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Fbbc Bastard In Doubles


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Bent my first bastard today in BBW over IMPS, no video yet as it is the work of two days worth of bending.

Day 1- Straight to 35 degrees

Day 2(tonight)- 35 degrees to 2.1"

I have two more bastards and a iron grip 145kg which is around the 430lb mark, I have these to work down to 5mins for the bastard cert :D

Not sure whether to have a few days rest before bending heavy again or doing some volume for the next few sessions.The fact ive concentrated on just bending recently and dropped grippers lately, like I have been told has resulting in lots of progress!

Thanks everyone who has helped me get to this point, a video and a cert will happen very very soon!

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Thanks my friend, I feel stronger every day and it must be due to increased motivation and concentration on the goals I have set for myself. Of course the support on this board is phenomenal!

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Great progress. Volume day's worked for me in the past. I'm sure you'll get it soon.

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Thanks Andrew! Steel and wraps have helped me so so much! Will try a volume session I think then.

Josh, they are very well used, not sure if it's a good thing or not and whether I should get new ones. Thanks for the support!

Ben, thanks! Was a proud moment finally finishing off a long goal of mine :D

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Nice work man! Making great progress :)

Thanks Anthony! You've really helped me focus this time

Glad I could be of help man. Lately the bending section has been seeing some action and I'm loving it!

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Just glad I'm finally at bastard level now, means you will have an extra guy to push you to bigger bends ! :D

Some impressive bends and progress coming from you and frank :)

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Awesome stuff! Newer wraps make a world of difference for me. Even with doubles, you'll be able to get better inside-grip (with the outer-wrap) when the IMPs are tight and holding chalk.

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day one kink 3-4 pieces

day two sweep those pieces

day three crush those pieces

day four rest up

day five rest up

day six start over

The beauty of this program is you never over load the CNS and the steel doesn't have time to work harden. You also are able to hit all the angles and ranges of motion. Plus and this is huge, you're doing volume work AND getting the most out of the steel.

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I have some fbbc squares that feel in the 360lbs region that I can try this on, sounds solid and will definitely hit every angle of the bend.

Thanks EJ I wondered where you had gone!

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Awesome stuff! Newer wraps make a world of difference for me. Even with doubles, you'll be able to get better inside-grip (with the outer-wrap) when the IMPs are tight and holding chalk.

Thanks man! I've found it very difficult recently to wrap as my IMPs are ragged and my BB's are brand new. EJ suggested chucking them in the wash etc!

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Awesome job your posts always give me the itch to bend. I did the opposite by focusing on grippers and dropped the bending lol

If I can tempt others to bend then I must be doing a good job lol, the more benders we have on the board here the better!

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