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The 350lb heaviest Globe Dumbbell in the world


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21 minutes ago, ChimpGrip said:

I’m going to have two globe dumbbells like the millennium made. I want them crafted out of Tungsten or a very dense steel alloy (so the dumbbell is not cartoonishly large) 


The first one will be painted with 24k gold paint (and be same shape as millennium bell) and weigh 600 pounds. It will be called the Mount Olympus dumbbell. 

The second will be a slightly smaller one which will weigh 475-500 and be painted black with shades of red with a white hand print on it (like the Berserker Orcs in Lord of The Rings). It will be called the Berserker Dumbbell

This is a noble idea for sure.
I myself, and my friends, both grip and kettlebells сamps , have discussed more than once what is the best way to make heavy weight sports equipment, without making it uncomfortably plump.
Steel alloy has a density of up to 8 grams per cubic cm. Tungsten - 19.25 grams per cm3. Their cost is incommensurable; its price as scrap, not as a product, is $27. But it is extremely labor-intensive to process; in addition to its hardness and density, it is the most refractory of metals (highest melting point of all known elements).
The price of a product made from it will easily reach $100 per 1 kg.
We have it. This is our situation.

Prices are likely to be higher in Texas.
The most favorable price-density ratio - after steel - is lead.
Pour it into a steel shell.
I have kettlebells covered in lead. 90 and 110 lbs weight. 110 pounds already hits the forearm during the press. Big ball. It has a bruise, usually on the forearm.
Now you can figure out that if you plan to make two pieces weighing a total of 1,100 pounds, it will cost you between $13,500 and $50,000. If from tungsten.
If you are interested in a product, in my subjective opinion, it is much easier to cast a product from lead in the desired shape; the melting point of lead is not 3422 °C like tungsten, but 327.46 °C - this is quite achievable in everyday conditions.

Its density is 11.3 grams per cm3.
That is, one and a half times higher than steel alloys.
And in order to neutralize its toxic nature, paint it with durable sledgehammer impact-resistant paint, in several layers.
At least 30 - as in the best musical instruments and acoustic systems.

But most importantly, why do you need so much weight?
This is a questionable weight for lifting with any handle.
Herman Goring pulled 330 kg with one hand, but there was a barbell, the bar was flexible, although only a little, and he could grab it in a hook.
What are the plans?

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  • 11 months later...
On 9/28/2023 at 4:25 PM, Kashtan said:

Since 2000, the following athletes are known to have lifteded the Millennium or its copy

Steve Gardener
Odd Haugen
Mark Henry
Joel Sword (238 lbs version on 4'' height without tilt)
Brian Shaw (without tilt)
Ivan Krivykh
Alexey Tyukalov
Carl Myerscough (without tilt)

Sergey Kulyasov
Andrew Durniet
Brian Schoonveld (not exactly, there is a photo)

Hussain Ali

All at 1 rep.

Laine Snook pulled 8 reps with his left and two dumbbells at the same time,

Khalid pulled 5 times with his right without tilt and one rep with his left.

And me.

16 persons overall.

And let's not forget Bader's words that every second person entering his Temple of Grip lift of MDB. Perhaps he will want to add to this list.


I recently tried to put together a list of known Millenium dumbbell / Holle 104 lifters. I missed a few names, I see. 

Then add the 5 who didn’t want to be filmed. 

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