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Odin's Grip Journey


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Very interesting info Teemu! In my experience; I was closest to getting my #4 shut when I could get 2 out of 5 attempts shut at 7/8" in the choker. I was consistent with 1/8" and on good attempts would get within a 1/16" on the #4, MMS. I would agree with the 1" as a minimum for sure.
Interesting to hear your experience on this as well! Seems to me that it is not too different from what I've figured out. Of course there's individual variation depending on the individual strengths and weaknesses. My weakness beeing the set my best MMS attempts on my 206lbs #4 haven't been that close even though I did a hose clamp choker close from 4/5".
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Very interesting info Teemu! In my experience; I was closest to getting my #4 shut when I could get 2 out of 5 attempts shut at 7/8" in the choker. I was consistent with 1/8" and on good attempts would get within a 1/16" on the #4, MMS. I would agree with the 1" as a minimum for sure.
Interesting to hear your experience on this as well! Seems to me that it is not too different from what I've figured out. Of course there's individual variation depending on the individual strengths and weaknesses. My weakness beeing the set my best MMS attempts on my 206lbs #4 haven't been that close even though I did a hose clamp choker close from 4/5".

This is priceless information Teemu and Josh, thanks!

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BW: 164.2

Pullups: BW+50 lbs.x3 reps (wanted to see where I was, will back off to +30 or +35 lbs. next time).

Chins: BW+50 lbs.x2 reps

Parallel Grip Pullups: BW+50 lbs.x2 reps

Bent Over Rows 120 lbs.x 5 reps|120 lbs.x 5 reps|120 lbs.x 5 reps|(set bar on ground between reps)

Was going to do some wrist work, but everything felt wrong during warmups (wrists not feeling "smooth", something I've learned to listen to). Maybe I'll do some light wrist roller work later tonight if this malaise wears off. One of those "dark nights of the soul" type of workouts, very rare for me.

Actually, my malaise may be a good sign that I worked the Inch-related blitz I did a few days ago as hard as I needed to. I may get better pulls on the 2nd unloaded Inch workout later in the month or maybe I'll wait a few more days for my first go at it. I was thinking about the 12th initially, but may wait to the 16th and then the 30th-as the fatigue lifts the "overload" training benefits should begin to show.

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Grippers: Just did a little TNS work with the #2, barely missed LH but got a nice "click" RH (


Did light rep work with the RP Trainer, just to work on coordination.


OH Extensor work

Yoga: 1 hour

Just went though a bit of a weird period, I felt flat, stale and unmotivated, which almost never happens. I went through a few days of depression and self-doubt about ever deadlifting the Inch (this usually happens when I start getting close to any feat-it triggers a resurgence in effort and sometimes raw anger and I'll train like a madman until I get it). I generally believe I can achieve a feat if I can set my mind to it, but do experience periods of doubt that go away in time.

It turns out that at least part of my malaise was because I ran out of iron pills and forgot to refill them for several weeks (I'm a bit of a space cadet, I do that a couple of times a year). I need to take them because I have no colon and absorb iron poorly as a result. I get weak w/o extra iron-but it is not really noticeable for at least two weeks. I'm hoping this helps w/ my planned "unloaded" Inch pulls later this month; maybe I'll get a boost from the iron.

I might pull some DO DL and do some pinching soon; I feel better now. I think at some point I'll have enough of a combination of forearm, wrist, pinch and fingertip strength to fully DL the Inch despite my many shortcomings that a few people have been kind enough to remind me about during my seemingly quixotic quest, thank you, every bit helps :angry::D (I keep remembering my friend Gazza's mantra: NO LIMITS ! I hope to give it a good shot very soon; I'm guessing the 2nd or 3rd workout may produce better results than the first unloaded workout due to residual fatigue.

I looked at the pulls with 40 extra lbs. and it looks like I got close to an inch of air with each hand, LH was just as good as RH this time despite chronic thumb knuckle pain. I plan to do a month with 2-3 total "test" workouts to see how high my pulls are, maybe I'll have Eaton watch via webcam like I did with his double Blob DL.

I am still thinking about exactly what the plan for the 3 months after that will be (it won't include much, if any, overloaded pulls from the ground unless...). The most practical thing to do might be progressively increasing 2.5 inch DB DLs, but having the Inch makes it very tempting to use. If I feel super-close to a full DL, maybe I'll add chains for the 1-finger assisted lifts and keep letting go earlier/put less pressure on the bell (I tried that one workout and it was fun and felt potentially productive). The mini-tramp work will continue, as well as the associated attempted holds (I'm thinking these may end up being the most important part of Inch training for me) and negatives.

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That's a pure TNS, as I like to call it.. no juggling with the gripper, you just close it with the palm handle far back and nowhere near the "sweetspot". Great stuff!

