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Odin's Grip Journey


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Forgot to mention that I did about 1/2 hour of other-hand extensor training during meetings yesterday, I want to keep track of that. I'm also trying to work out some L thumb pain I got from my first day pulling on the Inch. My hands are looking stronger since I've been doing a lot of extensor and Inch work. I need to get a gripper in a choker to try before Gripmas, not used to MM or choker-type closes.

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How about your platepinch. Have you done 20/25kg together with onehand pinch? How close you are in 2*25kgs onehand pinch?

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How about your platepinch. Have you done 20/25kg together with onehand pinch? How close you are in 2*25kgs onehand pinch?

Hi kilkkinen, I can do two 35s, but two 45s are still a ways off. I can't even do a true one-hand hold at the top, and my negatives are still like drops. My hand feels weird/weak on narrow pinch. Three 25s and five 10s feel pretty comfortable with old York plates, but 2x45 with either wide or narrow plates is another story. Maybe it has something to do with the length of 45s as well as the weight.That's why I respect anyone who can pinch 2x20 kg or the 2x45s.

BTW, does anyone know what type of Olympic plates are represented in this video? I tried googling "AK international", "VK international", etc. without success. My weightlifting experience is limited, don't think those are Eleikos.

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How about your platepinch. Have you done 20/25kg together with onehand pinch? How close you are in 2*25kgs onehand pinch?

Hi kilkkinen, I can do two 35s, but two 45s are still a ways off. I can't even do a true one-hand hold at the top, and my negatives are still like drops. My hand feels weird/weak on narrow pinch. Three 25s and five 10s feel pretty comfortable with old York plates, but 2x45 with either wide or narrow plates is another story. Maybe it has something to do with the length of 45s as well as the weight.That's why I respect anyone who can pinch 2x20 kg or the 2x45s.

BTW, does anyone know what type of Olympic plates are represented in this video? I tried googling "AK international", "VK international", etc. without success. My weightlifting experience is limited, don't think those are Eleikos.

Bob - I bet the guys on the Iron History site would know.

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I took a look your traininglog, good stuff there :) Some reason I cant see that video? Plates what Chad used, I dont remember what brand it was. Maybye Chad remember? Also the width of those plates were nice to know. Mine Leoko 15kgs plates are 30mm wide.

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I took a look your traininglog, good stuff there :) Some reason I cant see that video? Plates what Chad used, I dont remember what brand it was. Maybye Chad remember? Also the width of those plates were nice to know. Mine Leoko 15kgs plates are 30mm wide.

Thanks kilkkinen, glad you like my log. Don't know if it's a waste of time uploading it sometimes; I do it as a way to keep myself accountable and maybe help someone out along the way.

I'm sure you'll identify the plates, please excuse my ignorance on the subject..
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I had a dream the other night that everyone else had no problem knowing when it was their turn and what the rules were, etc, at Gripmas, and I didn't know what was going on. There were all sorts of weird devices in the medley, including one that was full of water and had to be lifted without losing any water to count, and my hands got all wet and I couldn't lift anything else. I was upset because i didn't know that setting the Inch on a phone book would allow you to bypass that part of the medley, and I said "like this!) and after drying my hands I fully DLd the Inch and slammed it down on the top of the other medley items in frustration. I was laughing when I woke up.

This is great - Lost and Confused Bob at the Gripmas Carol. There ought to be a story in here somewhere haha!

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I'm curious if Your Inch training will lead You to the Inch lift. I like Your attitude to take the challenge as if You were training for a huge Blob!

Thanks Burkhard and Alawadhi. I need to approach the Inch with confidence and boldness; I've seen too many men who are much stronger than me give up too soon.

Yes, this kind of approach seems necessary! Expecting difficulties is a key! :)

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Chris, I'm just going to Gripmas to learn, maybe I'll be more competitive next year.

Sunday 11/4/07

Mild cold again, was just sick about 3 weeks ago, so I took a couple days off from workouts. Hopefully I will develop more immunity to all the bugs in Charlotte, as I've only been here about a year and a half.

Inch DL attempts: extended range, standing on top of three 45s (under each foot) with 6 pounds added to each bell, was able to get some air BH

Inch DL attempts: did again from regular ground with 6 pounds added to each bell was able to get some air BH

Inch DL attempts: already a bit tired but with no extra weight, may have pulled about 5+ inches , felt like best yet, but ran out of memory during video.

