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Odin's Grip Journey


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Nice going Bob! Stick with the DLs, chins, squats etc and the carryover to your grip will be enormous. I think you should spend at a bare minimum as much time on compound lifts as you spend on grip. This is why a lot of guys go stale and get nowhere with their grip- total body strength will LIMIT grip strength!

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Nice work on the Inch :rock

Thanks Alawadhi! How are you doing on your (three?) Inches? Any air yet?

The 53 KG and the 67 KG still didn't arrive. The first Inch (78KG) arrived much sooner. Don't know what's wrong. But the 78 KG (172 pounds) as I said I can put air under it BUT it goes at the best only a few cm. Maybe 4 CM. I trained on it maybe 3 times. Maybe even 4. But not anymore. As of now, I will train everything seriously because I had enough time playing with grippers, steel bending,..etc.

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Thanks Anson, I'm going to see if Climber can make a dip attachment that can work with my rack. I'll also ask Scott about a Euro-pinch and an axle, then I should be in pretty good shape for overall body and contest training. I hope the compound movements translate to grip for me.

Alawadhi, I remember you writing that you got one bell off the ground a while back, it's good that you're breaking the whole Inch off the ground now, albeit a small distance, unless I misunderstood you.

Dan sorry about the arthritis. I hope that you can find something that helps it.

Chuckie B., thanks for the very nice comment. Do you still have an Inch, any updates for us?

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Standing Military Press: 65 lbs. x5reps | 85 lbs. x10reps (easy)

Reverse Grip Bench Press: 95 lbs. x 5reps (easy)

Had to start somewhere, really sore in my traps from the DL, partials and shrugs from the other day.

Extensor work with red IM band at random times during day. Forgot to add that i did my usual hour of Yoga last Thursday 1/10.

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Nice to see more total body training! More body strength is surely going to help you with lifting the inch aswell. That being said it would be great for you lift the inch when you are still ligher than it (this might be a first?)

Do you find your hands recover faster when you do extensor work?

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Nice to see more total body training! More body strength is surely going to help you with lifting the inch aswell. That being said it would be great for you lift the inch when you are still ligher than it (this might be a first?)

Do you find your hands recover faster when you do extensor work?

Sam, I read in an old Milo or Iron Grip that Bruce White trained for five (or was it six) years to lift the Inch. I believe he weighed 152 at the time of his lift. I will look for the article to see if my memory is correct; remind me if I forget to post my findings. I think he also one-hand pinched a record amount and deadlifted over 600? Super Australian (?) athlete, died a couple years ago. I believe his hands were a little bigger than mine.

I could easily drop more weight, but it doesn't seem healthy to try to do that when someone lighter will come along and lift it someday anyway. If it happens, it happens.

my pinch and Inch attempts seem to get stronger when I work my extensors harder.

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That brings back some memories. I read something about Bruce White online a few years ago, no idea he was that light though. I think he one hand pinched 60kg (132lbs) if i remember correctly.

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Bruce White, scroll to bottom of page: http://www.oldtimestrongman.com/blog/label...20Dumbbell.html

"Bruce has a number of amazing lifts to his credit including a Deadlift of 630 pounds and the ability to chin himself on rafters WITH an additional 70 pounds tied around his waist.

He once deadlifted 402 pounds for 24 straight reps, lifted a 147 pound anvil by the horn, pinch-gripped 117 pounds with one hand and lifted his own Inch Dumbbell replica which he has specially made. (shown above)

Did I mention that Bruce was only 5' 7' and 150 pounds at the time of these lifts?"

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Thanks Anson, I'm going to see if Climber can make a dip attachment that can work with my rack. I'll also ask Scott about a Euro-pinch and an axle, then I should be in pretty good shape for overall body and contest training. I hope the compound movements translate to grip for me.

Alawadhi, I remember you writing that you got one bell off the ground a while back, it's good that you're breaking the whole Inch off the ground now, albeit a small distance, unless I misunderstood you.

Dan sorry about the arthritis. I hope that you can find something that helps it.

Chuckie B., thanks for the very nice comment. Do you still have an Inch, any updates for us?

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No real updates because I had some very serious medical problems, between the middle of Jan 07 through June of 07. I'm on track now with a bench of 255 lbs, 402.5 on a G-Rex 621 grip machine, lifting the 40lb, and 42.5 block weights, and using the Inch on mini-tramp in every work-out. I can also tell you this " I'm mad as He** and in " Attack Mode." You will hear more from me this summer. :rock

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No real updates because I had some very serious medical problems, between the middle of Jan 07 through June of 07. I'm on track now with a bench of 255 lbs, 402.5 on a G-Rex 621 grip machine, lifting the 40lb, and 42.5 block weights, and using the Inch on mini-tramp in every work-out. I can also tell you this " I'm mad as He** and in " Attack Mode." You will hear more from me this summer. :rock

Chuckie, I can relate with the major medical issues, I've been near death several times. Looks like your on the upswing and ready to really make some major improvements.

