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Developing The Crushing And Healing Hand


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Workout 7/13/24:
 105kg x 4 sets of 5
Deadlift (double overhand w/ straps): 145kg x 2 sets of 5

Phew took the kids to a trampoline park this morning for a couple of hours. I turned my Apple Watch workout app on for kicks and giggles, and it says that I burned 614 calories with an average HR of 127bpm! It was a blast, and I was sweating like crazy keeping up with all the kids in there and attempting to show off. I was actually pretty beat afterward and not sure if I would even workout again or not, but in the end I decided to do a little something. 

The workout today called for sets of 8, but with how I had been feeling this week and the fact that I already decided I would be repeating this first week (plus beating myself up at the trampoline park), I decided to keep the same weights and just back off to 5s. I was happy with how the weights felt. I think I could've hit the 8s if I absolutely had to, but I'm glad I took it a little easy. 

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Workout 7/14/24:
A. Grippers:

     Right hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe 137 MMS (long pause, strong close, easy)
          20mm block sets: Standard Pt 115 x8, 8
          38mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x7, 7
          Click close sets: IM 2.5 128 x7, 8
          Silver Bullet: IM 3 144 x12 seconds, 11 seconds

     Left Hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: IM 2.5 128 MMS (long pause, strong close, easy)
          20mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x9, 6
          38mm block sets: Standard Au 96 x6, 6
          Click close sets: GHP6 126 x6, 4
          Silver Bullet: Standard Fe 132 x6 seconds, 13 seconds

B1. Bench press: 57.5kg x10 | 77.5kg x10 | 87.5kg x8 | 90kg x6

B2. Overhead press: 43kg x10 | 57kg x10 | 64kg x6 | 66kg x6

Rolling Handle Pullups:
      Rolling Grip Thingy + non-rotating handle: sets of 3, 4, and 5 per hand (alternating which hand RGT is in)
      Rolling Grip Thingy + Rolling Thunder: 1 set of 3

Reverse Formulator: 6kg x 3 sets of 15


Killer workout!

It's crazy because this went the opposite of how I thought it would. I got ~ 5 hours of sleep for a whole host of reasons. I was literally between doing a workout and taking a nap while my 2 year old did and just doing the workout tomorrow. Glad I didn't!

This was week 2 of my new programming experiment. I essentially added a working set to everything I did last week. The MMS sets were the easiest in recent memory. I added 3 reps/set on the 20mm on the right hand. Huge jump, probably mostly attributable to coordination rather than strength gains, but I'll take it. Two sets of Silver Bullet sucks. Three sets next week will suck even more, but that will be peak volume. 

I got a wild hair to play around with rolling handle pull-ups, and I actually really like them! I wonder how many I could do with a fresh grip. I may start incorporating them into my Thursday workouts. I like the idea of doing pyramid sets (1, 2, 3, 2, 1) super setting with dips. 


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Well I think that whatever I was dealing with last week was a prodrome to what hit me this week. On Tuesday, I woke up with a sore throat, so I initially thought I would put off my squatting/deadlifting until Wednesday (every time my HR would get up, my throat would pound) because I thought it would get better.

Well, it didn't. It actually got much, much worse to the point that I couldn't really eat. I've been able to choke down about 1500 kcal a day, mostly through liquids, even so. Thankfully, I didn't have any constitutional symptoms, but I felt overall weak because of the decrease in calories. 

My dinners on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night were Smoothie King because I couldn't chew and swallow solid food, and the cold felt good on my throat. I'm much better this morning, but I still needed to go to Smoothie King for breakfast. I'm hoping to eat some solid food today/tonight. 

On the plus side, I'm down to 200 pounds even! I have been steadily losing weight (down from 210) over the past weeks at a pace of about 0.9 pounds/week, but this accelerated things. I've lost 4 pounds in the past 4 days. Unfortunately, it's almost certainly predominantly water weight as even drinking liquids has been a huge chore. I'm sure I'll pack on some water weight today as I rehydrate. 

Here is my slow and steady weight progress as I have continued to hit strength PRs:


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Wow, what a roller coaster you’ve been on. Hopefully, you’ll be better soon.

