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Odin's Grip Journey


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It will be interesting to see how the gripinator works out for you, I as well probably won't ever get a gripinator unless I win the lottery or something :laugh


Just go to grad school, those student loans work wonders! :cool

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BW 159

Thumb joints are aching today. Warmed up with very light TTK, and went into:



47.5x0 (~1/2-1" several times).


45x0 (1" best effort) .

Gripanator using BTR handle





30x0 (handles didn't quite meet).

The Gripanator BTR handle (Beyond The Range), is simply like a filed gripper. My close is weak, and I am hoping this will help. Despite using light weights, it was very hard for me touch the handles with the BTR handle.

Gripanator using normal handle



45x4 very deep-set closes

My hunch so far is that I will be primarily using the Gripanator for negatives & very deep-set closes using the BTR handle.

I have the Gripinator on a table, but am not sure it is the optimum height yet. One important thing to remember is that it will open as far as you let it; it is easy to let it open way too far. :trout

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BW 159

Thumbs still in bad shape, pinching 2 25's and 40 York during warmups felt nearly impossible, so I didn't do any pinching.

Gripanator using BTR handle



35x0 (handles didn't quite meet).

Gripanator using normal handle



45x2 very deep-set closes



7 negatives each hand @ 12, 10.

I am going to take a few days off or just do a couple light workouts. My hands are telling me to take a break.

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Sunday 3/21/04:

Rested, hacksawed Blob

Monday 3/22/04

Very easy workout:


R:: #1x1x1x1

#1x1 w/ 2 fingers at about 80% effort (closed pretty easily)

L: #1x1x1x1

#1x0 w/ 2 fingers at about 80-90% effort (about 1/2" from close)

TTK2 2-handed



Gripanator using normal handle






Shot rotations

Hands felt much better & stronger than they have for a while, although my thumb joints felt slightly sore. I was going to have a complete day of rest today, but decided to do some light work so my hands wouldn't get "stupid". The only thing I did today that was moderately hard was the 2-finger #1 close attempts. I will take tomorrow & possibly Wednesday completely off, and see what happens during my next hard workout.

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How is the gripnator working?

Thats one of the machine I really want, but can't afford due to the

foolish shipping charge(additional $300).

Yuichi, my left hand has been cramping on & off all day, so it must have

done something. I am just getting used to the feel of it now. I will keep writing

about my progress with it in my log. I will try to wait a week or more before i

do heavy negatives, even though I am tempted, because it feels like it will rip my hand in 2 or tear my skin off. The leverage/force on my hand feels quite severe, so I will try to build up more gradually than I do on most things.

Yuichi, there is a chance I might be going through the Nagoyo airport in June/July, so maybe we can meet at the airport or i can schedule the trip so I get a few hours between flights so we can have a mini-gripfest?

Thats pretty cool.

I'll check if I could take a day off from my work.

Maybe you could witness me closing elite, Im 1/8 inches away from closing.

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BW 158


L: 25x1


45x0 (~1/2-1" several times)

R: 25x1


47.5x0 (~1/2-2" several times)

50x0 (~1/2" several times, didn't really feel much harder than the 47.5)

Grippers (no-set only)


#2x0x0x0x0x0x0x0 (best effort ~1/16" away)



#3x0 (at least 1" away)

RB210x0 (about 1/2" away)


PDA262x0 (about 1/2" away)

SMx0x0 (about 1/2" away)

-No-set seems to hurt me much more on the grippers

that are harder than my #2.

Screw the credit card, I'm going to concentrate on no-set closes.

-I think my HG250 might be easier than my #2.

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I think your HG 250 seems easier because the sweep portion is easier on the HG compared to the IM grippers (the IMs are tougher right from the get go while the HGs start easier and then "tighten up" near the end of the close). At least that's what I found with my HGs and IMs anyway.


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I posted about some upper back pain I'd had about a week from last Saturday, and haven't lifted weights since. I started wondering what was going on, because the pain was not getting better or worse. I was also having an increasingly difficult time breathing and climbing stairs, so I decided to go to the Dr. to find out if it was my asthma (I went for 4 months w/ no asthma meds until recently) or something else.

It turns out I have pneumonia. After listening to me breathe, he sent me for a breathing treatment and an injection. He also sent me home with Zithromax and a couple of inhalers. Gripping doesn't take much lung power, so I am not going to let it stop my usual routine.