I typically go into attack mode on Inch workout day myself, tend to really hit it hard and if my progress is not what I would like- with intense anger.


157.0 lbs. BW

I think I've been hitting my extensors way too hard this week with a lot OH resistance and IM bands including before this evening's workout, which I think hurt the results. Usually I get a good bounce-back the next week if I overwork the extensors one week and back off the next. It may also be that doing some work in the power rack has depleted me a bit and may take time to have a positive carry-over-will likely get worse before I get better, that makes sense.

Wide pinch was MIA tonight, tried Blobs (nothing, no texture at all despite being kept inside, perhaps <40 temp. affected me despite warm hands and Blobs?).II even gave them an alcohol bath and prepped my hands really well (clean and warm), but the texture has vanished for now. Chalk feels like baby powder despite being new.

Best work was with mini-tramp on Blob facelift, felt like it was rising higher and 2x45 plates w/ bounce was fair also.

Tried 2x45 plates, felt like they were almost rising, was able to do it with light press with OH.

tried some plate pinch, euro-style w/ pipe through 25s w/good texture: broke ground w/172.

ttk: no strength at all.


Did one hour of Yoga with my clients

Inch workout will be this weekend, probably on Saturday. Will likely do another overload workout (extra weight via magnets/chains attached to bells) for forced reps, negatives, and just trying to break it off the ground). Should help Inch feel lighter when I resume working with it unloaded again.

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Inch Overload Day II

-Added weight with magnets (starting heavier and then lowering), broke ground with +17.5 lbs., +15 lbs.+10 lbs.and+5 lbs. (think it was better than last time at all heights, except perhaps the +5 lbs. as I was tired by then). Did one set of 2 attempts with each weight (except for my starting weight of +17.5, did two sets). Most all pulls had the magnets balanced with respect to placement,or overloaded on thumb side to increase rotation.

I think I had a pull that was ~4 inches w/+10 lbs.

-Mini-tramp bounces and attempted holds at various heights w/ various weights added, none w/o weight. It was ~30 F or less, seemed like I fatigued a little faster, handle was ice cold.

Tried one pull with platemates on fingers' side and it seemed to stop the rotation quite a bit, think I dropped it more out of shock than anything. Hmmm-maybe if I find just the right amount of weight to add to the fingers' side I will pull it sooner than with the bells "unloaded"? :devil

Thug Wrist roller in power rack: first time I tried this, seemed to really hammer thumb pad more than anything, weird. Worked up to 70 lbs (plus whatever loading pin weighs), finished with "drop" set, lowering weight by 10 lbs. after each roll-up.

Wrist Curls, Olympic bar: 105 lbs.x20 reps| 125 lbs.x6 reps|135 lbs.x5 reps|155 lbs.x3 reps| amazed, thought I wouldn't be able to do anything at all after Inch and Thug, must have been cheating somehow. Bar had been outside and was amazingly cold.

Reverse Wrist Curls, Olympic bar: 65 lbs.x14 reps| 65 lbs.x12 reps amazed again, where did my "second wind" come from?

finished w/ TTK as my thumb pads were already cramping anyway, so why not finish the job? just did light weights and full closes, high reps to simulate narrow pinch (remembering Gripmas).

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Tried one pull with platemates on fingers' side and it seemed to stop the rotation quite a bit, think I dropped it more out of shock than anything. Hmmm-maybe if I find just the right amount of weight to add to the fingers' side I will pull it sooner than with the bells "unloaded"? :devil

That sounds like an interesting idea there Bob!!! I'll have to try something similar.

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Tried one pull with platemates on fingers' side and it seemed to stop the rotation quite a bit, think I dropped it more out of shock than anything. Hmmm-maybe if I find just the right amount of weight to add to the fingers' side I will pull it sooner than with the bells "unloaded"? :devil

That sounds like an interesting idea there Bob!!! I'll have to try something similar.

Thanks Zach. Can you DL the (137 lb.?) LFDB yet-or are you already working on a BFDB?


Wrist Focus

Pullups: BWx8 reps

Chins: BWx8 reps

Parallel Grip Pullups: : BWx8 reps

Plate Wrist Curls: 25 lbs. x4reps RHx3reps LH| 25 lbs. x3reps RHx3reps LH

Sledge: choked up for levering, pronation, supination (handle felt really, really slippery, maybe borderline dehydration is the issue I'm having w/ my intermittent pinching problems? Thought I was drinking enough water, but will increase).

RT Wrist curls, RT Reverse Wrist Curls, RT Reverse Curls, RT Curls (just experimenting with rowing attachment on power rack).

Thug Wrist Roller in power rack (easy cooldown with 30 lbs.): noticed that I actually was using one hand at a time last night-it is easier when you pause and reset hand position and then crank with two hands-I'm not sure if one way is better than the other or if they're just both valid variations on the wrist roller theme.

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Here's a few pics (video captures, lasts about 1/2 minute) from my Inch Overload Workout II 1/20/08

I'm going to do this type of workout at least once more before I resume "unloaded" Inch DL attempts.