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Workout 7/21/24:

A. Grippers:
     Right hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Tetting Elite (155) choked at 10mm
          20mm block sets: Standard Pt 115 x 9, 8, 6 (<1mm from 7!)
          38mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x 6, 7, 7
          Click close sets: IM 2.5 128 x 10, 8, 8
          Silver Bullet: IM 3 144 x 11 seconds, 7s, 6s

     Left Hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe (136) choked at 19mm
          20mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x 10, 8, 8
          38mm block sets: Standard Au 96 x 8, 7, 7
          Click close sets: GHP6 126 x 7 | Silarukov 110 (126) x 6, 5
          Silver Bullet: Standard Fe 132 x 13 seconds, 5s | GHP6 126 x 7s

B1. Bench press: 57.5kg x10 | 77.5kg x10 | 87.5kg x8 | 90kg x6

B2. Overhead press: 43kg x10 | 57kg x10 | 64kg x7 | 66kg x6
A. Rolling Handle Pullups:

      Rolling Grip Thingy + Rolling Thunder: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1

B. Reverse Formulator: 6kg x 3 sets of 15


This went way better than I thought it would. I thought this week's events might have affected me more, but it doesn't seem to have much at all. It was a ton of gripper volume though. 13 working sets per hand! I was able to maintain through most of the rep work, but it became very difficult to set once I got to the Silver Bullet sets. I couldn't really set the 132 for the last set on my left hand, that's why I dropped down. 

This is the end of the volume build up for this cycle. Next week, I'll up the gripper weight for lower reps in the 3-5 rep range for the block sets, and I'll drop the click rep and Silver Bullet sets down to 1-2 sets with heavier grippers. I haven't really decided what grippers I might use. Maybe 121 for the right hand and 112 for the left for 20mm? I'll chew on it a bit this week. 

I realize that rolling handle work after gripper work isn't the best idea, but I didn't get to play around with these on Thursday, so I decided to today. I like the idea of using pyramids on these on Thursday. We'll see how that goes. 

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Workout 7/23/24:
 120kg x 4 sets of 6

I didn't think that this would happen. I figured with being sick and not really squatting for some time my strength would have diminished, but I was wrong. I thought that I would have to reduce the weight (maybe to 110-115), but I played it by ear and was able to complete the work, and they weren't absolute grinders.

I made a promise to the girls that I would play with them and their science kit before dinner, so I didn't have time to do the sets of deadlift. I'm going climbing early in the morning, but I'm going to try to do deadlifts and accessory work tomorrow afternoon/night. 

Another note is that I officially have moved up (down?) a notch on my weightlifting belt now that I've continued losing weight. Just a little victory there. 

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Workout 7/24/24:
 Climbing x 1 hour

Deadlift (double overhand, w/ straps):
 167.5kg / 369lb x 2 sets of 6
Leg extensions: 20kg x10 | 30 x10 | 40kg x 3 sets of 12

Climbing was a lot of fun this morning. The forearm pump is real!

I was happy to follow through with completing the work from yesterday like I hoped I would. Yet again, the weight felt easier than I thought it would. It felt a little like cheating since these deadlifts are programmed to immediately follow squats in the same workout, but I'll take it. 

Side note, I finally fell below 200lb this morning at 199.7. So that makes for 10.3lbs down and still feeling strong!

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Posted (edited)

Workout 7/25/24:
Bench press: warmup | 92.5kg x MR --> 6
Overhead press: warmup | 68kg x MR --> 6
Rolling handle pull-ups: 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2 | 10 second hold
Flask, one hand: up to 30.5kg added / hand

Not sure what happened on the bench press. My coordination got a bit off, and the 7th rep got off kilter. Last time I got 8 🤷‍♂️

Played around with the rolling handle pull-ups again, but my forearms are still a bit tired from yesterday's climbing. I'll see how I do fresh next week. 

Also played around with the Flask. I wanted to see what it felt like to do these suitcase style, and it was weird. I missed 25.5kg and then easily got it the regular way. I may play around with some Flask work after grippers on Sunday if it doesn't take too long. I wondering about the benefit of using holds versus reps... 

Edited by DoctorOfCrush
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34 minutes ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

Workout 7/25/24:
Bench press: warmup | 92.5kg x MR --> 6
Overhead press: warmup | 68kg x MR --> 6
Rolling handle pull-ups: 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2 | 10 second hold
Flask, one hand: up to 30.5kg added / hand

Not sure what happened on the bench press. My coordination got a bit off, and the 7th rep got off kilter. Last time I got 8 🤷‍♂️

Played around with the rolling handle pull-ups again, but my forearms are still a bit tired from yesterday's climbing. I'll see how I do fresh next week. 

Also played around with the Flask. I wanted to see what it felt like to do these suitcase style, and it was weird. I missed 25.5kg and then easily got it the regular way. I may play around with some Flask work after grippers on Sunday if it doesn't take too long. I wondering about the benefit of using holds versus reps... 

if time wasn’t an issue for me (meaning length of workouts).. I’d do time holds for pinch. I’ve played around with it myself.  I think they are very beneficial. 

