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Hand size, and hand strength specifically have got to be other significant factors. Maybe we can talk such notables as Phil Pfister, Andy Bolton, Gary Frank, David Horne, Steve Gardener, and Jim Wylie into taking a crack at this event. Not to mention Magnus Samuelson, Svend Karlsen, and Odd Haugen (taking a crack at the master's record at age 53 or so). Super impressive stuff :ohmy

I'd have to say that out of this group you listed( no disrespect towards the others listed) I'd go with Pfister,Samuelson,Odd Haugen as the best 'possible'bets.and thats still a Maybe?won't know til they do it of course.

Frank has the hand size and possibly Bolton????but it'll take more than a 740plus deadlift to add up to a 'walk with two INCHES'.....but what these guys(Joel Sward,Bissonette,Matt) have done is just 'off the sheet'.AWESOME! :rock:rock:rock

There are a lot of HUGE deadlifters that can't get one INCH off the floor and don't have the grips that these guys have.

In fact I would say that Joel Sward did IS the most incredible feat of 2003----and the fact that he had never touched the implements or practiced for the feat...makes it ALL the more incredible.This guy has some mits!!!i am just completely dumbfounded by this display of PURE 'over all'strength.Speechless.....well almost :laugh

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I agree, Tom.

If these were more standard farmer's walk implements, and the best

some strong men could do is deadlift just one, without making forward

progress, and then someone comes along, deadlifts both and walks

nearly 49 feet, we would be stunned.

What we must keep in mind is that the non-grip community hears the 172 pounds and stops listening. This is an in-house appreciation. Those who have never tried

to deadlift an Inch are baffled at the fuss.

But we know.

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Joel Sward made it LOOK 'so easy' that we almost (seem to) forget that just a few months ago we were debating whether an INCH replica 'deadlift'(that is just ONE 172lb replica) was to the shin or knee or if the person doing the lift had to be standing straightup OR?? was the INCH 'tipped' or did it 'have a lean' or was the Implement held straight,etc.,etc.....or words to that effect.

It was-just a short time ago- an amazing feat to just see someone pick ONE replica up...........a few inches.

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After seeing something like what Joel did the first time he tried it kind of makes you wonder what other beasts are lurking out there waiting to be discovered.

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It took Mark Henry some time from deadlifting the Inch to cleaning the Inch.

At that point I am unaware if he could deadlift a Millennium, which is approximately

a 60 pound jump!

But Joel now also holds the time record for keeping the Inch aloft. (if we discount Thomas Inch's claim that he stood holding one for several minutes as he chatted).

Joel took about 27-28 steps in 13-14 seconds.

Jeff took about six steps in 2-3 seconds.

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I talked to Joel last night and told him about the gripboard so hopefully he'll be posting here in a couple of days.

A little more background info on him: He went to the '92 Olympic trials for shot put. I think his personal best is around 65 feet with the 16 pounder.

Check out his site at www.houseofmuscle.com

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I talked to Joel last night and told him about the gripboard so hopefully he'll be posting here in a couple of days.

A little more background info on him: He went to the '92 Olympic trials for shot put. I think his personal best is around 65 feet with the 16 pounder.

Check out his site at www.houseofmuscle.com

I just enabled him this morning.

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After seeing something like what Joel did the first time he tried it kind of makes you wonder what other beasts are lurking out there waiting to be discovered.

Absolutely!and what i've been saying all along.

What this guy(joel)did makes Josh's 'lifts' or 'feats'seem like childs play.Although i think Josh has about 15 years less time in the weight room than Joel :blink:laugh:laugh ......however, Joel's feat is IMO spectacular :bow:bow AND he has raised the bar and he did 'it' without ANY specialized preperation(ads 'more' to his feat) -and- as this year has shown-there is more to come.

