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Doug Dude's Training Highlights

Douglas Carney

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Nice Attempt, looking pretty lean Doug

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9 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

Nice Attempt, looking pretty lean Doug

Thanks John!  Weight is about the same but finally seeing the first hints of muscle definition.  Guess my diet and exercise adjustments are having an effect...?

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Revised Grip Strength Superset with a Deficit Loading Pin 07-19-2024

Already tweaking my training for the "Snacktown Squeeze Fest Part Deux" (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/snacktown-squeeze-fest-part-deux-tickets-910102500077) on October 6, 2024.  Swapped out the 2 7/8” Napalm Nightmare for 2 3/8" because that's closer to the size of the 2.25" Crusher that will be contested.

I was short on time, so I did this as a superset (switching from implement to another each round) again rather than maxing out each implement, unloading everything, and starting over with the next implement.  Probably not ideal to rush, but here are today's totals:

One Hand 2 3/8” Napalm Nightmare (Last Set - 170lb added (177.50lb total))

Two Hand 2” x 5” Napalm Nightmare (Last Set - 145lb added (158.55lb total))

King Kong JUG 2.5” (Right - 145lb added (151.50lb total) / Left - 170lb added (176.35lb total))

Comparing this to two weeks ago, I expected to lift more on a smaller rolling handle, so no shock there.  Think I had too much chalk on the blocks because they felt slick, so I didn't even attempt 175.30lb.  And finally, my right hand did a little better on the JUG, but not much change for my left.

Assuming I have more time for future workouts, I may add drop sets to get in full lifts after I hit the wall for each implement.  But otherwise this seems like a decent group of exercises.

Musical Inspiration:  "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake from the album "Whitesnake" released in March 1987.



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Posted (edited)
On 7/20/2024 at 5:15 PM, Douglas Carney said:

Revised Grip Strength Superset with a Deficit Loading Pin 07-19-2024

... here are today's totals:

One Hand 2 3/8” Napalm Nightmare (Last Set - 170lb added (177.50lb total))

Two Hand 2” x 5” Napalm Nightmare (Last Set - 145lb added (158.55lb total))

King Kong JUG 2.5” (Right - 145lb added (151.50lb total) / Left - 170lb added (176.35lb total))

Comparing this to two weeks ago, I expected to lift more on a smaller rolling handle, so no shock there.  Think I had too much chalk on the blocks because they felt slick, so I didn't even attempt 175.30lb.  And finally, my right hand did a little better on the JUG, but not much change for my left.

Looked at the North American Grip Sport Organization Top 100 lists again this morning for context on my current ability and weaknesses to adjust my training habits.

The good news is I think thick bar on Pull, Bize & Trize Day is having some carryover to my rolling handle totals.  Doesn't hurt to have the Inch Dumbbell as a goal, as well.

NOTE:  For Two Hand 2” x 5” Napalm Nightmare, I based it on my last set from July 6, 2024 which was 175.30lb.  I'm hoping my most recent lift was more of a texture fluke.

The bad news is my vbar is as absolutely abyssal as I suspected (not even close to Top 100).  Clear indication that I need to be as consciously consistent with vbar as I am with thick bar.

Top Ten Lists.png

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Pull, Bize, and Trize Day with thick bar highlights today:

Round 1 - Hammer Curls with the 3" grips went ok, so going up another .5lb next time.  I'm also finally at 12 reps with the 4' x 1 ¾” Lat Bar Pulldowns, so I'll move up to 170lb next time.

Round 2 - I bumped the 2' x 3" bar up to 175lb and got 10 reps today.  Pleasant surprise because sometimes when I jump up in weight the rep range drops from 12 to 8.

Round 4 - Super Bar Reverse Curls went ok, so going up another .5lb next time.

Round 5 - I bumped the Hoerbel Curls up to 45lb dumbbells and got 8 reps today.  Par for the course on a five pound jump.

Overall - Going to 9 reps each for front and lat raises (for six rounds) went ok despite being a total of 12 additional reps.  But I'll probably stick with that next time.  No need to push accessory stuff and strain/pull something.

