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Bend My First Nail On Video


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Hello people,

I did promised to make a video of me bending a nail :) This evening I filmed it.

The video is a little dark and some details are not good to see :) My excuse for that.

Some details about the bend:

Galvanised nail.

Lenght: 125 mm

Diameter: 5 mm.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hZ17Fgk0So&feature=youtu.be

I am really happy about the bend, it feeled like butter :grin: Two weeks ago I started bending this nails, I thought holy shi... this is a hard nail. But I did made progress every day :)



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Pads touching, slim style- is this the bending style you plan to stay with?

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Pads touching, slim style- is this the bending style you plan to stay with?

EJ Livesey,

I don't know the difference? Is it easier or is it harder?

The blue rubber pad I did made from a resistance band. And the two other pads I did made from a old leather jacket.

I did also feel safer to let touch the pads to each other. I don;t want to injury myself :)

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Pads touching, slim style- is this the bending style you plan to stay with?

EJ Livesey,

I don't know the difference? Is it easier or is it harder?

The blue rubber pad I did made from a resistance band. And the two other pads I did made from a old leather jacket.

I did also feel safer to let touch the pads to each other. I don;t want to injury myself :)

It is MUCH harder than most other styles. This style focuses on pure wrist strength with little leverage. Watch some videos and experiment with what feels good to you. When I started Double Underhand felt the best to me. I got very close to bending a red nail like that, then I got injured and found Double Overhand.

If you choose to stick with your style, get used to sore wrists and start swinging sledge hammers to build strength.

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Pads touching, slim style- is this the bending style you plan to stay with?

EJ Livesey,

I don't know the difference? Is it easier or is it harder?

The blue rubber pad I did made from a resistance band. And the two other pads I did made from a old leather jacket.

I did also feel safer to let touch the pads to each other. I don;t want to injury myself :)

It is MUCH harder than most other styles. This style focuses on pure wrist strength with little leverage. Watch some videos and experiment with what feels good to you. When I started Double Underhand felt the best to me. I got very close to bending a red nail like that, then I got injured and found Double Overhand.

If you choose to stick with your style, get used to sore wrists and start swinging sledge hammers to build strength.


I should said you something. Two weeks ago when I did buy the nails and start bend one. I wrapped and did try to bend it double overhand ( Under chin) But it didn't work. I couldn't find enough pressure in that position to bend it.

The next day I did tried it again, but with another technique. Explosive force in the nail to kinkt it. (the style that I use in the video) Afther the kink I use the double overhand technique under my chin. And bend it easy :grin:

Maybe a mobility issue? But I like to be verry explosive :)

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I'm thinking it is a flexibility issue. And explosive isn't always what's best. Remember wraps can get punctured and you are dealing with nails, nails have sharp points.

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Listen to EJ, he knows what he's talking about.

Watching some videos other that knew what they were doing helped me at the start also learning how to warp nails really tight and use tons of chalk.

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Heslep style. Painful style when you get into the harder stuff!

Okee didn't know that. I did used this style because it felt good for me :) But I am gonna try other styles in my training.

EJ thanks for the link verry useful!

Edited by Rens
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