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It Took Almost Two Months But The Red Fell Tonight.

king crusher

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Well guys. It took two days shy of two months and 22 pieces of steel but I smashed the red tonight.

I feel that's pretty good progress considering only 22 pieces ever leading up to the red. And 12 of those were only lil 6" timber ties.

I also want to thank Lucas Raymond for his 5/16 CRS and S.S he sent. I tried the CRS for the first time tonight. It def. felt easier than the "M" drill rod.

After that falling pretty easy I felt good to try the red that I barely kinked a month ago.

I will say that I've been out of town for work since Monday and have not lifted weights at all in that time so I think having rested my whole body may have made a big difference, because the red honestly did not feel that hard tonight compared to the first try it was a world of difference. But my form and grip on the bar in the beginning was a joke.

So from first actual hit to when I stopped was about 25 sec. But that's to under 1.5" so I'm pretty happy about that.

Well what do you guys think?

Here's the 5/16 CRS from Lucas

And here is the Red bend

Thanks for the advice and help from everyone. No one I know personally bends so my only source of help has been you guys. Thanks!

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Thanks you! The red is something that has p'ed me off for almost two months now!!! Either I was super rested or I almost have to say the M drill rod sweep and crush were harder then the red!!

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Congrats on a great bend. Bending the red is a milestone feat of strength.

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You bet.

Do you have any goals past the Red?

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Killer job on destroying the Red.

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Congratulations, awesome job on bending the Red! It didn't even look like a max effort for you...whats next!?

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Thanks guys. Yeah it didn't feel like a max. But it did have a slight bend or wobble started so next will be a totally straight one. Then the only thing I have harder is the ss Lucas sent me.

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Awsome bend king im glad to see u get that sucker. Do you plan to keep going bigger or was the red your end goal.

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Will see what the future brings. Bending is a lot more expensive than grippers haha. But I do have some stainless to try sometime. And of course a bunch more reds.

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That is definitely fast progress. Congrats on taking down the Red!

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Wow so tonight I thought I'd blast another 5/16 CRS bar for the heck of it. Well I did bend it but holy crap is was a much harder piece than the exact same thing yesterday. Can they really very that much??

check out the vid, you can tell it was a lot tougher. And I know I just bent one and a red yesterday but nothing felt sore or anything so I didn't assume I'd need a ton of rest. Is bending not like that? Even though you feel fine you aren't?

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Wow so tonight I thought I'd blast another 5/16 CRS bar for the heck of it. Well I did bend it but holy crap is was a much harder piece than the exact same thing yesterday. Can they really very that much??

check out the vid, you can tell it was a lot tougher. And I know I just bent one and a red yesterday but nothing felt sore or anything so I didn't assume I'd need a ton of rest. Is bending not like that? Even though you feel fine you aren't?

Steel varies and some times quite a bit...but most likely you are the factor that is different.

Steel bending requires much from us.

It asks us to put aside discomfort and follow through with the bend.

It asks our CNS to be "on".

It asks us to coordinate a whole bunch of muscles in a particular order.

If any of these are not aligned, it doesn't mean you can't bend.

It DOES mean it's going feel a heck of a lot different...and will consequently look different and often take many more hits to accomplish the same bend from another day.

Just like grippers or axle or bench...ad infinitum...it won't always be a "bending day".

That said...there is something to be said about bending on "off days" if only to prepare you for the worst in preparation for a Cert.

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check out the vid, you can tell it was a lot tougher.

In the video, you look exactly like I do when I hit a piece of steel and it bothers my hands more than I'd like (discomfort wise). That would be my guess.

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I'm even newer to bending than you are, but I made a similar observation concerning myself.

I bent that 5/16 Hrs on Tuesday and I felt fine the next day and thought I would hit a couple Grade 5's which are a warm up for me. But the first one felt close to impossible and I gave up on it after the kink. My forearms then felt sore the rest of the day whereas before the bend they felt normal.

I concluded I needed more rest and that doing even "warm up" bends between my heavy workouts might not be a good idea at this stage in my bending career. For me at least I think "less is more".

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Yeah thanks for those posts guys. It's hard with bending to tell if you're ready again. With gym lifts it's very easy to tell when that muscle group is ready again. It's just a learning curve like anything new I guess.

I think it's a bit of both. The piece today had to be tougher but also it's probably me too.

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Sweet dude...glad to see the hard work has been paying off! Thanks for the shout out but seeing you make it to the point your at is thanks enough. Congrats dude!!

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Great job man glad to here you have made great progress! Thanks for the shout out but totally unnecessary, enough thanks just in the progress you made. Time to bend that SS!!!

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Yup I'm gonna try that once I'm rested for a week again. So I've heard you guys say the stainless is springy? How's the kink? Crush?

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The crush is what's the killer on stainless. It loads up almost all at once too so you think you're cruising along pretty good then wham! Doable, but definitely give you a crush workout.

My stainless calibrated 10 to 15 pounds heavier than a red but in real world bending, the difference is much greater.

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Fantastic progress, KC! That is a super short timespan in my book. You will go very far if you stick with it and listen to the elite benders who admonish you not to overtrain.

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