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Woke up stiff and sore.  Right forearm, mid back, lats.

Haven't trained grip since Monday but felt like I had competed in a contest.

Then while driving the kids to camp, I absentmindedly squeezed the steering and all that stuff hurt.

And I realized that I must have been squeezing the heck out of the steering wheel last night the entire 90 minute ride (round-trip) to a gathering of family and friends for a buddy of mine that passed this weekend at age 56.

Grief is a powerful thing...even in the subconscious.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. 

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5 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

Sorry to hear about your loss. 

Thanks John.

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7 hours ago, Douglas Carney said:


Grief is a powerful thing...even in the subconscious.

I hear you there Doug, going through same thing. Sorry for your loss.

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2 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

I hear you there Doug, going through same thing. Sorry for your loss.

Thanks Joe.

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My first attempts lifting a 24kg Holle Blob 07-26-2024

Today I had the pleasure of visiting John Foelber @lder, owner and operator of Renewed Strength, L.L.C., a strength training studio in Eldersburg, MD.

In addition to be a great grip athlete, John is a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Level II – golf fitness instructor, FMS Level 1 Certified and National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer.

Right before hosting Maryland's Strongest Hands on April 27, 2024, a shipment of Inch Dumbbells and Blobs arrived from Nathan Holle.

And this was my first attempts at lifting one of his 24kg Holle Blobs.  Little bit of work before I can check off this feat, but thankfully John gave me some feedback and technique tips to focus on for next time I visit.

Check him out at the Renewed Strength, L.L.C. website, Facebook page, and Instagram account.



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12 hours ago, Douglas Carney said:

My first attempts lifting a 24kg Holle Blob 07-26-2024

Today I had the pleasure of visiting John Foelber @lder, owner and operator of Renewed Strength, L.L.C., a strength training studio in Eldersburg, MD.

In addition to be a great grip athlete, John is a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Level II – golf fitness instructor, FMS Level 1 Certified and National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer.

Right before hosting Maryland's Strongest Hands on April 27, 2024, a shipment of Inch Dumbbells and Blobs arrived from Nathan Holle.

And this was my first attempts at lifting one of his 24kg Holle Blobs.  Little bit of work before I can check off this feat, but thankfully John gave me some feedback and technique tips to focus on for next time I visit.

Check him out at the Renewed Strength, L.L.C. website, Facebook page, and Instagram account.



Veery close, Doug! Soon!

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1 hour ago, matek said:

Veery close, Doug! Soon!

Thanks Matek!  I think it will be doable with some more training...

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Posted (edited)

Looked at the 2025 Methods for Qualifying for Nationals numbers as another data point for where I need to focus my training for the Snacktown Squeeze Fest Part Deux on October 6, 2024.

As expected, vbar is the weakest link.  But on the bright side, my blob game is ok.  Here's the rundown:

2.25" Crusher - 200lb
Analysis - Hit 177.50lb with the 2 3/8" NN in practice on 07/19/2024.  (88.75% / B+)

2" x 5" Napalms Nightmare Pinch - 200lb
Analysis - Hit 158.55lb with the 2" x 5" NN in practice on 07/19/2024.  (79.27% / C+)

Two Hand IronMind Axle Deadlift - 375lb
Analysis - 303.1lb barely broke the ground at Maryland's Strongest Hands on 04/27/2024.  Last good lift was 286.6lb.  (76.43% / C)

Little Big Horn to 6” or Lockout - 200lb
Analysis - 166lb didn't budge at Heavy Hands 09/09/2023.  Last good lift was 146lb.  (73% / C-)

Block Weights - 50-lb Hex/Blob
Analysis - Lifted 53.45lb York FatMan blob for the first time in practice on 06/03/2024.  (100% / A-)

National Lift Analysis.png

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Started putting together a "Training Pairings and Priorities" spreadsheet to focus a bit.

It's not perfect or complete, but there's clearly a big gap in vbar - which helps explain why it's my weakest link.  (Frankly, I haven't done it much and I don't see much carryover from anything else I have been doing.)

