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Steel Progression "survey" Of Sorts


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With the demise of FBBC I've been pondering something for a while now and thought I'd ask you guys.

Let's face it, there's a "sizeable" gap between the red nail and the Gold nail so here's my question.

Do you guys like to keep it at 7 inches in the progression or if bending stock was readily available in sizes between 5/16 and 3/8 would you prefer to go longer as the diameter goes up? In other words, if you had 11/32 steel, would you prefer it to just be 7 inches or would you like to go half-way between the Red and Gold in length also which is 7 11/16?

I'd like to know everybody's thoughts if you like the basically 7 inch theme of FBBC or if you like the added challenge of going longer like Ironmind did with the Gold nail?

Speaking of which, the pic is of my PR from Tuesday night. I've bent the 11/32 by 7 11/16 before with leather but on this night, I decided to tackle it with ironmind pads with an extra layer of cordura. Shown with the Red I bent right before in ironmind pads. I'm getting more consistant with the Red which is a good feeling.


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I should say, I wasn't very fast with the 11/32 bend. Probably well over 5 minutes, maybe even closer to 10 but it was a good feeling to get it without the leather. Much more painful that way.

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Has it officially been 'demised'? I thought he was looking for a buyer?

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Well, the other thread doesn't make it sound very good. I wish them the best but either way, I've been curious about this for a while now even before the news of FBBC.

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Have to be someone who fabricates steel. Maybe Richard Sorrin could absorb them into his company.

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What about the steel preference Mike?

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Hell of a job taking down a 11/32" piece Tim in thinner wraps!! Wow that's fantastic. If you become half as good an un-braced bender as you were a braced bender it will be fun to watch! You have the potential to be right up there with the best. Strong work!

As far as stock length go I personally like 7". I don't think I will ever posses the human capacity to bend a Gold nail but I'd like to see how far I can take 7" lengths. If Randy was smart he'd develop a black nail. It'd drive more business for IM. The Red to the Gold is a joke. Even bring the gold down to a 3/8" x 7" would be better. That's still an elite world class bend that only a handful of guys can get in imp's under a minute.

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IMO red to gold is impossible if you stick with "normal" bending. By that I mean keeping the stock 7". Tim you and I see eye to eye on a lot of stuff in the bending world. One of them happens to be train the size you want to cert. If you want the gold stay with 8 3/8" length.

I've been bending drill rod. And started at








All these are about .01" jump from each other. Now you may say that's not a lot, but at these thicknesses, it's huge.

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I look at as almost two separate issues. The difference in diameter and strength level of course but the difference in length is perhaps an even bigger issue as I see things. The body proportions and flexibility needed for the longer Gold Bar is going to be a problem for a lot of people I think. Double overhand bending at the Red level certainly favors those with the proper mechanics for a 7" bar - going longer is going to make those proportions even more critical and drop quite a few otherwise good benders out of the equation I feel. Like most things - as the level gets higher and highers - only those genetically suited for the specific test at hand are going to be left in the game. Some people favor 6" - some 7" and not many seem to prefer much longer than that.

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Personally, the primary reason I will not be pursuing the Gold nail is the length (aside from the fact that I'm not passionate enough about bending to put in all that hard work over a really long time).

DO bending is risky enough, but the added length of the gold really puts my shoulders in a bad position and it's just not worth the risk of injury. This is the same reason why I no longer bench with a normal/wide grip and only close grip these days.

I enjoyed the FBBC method of certing where all the "bastards" started at 7" and progressed down in 1/2" increments.

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Thanks guys and thanks Sean. I was obsessed with braced bending at one point and the key to my personality is that if I want something really bad, I usually find a way to get it.

Now, I want the Gold really, really bad so if that desire stays with me and I stay injury free, I'll get there.

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Take a look at the picture in this older thread of mine and tell me if it's something that you might be interested in:


It's a progression I've worked up for my own use.

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