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Inch Lifters


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Strong Man,

I think the youngest Coc was 15, so it may be hard for you to qualify as the youngest ever. Do you mean the youngest current Coc?

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Strong Man,

I think the youngest Coc was 15, so it may be hard for you to qualify as the youngest ever. Do you mean the youngest current Coc?

Pick one...

Why don't u two love birds PM each other


How does this help Joe?

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All I can say is 300 to 315 onehand deadlift on an Olympic bar, or 225lbs on an RT handle should be equal to a deadift with an Inch replica. I have never had the opportunity to lift an actual replica. I am comparing lifts to a loadable Inch that can be made to act like a solid bell.

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i can lift the inch replica and lift the 50lbs blob and am half an inch from closing the #3

PS: i'm only 15 yrs old

PS: rely   

That's what you wrote Strong Man. I don't have anything against you and frankly i don't give a sh## but you'd better decide whether you "can" or just "think you can" lift an inch replica. This board is SERIOUS, thanks.


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i can lift the inch replica and lift the 50lbs blob and am half an inch from closing the #3

PS: i'm only 15 yrs old

PS: rely   

That's what you wrote Strong Man. I don't have anything against you and frankly i don't give a sh## but you'd better decide whether you "can" or just "think you can" lift an inch replica. This board is SERIOUS, thanks.


Uh oh.

My delete finger is itching now that I know this was posted by him. :shifty

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just forget i every said anything

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just forget i every said anything

Well, you DID state you had done it. Which is it?

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yes i did

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yes i did

Ok, one more time...

Did you lift the blob and Inch?

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Who's INCH?Who's Blob?

Not the easiest things on earth to access?But possible if you know the right people? :cool

And?Grip strength is a funny thing.hard to figure.People abilities always different but I'd guess you'd be closer on a #3 IF you could do the INCH and the Blob?1/2 an inch a way...is quite a distance?

Unless you have Tony Scrivens hands?which i think makes grippers seem like a toy??I think that #3 might be a little closer....and(no disrespect towards Tony)but Tony can't lift a 40lb Blob....

Of course everybody has different abilities and anything IS possible.

BTW..i think it would be great if a 15 year old got the INCH and blob but somebody must have seen it or leant you the equipment....especially if your guys thick bar experience amounts to lifting the 'end of an olympic bar'?

And having no? 2 3/8" or 2 1/2 inch thick bar experience?

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Even wanna is so far off topic its beginning to make my eyes water.

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The brothers are 15 and 20 which is very young. They live in Ontario Canada. Have any Blobs and Inch replicas made their way to Canada?

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Even wanna is so far off topic its beginning to make my eyes water.


Yeah, but too late to split them. Sorry Joe and Steve.

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I too demanded proof of strongboy and his lifts and what he claims... he said he is sending me pics - I will forward them to Wanna. :D

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Strong Man you say you'll be the youngest CoC but I heard from IM that a couple of 14 year olds closed #3's and if I did my math correctly your 15 going on 16.

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I CAN'T lift an INCH ! :blush and I have one arm deadlifted 315lbs on an olympic bar.Maybe could do more?...never tried more.Was not a great big deal to do it.Did it on a whim**.that might give some perspective though?(I sort of prefer working on 18 inch deads,23 inch deads,hang cleans. trap bar is about all i do off the floor.Do farmers walk with oxytanks also).I can break our solid,181lb,2 3/8"off the ground with out assistance from the other hand(after much work) or can full deadlift it with 1 finger-of the opposite hand- stopping the rotation....

i do very heavy ring partial deadlifts though...and am actually in the ball park on that lift- with some good 'thickbar dudes'-so i don't know if there is much carry over??/between the lifts?

The thin bar isn't much strain on the grip though?Obliques and abs a little 'tight' the next day...It was nothing like the one arm ring lift,2 3/8 inch solid bar lifts or Rolling Thunders which are out in front.