I'm thinking it may be useful to stand a yardstick on end during videos occasionally to see how high the Inch is going. I realize that I have no idea how long it will take to get a full DL; some have trained for five years or more, so I'm willing to accept that, but will try to get it faster (I think the fact that I've gotten airtime from the beginning and have little thickbar experience and am nowhere near a well-trained condition except for my thumbs gives me a lot of hope for quick progress).

Just doing the Inch attempts seems to make me feel stronger, so it's not hurting anything to pursue this goal. I will keep training for other feats of strength as well, some more farfetched than others (double 50 lb. Blob lift, 2x45 plates pinch, 50 lb Blob by face). I think the trampoline work, negatives, and holds at the bottom and top are slowly helping.

Mon 11/5/07

Blobs stuck to ground both regular and facelifts-I think I did better when it was warm out with pinching (I lift outdoors). Hands not feeling too strong, so took the day off after warmups indicated that would be a good idea.

Tues 11/6/07

Did very light overhead presses in slow motion due to slight shoulder pain (improving)

Played with 2.5 inch thick DB

worked up to 2.5 inch DB wrist curls 44 lbs.x6RH x2 LH

did some regular curls, reverse wrist curls with 2.5 inch thick DB as well (I have a variety of mixed used plates, some fit the FBBC 2.5 inch DB and some don't, will pick up more plates that fit as opportunities permit)

50 lb. York Blob: mostly stuck to ground BH

Wed 11/7/07

Deadlift warmup plus 225 lbs.x3, 275 lbs.x1 felt "heavy" so I didn't do a heavier set, may need to wait two weeks between deadlift workouts.

Shrugs 225 lbsx7x7

Grippers: CCS #2 BH RB210 about 1/4 inch or less RH, did about 3 attempts 10 minutes apart.

Tried painting the York side of a Blob to see if it gives a more consistent surface in cold weather and removed the slimy hammertone from my 52.5 hex and painted it black.

Have been doing OH resistance for extensors as well as red IM band whenever I get a chance at work.

Thurs 11/8/07

Worked on wide pinch

45 lb.blob-shaped York facelifts: about a foot of air LH, full DL RH

45 lb.+ 5lbs. attached blob-shaped York facelifts: about a foot of air RH, negative LH

52.5 hex block: got some air RH, neg LH (I removed the kryptonite/hammertone and painted it the other day, this is the first time I got it off the ground)

50 lb. York Blob: mostly stuck to ground BH, how did I ever fully DL this thing? slippery as a watermelon seed.

Did many negatives and mini-tramp bounces with 50 lb. blob (facelifts and regular), 52.5 hex (think I will get a full DL soon) also worked on six tens, feels ridiculous

lots of extensor work with OH resistance and IM red band.

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I enjoy reading your training log. Your attitude towards your goals is amazing.

Keep up the good work! Mitch

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I enjoy reading your training log. Your attitude towards your goals is amazing.

Keep up the good work! Mitch

Thanks Mitch, you made my day! :rock

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Inch Dumbbell, regular attempts from ground: did not exceed previous attempts with first two sets of 4-5 attempts , so I was very angry because i felt strong and well-rested.

That's so true. So many have tried the Inch and failed and instead of saying 'sod it I'm a gonna train and move that damn bell' they give up.

Inch using mini-tramp: Did many sets of attempted negatives and holds from top, middle and near the bottom. Rested about 10 minutes between sets and went on for about two hours, fueled by anger and desire to improve. Did well in holding it in each position and in controlled negatives. Added 6 lbs. to each bell for a few negatives and holds. Overall body strength improvements will help over time, as I am probably the weakest overall to ever train for this feat, but 172 pounds will not stop me, my hands, wrists and thumbs can and will get strong enough to do this feat. The Inch may be my "Moby DicK", but I need this challenge for some perverse reason.

2.5 inch DB Wrist Curls: Worked up to 66 lbsx2 reps RH x1rep LH

Did Clay's Wrist Roller Straddle Exercise to fight Inch Rotation: actually held with two hands and tried to rotate with one, 20 lbs. + IM loading pin felt heavy (using PDA Thug, diameter seems slightly less than the Inch)

Thug Wrist roller: 20 lbs. plus loading pin for 2 sets

Reverse Wrist Curls, Olympic Bar: 50 lbs.x 50 reps

Reverse Curls, thumbless: olympic bar 50 lbs,x16 reps

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typo: Reverse curls should have been listed as 60 lbs.x14 reps, not 50 lbs. in previous workout.