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4 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

if time wasn’t an issue for me (meaning length of workouts).. I’d do time holds for pinch. I’ve played around with it myself.  I think they are very beneficial. 

Here's the idea I'm entertaining:

- Work up to heavy single on the first day to see where I stand, hopefully in the ~35kg added range
- Back off a few kg and do a hold, shooting for 10-15 seconds
- Do two more holds to accumulate the same amount of time as the first set, myo-rep style
     - ex: first set: 13 seconds | second set: 9s pause 4s | third set: 7s pause 4s pause 2s
- 2-3 minutes rest between sets

- Try for 3 weeks with the same weight (hopefully increasing time each week) then re-test 1RM. 

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Workout 7/27/24:
 105kg / 231lb x 4 sets of 8
Deadlift (double overhand w/ straps): 145kg / 320lb x 2 sets of 8
A. Leg extensions (cable machine): 40kg x 3 sets of 12
B. SLDL: 100kg x 3 sets of 8

This workout (week 1, day 4) consistently feels like cardio. I'm always still a little sore from the first leg workout of the week, but I'm able to make it through. The squats were basically doing quick doubles as far as I could in the set (usually up to rep 6) then a couple of singles. The deadlifts felt pretty easy. By the end of the leg extension and SLDL superset, I was spent. 

I was listening to 90s alternative while I lifted, and a Better than Ezra song came on, so I immediately thought of one of my favorite Norm Macdonald one liners:


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A. Grippers:
     Right hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Tetting Elite (155) choked at 10mm
          20mm block sets: IM 2.5 (121) x 5, 4 (<1mm from 5), 4
          38mm block sets: Standard Pt (115) x 3, 2 (1mm from 3), 2 (<1mm from 3)
          Click close sets: Standard Fe (132) x 6, 5
          Silver Bullet: IM 3 (150) x 12 seconds

     Left Hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe (136) choked at 19mm
          20mm block sets: GHP 5 (112) x 4 (<1mm from 5), 4, 3
          38mm block sets: Standard Cu (106) x 2 | Silarukov 90 (103) x 4, 3 (<1mm from 4)
          Click close sets: Silarukov 110 (126) x 7 | IM 2.5 (128) x 3
          Silver Bullet: Standard Fe (137) x 12 seconds

B1. Bench press: 82.5kg x10 | 90kg x8 | 95kg x7

B2. Overhead press: 62kg x8 | 66kg x5 | 70kg x5 --> 60kg x2
Flask, 1 hand:
 +20kg, 25, 30, 32.5, 35 (miss), 33.75 (miss)*
     Holds w/ +25kg: right 18s | 18s | 16s + 2s
                                   left 20s | 20s | 15s + 5s

Reverse Formulator: 5kg x 3 sets of 18


This is the first week of increased intensity with mildly decreased volume. I wanted to keep the reps at 3-5, and I was pretty close on some of my gripper guesses, but I did got a bit heavy on a few of them. It'll just take some experience to get them right. 

This particular workout in the strength set is always essentially impossible when it comes to the overhead presses. I just backed down the reps and will have to be ok with that. Still got the work in, and I've still seen my 1RMs go up despite consistently not hitting the reps on this workout of the cycle. 

I was pleased with the Flask work. I was actually pretty close on the left with the +33.75kg. I got it probably 5-6 inches on the ground. I got it about 2-3 inches off the ground on the right. I broke the ground with +35kg with each hand. I weighed the +33.75kg set, and it came out to a total of 35.95kg / 79.3lb. That would put the +35kg around 37.2kg / 82lb. Here is how high I got it on the left with +33.75kg:


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Just now, John Knowlton said:


Killer = LONG haha. 

This one took around 2 hours and 15 minutes when you account for warmup and cool down. 

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Birthday dinner yesterday, so I put the workout off for a day. 

Workout 7/31/24:
 warmup | 120kg / 265lb x 10rest | 122.5kg / 270lb x 5 sets of 3 w/ 1 min rest between sets
SLDL: 110kg / 243lb x 3 sets of 8

Holy humidity, Batman! It was 94 degrees outside when I started this workout, and I turned on the de-humidifier at the beginning of the workout: it read 80%. It eventually got down to 65%, but it made for a rough workout. I wanted to quit multiple times 😅.  I'm really glad that I filmed the set of 10 because I actually lost count in the middle. I had a sinking feeling that I only did 9, but thankfully that was not the case. 

After this workout, it was another lay-on-the-ground-with-a-couple-of-ice-packs-to-cool-down kind of post-workout routine. Woof. 

