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Developing The Crushing And Healing Hand


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Workout 6/29/24:
Deadlift (double overhand w/ straps):
 warmup | 205kg / 452lb x1 (PR)
Kettlebell Press: worked up to 40kg/88lb x1 (PR)

It has been a very long week at work, including working all this morning (and still not being completely caught up), so I was really happy to cap off the week with a PR. It's only a 5kg PR, but I'm now closer to 500 than 400!  I think I could've put more on it if I had been more disciplined about doing DL accessory work, but it can be difficult when that comes after hard squat workouts (excuses, excuses). 

Like the last time I did a heavy DL single, I had some extra energy to expend, so I did a little KB press. After I hit a sizable PR on the barbell press, I realized that I had never successfully pressed the 40kg bell, so I wanted to see if I could do it. It actually went up pretty smoothly!  I attempted the Beast after that (48kg/106lb), and it barely moved 😅. I think I could press something in the low 90s. Maybe a 44kg/97lb. 


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Great PR on the Deadlift

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19 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:

Great PR on the Deadlift

Thanks, John! Just need to get it past those pesky knees. 

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I feel your pain, sore or worn-out knees suck

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23 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:

I feel your pain, sore or worn-out knees suck

Mine get in the way! I bet incorporating something like reps with a pause just below knee could really help. That seems to be my sticking point. I can get the heavy reps off the floor, and I've definitely got it once I get it past the knees. 

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Workout 6/30/24:

Last night I was at the pet ER with my dog and didn't get home until 2:30 in the morning (probably aspiration pneumonia from throwing up; seems to be a lot better today). I still attempted heavy gripper singles today, but it was quickly obvious that my top-end strength was not fully there, and I think a large part of it was the unusually late night (+/- CNS effects of maxing deadlift yesterday). I didn't push too hard once I came to this realization. I could only muster a MMS at 135 (R) and 126 (L).  I will try to rest up and take another attempt later in the week. Maybe Tuesday? 

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Did some 500m rows alternating with the wife. Goal was to keep the pulls consistent and progressively build up speed and finish with a sprint. The last sprint was absolutely brutal and definitely a PR. So much lactic acid in the biceps and quads. Here are the split times, from leisurely to sprint: 




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Attempted MMS grippers today (kinda wish I hadn’t because my right elbow felt a touch tweaked, and I could’ve waited until later in the week). Lack luster performance compared to what I was hoping for. I got really close to the Standard Fe 132 on the left. I smashed shut the 137 on the right, so I was hoping to be in the 140s, but I couldn’t quite get my 141 IM3. I may have closed my 140 GHP7, but it opened a hair as I approached the camera. Also got pretty close on my 144 IM3. I think this is the closest my two hands have ever been in strength level. 

Somewhat bummed as I feel like I’ve been putting in pretty good work, but it may be time to switch things up (no significant increases after ~2 cycles, though the right is coming back from injury). I do find solace in the fact that my sets look way better on video (more convincing pauses at MMS width or wider). Currently contemplating the next 6-week cycle. 

132 on the left: 


144 on the right:


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Went bouldering tonight after a co-worker convinced me. Only the second time I’ve ever done it. Tons of fun and wild forearm pump. We kept it short, but I’ll probably be sore in weird places tomorrow 😂

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Posted (edited)

I'm wrapping up this mesocycle, so it's time to reflect once more. 

For the strength movements, I made essentially 5kg increases across all movements when accounting for either actual 1RMs or rep-based estimates. If it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it. I'm going to follow the plan once more. One goal is to stick to doing the deadlift accessory lifts more.  I feel like I could've made more progress if I had done that. 


The big change will come with grippers. I gave my previous approach 2 cycles, and I progressed, but it seemed marginal.

My assessment is that my main problems are two-fold:
1) My closing power is increasing based on my choked closes, but my setting needs more focus. I hope to improve that by incorporating setting blocks and Silver Bullet. 
2) My volume is not as high as it should be for just one day of gripping. 