Also forgot to note that I finished the workout by passing/tossing the 2.5 inch DB with 66 lbs. from hand until fatigued.

I'm very sore in a good way all around the elbow area (have never felt sore in this area before, around the entire circumference of elbow) from all the thick DB work, feels like thick DBs will make the whole area more sound.

Sunday 11/11/07

Went for a walk, looked for a place to do chins and dips. for the first time since I hurt my elbow in late June, only found chinning area at playground.

Chins: BWx7x7

Fingertip Pushups:BWx10x10

didn't push it at all, took it easy on both movements.

TTK both thumbs together: 30 lbsx5 reps, 40 lbsx2 partials, 42.5x0 +several sets until I couldn't even move 10 lbs w/ one thumb.

Plate Levers for extensors: used 10-15 lbs. for various finger

combinations until fatigued.

Sand Work for extensors: just a few minutes to finish.

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Tore callous off RH inner thumb joint doing facelifts with the York 45 lb. blob +5 lbs. (broke off ground a few times)

Decided I will pinch Fri or Saturday if healed enough.

Did Yoga and situps at home


Afternoon: yoga with clients, did 15 fingertip pushups and several modified handstand pushups, leaned feet on wall, was not perpendicular to floor(thanks Morgan Gunther for the inspiration)

2.5 inch DB wrist curls, doubles and singles; worked up to 75x1 BH. LH felt stronger tonight, that's a first.

Wrist Curls, Olympic Bar: 150x2 (felt hard)

Played with unloaded 3 inch thick DB, doing a variety of very high-rep movements including reverse curls, reverse wrist curls, wrist curls, hammer curls and curls. Feels like it is conditioning my elbow area.

Used sledge, weighed almost 10 lbs. on scale (can't find markings, very rusty $2 garage sale find with splintering. duct-taped handle. Was able to put my wrists on a sweatshirt on the floor, hold it by farthest end with both hands and lift the end a few inches off the floor several times (don't know what the hell I'm doing w/ levering, will get help at Gripmas if possible).

I think I'll get a wiffle ball bat and fill it with sand (and hopefully concrete or lead someday). because that seems more familiar/intuitive to use than a hammer, at least to get started.

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just read the question you asked me about the comparison between original blobs and the 55s and 66s from germany, sorry it took so long to reply, well i havent tried either, didnt end up ordering a blob50 as i cant justify the $200 shipping at the moment, hope to get one on the next lot he makes. also havent got any of the german 44s, 55s, or 66s yet, there should be an order next year from sam (coc3) for the english members to get a job lot. i think you should post the question in the challenge log, as franky should be able to give you a good answer, or others who read that log. i keep an eye on your log, and it looks like your doing very well, so congrats :rock

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I am impressed with your Inch effort :rock I got my Inch. The best I got it one glob off ground. It just rolls of. It's weights 79.3 KG. So thats a bit more than 172 pounds. But it's fun to play with it. I will try to lift it someday if I had enough interest in it. Now I am waiting for my next order. The 53 KG and 67 KG Inch bells. It should help me to get the Inch. Train hard :rock

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Wrist Curls, Olympic Bar: 85x5, 125x5, 150 lbs. x5 reps (felt easy), 205x about five singles attempts, some felt better than others, constructive feedback will be appreciated.

Bob, that demonstrates some very impressive wrist strength! For training purposes I see nothing wrong with it, because you do get a full range of motion. But for a cert, even though I don't think this has been addressed before, I wouldn't allow it. It seems like you gain some momentum from sort of falling back into the couch. I think for a cert the legs and feet should remain motionless, with only wrist movement allowed. Again, I'm not knocking you or your impressive lift, I'm only trying to offer a suggestion for keeping certs consistent and fair for all.

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying that you necessarily even gained an advantage by falling back a bit into the couch, but I tend to think it would be good to require that the thighs remain basically parallel and steady throughout the lift for a cert. What do you think?

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Wrist Curls, Olympic Bar: 85x5, 125x5, 150 lbs. x5 reps (felt easy), 205x about five singles attempts, some felt better than others, constructive feedback will be appreciated.

