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Phil K

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T x 10 BH

1 x 5 BH

1.5 x 3 BH

CLOSE + 2-sec overcrush

LH 5 singles with easy #2

RH 5 singles with hard #2

Gonna use my hard 2 LH and filed rb160 RH next week before I deload and come again 

Silver Bullet hold with 2.5lb plate

3x10 sec hold with BBSM, rgc 127…will use my single stamp #3, rgc 130 next week…yup, that’s not a typo…it’s super weak 

easy 1.5

LH 4, 9, 6

RH 2x10…will go up to hard 1.5

Have a great night 

PS - just curious if you chaps have any experience with choked grippers and what your thoughts are on them.

Many thanks for any insight.


Edited by Phil K
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Nice grip work

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22 hours ago, Phil K said:

PS - just curious if you chaps have any experience with choked grippers and what your thoughts are on them

I have used them from time to time. I like them for post activation potentiation (aka post tetanic potentiation) at the beginning of a workout. Doing a rep with a heavier choked gripper (where there is less of a skill component since you're avoiding the set) can help prime your CNS to work with lighter grippers and make them feel easier. 

I have never really used them for rep work, but I imagine that this would add a bit more uniformity, again because you are skipping the skill aspect of the set. However, if you were to rely heavily on choked reps for your working sets, you would likely need to incorporate some kind of dedicated setting work. It's a little give and take there. 

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21 minutes ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

I have used them from time to time. I like them for post activation potentiation (aka post tetanic potentiation) at the beginning of a workout. Doing a rep with a heavier choked gripper (where there is less of a skill component since you're avoiding the set) can help prime your CNS to work with lighter grippers and make them feel easier. 

I have never really used them for rep work, but I imagine that this would add a bit more uniformity, again because you are skipping the skill aspect of the set. However, if you were to rely heavily on choked reps for your working sets, you would likely need to incorporate some kind of dedicated setting work. It's a little give and take there. 

TYVM for the well thought out response.

I’m thinking that I might pick one up once I get to a slightly higher standard as I think they would be a good training stimulus for the more advanced grippers.

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LH +35, 45, 55/ 1

6 singles w/+62.5…better than last week…first couple felt like high pulls and I tried to do doubles but it’s not quite there yet!!!

RH +35, 45, 50/ 1

6 doubles w/ +52.5…decent form 

Pony pinch 3x50

Have a great day.

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T x 10 BH

1 x 5 BH

1.5 x 3 BH

Au x 1 BH

Close + 2-sec overcrush 

LH hard 2 3 singles and 1 almost closed 

RH filed rb 160 4 singles…with authority here…

Silver bullet hold 

3 x 10 second holds with my rgc 130 rated no. 3…used a 2.5lb plate 


LH easy 1.5 3 x 8

RH Au 6, 7, 6

Now gonna deload for the next session.

Gonna aim for repeating the progression on the overcrushes with my LH to make it more consistent. Will try to get my easy GG4 RH.

For SB, I’d like to use my Standard Fe, rgc 135.

I’d like to get three cycles in a row and then try a max effort close, I’m trying for a 38mm  set close of my 124 rgc rated 2.5.

Have a great night.

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LH + 35, 45, 55/ 1

+62.5/ 2, 1, 1

RH + 35, 45, 50/ 1

+53.5/ 1, 1, 1

Something of an involuntary deload…had heavy a heavy training week this week…capped with deadlifts yesterday 

NBD…will be back in a bit

Have a great weekend 

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Worked up to a few close and 2-sec OC per hand as it was a deload

LH harder 1.5…5 singles…might’ve been 6🤷‍♂️

RH GG3…as above 

Nice and solid holds.

Time to get back to the heavier stuff shortly!

Have a great day.

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+35, 45, 55/ 1

+60/ 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2…took a while to warmup and get my fingers to really fire and engage 


+ 35, 45, 50/ 1

+50/ 4x2, 4x3…

Titans Telegraph Key

3x15/ +20…nice and pumpy 

Have a great holiday 

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T X 10

1 X 5

easy 1.5 X 3


5 singles with Au…solid close and 2-3 s overcrush 


5 singles with Cu…solid close and 2-3 s overcrush 

Silver Bullet…using a 5-lb plate

BH 10s with easy 3

135 rated Fe


9s 10s


8s 7s

Good session…gonna try and work up to my GG4 RH, my RB 160 LH and my CPW 240 for Silver Bullet work 

Have a great evening 

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2/ +35, 45, 55, 60

2 partials at +63

3x3/ +60


2/ +35, 45, 50

+53/ 3, 3, 2

1-finger assist and hold


+72.5/ 15s, +77.5, +80/ 10s


+62.5/ 15s +65, +70/ 10s


15/ 25, 27.5, 29.75

I’m starting to think that I need to overload my Flask training. The reason I’d say this is that I’m able to get 61/53 easy and then occasionally 65/56. Though I’m doing better than the beginning of the year.

I can’t seemingly get enough volume to force adaptation. So, I’m leaning towards band deloaded flask holds with goal weights (70/62.5) at increasingly reduced rates of assistance based on height lifted ala Jedd Johnson and timed Flask holds which will be micro loaded and varied based on time.

Have a great week!

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T X 10

1 X 5

easy 1.5 X 3

All BH

GG 3 X 1 RH


easy 2…5 solid closes and 2-3 second over crushes


filed RB160…5 solid closes and 2-3 second over crushes

Silver Bullet Holds, using 10-lb plate

Fe 10s, BH

BBGM, rgc 139…5s BH, 5s LH


LH hard 1.5…4, 9, 10

RH GG3…3x10

A little progress here!

Gonna use my Cu LH and my easier GG4 RH next week before deload and try to get a few sets with my Fe in the Silver Bullet…don’t think the CPW 240 is quite there yet.

Have a great day 


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