Here's what I'll try:
1) The overall progression of the mesocycle will be similar to other strength cycles. The first half of the cycle will be building volume of higher reps, and the second half will trim the volume as the intensity increases.  I'll follow the 6-week cycle layout that I do with my strength training. Just simpler that way. 

2) I'll incorporate things I've learned/liked previously as well as the recent post from @Jared P in his JUTM to create the weekly workout.

3) I want to be zapped at the end of each workout.

The plan:
Week 1:
- Warmup and single heavy choked close for post-activation potentiation (PAP) (I'll do a ~90% MMS while my choked grippers are with CPW). 
- 1 top set of 6-10 with 20mm block
- 1 top set of 6-10 with 38mm block
- 1 set of max 'click closes' with ending overcrush, shooting for 8-10+ (possibly with a filed gripper)
- 1 Silver Bullet hold

Week 2:
- Warmup and single heavy choked close, increasing distance from first week
- 2 sets of everything from week 1

Week 3:
- Warmup and single heavy choked close, increasing distance from second week
- 3 sets of everything from week 1. 3 sets of Silver Bullet will be brutal. If I can't get 5 sec. on a particular gripper, I'll gripper down. 

Week 4:
- Warmup and single heavy choked close, no increase in distance
- 3 sets of 3-5 with 20mm block
- 3 sets of 3-5 with 38mm block
- 2 sets of max 'click closes' with ending overcrush
- 1 Silver Bullet hold

Week 5:
- Warmup and single heavy choked close, no increase in distance
- 3 sets of 1-3 with 20mm block
- 3 sets of 1-3 with 38mm block
- 1 sets of max 'click closes' with ending overcrush
- 1 Silver Bullet hold

Week 6:
- Test MMS max

Along with this will be dedicated finger and wrist extensor work as well as the same stretching I have been doing which has done a great job keeping my elbows happy. 

The starting grippers are going to be hard to determine. I'm considering Standard Pt 115 for right hand 20mm, Standard Cu 106 for right hand 38mm, Standard Cu 106 for left hand 20mm, and Standard Au 96 for left hand 38mm. It works out to 82%, 76%, 82%, and 74% of respective MMS max closes. Those might be a bit optimistic, but the lower volume of week 1 allows me to play around a bit during the workout and figure things out. Same with click closes and SB; they'll take some work to figure out which gripper is best.

In a perfect world, I would more reliably work out on Wednesdays doing other grip work which would likely help a lot, but between having both early and late tumor boards and trying to allow time for my wife to workout on Wednesdays (I try to take things over with the kids/house on my off nights so she can workout too), I can't consistently make it work. There may come a day where I'll back down on other strength movements, which would allow for doing other grip work inside my current schedule, but that's just not right now. 

Edited by DoctorOfCrush
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Great to see you back with grippers Devin 💥

I hope you do big P.R.s this year 🙏

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2 minutes ago, pancho_grip_lift said:

Great to see you back with grippers Devin 💥

I hope you do big P.R.s this year 🙏

I think you may have confused me with @devinhoo

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7 minutes ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

I think you may have confused me with @devinhoo

Uuh my bad!!! 🙏

Anyway... congratulations on your progress with grippers 🦾🦾🦾

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Just now, pancho_grip_lift said:

Uuh my bad!!! 🙏

Anyway... congratulations on your progress with grippers 🦾🦾🦾

Ha, no worries! And thanks!

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Workout 7/5/24:
 warmup 150kg / 330lb (PR)

Ending the cycle strong. This was a 5lb PR. Not as drastic as the end of last cycle, but progress nonetheless. I was feeling pretty recovered/strong throughout today, but the warmups of 130 and 140 felt heavier than I wanted them to. That's why I didn't push multiple attempts for increasing PRs. I got out while the getting was good. 


