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Tiziano's 3.5 certification video second angle

Jared P

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2 hours ago, dubyagrip said:

Here is a test with a cooked gripper.  This spring's lustre and sheen look just like the one in the Grippermania comparison photo between the legitimate attempt made by @SeNoLD and the "attempt" by our boy.  I believe the spring was swapped and cooked on that attempt.  This spring is not oiled.  It is bone dry.

This 3.5 went from 73mm to 61mm, and it feels like 150-160 RGC.  It was 182 prior.  I haven't been training grippers, so stop laughing.

Also, I'm stamping the handles of the grippers I'm screwing with so they can't be used in any meaningful way other than to show what this crap looks like.

I need to contact Randall to get my cert done on the 3.5


dude, I pm’ed ya about borrowing your 3.5……



lmao nice work

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On 2/8/2024 at 4:48 PM, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

I'll answer to the comment from c8monotonous above. Since it regards me. What is funny about my programming to warrant a "lol"

I would argue that my programming being different to what's typical is why I produce more freaks than you have eaten hot dinners.

Some of you inner circle lot legitimately fascinate me. I have novices mogging you lot after a couple of months working under me, they all train for their sport, not even grip for the sake of grip, honestly the amount of people I could get to the 3,3.5,4 etc if they ONLY cared for grippers would be insane. 



You should probably cut ties with Tiziano as he tags you in posts as “best grip coach.” You probably could have legitimately helped him, but he wanted more than you could possibly promise. 

so many people look for validation but I don’t know what he’s looking for knowing he can’t do it.  


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@Ivan Pupchenko I have to ask you, how do you feel about all this. The scale thread and this thread. You have been such a proponent of tiz’s and supported him this whole time yet I don’t see you commenting in these threads. 

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Hopefully they'll just go to the old format. It worked and prevented something like that from happening 

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It is true that it looks easy and I have doubts because a thin bone structure must propagate enormously to its ligaments in multiplying force, so why does he hold the pliers in these videos as if it hurt him. he can't handle the strength of the wrist and there is an unmistakable weakness here. some here suffer because it is a long work

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26 minutes ago, Hannes said:

Hopefully they'll just go to the old format. It worked and prevented something like that from happening 

That will dramatically affect people outside the US. I hope that some gripper verification methods will be added to remote certification process to solve the problem.

Edited by insane.warrior
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32 minutes ago, insane.warrior said:

That will dramatically affect people outside the US. I hope that some gripper verification methods will be added to remote certification process to solve the problem.

I don’t see why it would. Maybe if you lived in a remote part of the world with almost no people at all. But for most there will be a suitable witness/referee within an hours drive. And if you happen to live in a desolate village deep in the mountains of China (or insert other remote place in the world). And no suitable witness is ever found nearby. Well then maybe you should have to travel in order to cert. At least if we’re talking about a 3.5 or a 4.

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50 minutes ago, insane.warrior said:

That will dramatically affect people outside the US. I hope that some gripper verification methods will be added to remote certification process to solve the problem.

I've been thinking about this.

One idea is to make cert gripper packages different than the normal one. Then make each of them unique (manually) with marks, etc. Then wrap the whole thing in custom temper-evident tape. To cheat, one would have to recreate the package perfectly with the temper evident tape as well (same pattern, put to the same place, etc.). Edit: (of course the gripper cannot leave the frame, and can't be covered at any point of the video), and here is an example: https://www.novavisioninc.com/pages/prd_security_tapes_custom.html

It's still not foolproof, of course... That would be too expensive for one of the parties or both, and at that point, honestly the old format makes more sense. 

Edited by matek
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When I am ready to go for the #4, I intend to ask if I can travel to Ironmind HQ, at my own expense, to attempt it in front of Strossen himself.

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39 minutes ago, David_wigren said:

I don’t see why it would. Maybe if you lived in a remote part of the world with almost no people at all. But for most there will be a suitable witness/referee within an hours drive. And if you happen to live in a desolate village deep in the mountains of China (or insert other remote place in the world). And no suitable witness is ever found nearby. Well then maybe you should have to travel in order to cert. At least if we’re talking about a 3.5 or a 4.


