We’d 3/7/24

Inc DB Bench   
12.5k 5 x 5   

Grappler Rows   
30k + green band 5 x 5   

DB Shoulder Press    
12.5k 5 x 5    

Hammer Curls   
12.5k 5 x 5   

No interest at all tonight but forced myself to get a bit done. Just feeling so knackered after work at the min. Could be my old age lol. 

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Thurs 4/7/24

Safety Box Squats    
70k x 3   
70k x 3    
100k x 3     
120k x 5 x 1

1 Leg Band Hamstring Curls    
Red Band 3 x 8  

Slight Inc DB Bench/ Band Face Pulls
22k 5x5    
Face Pulls    
yellow band 10 x 3   

DB Z Press / Band Pull Apart    
7.5k 3 x 15     

Band pull aparts
yellow band 10 x 3

Bench Dips/KOTG       
12 x 5   

10 x 3 

Box Squats were comfy. Lowest height I’ve squatted to. 
Ham Curls hit the spot .     
Bench was nice. Felt a nice movement.   
Z-Press is going to be a staple now.   
Dips were cheeky.

All in all not a bad sess. 



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Fri 5/7/24

Rolling Thunder    ( no tilt)
25k x 2    
37.5k x 1   
47.5k x 5 x 3 sets    

Fat Gripz Hang   
25 secs PB    


Reverse Wrist Curls   
Bar 25 x 3 

Rolling Thunder is improving very slowly. No tilt on the reps.   
Fat Gripz hangs are not my best exercise. I’m sure these are going to have a big carry over. 
Reverse Wrist Curls hit the spot & I struggle to get all the reps . Quick sess but certainly a decent one. 


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Sun 7/7/24

Farmers Holds   (per hand)
15k x 5 secs   
65k x 5 secs    
115k x 33 secs PB 

Was surprised by these. Pick up felt ok & actually mentally pushed myself on these. Comp weight is 90k so hoping to get a half decent time on the day. 
Got these done at 6.30 in the morning as I had to get off early as I was competing in a Bjj comp. Going to try to hold 130k very soon . 130i was the weight of the farmers in the last strongman comp I did. Be good to see if I can even pick them up. 

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Thurs 11/7/24

Safety Bar Box Squat    
70k 2 x 2     
90k x 3    
120k 2 x 5 sets

Rom Deads   
40k x 5    
70k 5 x 5

Good Mornings    
30k 10 x 2 sets 

Reverse Hypers    
5k 15 x 2 sets

Axle Deads     
50k x 2   
80k x 1    
90k 1 x 5 sets   
80k 3 x 3

5k 2 x 3 sets e/h   
10k 2 x 2 e/h    
RH 17.5k 5 x 3 sets.  
LH 15.5k 3 x 5 sets  

30k x 2 e/h    
45k x 2 e/h    
55k F   
53k x 2 rh x 5 lh    
47.5k x 6 lh / rh

Reverse Wrist Curls    
Bar 20 x 3 sets 


Box Squats felt kin heavy. Can’t wait to get stronger at these.   

Rom Deads hit the spot. Good new addition.  

GM’s should strengthen a weak area for me.


Hypers should have been put back in rotation a while back but they are in now .


Axke Deads felt good even tho I misread my prog & did 90k x 5 singles instead of 92.5x a single 😬. I’ll pay more attention next sess lol. Got all the reps done so can’t be too bad. 

Hub was pretty good. Starting to get the hang of the grip. Reps felt pretty comfy. Suddenly realised I was repping my PB weight on my RH 😉


Anvil was meant to do 54k but just a touch too heavy today. Managed the reps with 53k so not the end of the world. 

Reverse Wrist Curls are still the devils work. 

Sess a bit too long & left me sweating a lot. Another Sess done & ticked off tho . Comp a wk sat & I think I might PB on a lift or 2 .

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Mon 15/7/24

Farmers Hold    
15k x 5 secs   
55k x 5 secs   
95k x 5 secs   
120k x 26.5 secs 

Happyish with the120 but there is more there if I can work out how to get my little finger out the way. Will try a few bits this wk. Tough day at work so just chucked the farmers in today. Back to normal activity tomorrow onwards. 

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Tues 16/7/24

SSB SQUAT / Banded Knee Bends  

Bar x 2 x 3   
70k x 3   
90k x 3    
110k x 3

Band knee bends    
Bkue Band 5 x 10   

Bulg Split Squat / Kb leg ext   
BW  2 x 10 

KB leg ext   
8k 2 x 10 


Db Z-Press / Band face pulls   
7.5k 3 x 10   

Band Face Pulls   
3 x 10


Rolling thunder / Banded hip flexor raises  

25k x 3   
40k x 2    
50k 3 x 5 

Banded hip   
Red Band 3 x 10


Fat Gripz Hang    
18 secs   
26 secs PB 


Reverse Wrist Curls    
Oly Bar 3 x 25 


Not a bad sess. Nothing mad as I’m still achey from the wkend &  have a bit of a cold. Just getting stuff done & seeing what exercises hit the spot for me. A major upping of effort from nxt wk onwards, famous last words lol. 



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Thurs 18/7/24 

Trap Bar Deads / Cuff Block Raises

Trap Bar     
45k x 3   
95k x 3   
145k x 2    
201k x F 😞

Cuff Block Raises   
1k 5 x 10 


1 Arm DB Row / Band Ham Curls   

DB Rows   
32k x 3 x 8

Band Ham   
Red Band 5 x 12 


Assisted Chins / Band Face Pulls 

Band Assisted Chins   
Blue Band 3 x 3

Band Face Pull   
10 x 5 


E-z Bar Curls / Band Y Raises

E-z Curl   
Bar x 10   
15k x 3 x 10 

Band Y Raises    
sml yellow band 10 x 3 


Last workout before grip comp at wkend. Might have to do a pinch block test later today to sort an opener.  
Just did a few tick over bits. Bit disappointed with trap bar but to be honest I didn’t put much in to the last pull. 
Starting to address really weak areas in the hope of making them stronger & increasing my over all strength. Was a fun sess . Done in about 45 mins . Off to work for a day of loading tiles now 😢😞



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7 hours ago, SOCK BOY said:

Thurs 18/7/24 

Trap Bar Deads / Cuff Block Raises

Trap Bar     
45k x 3   
95k x 3   
145k x 2    
201k x F 😞

Cuff Block Raises   
1k 5 x 10 


1 Arm DB Row / Band Ham Curls   

DB Rows   
32k x 3 x 8

Band Ham   
Red Band 5 x 12 


Assisted Chins / Band Face Pulls 

Band Assisted Chins   
Blue Band 3 x 3

Band Face Pull   
10 x 5 


E-z Bar Curls / Band Y Raises

E-z Curl   
Bar x 10   
15k x 3 x 10 

Band Y Raises    
sml yellow band 10 x 3 


Last workout before grip comp at wkend. Might have to do a pinch block test later today to sort an opener.  
Just did a few tick over bits. Bit disappointed with trap bar but to be honest I didn’t put much in to the last pull. 
Starting to address really weak areas in the hope of making them stronger & increasing my over all strength. Was a fun sess . Done in about 45 mins . Off to work for a day of loading tiles now 😢😞



Good luck at comp. Loading tiles is always fun.. not🤣

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6 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Good luck at comp. Loading tiles is always fun.. not🤣

Cheers for the good luck. 

loading tiles makes me feel alive lol. 

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