Back on topic? :laugh but I'm not qualified to anwer the question. :whistel

just a thought?i suspect?? Rick Walker could get a load :ohmy off the floor,regular olympic bar with one hand?? and i think he is still a ways off from a 1 ft or more deadlift of the INCH replica?????

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Roark, if you do ever get a consensus on what it takes in the one arm deadlift to lift the Inch, I'd be very interested. Starting today, I've started training myself to pick it up and the best I can do is lift my 2" bar with 150lbs on it before it slips from my grip. I'll have to work a lot harder to break that 200lb mark. I think lifting the Inch would be cool as hell.

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As I lonely, without much response, wander down memory's lane, longing for the days not daze that used to frequent serious questions here.

Anyway sometime in August when the town of St, Joseph holds its festival, we hope to take the Terrible Trio to Body Tech (local gym) and advertise, and hopefully have a prize etc.

At this moment what I am thinking is having a bench or platform beside the bell and the requirement is to, using one hand only, lift either the 152, 172, or MB on to the

bench- this will negate having to determine inches of height lifted.

I'll have more details as soon as we get them in order,

and will inform the board. This can be fun! Great photo opp even if you have no chance of lifting the bells!

St. Joseph, Illinois is about 7 miles east of Champiagn-Urbana, the home of the U of I.

105 west of Indianapolis.

120 miles south of Chicago

So give it some prelim thought; would enjoy meeting you. :D

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I will ask Josh..it will give me an excuse to talk to him? :dry

Perhaps e-mail big Tony?Pfister?

of course Wade could help..and many others ON the forum.

i suspect there isn't much of a cross over....especially with those of average hands.

i.e.those of average hands will not have their grip affected by the 'standard' olympic style bar and may well be able to do more(on the olympic bar-one hand deadlift) than some big handed men -that actually have lifted the INCH replica-can do with the standard bar.I'll run out of grip strength way before i run out of 'back'.....

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Later this summer I want to make the Terrible Trio available for the public to try and I need input from those of who who have either one hand deadlifted it, or got it off the floor using only one hand.

What I need is your view on this:

Using a one inch, or olympic bar- what was your one hand deadlift level at the time you managed to hoist the Inch?

I am thinking of using this pitch- because when some guys who think they are strong hear that the Inch is only 172 lbs, they may not be interested:

"Among those who have been able to urge the Inch off the floor with one hand, a one hand deadlift on a normal size bar of_____was needed."


One of the problems in getting an adequate response may be that very few people perform a one-hand DL with a barbell, let alone the fact that they can also lift the Inch. Perhaps just a one-hand dumbbell lift? The barbell requires lateral wrist strength and balance that a dumbbell doesn't. I doubt that people who fail to understand the difficulty of lifting a 172 pound 2-3/8" diameter dumbbell will understand the difficulty of a one-hand DL with a barbell. They are both 'odd' lifts.


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I had that thought - when I trained at a gym the only person I saw doing one-hand deadlifts...was me!

As Tom said, there may be people to who the Inch's size is not much of a problem gripwise (and so could lift it), but do not have "the back" for an impressive Oly bar lift.

Edited by The Mac
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I'd advertise it like "Come take my money. I'm an idiot who is giving away $XXX to anyone who can lift a 228 lbs dumbell onto a 24 inch platform with one hand." ( the preceding is an extremely sarcastic paraphrase of the actual ad, but I'm sure you get the idea) P.T. Barnum would be proud. You'd get every "I think I'm strong" sucker in town to give it a whirl.

BTW, I'd love to come and try the Inch. Nothing quite like a little public humiliation. Please remind us as the day of the event approaches.

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I like that Macronan. Nothing like people thinking they're about to make some easy money...


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I'd advertise it like "Come take my money. I'm an idiot who is giving away $XXX to anyone who can lift a 228 lbs dumbell onto a 24 inch platform with one hand." ( the preceding is an extremely sarcastic paraphrase of the actual ad, but I'm sure you get the idea)

Excellent idea! It would certainly work!!

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