TTK2 2-handed



40x2 partials (1-inch)

32.5x2+2 partials




*50x0 (did forced rep)

50+7.5x0x0 (2 forced reps pushing as needed with fingertips on thumb side)



*50x0 (barely broke off ground, did forced rep)

50+7.5x0x0 (2 forced reps pushing as needed with fingertips on thumb side)

*The York Blob I am using actually weighs exactly 52 lbs, according to my digital scale. My other one weighed in at 51.5. I will refer to the stated weight, not the actual, for ease of understanding.


L: 20x1


50x0 (forced rep)

R: 20x1


50x0 (forced rep)

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Get better Odin, That Zithromax stuff is potent stuff -should clear it up quickly if the bugs are sensitive to it!!!

good work on the blobs :rock


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Plate Pinches

L: 25sx1

35sx0 (broke from floor several times)

R: 25sx1


35s+2.5x0 (broke from floor several times)



L: 40x1

45x0 (was able to lift after getting it started for about a foot w/ 1 finger, & lowered it without assistance)

R: 40x1 (shockingly easy, felt like a 25)

50x0 (was able to lift with 1 finger pressing on thumb side)

I kept getting stronger with the blobs the more attempts I made. It is strange how this happens fairly often in my grip training, but not with conventional weight training.


Blobs by the face (inspired by Richard Sorin’s recent accomplishments)

L: 40x1

45x0 (did an assisted negative, my left hand is slightly smaller, which is really noticeable w/ wide pinching)


R: 40x1

45x1 (got it up but didn’t have full control during descent)

47.5x0 (did an assisted negative)

50x0 (did an assisted negative)


Gripanator Negatives:

L: 25x1




R: 25x1





TTK2 1-handed






Sand extensor work


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Gripanator BTR Negatives ~1& 1/2" ROM*:





75x3 (well, sort of...I had to slow the descent a little with my off-hand)

Gripanator BTR Partials 1-1 &1/2" ROM


40x0 (5 attempts each hand, handles didn't quite touch. I'm going to have to file a gripper & see how it compares)

*I think these short-range negatives are a more practical use for the Gripanator, at least until I get used to it. BTR means "beyond the range", it is a handle like a filed gripper.


Grippers (no-set closes)

L:#2x1x1x0x0x0 (about 1/8" away on last 3)

This is the best I ever did with the #2 lefty. Barely touched the handles on the 2 reps, but I was happy.


PDA262x0 (about 3/8" away)

BBSMx0x0x0 (about 3/8" away)


Blobs (as usual, blob-style Yorks):

L: 40x1

45x0, barely broke the ground, about 10 attempts in all

40x0x0x0 with two fingers, broke the ground

40x0 with last 3 fingers, broke the ground

40x0 with last 2 fingers, middle & index resting on side, broke the ground

40x1x1x1 with last 3 fingers & index resting on side

25x1x0x0 index finger only

25x1x0x1 middle finger only

25x0x0x1 ring finger only

25x0x0x0 pinky only

R: 40x1

50x0 lifted it a full inch & it felt pretty solid, about 10 attempts in all

40x1 with first two fingers, & it was pretty easy!

45x0 with first 2 fingers

40x1x1 with last 3 fingers

40x1 with middle & ring fingers, index resting on side

40x1 with last 2 fingers, middle & index resting on side

25x1x1x1 index finger only

25x1x1x1 middle finger only

25x1x1x1 ring finger only, middle & index resting on side

25x1x1x0 pinky only, ring, middle & index resting on side

Very good blob workout!







30x6+2 partials

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BW 158

I think the pneumonia has cost me some BW, have been unable to lift weights for 2 weeks, which always causes me to lose muscle & get skinnier.

Blobs (as usual, blob-style Yorks):

L: 40x1

45x0, lifted it a full inch, about 10 attempts in all

Negatives: 50 blob w/7.5 lbs attached: 6x~5 reps, resting 5 minutes

Negatives: 50 blob: 2x~10, 2x~5, resting 5 minutes

R: 40x1

50x0 barely broke the ground about 10 attempts in all

Negatives: 50 blob w/7.5 lbs attached: 6x~5 reps, resting 5 minutes

Negatives: 50 blob: 2x~10, 2x~5, resting 5 minutes

The negative blob reps could be better described as "drops and hanging on for dear life".


Gripanator w/ BTR handle (partials, last inch or less of rep)


35x0x0x0 (5 attempts in each set)

Gripanator w/ normal handle (partials)



45x1L & 3R


TTK2 1-handed





thumbs are beaten up


Shot rotations


Sand extensions


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Get better Odin,  That Zithromax stuff is potent stuff -should clear it up quickly if the bugs are sensitive to it!!!

good work on the blobs  :rock


Thanks Jonathan! Since I have asthma, it is hard for me to get over lung infections, but I think I am starting to turn the corner, but am still having some SOB. I am not too happy about the weight loss either, I've moved even closer to a marathoner's BMI, rather than any type of strength athlete.