38 minutes ago, matek said:

That would be too expensive for one of the parties or both, and at that point, honestly the old format makes more sense. 

All four Ukrainian men and one woman in the CoC list got there only thanks to remote certification. For me it's a strong argument.


On the other hand, if Dr Strossen will have a contacts of whole bunch of people eligible to be a judge in every single country, I will change my mind.

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2 minutes ago, insane.warrior said:


All four Ukrainian men and one woman in the CoC list got there only thanks to remote certification. For me it's a strong argument.


On the other hand, if Dr Strossen will have a contacts of whole bunch of people eligible to be a judge in every single country, I will change my mind.

My ref was someone that had bought grippers from ironmind. No other connection

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At this point, all the known gripper certifications Tiziano "did", needs to be called out and investigated. Every single one. Since he cheated his way with IronMind, all the others need to be brought into question.

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I don't want to echo what I said in this topic. But there is no need to find out how exactly he did it (although a BIG congratulations on those figuring it out). I just want people to use common sense. I mean it was what few people including me were saying all along.

I see that timmy is mentioned here. I mentioned him before in another Tiziano topics. But you see me mentioning timmy over the years from 2006 I believe onwards. Timmy's real name is Samuel Scott. He used to live in Australia back then. I believe once Ben Edwards sold him a gripper and then the guy was foot stomping his gripper, cooking it, torching it, drilling it and the #4 reduced to a strength of a weak CoC #2. Yup that is true. After he was caught he admitted it. Timmy always changed usernames like Steel/Steels and so on.

There are many across my timeline here which is around 20 years but usually with these frauds we see no common sense with people in general and people get deep into philosophical ideas/laws to defend a fraud. Heck even Silverback (another fraud) was STRONG. He even competed and got either the first or second. I believe @John McCarter was there? But guess what? He was faking gripper closes for the sake of acknowledgment from a handful of people online in this niche sport. @David_wigren (and few others like @Londonjoseph) was saying go and meet someone credible, and again another, and compete. That was and still is easy to do. Heck, I offered him a Dubai trip. You gotta be crazy or a fraud to decline my offer. There is no other explanation. 

What Tiziano did here was a big thing to people who vouched (or are still vouching for him). He had Sam, Carl and Nathan vouching for him. Sam still is. I know Sam well. I am his friend from a long time and we visited each others gym (in England and Dubai). He is super strong and a great coach. One year ago at my gym (Jan 2023) I asked him what does he think of him. He said he didn't meet him but coaches him online and Sam's coach isn't cheap, so why will he lie? I understand where Sam is coming from, but please Sam stay away from this guy as he will try to hurt your reputation. I will NOT be shocked if he later blamed it all on Sam and will say it is Sam's idea to advertise himself.

I know my friend Joseph Sullivan isn't here anymore but I know he would call a spade a spade. I am mentioning him because something similar happened when he was around with a gripper close. Many talk to me via IG regarding this scammer. Some are saying not to bring IM cert issues here and people should take it to IM or the other company which Tiz is certified. I think it is important to expose him and make a example out of him to other frauds. What IM will do is up to them. We are discussing the integrity here, nothing else. After all, getting our names on a list isn't getting us money. Winning a gold medal isn't about the gold because they aren't made out of gold. It is about the recognition, competition and integrity. Gold medals are made out of our pain, sweat, hard work, dedication, blood, bone changing, injuries and et cetera. The biggest joke is when he "certed" on the CoC #3.5. Derek Palmeri certed on the #3 in the news before him and literally his forearms was twice as big as Tiz. What a total joke. We shouldn't allow a fool to come and piss on anyone's hard work and accomplishments. 

Tiziano's #4 is as strong as a weak #2. That is all. Word is bond (if you know, you know). If he disagrees, be man enough and meet with a credible witness of our choice and prove us wrong. I am waiting...


1 hour ago, David_wigren said:

I don’t see why it would. Maybe if you lived in a remote part of the world with almost no people at all. But for most there will be a suitable witness/referee within an hours drive. And if you happen to live in a desolate village deep in the mountains of China (or insert other remote place in the world). And no suitable witness is ever found nearby. Well then maybe you should have to travel in order to cert. At least if we’re talking about a 3.5 or a 4.

