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Snatching A Water Jug

Tom Black

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Oh, I see. That's quite impressive. I could probably snatch it but doubt I could hold the lockout. And yes, the one hand on top, one hand on bottom method is much easier.

Funny that you mention walking around with it locked out. I do that with my log sometimes to simulate the situations when I get tired and start having trouble completing reps efficiently. Doing the 'electric slide' dance is very intersting with 250 overhead :D "It's electric, boogie woogie woogie..."

I'll have to fill my other kegs and start having more fun with them.


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Luv it boys :D

All this talk about beer barrel lifting has realy got me fired up,one of my favourite thing to play with.

Brian i find pressins a keg easier than my Steel log,you seam to be the other way round,i have 4 kegs,69kilos.75kilos,8okilos and 90kilos.

The day after the OHF dinner,i went back to David Hornes with Jim Wykie and they had a play with the Blobs,i hhad a go of Dave,s kegs

the 1st one was either 80 or 85kilos i put that overhead,i then eyed up the bigger one,Rich said it was 90kilos and that only Dave had put it over head,so i thought i better get it done then as Dave and Jim had had all the fun on the blobs,i was left out,on account off havin a wimpy pinch :D So the keg had to go,it did,i surprised myself.

When i got home i filled one of my lighter kegs to 90kilos and had another go,3 singles in the bag.

At this time i couldn,t put my 11"x91kilos Steel log overhead,tho i had no probs upto shoulder,And until a week and a half ago i still couldn,t put this baby overhead,now i can get it 4 outa 5 singles each day,but i am gonna start it one day the keg and the other day the log.

Pat and Steve,those are impressive snatches with those kegs,i will have a go at some of them tomorrow.

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What are those black hairy catapillar type things over your eyes. :tongue

Alleast ya got all ya hair :D

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What are those black hairy catapillar type things over your eyes. :tongue

Don't worry the eyebrows are rapidly turning white too. They will match the hair on the head nicely. :D

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Finally, we see the man! :bow Well, if it took my water jug snatching to get you to post a picture of yourself then it was worth it! Can you hold that jug fairly stable as you lift it to your mouth? I think it would be fun to make a video of you picking it up off a table, drinking a little and placing it gently back.

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If you swing the jug up you will smack yourself in the face. You have to hammer curl it up with control. The jug had the cap off and was full up with water to the top of the neck. Water started to come out as soon as I started to tilt it in order to try and drink some. It is much harder than a hammer curl as the handle is on the outside of the weight rather that through the center. I took a practise pic of the same lift with an empty jug, and looking at the two you can see a big difference in my posture.

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I would like to see OldGuy shotgun a "Fosters oil can" :D

I'll do that one for ya :D


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RE: Here is me the old fart drinking from a full 5 gallon water jug lifted beer mug style. Boy I'm ugly!

Well, now we know who you are: and what Ric Flair does on his time off ;)

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Oh my God! I figured it out! I knew you looked like someone I'd seen before, OldGuy. You're Ric Flair. The resemblance is uncanny!


EDIT: Shoot! Razorman beat me to it.

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Some people who have met Ric Flair even thought I was him. People have even got upset when I have told them that not only am I not Ric Flair, I am A Limey from London far away from home. My son finds it hilarious. Whooooooooooooo!

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Guest MikeTheBear

Yeah, I'm crazy too. This gives me a great idea for a "sand bag." The water sloshing around makes lifting anything water-filled one of the most difficult yet functional exercises around.

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Anyone doing lifts by the neck of a 5 gallon water bottle, where they grip it by the neck, should be aware that the plastic seals can come loose. I have had them start leaking mid-lift, and of course the water ruins the good, dry grip surface. Luckily I have a constant new supply of at least 10 bottles at all times at work, so as soon as a seal starts to give away I replace it right side up and move on to a new one. I cannot relate to people who only use these bottles for a source of drinking water in a water cooler. Also, in shouldering these bottles one arm swing style, managing not to smash your ear is a main technique concern.

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I am hoping that my online enemies will track him down instead of me and end up getting slapped and slammed! :tongue

Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!


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You look much younger than I had mentally pictured you.

I had the amount of handsomeness pictured about right

though :D

Have you tried hammer curling the old 50 lb scale weights

into this position? It would probably be easier for you than the wider bottles, right?

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56 lb block weights were commonplace back in England. My first attempt at lifting weights were with such scale weights. I have hammer curled one. It is an old Thomas Inch favorite. I am less ugly in real life. Just not photogenic!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here is me the old fart drinking from a full 5 gallon water jug lifted beer mug style. Boy I'm ugly!


I can't believe i missed the pic.

My gawd you look like my Uncle and I'm still afraid of him! ( his nose is more busted up though :dry )He could kick my ass any day of the week and never lets me forget it.Damn you look like him and are built like him(and my dad and his brothers all have big hands and i took after my mom-for hands)he always has a lot more grime under the fingernails though :laugh

You look tough now but 'back in the day'you must have twisted a few heads off?Holy crap.

Also that DOES look like quite a 'controlled' feat of strength.The water sloshing and all.Is there Lateral torque on the wrist? as you stabilize it and aim for the mouth.

The next party i'm at THAT will be the stunt i try?IF I can do it...I am good at hammer curls but that looks like an 'out of control' load..... :bow

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