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You need to get your wife or maybe Eaton to help remind you to take those iron pills (or I'll have to post in your log :tongue ). Being anemic can't help anything you do but I'd think exercise would be first to show signs.

I'm sure the plateau you're on will pass soon enough and you'll be back at work getting progress with the Inch. You have to keep it fun. If one exercise is frustrating you just give it a week or two off and do other stuff you enjoy. Even if you only get an inch or two higher when you try the unloaded pulls it's still progress. Looking forward to seeing the video - full pull or not I'll still be impressed with a fellow skinny guy attempting a world class grip feat! :rock

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That's a pure TNS, as I like to call it.. no juggling with the gripper, you just close it with the palm handle far back and nowhere near the "sweetspot". Great stuff!

Thanks Arturo! I just wanted to have a record of where I am now without training grippers, people ask me often enough, so at least i can "show" instead of "tell". Now if I could do the same with the #3...

You need to get your wife or maybe Eaton to help remind you to take those iron pills (or I'll have to post in your log :tongue ). Being anemic can't help anything you do but I'd think exercise would be first to show signs.

I'm sure the plateau you're on will pass soon enough and you'll be back at work getting progress with the Inch. You have to keep it fun. If one exercise is frustrating you just give it a week or two off and do other stuff you enjoy. Even if you only get an inch or two higher when you try the unloaded pulls it's still progress. Looking forward to seeing the video - full pull or not I'll still be impressed with a fellow skinny guy attempting a world class grip feat! :rock

Gumpster, the funny thing is, I don't think I've plateaued yet. I've shown improvement with all but maybe 1-2 workouts since I started using the Inch, and feel like I'm progressing. I just felt stale, depressed and discouraged for a few days, so I've taken nearly a week off from all training and am getting the "itch"again. Yes, any progression with the Inch would be good; I think a 10-inch unloaded pull (mid-shin level, lower patella is about 20 inches from the ground) would indicate I am ready to pull it all the way to full DL at any time. I've been told it's not an "inch at a time" progression, but rather, it will just seem stuck at a certain point (mid-shin?) and will suddenly go all the way up when I least expect it.

Yes, getting the Inch about 6 inches in the air is better than it being stuck to the ground, but hanging on to it until it reaches a full DL is the toughest feat I've trained for so far. I've been told by a couple of successful Inch deadlifters that after looking at my videos they think I'm close enough that it could happen at any time, but sometimes it feels far away (one threatened to take a plane and MAKE me lift it unloaded, said I could do it right now and Eaton said I would do it soon if he was around to taunt me for a few workouts).

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Keep the faith mate it will come up the journey might be long but the rewards great.

Thank you Gary! I will read your words of encouragement many times, you are a huge source of inspiration for me.

As you know, I do believe in myself and my ability to achieve goals, but do go through occasional "down" periods that lift after a few days.

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Inch Overload Workout VII

Workouts from 3/26, 3/27 & 3/30/08

Trying to break the Inch + up to 40 lbs. off the ground, mini-tramp deloading/negatives and holds for training variety.

I will try it unloaded for a couple workouts in April to gauge my progress.

Next Inch workout is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/16/08.

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Went to the doc yesterday given 5 different meds and was told I might have been in the ER by the weekend if I hadn't come in. I thought it was just allergies, but apparently not.

On Wed 4/9.; tried to warm up for DO DL and just kept feeling worse, so i just did a brief pinch workout instead.

EDIT: Must have messed up the link in my previous post, will try again:

Inch Overload Workout VII (click here for video)

Trying to break the Inch + up to 40 lbs. off the ground.

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Very nice man :rock Can't wait to see you attempt the Inch!

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Great training! That Inch will fall, I have no doubt. I'm glad you're tracking your training in such detail on here, it is a great resource for everyone.

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Nice work Bob :rock I think the muscle you were talking about is called the palmaris longus.. Or something like that. Yours and mine look pretty similar. According to wiki, it's absent in 16% of the caucasian population. If you look at the mash monster photos you can see some people have it and others it doesn't show.. Interesting


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take care of yourself man,

very intrested to see how you do when you unload the inch, but till then your loaded attempts are outstanding. great work

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Bob, I enjoyed your last video. It is nice that you put some stills in there too where you can see the progress. Great job getting air with added 40 lbs!

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Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the support and hope you enjoyed the video. Alawadhi, I expect to try again on the 16th and probably the 30th. I would have considered pulling today if I hadn't gotten sick.


Great training! That Inch will fall, I have no doubt. I'm glad you're tracking your training in such detail on here, it is a great resource for everyone.

