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Bandages On My Chin - Warning


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Yeah. It finally happened to me.

Note to the newcomers. If you bend nails, especially something with a ring shank or twist test it first. I wasn't even going to bend tonight, as a matter of fact I was cutting some steel for someone else and just decided to try out one of these warm up nails I bought the other day and it snapped and I speared myself up under the chin. Thank God it wasn't the juggler vein.

I keep a piece of cloth for this to wrap around the middle to test new stuff but I just didn't do that this time. Bled like a sun-uva gun.

Anway, even a cheezy easy piece of warm up stuff can snap and get you. These weren't the hardened black ones either so kind of surprised me.

Really looking forward to shaving tomorrow ha ha.

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Ive thought about that, if it could happen, somtimes when I was bending, but never heard about anyone that got shanked.

You can easily die from sticking yourself in the neck with a bolt or such!

Good to hear that you didnt get hurt worse!

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Glad your o.k. Tim.

I bought a box of SS spiral 60d nails a while back for warm ups but had reservations about sticking one under my neck so I tried one reverse style and it snapped pretty easily. I then tried a second to make sure it wasn't a fluke but that one snapped also. I ended up taking the box of nails back to TSC and told them I tried "using" the nails but they kept breaking on me lol!

I used the return money to just buy a few rods of 1/4" CRS

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Thanks guys. I don't care if a person uses 2 pipes, you should always test unknown steel. Well, nails anyway.

I really thought I knew steel enough to tell by looking and thought that if this nail broke, it would be later in the bend but not so.

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Well - that's one advantage to not being flexible enough to get up under the chin - I spear myself in the chest. Glad you are all right!

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Funny you say that because I was not up real high but when it broke my hands kinda flew up and I got myself with both pieces. I tell you I'd hate to have had it buried up in my neck. That could've have been real bad.

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A little super glue goes a long way, lol. Seriously though I'm glad you're ok. I've broke bolts, brass and key stock. Every time I was fortunate enough to dodge it at the last minute. One of the perks of bending slow and feeling out the steel. But 90% of the time I'm like you, EWG covering the steel if I think it's kind of sketchy. However I've punched myself a lot, in fact it's an on going home between mike Sharkey and myself. Its hard to explain a shiner to your boss and not sound like an idiot when it pertains to bending. I'm really glad your ok and just a flesh wound.

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Thanks. It was fun shaving this morning but other than that just stings. My wife was not happy though since we're still paying for my medical bills from early summer. I think she'd rather I take up cross stitching or something a little more sedate.

Once bending gets in the blood though you can slow it down and even put it aside for a while but it will come out again.

It's kind of like those shingles commercials. If you ever had chicken pox then it's lurking inside you...waiting to come out with a vengence. Same with bending.

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Sh*t! I'm glad you're ok Tim! The small tempered stuff can snap violently. I remember an old video of Ben Edwards bending a short screwdriver that snapped and hit him in the face. If I'm not mistaken it drew some blood from him too.

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I remember that one. Dennis Rogers had a video where he tested a hammer over his thigh and bent it to see if it would snap. It didn't. So the very next one he's trying to bend around his neck (same brand - same session) and it snaps and the claws get him in the face.

Happens to the best.

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