I am getting as addicted to blobs as you are to plate curls. :bow

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Excellent work on the Blobs, Odin!

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Excellent work on the Blobs, Odin!

Thanks Sean! Your log has helped inspire me to make progress. The Blob wasn't even one of my goals at the beginning of the year, so I am happy. It will take me longer than you to lift the Blob, but I am determined to get it. :bow

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G* w/ normal handle (partials)

I should be close to the #3 when I can get about 70 pounds on this thing.








G BTR Negatives ~1& 1/2" ROM





Grippers no-set

L:#2x0x0x0x0x0 (1/8")

R:BBSMx0x0x0x0x0 (1/4")


G BTR overcrushes






G w/ normal handle overcrushes






Blobs, last 2 fingers timed holds

L:25x9 secondsx3 sec

R:25x16 secondsx9 sec

pinch is fried from yesterday, this was hard


TTK2 last 2 fingers





I think the G or some part of my training is helping, because my grippers are starting to feel a little stronger, even when I do them right after using the G.

My L wrist hurts again, even though I've taken a few weeks off from wrist curls to let it heal up. I think it is just deep soreness, because the pain is not in exactly the same place. I have been able to easily rotate 2 six-pound shots with no pain, which is a good sign.


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BW 159

Plate Pinches

L: 25sx1

35sx0x0x0x0 (broke from floor several times)

45s, about 10 negatives

R: 25sx1


35s+2.5x0x1 (got it up easily on 2nd attempt)

35s+5x0 (lifted about 6")

45s, about 10 negatives


Blobs by the face

L: 40x0 did a negative

45x0 did a negative

R: 40x1

45x0x1 (got it up easily on 2nd attempt)

50x0 (did a negative)


TTK2 2-handed


35x2+1 partial


Did a few sets w/ "beer mug style as described here:



Pnuemonia starting to clear up.

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Gripanator BTR Partials 1 &1/2" ROM


35x3 (not quite touching w/L)

45x0 (3 attempts, felt weak)

Gripanator BTR Partials 1”



35x0 (not quite touching, but 3 good efforts)

40x0 (not quite touching, but 3 good efforts)

45x0 (not quite touching, but 2 good efforts)

50x0 (not touching, but 2 good efforts)

55x0 (barely moved the handle twice)

Hey, I finally noticed the big screw on top can be turned by hand, so I can reduce the gap, measure the exact ROM I want to use, and now my hand won’t get ripped in two. That is why I played with the G ROM today, well also because I am sick of having a weak close, and determined to improve it a lot.

Now I just need to figure out how to do the negatives more easily. I am “mechanically challenged”, so it may take me a while to figure out the best way. It is sad how my left hand does not like the BTR as much as my right, the poor thing just doesn’t want to touch the handles, but I am sure I will improve with practice.

Just a quick one today, something unexpected stopped the workout.

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Now I just need to figure out how to do the negatives more easily. I am “mechanically challenged”, so it may take me a while to figure out the best way. It is sad how my left hand does not like the BTR as much as my right, the poor thing just doesn’t want to touch the handles, but I am sure I will improve with practice.


When you position your working hand on the BTR handles, use the free hand

to push on the loading pin to assist in closing the handles. This can be done

when you want to perform heavy negatives beyond what you can squeeze

with the working hand alone.

It is like cheat closing a gripper ;) . Load the G up and push on the loading pin

at the same time as you begin to squeeze the BTR handles. Once the BTR handles

are in position and you begin squeezing the handles, slowly release the free hand

from the loading pin. Keep crushing hard against the load, do not just sit

and hold it, crush against the handles as they begin to open. 8-10 seconds....

Use the ERIAA to close up the handles to 1 inch or so and this will allow

you to get the heavy weight for negatives into position easier.

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When you position your working hand on the BTR handles, use the free hand

to push on the loading pin to assist in closing the handles.

Use the ERIAA to close up the handles to 1 inch or so and this will allow

you to get the heavy weight for negatives into position easier.

Zcor, I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I have been pushing on the loading pin for negatives, but was hoping there was another trick or accessory that could be used to make it easier to get into position, because it is somewhat distracting and awkward for

me, maybe I'll get used to it.

Since my weakness is the last 1/2 inch of the grippers, do you think that one-inch negatives will do the trick using the BTR? I think that is as close as the handles will get, I wish the screw was just a wee bit longer.