I've got another workout tomorrow, but I may wait until later in the night to do it.

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Workout 8/1/24:
Bench press:
 90kg x MR --> 10 reps
Overhead press: 65kg x MR --> 8 reps
Flask, 1-hand holds: Right: 25kg x 18 seconds | 15s + 3s
                                    Left: 25kg x 18s | 10s +8s
2-hand dynamic pinch w/ grip machine: Two red bands x 15, 20, 20, 20

I wanted to see if I could do either a repeat of Sunday's pinching or even do a little more (either weight or time), but I don't think my hands were quite ready. At least the web of my thumb wasn't. No rip, but I made it angry.  I may try for two sessions/week later on. 

I actually really liked the grip machine for dynamic thumb work. I got a really good pump going. It'd be nice if I could use something like this for some thumb pad hypertrophy. 🤷‍♂️

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Workout 8/3/24:
 warmup | 122.5kg / 270lb x 10 (PR)rest | 117.5kg / 259lb x 10 sets of 3 w/ 1 min rest b/n sets

I think this might have been the hardest this workout has ever been. The top set of 10 was an RPE of ~9.5. I don't think I could have ground out another rep. The density triples were a little weird in that usually it's the 3rd-5th sets that are the hardest, but that was not the case tonight. It was more like the first set then the 8th-10th were the hardest. Sets 3-7 felt like I was just pushing along at around a 7.5-8 RPE. The last fews sets felt like 8-9 RPE.

According to my workout app, my heart rate stayed at 135-177 bpm during the density triples 😳 

After this cycle, I plan on doing more of a maintenance-type strength cycle before a planned vacation, so I thankfully won't have to revisit this terrible workout for a couple of months. 

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Workout 8/4/24:

A. Grippers:
     Right hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe (136) choked at 19mm
          20mm block sets: Standard Fe (132) x 1 (<1 mm from 2), 1, 2
          38mm block sets: Standard Pt (118) x 2, 2, 2
          Click close sets: Standard Pt (118) x 13
          Silver Bullet: IM 3 (150) x 15 seconds

     Left Hand:
          Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe (136) choked at 19mm
          20mm block sets: Standard Pt (115) x 2, 2, 2
          38mm block sets: Standard Cu (106) x 2, 2, 3
          Click close sets: Standard Cu (106) x 23
          Silver Bullet: Standard Fe (137) x 13 seconds

B1. Bench press: 97.5kg / 215lb x 5, 6, 6

B2. Overhead press: 72.5kg / 160lb x 4, 4, 4
A. Flask, 1 hand:
     Holds w/ +27.5kg: right 8s | 14s | 15s
                                   left     8s | 14s | 15s 
B. Grip machine, single hand: Double black bands x 3 sets of 10/hand


A. Reverse Formulator: 5kg x 20, 20, 18
B. Arm Assassin Thumb Blaster Holds: 25kg x 10s/hand, 9s/hand, 8s/hand
C. 2-hand dynamic pinch w/ grip machine: Two red bands x 20 | Two red bands + 6kg x 14, 15 --> drop set to red bands x7


Phew! Long workout where I tried out a few different things. 

This was the last gripper workout before testing my max MMS next week. I'm hoping for maybe low 140s for the right hand and finally breaking into 130s with the left. This weeks was lower volume with higher intensity. 132 felt harder than I wanted it to...😳  I'm hoping it's just the added skill of handling the block making it quite a bit harder. 

I'm liking the Flask holds, and I added the Thumb Blaster for some added volume without risking my thumb web skin. My Thursday work may consists of Thumb Blaster holds and dynamic pinch. 

I got the Titan Vice Grip Machine a couple weeks back, and I'm liking it so far for some added volume work. I can do the actual skill work of using TSGs when I'm fresh then come in with the grip machine to get more volume and muscular fatigue without as much skill involved or wear and tear on my skin. 

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Workout 8/5/24:
KB Swings, 1-arm: 20kg / 44lb x 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 50  
Total: 250 swings in ~25 minutes

Decided to do some light swings tonight and get the blood pumping. I used my modality of choice for kettlebell swings which is heart rate intervals. After each set, I watch my heart rate, and as soon as it dips below 120 bpm, I start the next set. Doing so tonight kept my HR in the range of 115-145 bpm throughout all the swings. 

I did all the swings as 5/5 (10/10 for the set of 20). On a whim, I decided to hit a 50 swing burner at the end (10/10/10/10/5/5). HR peaked at 173 after that one. 