My point has always been that what we know of Grip strength is the' tip of the iceberg' and reports about guys like: Josh B.,Joel,Jeff B.,Griz,Sean'the cyborg',Dave,Rob Vigeant JR.,Ken Blackman,mike Dean,pexter(i listed grip 'newbies' or men that do NOT train grip at all- and may have missed some)Plus some of the Teenage grip phenoms(iowa Rob comes to mind) shows us the possibilities of Human hand strength are just being explored and the best may still be 'out there'

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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Thanks for the positive comments. This grip thing is kind of a subculture of lifting huh? Very cool.

It actually suprises me that I am good at something like this. I always thought my grip was good, but not great. I have never done any specific grip training.

Maybe next time we could add a turn to the run. That would really bring the wrists and forearms into it.

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Actually what you did was a historic accomplishment. :rock

Very cool thing to do. :cool You are now famous is a 'subculture' sort of way.You should contact Randy Strossen at M I L O magazine...I'm sure he'd do a nice write up on you OR have one of your buddies write an article and submit it.A little 'Ink'(real published news ;) )never hurt anyone?

LINK to Iron Mind:contact him via e-mail or by phone (530)265-6725

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You are new here so you may not realize the magnitude of what you have done.

You witnessed Jeff make the world record, and with no direspect to Jeff, it did not

appear that he could have made a turn.

Then you went about five times farther, and it appeared you could have made a turn.

Keep in mind that more strongmen fail to lift the Inch than succeed with it. Deadlifting two of them is rarer than me getting a compliment on my abs! But to walk as far as you did the first time you ever touched those bells is amazing.

Here's hoping you continue to train with them, and that Jeff continues!

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You threw the shot put 65 feet and you have deadlifted 740lbs?If that is correct?

here are a couple of 'primitive'analogies OR how it looks to fellow grip 'athlete's:

Someone picks up two shotputs,one in each hand and then throws them both-simultaneously past your 65ft. best effort :laugh OR perhaps?with your 740lb deadlift.....someone picks up 740...PER hand. :cool

Perhaps the above analogies are a bit farfetched? :erm ...but thats what your 'farmers walk with TWO INCH dumbells' looks like...to some of us mortals.

Good Luck.

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today(11-1) at jeff bissonette's stillwater, mn training facility, during strongman training, with dave ostlund, matt wanat, joe peterson and a few other guys, i upped my mark with the inch replicas farmer's walk a little.

i went 72'9". with a turn at 67" (i would have ran into the wall, so i turned).

unfortunately, right after that i tore my right forearm doing regular farmer's walk, so i don't think i will be messing with the inches for a while.

so the bar has been set. i want to hear about someone beating this mark soon.

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today(11-1) at jeff bissonette's stillwater, mn training facility, during strongman training, with dave ostlund, matt wanat, joe peterson and a few other guys, i upped my mark with the inch replicas farmer's walk a little.

i went 72'9". with a turn at 67" (i would have ran into the wall, so i turned).

unfortunately, right after that i tore my right forearm doing regular farmer's walk, so i don't think i will be messing with the inches for a while.

so the bar has been set. i want to hear about someone beating this mark soon.

Awesome Joel! Heal fast!


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Old Guy, last time the yoke was in the way, today we moved it so he'd have room to continue and make the turn. Otherwise I think last week might have been more comparable to this carry. VERY impressive.

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so the bar has been set. i want to hear about someone beating this mark soon.

:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh :laugh :laugh:laugh:laugh:laugh It'll be awhile.......just deadlifting ONE Inch is a feat most of us can't do. :cool

Sorry to hear about your Injury...how bad is it?

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Guest JeffBissonnette

I upped my distance to 20 ft today (but nobody was there to see it, they'd all left already). However, injured or not, it's going to be along time before I get anywhere near what Joel did today.

I was there when Joel injured his forearm...I hate to see stuff like that happen, especially when we are all so close to the St. Louis comp. I hope you'll still be able to make it Joel...have a speedy recovery and let me know if there is any way I can help.

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