Thanks Goody! When all is said and done, at least it will add to the limited information out there. Sometimes I feel briefly embarrassed putting videos that are failures compared to the successful (completed) feats that are usually put up, but realize it will help me and hopefully others. I'm hoping to help people stay positive and keep focused on progress. If you can videotape what you've done and see progress, however incremental, it helps your morale. If you don't, it really feels like you're stuck at exactly the same level. If you can keep pulling it just a little bit farther and hanging on to it just a little bit longer-one day the rotation will stop long enough to pull a full DL.

Nice work Bob :rock I think the muscle you were talking about is called the palmaris longus.. Or something like that. Yours and mine look pretty similar. According to wiki, it's absent in 16% of the caucasian population. If you look at the mash monster photos you can see some people have it and others it doesn't show.. Interesting


Thanks Wes, you've done a lot more with yours! :rock Glad to see you're training again.

So that means 84% of the population have it, guess I'm just "normal". I've read that there are a lot of individual muscle anomalies in the lower arm and hand that are sometimes confusing to surgeons and difficult to distinguish from tumors.

take care of yourself man,

very intrested to see how you do when you unload the inch, but till then your loaded attempts are outstanding. great work

Thanks T-Dog, hope you have a speedy recovery.

Great video Odin! :) Im looking forward to see you lift that inch!

Glad you liked it Griparn, thanks. It is fun to have the video to look at, but they can be time-consuming to make. I hope to lift it soon, but am willing to work for several years to get it if necessary. One of the biggest challenges of this feat is mental, because it is so difficult to tell exactly how close you are.

Bob, I enjoyed your last video. It is nice that you put some stills in there too where you can see the progress. Great job getting air with added 40 lbs!
Teemu, glad you liked the video and the stills. My next phase will need to have even more emphasis on holding on to the bell for longer periods, that may be my weak point now (other than overall body weakness) :)
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Awesome work Bob!!! I really enjoy your videos and detailed reports of your training and progress. Your inch work is INSANE!!! Adding that much weight and still breaking it off the ground!!? Crazy strong! Keep it up buddy! :D

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Sorry to hear you got sick again. Nice video! The inch+40# is a lot of weight. I don't know if I could lift over 200# on a standard size dumbbell handle. I noticed that all the lifts are short quick bursts. Have you tried doing any slower pulls just to see if you could get it to break ground? Maybe that sort of thing will come later in training - I'm pretty clueless on thick dumbbell training. Hope you're taking care not to injure your back with the lifts. I see the other arm braced on the thigh and I'm guessing the inch is centered pretty well under you body to reduce the strain.

Good luck with your training and I'm looking forward to the unloaded lifts! :D

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Thanks Foxman and Gumpster. I'll answer your questions when I can. Foxman, I think you could do everything I do with the Inch and more.

Feeling better today. Slept most of the afternoon. Glad I went to the doc early this time. First workout of any kind for over a week.


Light rain

DO DL: 225 lbs.x3 reps|275 lbs.x5 reps.| (felt strong)

Shrugs: 225 lbs.x10 reps|225 lbs.x10 reps

Pinch: Did a little blobbing including mini-tramp (I have only used the 50 for quite a while unless I'm doing facelifts). Pinch still down a bit, will focus on Inch width pinches and brief holds as one of the components of the next 3-month Inch cycle.

My thumb strength is a little down in both hands due to the R wrist ligament tweak and L thumb knuckle issue, so increasing my pinch at Inch-width should help. I've increased my forearm strength quite a bit, which is helping somewhat to compensate with my Inch attempts.

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Here is my: 3 Month Evaluation: Full Body Workouts

Here's some panorama Inch progress pics:

"unloaded" through 12/31/07

+10 lbs. on 1/9/08 and 1/20/08

+25 lbs. 2/17/08-3/26/08

all together

Tomorrow is my first scheduled "unloaded" work this year. It may take me 2-3 unloaded workouts to see where I really am, I may drop it early a few times just out of habit, haha.

I think the explosive lifts with added weight are making my hands stronger, don't know yet how much it has helped the actual Inch work-but it's a fun challenge to keep attaching weight to it.

Gumpster, the Inch doesn't really bother my back at all. I'm more concerned about hurting myself when I'm moving it around than when lifting it. I just think of it as a very large blob to conquer. My back feels very "young" if that makes sense, yoga helps some. My shoulders are "old" comparatively, regular bench hurts them a lot. Lifting it slowly feels wrong/weird-maybe that'll come later.

I want to get a full lift of course, but any progress is good. it is just a matter of time, effort and consistency. I would consider 10 inches (mid-shin) a very nice pull if I can get that in the next 2-3 workouts.

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Hope all goes well tomorrow on the inch and that you manage to get it to full deadlift.

I think you will be suprised how well you go, especially if you are feeling good.

Good luck even though you dont need it.

Take care


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Good luck with the Inch lift!

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