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FoA’s Bending, Feat’ing & More


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Ahhh missed the weekly update, but I’ll just highlight the big bends!!!

Last Monday: Started off with a near miss of the FBBC Shiny Duke (11/32x7” SS). There’s zero videos of an authentic Shiny Duke being bent in under 5 mins, and I was 7/16” away from making it happen despite a couple mistakes during the bend. With a perfect bend I hope to conquer it!!! 

Next it was time to stare down my greatest nemesis bar the FBBC Big Monster Square (5/16”x6.5” CRS sq) which has foiled me many times in many ways, but not today!!! Was perfectly centered and perfectly on the edge so I wasn’t too worried but I took my time a bit to not do anything stupid and screw it up and because that big bastard was fighting back and trying to filet my index fingers with every hit but 3:06 is still a good time on that monster!!!

Then to push my luck I took on the FBBC Big King of All Bastards (3/8”x6.5” CRS) This is the third time I’ve tried this bar but first time in like 6 months and third time was the charm!!! 2:10 later I claimed my place in the upper echelon of FBBC KOAB benders!!!

Thursday - normally volume day, but I’m taking 3 weeks off before beginning 12.9 prep so was time to become a legend instead and be the first to conquer The Humbler (3/8”x7” hrs sq) … that was the plan at least 🤣

Started off with a 5/16”x8” 5/16 CRS SQ from my buddy Austin with the goal to bend it as fast as possible! Ended up bending it in around 35 seconds … but a fast 35 seconds lol since o spent forever trying to pull off a stuck wrap or it would’ve been sub 30 seconds!

Next up was the 7.5” “Odd” version of The Humbler. There’s no videos on the internet of humblers being bent under 8” … but now that’s changed as I took it down in 2:22!!!

Finally time to make history and conquer The Humbler at its true 7” … but alas I was defeated with 5/16” to go 😭😭😭 that’s a long hard 5/16” but hopefully I’ll claim victory in the rematch!!!




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  • 3 weeks later...

We’re back!!! Was traveling for 3 weeks and didn’t work out seriously the first two, but had some fun stuff this week!

Tuesday - I met up with @WillGuiliani in San Diego for an impromptu garage gym comp that was a blast! Will and I were joined by American Ninja Warrior superstar Cory Dzbinski. 

The events were:

IronMind Apollons Axle (Will and I tied with 323 pounds then both missed the hero jump to 353)

Nemesis Grios 2x5 Saxon (180 pounds with a bit of generous judging but Will snapped off 185 seconds later to make the issue moot😂)

Silver Bullet with Will’s competition set that was handed down to him by the great Odd Haugen.  I was most excited for this both as a chance to use this set of grippers and it was the first time I’d get to register an official Silver Bullet score. I had hopes and dreams of registering a time with the 178 rgc 3.5 but alas it slipped through my fingers but I had a 7 second hold with a 151 rgc 3 to fall back on for the event win. 

Onward to the JokaBug planets of Jupiter and Pluto!!! Will won both but I managed second in each with 69 pounds and 13.79 pounds respectively! That was my first time trying any of the planets which was a special treat!

For the sixth and final event it was a 6 natural stone medley for time. Will had the overall lead by 2 points which meant an outright win was substantively impossible and my only hope to force a tiebreaker was finishing first and Will third. But the stones aligned and that’s exactly what happened as I finished in 15.34 seconds for the event win just ahead of Cory😅

After 6 events we were exactly tied for first with 9.5 points which means TIEBREAKER of Bolt-On Inch battle to the death!!! We started passing one back and forth then introduced a second into the mix for two handed version and after many many eons I finally emerged victorious🎉🎉🎉

What a great battle!!!!!

Friday - I arrived back home Thursday and was itching to get back to my gym, so to celebrate the first day back I decided to go for the GripBoard Silver Standard as laid out by @Ben Helms (I can’t yet pinch 45s as required for the gold standard and would have a heck of a time pulling all the feats off back to back even though I’ve done all the others individually - so silver standard it is!). Bending a blue nail is part of the silver standard, but I’ve never actually bent one or even seen one lol but you can substitute from the gold standard feats for silver standard so red nail with style it was to be!

Silver Strength Standard (what I used)

CCS CoC 2 (CoC 2)

135 lb mini inch (64kg Holle Inch)

Next Gen 100 (next gen 100)

Pinch 35s (Thor 35s)

Hub 35lb plate (Marcy 45, didn’t wanna dig out the 35 lol)

IronMind Blue Nail (IronMind Red Nail with a gangster wrap for the homies)

I was really stoked to pull off the thigh rolled single imp red nail bend at the end because I’ve only ever done one single imp red nail bend before and that was with clamps and meticulous wrapping and also not immediately after 5 other feats!!!

My video was approved for the Silver Standard making me the first to qualify for it and third person for any of the standards!

Saturday & Sunday - Easy squats and assorted grip stuff to be as ready as possible for the Feat Meet Invitational this Saturday!!!









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