Agreed. I missed my red nail cert back in 2007 because there was no witness at the time. I did it later in 2012 exactly after my honeymoon. If I wanted it so bad in 2007, I could've gone to somewhere where witnesses are available. 

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@Alawadhi Yes, I did in fact meet Silverback Grip in person. 2016, The Southern Squeeze contest. There was rumors going around if he would show up. He was an internet troll, I mean with that title hanging over your head, any claim you make about showing up in person is where most people would dismiss anything said. Dude showed up and was massive! He won the contest without question. We didn't question him about how strong he was, he proved it.

He might have faked the gripper closes, but his intention was for entertainment. 

Yes, his gripper strength was nowhere the claimed #4 level. But I talked to him about that, his videos, he outright said he was sorry for making those videos in front of me. Being too cocky for his own good was something that he didn't like from his past. I could read it on his face in that moment.

Held up his right hand, showed the exact spot on his palm, and I looked at it like my life depended on it. There was a small mark there. I believe there was/is and injury that occurred within his training since he trained negatives. The reason I claim my belief for this, I almost had the same injury myself from doing negatives, but I stopped, whereas he didn't.

He did state before injuring his right hand, he was close, within reach of the level of #4. Not at the #4 but within reach. He didn't state if he was closing 190lb grippers, or if he reached 210lbs rating. 

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48 minutes ago, Hannes said:

My ref was someone that had bought grippers from ironmind. No other connection

Got it.

I have some thoughts about it.

First of all, most of the time Ukrainians buy CoC from local monopolistic distributor. His prices are great, no need to order those from the abroad.

Since the international shipping cost directly from the Ironmind are high, people use Amazon or EBay as a chipper alternative source. I know that the monopolist guy and the head of local armlifting federation were probably the only two persons who ordered griptools from Ironmind directly.

So, as you can see, not a lot of eligible judges based on that criteria.

I believe gritters from smaller countries encountered the same problem before remote cert.

Secondly, are those buyers truly capable to judge the certification? Not necessarily, I guess.

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Since all this information has come to light, I went out of my way to contacted every grip company Tiziano Becchio has made a certification attempt with. Provided all the information I could. I cannot stand for his fraudulent claim with the #3.5 certification. I don't know how many other "certifications" this man cheated to get his name added to a list, but I won't stand for it. Those companies must be made aware of his actions.

Edited by John McCarter
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I for one and glad this saga is almost over. It was fun playing detective for a little while but I'm also glad that it has been (almost) resolved.

Thanks to @Cannon for remaining the impartial referee of this whole ordeal. @dubyagrip for sacrificing his grippers to prove whats possible. @Jared P for contacting Randall himself and finding the key evidence to his #3.5 cert.

And thanks to all for the hilarious memes. It's been fun. 

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I will be speaking with Dr Strossen on the phone about this next week.

I'm not going to post publically about this until then.

Case at hand. Dan Zamani benched "800lb" on fake plates. His coach also coaches Peiman who is a legit 1050lb puller from Iran. One episode of foul play doesn't dismiss his coaching ability , and if he was coaching online with programming he wouldn't have even know the weights were fake.


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16 minutes ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

I will be speaking with Dr Strossen on the phone about this next week.

I'm not going to post publically about this until then.

Case at hand. Dan Zamani benched "800lb" on fake plates. His coach also coaches Peiman who is a legit 1050lb puller from Iran. One episode of foul play doesn't dismiss his coaching ability , and if he was coaching online with programming he wouldn't have even know the weights were fake.


You would have seem the most amount of first hand claims/videos than any body else, given you were the coach in tiziano's situation.

Rather than acknowledge the wildly unrealistic speed of progression while ignoring the very improbable athlete demographic, you instead continually tried to convince everyone here that a 140 lb vegetarian outgripped Carl Myerscough in roughly 25% of the training time, due to your magical programming that you continued to tried to sell.

As far as I'm concerned you were either just as in on it, or completely blind.

