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Red Nail Battle


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At the suggestion of EJ, I am posting this as it's own thread. I originally put it in the Race to the Red Nail thread.

Here is a Red Nail I just bent for the first time. The IPad ran out of memory before it was over, but I am pretty sure I finished it off with one more hit because I toweled off and re-chalked and it made all the difference.

I have recently dedicated myself to certing the Red, and my progress can be followed in my log.

I have seen many great bends by several posters here, but I saw something in EJ's bend of the 11/32" hex that just really struck a nerve with me. The pain and determination in his face was genuine. I had been intimidated to try a Red in IMP's. After seeing that effort, I thought that if that didn't kill him, how could a Red even hurt?


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Excellent work, is this your first red in imps?

Yes, first time in IMPs. Huge mental hurdle.

Nice bend! Way to stick with it.

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Excellent work, is this your first red in imps?

Yes, first time in IMPs. Huge mental hurdle.

Definitely, congrats again!
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Great job! A lot of becoming good with IMPs is recognizing that there will be pain (and blood) and ignoring it, while blasting through it.

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Really nice bend. Congratulations.

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I have seen many great bends by several posters here, but I saw something in EJ's bend of the 11/32" hex that just really struck a nerve with me. The pain and determination in his face was genuine. I had been intimidated to try a Red in IMP's. After seeing that effort, I thought that if that didn't kill him, how could a Red even hurt?

I'm am truly honored. Thank you for the kind words. This is exactly the mindset that speaks volumes about your character and drive to succeed. What one man can do another can do. It's our job on this entire forum to help each other and show what is possible. We all have a goal right? Without this mindset we are just treading water waiting for that cert to be handed to us. We earn our Certs through hard work, blood, aggravation, anger and injury. When we finally get it, it's a proud day.

Your red bend was great, and you fought for it. Have to be honest, years ago I didn't fight that hard. Hell even now I'm not sure I fight that hard for a bend.

Right now you are at that point, the point where it could go either way. By that I mean, injury or success. I've seen a few guys get to where you are, push too hard too fast, get injured and quit. Quit right when they were so close to the red cert. The advice that was given to me was; rest up, eat like a pig and bend a red every 10 or so days. Until then do easy volume work to toughen skin and tendon. Because the red is just the beginning. Take that for what it's worth, but it worked for me.

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Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

I will do some easier bends as suggested and try another Red in about two weeks. I would like to significantly reduce the time. At that point, I will see if I need to do any specific crush work, as that seems to be my sticking point.

The Reds I have are about three years old. How do they compare to the new spiral Reds that guys are certing on today?

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Good work man. I love it that everyone is really starting to step it up. I think your on your way to becoming a great bender brother.

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Very nice bend man, and congratulations on crushing the Red Nail!

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I just calibrated several of the newer spiral reds and they all hit 445 to 450. From what everyone is telling me, there were some spirals from a year or 2 ago that were estimated around 420 pounds or so.

If you look at the pinned calibration thread, years ago, Reds were calibrating right around the 400 mark.

Tough to say on yours.

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I was just talking with Joel in March and he said he was preparing to make another run on the Red Nail very soon.

I am proud of you dude. "Laser Beam Focus". That's what it's all about. Great work!


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Like I said in the other thread. Awesome fight and good to see you hang in there and finish that sucker.

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Thanks again guys!

Jedd, too bad I wasn't ready in March, I could've hit a few bends while you were here! Thanks brother!

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I just calibrated several of the newer spiral reds and they all hit 445 to 450. From what everyone is telling me, there were some spirals from a year or 2 ago that were estimated around 420 pounds or so.

If you look at the pinned calibration thread, years ago, Reds were calibrating right around the 400 mark.

Tough to say on yours.

I looked on Aaron's site and he has a Red at 420. I believe this was from a few years ago. It might be what I have. Here are a couple pictures. Regardless, it looks like I need to order some Reds to see how I do on the new ones.



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