Bob, that demonstrates some very impressive wrist strength! For training purposes I see nothing wrong with it, because you do get a full range of motion. But for a cert, even though I don't think this has been addressed before, I wouldn't allow it. It seems like you gain some momentum from sort of falling back into the couch. I think for a cert the legs and feet should remain motionless, with only wrist movement allowed. Again, I'm not knocking you or your impressive lift, I'm only trying to offer a suggestion for keeping certs consistent and fair for all.

Sounds good to me Eric! I appreciate you taking the time to give your objective thoughts. I knew something was not quite right with the lift in my gut, that is why I asked for feedback. I re-watched it again and again after you posted that and see what you mean, you "nailed" it. I wouldn't want to gain any unfair advantage and be listed with a "tainted" accomplishment.

I'll sit on my mini-fridge until I can get a bench, that thing won't flex at all. I would have been so ashamed if it had been approved and then someone had brought up the "couch momentum factor" afterwards. Yuck. Thank you for your kind objectivity.

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying that you necessarily even gained an advantage by falling back a bit into the couch, but I tend to think it would be good to require that the thighs remain basically parallel and steady throughout the lift for a cert. What do you think?

Sounds good, I guess I'm just silly for for using a couch. :trout I wasn't planning on trying that type of weight at all for several months, but felt strong and was having fun.

Even if there was no advantage (I'm sure there had to be), the doubt in the integrity of the lift would remain, which is a crucial thing. Next thing you know, someone would use multiple cushions underneath themselves. Give an inch, some take a mile.


The disadvantage I do have is that it is quite a bit over bodyweight and I'm guessing that just moving the weight is going to cause some kind of body shift that a 300-pounder wouldn't have to deal with. Perhaps I could wear a weight vest or something to anchor my position, would that be cheating? Can someone help me lift the weight from the floor to save energy for the wrist curl itself? How do people maintain balance with over-BW wrist curls, especially when it is a lot over BW?

There was a part of me that said "Yeah! you got it!", but I still felt ill-at-ease, thanks for helping my mind put his matter to rest, now i can go and get stronger! I'm glad I didn't request to be added; I'm sure as a youth I would have gotten carried away, started a new thread, and PMd Jedd. There's something to be said for listening to that ever-so-quiet inner voice that becomes more accurate over the years!

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My guess would be that if you rested up for bit and tried it on a flat bench (or a fridge) you'd still nail it.

I don't think the rules prohibit someone from handing you the bar, but if your feet are positioned far enough out in front of your knees I wouldn't think the weight would pull you forward. Sometimes I'll do wrist curls on my bench press. I'll straddle the middle of the bench and lay my arms down flat on it with my wrists hanging over the edge. It does force you to use a narrow grip, though.

By the way, I've yet to get 200 pounds on this lift. I think my best is 191. I'll probably start training it after Gripmas with a goal of 205.

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My guess would be that if you rested up for bit and tried it on a flat bench (or a fridge) you'd still nail it.

I don't think the rules prohibit someone from handing you the bar, but if your feet are positioned far enough out in front of your knees I wouldn't think the weight would pull you forward. Sometimes I'll do wrist curls on my bench press. I'll straddle the middle of the bench and lay my arms down flat on it with my wrists hanging over the edge. It does force you to use a narrow grip, though.

By the way, I've yet to get 200 pounds on this lift. I think my best is 191. I'll probably start training it after Gripmas with a goal of 205.

I'm not an experienced weight lifter by any means, so I'm still learning a lot of the fundamentals and things most everyone else here seems to know; I've never been a true competitive strength athlete, unlike a lot of people on the board, so my ignorance is profound in certain areas. I've done close to 200 on the wrist curl in the gym on a normal bench in the past. It did have the normal padding, ;)

I thought you'd probably already be doing 225 or more due to your bending prowess, I guess levering is much more important? One reason I'm doing wrist curls is because they're fun, the other is that I need to prepare my wrists for bending; I'd like to compete in a few contests each year.

I look forward to seeing your wrist curl progress. I wonder why there are almost no WC videos in the gallery; are people not interested in the movement?

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My guess would be that if you rested up for bit and tried it on a flat bench (or a fridge) you'd still nail it.

I don't think the rules prohibit someone from handing you the bar, but if your feet are positioned far enough out in front of your knees I wouldn't think the weight would pull you forward. Sometimes I'll do wrist curls on my bench press. I'll straddle the middle of the bench and lay my arms down flat on it with my wrists hanging over the edge. It does force you to use a narrow grip, though.