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11 minutes ago, C8Myotome said:

You would have seem the most amount of first hand claims/videos than any body else, given you were the coach in tiziano's situation.

Rather than acknowledge the wildly unrealistic speed of progression while ignoring the very improbable athlete demographic, you instead continually tried to convince everyone here that a 140 lb vegetarian outgripped Carl Myerscough in roughly 25% of the training time, due to your magical programming that you continued to tried to sell.

As far as I'm concerned you were either just as in on it, or completely blind.

Sam has helped a lot of people on this board over the years, and he is clearly a very reputable dude.  No way in hell was he involved in this scam.  I can understand him wanting to stand by his online client, but he is definitely not a cheater or a fraud.

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23 minutes ago, C8Myotome said:

You would have seem the most amount of first hand claims/videos than any body else, given you were the coach in tiziano's situation.

Rather than acknowledge the wildly unrealistic speed of progression while ignoring the very improbable athlete demographic, you instead continually tried to convince everyone here that a 140 lb vegetarian outgripped Carl Myerscough in roughly 25% of the training time, due to your magical programming that you continued to tried to sell.

As far as I'm concerned you were either just as in on it, or completely blind.

Bro my income comes from PROFESSIONAL athletes not gripper only guys that have AI girlfriends.  There would be zero financial reward for faking something that would only matter to handful of people.

To say I'm involved is ridiculous, and you clearly haven't done your research regarding me and my brand. 

I'm the official grip coach of the ABS powerlifting team and series  , the official grip coach for "Giants live" athletes, and the Kaos Classic. You don't get more high level than that in strength sports within the UK.

After talking with Randall, if this turns out to be 100% real, my brand/myself won't be associated with Tiziano. There won't be an official statement until then.

Also, as a side note, does my Instagram offend you so much you took it upon yourself to block me? 


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1 minute ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Also, as a side note, does my Instagram offend you so much you took it upon yourself to block me? 

Nope, take cross-platform squabbles back over to the other platform. Or take it to PM. 

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35 minutes ago, C8Myotome said:

As far as I'm concerned you were either just as in on it, or completely blind.

Unfortunately, this is the definition of a false dilemma. There is no reason it has to be this black-and-white. 

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Guys, I have contacted Randall and I will contact the Federations that have certified me, I will renounce all certifications even if they are real, or proven, as long as this wave of ignorance ends, and above all if I am a scammer as you say you should possibly imagine that my coach or the other federations have been rigged by me, don't look for conspiracies where there are none due perhaps to your personal dislike.

I don't know if any of you are behind the personal threats I'm receiving to myself and my loved ones

But stirring things up is certainly the fault of those who didn't manage things well here.

Let's assume that I cheated on everything, even the simplest things, this does not give any of you the right to defame me, take my image, look for profiles to insult me, threaten me,

Take my name and surname to make a profile where you can defame and insult me by taking personal videos and images.

Or take over my profile to defame gbi Sam, Nathan, even saying that Nathan is a scammer, obviously using my profile.

Missa, we've all failed here, some in sport, some as a person.

Having said that, a point must be made.

Leave the people dear to me and the Federations alone.

I'm here to take all the hate on myself.

Be men and step back now. Just like I step forward.

All this is in my possession and if the situation does not end I will immediately inform myself to defend myself on a legal level.

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1 hour ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Bro my income comes from PROFESSIONAL athletes not gripper only guys that have AI girlfriends.  There would be zero financial reward for faking something that would only matter to handful of people.

To say I'm involved is ridiculous, and you clearly haven't done your research regarding me and my brand. 

I'm the official grip coach of the ABS powerlifting team and series  , the official grip coach for "Giants live" athletes, and the Kaos Classic. You don't get more high level than that in strength sports within the UK.

After talking with Randall, if this turns out to be 100% real, my brand/myself won't be associated with Tiziano. There won't be an official statement until then.

Also, as a side note, does my Instagram offend you so much you took it upon yourself to block me? 


You did what you had to do…he is a client, backing him up is understandable. 
trying to convince us that freaks exist, maybe a little too much backing haha. 
there is no question you can figure the freak thing out when it’s there. It wasn’t/isn’t with him.

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