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Workout 8/7/24:
Bench press:
 100kg x 3 sets of 5
Overhead press: 74.5kg x 3 sets of 2

A. Flask, 1-hand holds: 27.5kg x 10s | 8s | 10s | 6s | 6s
B. Grip Machine, 2-hand dynamic pinch: Red bands x 10 | Red bands + 6kg x 10, 15, 15, 15, 20 (+drop set red bands x20)

Hammer Plate Curls/Rows: 2x2.5kg x 10 | 2x5kg x 10 | 2x (5kg, 2.5, 5) x 12 | 3x5kg x 8 | 4x5kg x3 (+drop set with 2x5kg x10)

Called an audible today. I was supposed to squat, but I was a bit overzealous a couple of nights ago trying to stretch my adductors (old injury). I was still feeling sore/unsure, so I decided I would do my squats Saturday (puts my squatting off by just 1/2 a week for the rest of the cycle). 

Pressing went ok. I was pleased with the benching, but the OHP just wasn't happening at this weight. The workout called for 3 sets of 4-6 reps for both. I think I'm just to a point to where straight overhead pressing without focusing on accessories just doesn't lead to that much progress. Nevertheless, I think I'm currently ok with just maintenance and consistency given that I'm more focused on other things. 

Played around with pinching. Warmed up for Flask with some plate pinching, and I may keep doing this going forward. Kind of using feat practice to warm up. I built up to doing a sandwich with 10kg | 2.5kg | 10kg.  I gave 2x15kg a shot, but it din't really move 😂. I'd really like to build up to 2x15 with the ultimate goal of hitting 2x20kg one day. I'm really liking supersetting the holds with dynamic training on the grip machine. Makes for a mean burn. 

The plate curls started out as strict hammer curls but transitioned into more of a row type movement as they got heavier. The last set with four 5kg plates were just rows.

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Workout 8/8/24:
KB Swings, 1-arm: 20kg / 44lb x 20 sets of 10, 5 sets of 20
Total: 300
31 min flat. 

Did HR training once again. For the sets of 10 (the first 200 swings), my HR stayed ~115-150, then for the last 5 sets it peaked around 165-175 each time. 

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Also meant to mention that I finally got a Grip Authority sub, and after reading through a few articles and videos, I'm dying to get back out to the gym and try out all kinds of stuff! I wish I had done it before my pinch workout yesterday, but I'll have to wait until my next workout when I'm recovered. 

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21 minutes ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

Also meant to mention that I finally got a Grip Authority sub, and after reading through a few articles and videos, I'm dying to get back out to the gym and try out all kinds of stuff! I wish I had done it before my pinch workout yesterday, but I'll have to wait until my next workout when I'm recovered. 

Hope all goes well with implementing the Grip Authority stuff!  Can't wait to see how your programs evolve and strength levels go up.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Douglas Carney said:

Hope all goes well with implementing the Grip Authority stuff!  Can't wait to see how your programs evolve and strength levels go up.

Thanks, Doug! I hope so too. 

I've only really looked into pinch training so far, but between @Jedd Johnson's tips and exercises (especially around scaling weights I can't currently pick up) and an old thread where @climber511 was in the Grip Well, I have a lot of things around pinch that I want to try out/tweak.  I certainly have not given my setup enough thought or tried out different aspects here and there. 

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Workout 8/10/24:
Squats: meh...

Later in the day: 2.6 mile walk and a couple of hours in the pool fighting having water wars with 6-7 year old girls

Tried squatting once again, and it wasn't happening. I was supposed to do 3 sets of 130kg x 4-6 reps. I worked up to 130, did one rep, and called it. It's hard to tell sometimes when you workout solo whether it's actual fatigue, need for deload, or lack of motivation that leads to these kinds of workouts. Based on how the weight was feeling, I am thinking it was one of the former possibilities, but, again, it's just hard to tell. I am thinking that I can run a particular program for about 2 cycles before it is time to re-evaluate. Given that I am at the end of my gripping cycle (as of tomorrow) and I was already going to enter a maintenance cycle before my vacation (BEACH BOD!!!), I am thinking it is now a good time to change things up. I really love Candito, and I plan to run it again in the future. But I've become disenchanted with the pressing workouts, and the fact that every squat workout feels like I need to be on my A game for even completion tells me I need to cycle off of it and rebuild. 

I ordered Wendler's 5/3/1 Forever because I read that there are a ton of programs with lots of variety in it, and I'll spend the first part of next week (hopefully just Monday when it arrives) deciding which program to use moving forward. My plan is something that is 4 days/week, squats twice per week, and allows for plenty of grip and conditioning. We'll see if something fits that bill. 

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