I don't know what the point of diminishing returns for ROM is when doing negatives within the typical gripper spread range. My sweep seems to be pretty strong.

Has the G helped you much?

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QUOTE (zcor @ Apr 1 2004, 01:58 AM)


When you position your working hand on the BTR handles, use the free hand

to push on the loading pin to assist in closing the handles.

Use the ERIAA to close up the handles to 1 inch or so and this will allow

you to get the heavy weight for negatives into position easier. 

Zcor, I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I have been pushing on the loading pin for negatives, but was hoping there was another trick or accessory that could be used to make it easier to get into position, because it is somewhat distracting and awkward for

me, maybe I'll get used to it.

Since my weakness is the last 1/2 inch of the grippers, do you think that one-inch negatives will do the trick using the BTR? I think that is as close as the handles will get, I wish the screw was just a wee bit longer.

I don't know what the point of diminishing returns for ROM is when doing negatives within the typical gripper spread range. My sweep seems to be pretty strong.

Has the G helped you much?

Maybe it is the way you have the G positioned, that may cause you to

feel like it is awkward. You know, the height it is set at or how you

are positioned to work it.

I can not think of another way to get the weight positioned for a heavy

negative other than pushing on the loading pin until the handles touch

then releasing. I have the negative assist trigger on mine but don`t use it.

You can also get John S at PDA to make you a longer ERIAA. I had him

make me one where the threaded rod is 5 inches long. I can now extend

the handles all the way to close if I want. So you might want to check John S

out with the longer ERIAA.

I work the negatives at different handle widths now that I have the longer

ERIAA, and to tell you the truth, I have not really related it to grippers.

Since all the Bullswoggle about the grippers being this and being that,

1 inch this, parallel that, different rules, blah-blah. I have just been

training 75 % of my time on my plate loaders. I have 4 different models

so I enjoy a big change of training routine. I use the grippers maybe once

a week sometimes 2.

Yes, hang with the pushing the weight up and perform a negative crush, you will

adapt to it... And get a longer ERIAA

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Thanks for the help zcor, I adjusted the height & it is less awkward. Trying to close it as it opened up on negatives was also helpful. Letting go of the loading pin for negatives, especially the BTR, takes a rather large leap of faith.

Gripanator BTR Partials 1”


35x0 (not quite touching, but 3 good efforts)

45x0 (not quite touching, but 3 good efforts)

55x0 (barely moved the handle twice)

G BTR Negatives 1”



85x0x0x0 (didn't take all the pressure off handle w/ off-hand, still hurt like a -----)

G Partials 1/2”

50x3 (no problem)

55x3R, 0L (almost touched)

took 10 minute rest washed hands in hot water and:

WHAM! 55x3 (no problem w/either hand)

60x3R, 0L

G Negatives 1/2”







Hand opened quickly the last 2 sets, but I did fight it hard. The sharpness & intensity of pain in the middle of my hands between sets is new, this should make me stronger. Picked up a #2 & squeezed after 5 minutes, felt like a #4.





R: 25x1



TTK2 Beer-mug style, 2-handed



20x3 partials

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On the Gripinator, choker, Secret Weapon, etc.: Be careful when you are doing heavy negatives with the handles positioned close. If you are not careful, you can stress the second knuckle of your your middle and ring finger. This is caused by the "ultra deep" set.

I recommend working the close, even with a set; however, avoid the super deep set like the plague. A fu#$ed up knuckle isn't worth it.

John Wood has found similar results, mabey he can describe this better.


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On the Gripinator, choker, Secret Weapon, etc.:  Be careful when you are doing heavy negatives with the handles positioned close.  If you are not careful, you can stress the second knuckle of your your middle and ring finger.  This is caused by the "ultra deep" set. 

I recommend working the close, even with a set;  however, avoid the super deep set like the plague.  A fu#$ed up knuckle isn't worth it. 

John Wood has found similar results, mabey he can describe this better.


HAMMERHEAD, thanks for forewarning me about the increased potential for injury with the "ultra deep-set". I never would have considered this as a possibility, and will try making my G set a little wider. My early experience with the G has been feeling a greater vulnerability to injury with a wider ROM, it feels like my hand is under more torque the further it opens. Perhaps this is due to the feel of the G being different than a gripper; the G is more difficult to get started. I start each set with the G closed , so I am not starting from a dead stop.

I am just trying to "hammer" ;) my close, I will be able to close the #3 no-set someday after I make this weakness a strength. I have already noticed an improvement in my close due to working with the BTR handle.

I hope to hear from John Wood, the no-set master. His writings have greatly contributed to my decision to make no-set gripper closes my goal. :bow

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