Similarly, I've been neglecting the lower body accessory lifts needed for axle - which helps explain why it scored low as well.  (Specifically, the upper body and baby inch work I've done may have carried over to one hand lifts, but didn't develop the posterior chain strength needed for two hand lifts.)

It's probably all stuff I already knew...but still beneficial to do a "start, stop, continue" analysis.


Training Pairings and Priorities.png


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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Douglas Carney said:


It's not perfect or complete


Forgot to list The Flask as a possible accessory...  🙄

Not something I've encountered in a contest yet.  But I do have The Flask and an Aluminum Loading Pin from  @Cannon, so it is an option.

Training Pairings and Priorities.jpg

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Beginner Gainz = New Vbar Baselines 07-30-2024

Making more of an effort to incorporate vertical bar into my training.  While this is still one of my weakest events, I am seeing some beginner gainz.

IronMind Little Big Horn - 145lb added (155.85lb total) went ok for both my left and right hands.  170lb added was too big of a jump, so I dropped to 161lb added (172.15lb total).  Leftie barely broke it off the ground, but it still feels like success.  166lb didn't budge at Heavy Hands on 09/09/2023 and my last good lift was 146lb.

Fat Bastard Barbell Company The Jug - 180lb added (185.55lb total) felt ok with my left hand.  Rightie barely broke it off the ground, but it still feels like success.  177.50lb wanted to slip out of my left hand in practice on 07/19/2024 and rightie's last good lift was 151.50lb.

Musical Inspiration:  "Higher on Fire" by Dream Evil from the album "United" released in October 2006.



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Dead Hang Test 08-03-2024

During an interview on The Grip Show, Pat McNamara talked with @ZRMMA about wondering how long able-body human beings should be able to dead hang from a pull-up bar and the Google machine saying 10 - 20 seconds.  So I figured I'd try it.

No warmup, no chalk, no hook grip.  Just walking up to a pull-up bar and holding on as long as possible.  No easy feat at age 53 and nearly 260lb.

Musical Inspiration:  "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest from the album "British Steel" released in April 1980.



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2 hours ago, Douglas Carney said:

Dead Hang Test 08-03-2024

During an interview on The Grip Show, Pat McNamara talked with @ZRMMA about wondering how long able-body human beings should be able to dead hang from a pull-up bar and the Google machine saying 10 - 20 seconds.  So I figured I'd try it.

No warmup, no chalk, no hook grip.  Just walking up to a pull-up bar and holding on as long as possible.  No easy feat at age 53 and nearly 260lb.

Musical Inspiration:  "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest from the album "British Steel" released in April 1980.



Nice time! Probably have 10+ more seconds if you didn't have to pick up your legs too. 

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4 hours ago, stranger said:

Nice time! Probably have 10+ more seconds if you didn't have to pick up your legs too. 

Thanks Chaz!  Wish I had a bit more clearance in my basement.  I'm too tall for it...hahaha

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Fun weekend.  Friends over for dinner Saturday night.  My wife's friend has a history of back problems but started working out with a trainer and said she was doing deadlifts now.  Next thing you know, we're all downstairs and everyone (kids and adults) are drawn to the grippers.

Thankfully I was able to close a Silarukov 100 (RGC 117) for them.  But what surprised me was my son pulled down a Heavy Grips 300 (RGC 145) and asked me to try it and I actually got some decent movement with it.  Nowhere near closed, but no longer an immovable object either.

Sunday we went to watch the Washington Nationals.  Such a great setup for the kids.  Free tickets from the library for reading books.  Book reading with one of the pitchers before the game AND free books.  Then free bag lunch with a hot dog, chips, and water.

Got my steps in yesterday because (a) the free tickets were up in the cheap seats and (b) I like to take the kids one at a time to the gift shop because they're literally all over the place when it comes to picking a souvenir.

08-04-2024 Step Count.png

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Looks like a great weekend

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13 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:

Looks like a great weekend

It was!  How about you, John?

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it was good, we stayed home and work around the house, I got a lot done so my wife is very happy.

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53 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:

it was good, we stayed home and work around the house, I got a lot done so my wife is very happy.

Nice...happy wife, happy life.

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