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Workout 7/6/24:
A. Grippers:

     Right hand:
          Opening top set: Standard Fe 137 MMS
          20mm block set: Standard Pt 115 x5
          38mm block set: Standard Cu 106 x7
          Click close set: IM 2.5 128 x7
          Silver Bullet: IM 3 144 x9 seconds

     Left Hand:
          Opening top set: IM 2.5 128 MMS
          20mm block set: Standard Cu 106 x8
          38mm block set: Standard Au 96 x6
          Click close set: GHP6 126 x6
          Silver Bullet: Standard Fe 132 x11 seconds

B1. Bench press: 57.5kg x10 | 77.5kg x10 | 87.5kg x8 | 90kg x6

B2. Overhead press: 43kg x10 | 57kg x10 | 64kg x7 | 66kg x5

Reverse Formulator: 6kg x 3 sets of 15


Day one of the new cycle in the books. This style of gripper training is definitely a different type of stimulus. I was pretty darn close with my gripper choices based on the rep ranges that I wanted to hit. I was really clumsy with the block work having not really done much of it before, especially 38mm. I think I may see some noobie gains as I get more coordinated. Same with the Silver Bullet. On the right hand set, I fumbled around, and it took me a solid 5 seconds to get the stupid thing set. Next week, I'll do 2 sets for all of these. 

I was supposed to do 8 and 6 on the last two OHP sets, respectively, but I couldn't quite eek those reps out after the higher volume pressing. 

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Workout 7/9/24:
 120kg x 3 sets of 6
Deadlift (double overhand, with straps): 167.5kg x6

Not sure what happened today. I'm not sure if it was sitting all day at work (I don't have my normal standing desk at the VA), a hot/humid gym, deconditioning, or possibly coming down with something, but I couldn't get all the prescribed work down. It felt more like a generalized fatigue than a true strength issue. Like I just couldn't seem to 'get after it.' I cut a set off of each movement (4 sets prescribed on squat, 2 sets prescribed on deadlift) because it felt I might actually hurt myself if I pushed much harder. Hopefully it was just a fluke. 

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Today is done tomorrow will be better 

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21 hours ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

Workout 7/9/24:
 120kg x 3 sets of 6
Deadlift (double overhand, with straps): 167.5kg x6

Not sure what happened today. I'm not sure if it was sitting all day at work (I don't have my normal standing desk at the VA), a hot/humid gym, deconditioning, or possibly coming down with something, but I couldn't get all the prescribed work down. It felt more like a generalized fatigue than a true strength issue. Like I just couldn't seem to 'get after it.' I cut a set off of each movement (4 sets prescribed on squat, 2 sets prescribed on deadlift) because it felt I might actually hurt myself if I pushed much harder. Hopefully it was just a fluke. 

hope you feel better. I know that feeling. When you just have no firepower.

it could be the heat/humidity.... up here in Boston its been incredibly humid and wiping me out I'm acclimating to it finally though... I'm guessing Nashville is even worse right now. 


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36 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

I'm guessing Nashville is even worse right now.

It’s terrible…

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3 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

it could be the heat/humidity.... up here in Boston its been incredibly humid and wiping me out I'm acclimating to it finally though... I'm guessing Nashville is even worse right now. 

I looked back, and apparently at the time I was working out on Tuesday, it was 90 degrees with 60% relative humidity outside. 

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12 minutes ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

I looked back, and apparently at the time I was working out on Tuesday, it was 90 degrees with 60% relative humidity outside. 


shocking it’s worse here. 87% humidity right now.

At least Nashville has great music and…….. huak tuah. 🤣

Stay safe. I’ve been drinking so much water.

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Workout 7/12/24:
Bench press:
 warmup | 92.5kg x MR --> 8
Overhead press: warmup | 68kg x MR --> 6
Pullups: BW x max strict reps --> 12

Good, not great. Still think I might be fighting something off a little. My throat is a little scratchy this morning. I planned to do dips and pullups, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. It's obviously not completely knocking me out, but it does seem to be undercutting my stamina. 

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Take a couple days off and relax, jump back in Monday 

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15 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

Take a couple days off and relax, jump back in Monday 

I think I might take a crack at my workout today, but regardless, since this was just the first week of the mesocycle, I’m just going to run it again this coming week rather than moving on to week 2. 

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