I'm getting pretty close to where I was "unloaded" a few weeks ago with 10 extra pounds now.

Many surrender to the Inch, and I don't blame them, it is merciless. I'm trying to post updates to increase my accountability and motivation.

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Nice work Bob!

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Bob, you're determined to beat this bastard & it shows. I've no doubt that '08 will be the year I see my 165lb friend pull the Inch!

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Nice work Bob!

Thanks John, I expect to see you do something big very soon.

Looking good Bob! I'm jealous!

- Aaron

I doubt I'm near your Inch height-of-pull level yet even with all my practice, but thanks Aaron.

Bob, you're determined to beat this bastard & it shows. I've no doubt that '08 will be the year I see my 165lb friend pull the Inch!

I might be up to 165 by the time I lift it, thanks to you helping me get the rack together. I hope to see you get it up when you have the time and/or opportunity to work on it, you certainly have the strength.

Bob, you are going to lift that Inch soon! Keep up the hard work!

Thanks Teemu. I feel like it is making me a lot stronger just trying to DL it.


Deadlift Day

DO DL 235 lbs.x5 reps (pretty easy)

Partial DO DL (about 2 1/2 inches above knees) 315 lbs.x3 reps|335 lbs.x3 reps|355 lbs.x3 reps|375 lbs.x3 reps (missed first attempts, got angry, tightened core and did it.)|

Partial DO DL (behind back, about 2 1/2 inches above knees):315 lbs.x15 reps. feels like this affects back in a different way (rhomboids?)

Shrugs: 225x5 reps| 245x5 reps| 265x3 reps

Front Squats & Squats: did a couple sets with bar only for stretching purposes, trying to approximate correct biomechanics-will probably end up sticking with front squats as my frame seems more suited for them.

Finger Curls: 225x5 reps|225x3 reps|225x3 reps(not sure if thumbs should go under bar or alongside fingers)

Reverse Wrist Curls: 65 lbs.x 20 reps|65 lbs.x 10 reps (short rest)

Reverse Curls (thumbless): 65 lbs.x 10 reps|65 lbs.x 5 reps+2 cheat/negatives (short rest)

Thug Wrist Roller (appears to be app. 2.4 inches in diameter): had to keep reducing weight, used 50 lbs. for a couple sets of one roll-up (not good when you lose it and try to hang on).

Thought about pinching, but it was foggy, misty and humid out-Blob felt like it was dusty and wet at the same time, no texture again despite increasing my fluid intake, so I don't think dehydration is the issue.

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awesome work with the inch, odin.

intrested in seeing if the added weight attempts work, even an inch higher of lift would make it worth the struggle.

drink water, have fun and take care man

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awesome work with the inch, odin.

intrested in seeing if the added weight attempts work, even an inch higher of lift would make it worth the struggle.

drink water, have fun and take care man

Thanks T-Dog! It'll be interesting when I try it again without weight, that's for sure.

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sorry bout the back to back posting, but forgot to mention you adding of the whole body workouts to your routine. the carry over to grip won't be immediatly noticeable, but the grip carry over to your workouts will be. hanging on to the bar for dl's, and weighted pull ups, as well rowing will allow you to lift bigger than someone limited by their hand strength.

watch out for your recovery ability. the whole body work will put a big damper on hand recovery as well. again, keep it up and good lifting

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sorry bout the back to back posting, but forgot to mention you adding of the whole body workouts to your routine. the carry over to grip won't be immediatly noticeable, but the grip carry over to your workouts will be. hanging on to the bar for dl's, and weighted pull ups, as well rowing will allow you to lift bigger than someone limited by their hand strength.

watch out for your recovery ability. the whole body work will put a big damper on hand recovery as well. again, keep it up and good lifting

No problem, thanks for your thoughtful posts T-dog. I didn't DL for about a month after Gripmas so my left hip would heal up-I'm surprised how strong my whole body is already.

I've already noticed a slip in my Blob work, wide pinch has vanished actually-but I'm looking at this long-term, so I know it will return one day when I least expect it.


Did one hour of Yoga with my clients.

As usual, outdoor workout: 33 F w/14 mph winds, 23 F wind chill.

Tried pinching Blobs, nothing doing, even negatives are tough with all fingers.

Worked on 2x45 plates, getting some good "float" now. Can DL RH w/ light touch on thumb side w/ LH-and LH with heavy touch on thumb side w/ RH .

Also did some mini-tramp and "overcrush" work with the 45s, will try wide pinch again this weekend. When I tried the "overcrushes", I realized that I'm really not applying anywhere near the force I'm capable of on my 2x45 attempts, wonder why that is-fear of ripping my thumb?

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Judging by those still shots with the added poundage I'd say the distance between you and a full Inch deadlift is decreasing, Bob. Very nice!

About the overcrush point you make, I'd say it could just be that natural inclination to avoid unnecessary pain. I've noticed that a lot of times I have to consciously disregard the pain in my thumb webbing, and sometimes finger joints, and just keep squeezing.

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