By the way, I've yet to get 200 pounds on this lift. I think my best is 191. I'll probably start training it after Gripmas with a goal of 205.

I'm not an experienced weight lifter by any means, so I'm still learning a lot of the fundamentals and things most everyone else here seems to know; I've never been a true competitive strength athlete, unlike a lot of people on the board, so my ignorance is profound in certain areas. I've done close to 200 on the wrist curl in the gym on a normal bench in the past. It did have the normal padding, ;)

I thought you'd probably already be doing 225 or more due to your bending prowess, I guess levering is much more important? One reason I'm doing wrist curls is because they're fun, the other is that I need to prepare my wrists for bending; I'd like to compete in a few contests each year.

I look forward to seeing your wrist curl progress. I wonder why there are almost no WC videos in the gallery; are people not interested in the movement?

That's a good question about the lack of wrist curl videos. I know Joe Roark posted some darn impressive wrist curl workouts a while back. I think he was plagued with injuries, though.

I wish I was doing 225. It's weird, but my wrist curls are almost immune to the effects of training. I trained to get 200 at one time but never really progressed anywhere, and with no specific training I could do 180. So a lot of intense training only yielded a 10 pound gain for me! Because it's so frustrating I feel obligated to get 200 one of these days. I guess my wrists have never been my strongest point. That's why my reverse grip bending lags well behind my double overhand.

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My guess would be that if you rested up for bit and tried it on a flat bench (or a fridge) you'd still nail it.

I don't think the rules prohibit someone from handing you the bar, but if your feet are positioned far enough out in front of your knees I wouldn't think the weight would pull you forward. Sometimes I'll do wrist curls on my bench press. I'll straddle the middle of the bench and lay my arms down flat on it with my wrists hanging over the edge. It does force you to use a narrow grip, though.

By the way, I've yet to get 200 pounds on this lift. I think my best is 191. I'll probably start training it after Gripmas with a goal of 205.

I'm not an experienced weight lifter by any means, so I'm still learning a lot of the fundamentals and things most everyone else here seems to know; I've never been a true competitive strength athlete, unlike a lot of people on the board, so my ignorance is profound in certain areas. I've done close to 200 on the wrist curl in the gym on a normal bench in the past. It did have the normal padding, ;)

I thought you'd probably already be doing 225 or more due to your bending prowess, I guess levering is much more important? One reason I'm doing wrist curls is because they're fun, the other is that I need to prepare my wrists for bending; I'd like to compete in a few contests each year.

I look forward to seeing your wrist curl progress. I wonder why there are almost no WC videos in the gallery; are people not interested in the movement?

That's a good question about the lack of wrist curl videos. I know Joe Roark posted some darn impressive wrist curl workouts a while back. I think he was plagued with injuries, though.

I wish I was doing 225. It's weird, but my wrist curls are almost immune to the effects of training. I trained to get 200 at one time but never really progressed anywhere, and with no specific training I could do 180. So a lot of intense training only yielded a 10 pound gain for me! Because it's so frustrating I feel obligated to get 200 one of these days. I guess my wrists have never been my strongest point. That's why my reverse grip bending lags well behind my double overhand.

Eric, for me it's the opposite. if I train for wrist curls I typically gain quickly, but sometimes get injured. That's why this time I've tried to do reverse wrist curls, reverse curls, and hand extensor work. I also vary the amount of reps that I do quite a bit.

I feel like I have a pretty solid base right now; I think thick DB work is helping the oly bar feel like a toy. I'm doing a variety of movements with the unloaded thick DBs as well; it feels like it is working the whole area around the elbow in a healthy way.

How high does the bar need to go to be considered a complete lift at the top of the ROM? I habitually let the bar go down until it touches my legs during the negative portion, but wouldn't people's "full lockouts" vary quite a bit?

Wrist Curl

1. An Olympic bar should be used.

2. The lifter may start the lift with the bar in any position throughout his/her ROM.

but the bar must dip below parallel and then be lifted to full lockout.

3. Forearms should remain level throughout the lift.

4. Forearms may be placed over knees or over a pad/bench.

5. If forearms are placed over knees than feet must stay flat on floor.

6. A video or witness are needed for proof.

I want to make sure I get a correct lift before I broach the subject again, so I can make the most of this learning experience.

You'd make a great diplomat BTW, you give feedback without being condescending, guess that's one reason why you were selected to be a moderator.

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