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7" X 5/16" Stainless Steel In Imp's

Sean Cashman

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Not a huge bend but after spending the last month building some volume with 7 x 1/4" steel and Red nails I hit this today.

7" x 5/16" 304 SS (fastenal) in imp's - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO3wREUjq1Q

Also if anyone knows how to embed the video directly onto the post please let me know. For some reason I seem like I can only post links to the video.


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Very nice. Is that Fastenal stainless? Either way that brand, is oddly tough. That's the stainless that made me strong. The stainless that I always bent. I actually have 12 feet of the round and 12 feet of the hex ready to cut.

You smoked that bar. You're getting much stronger much faster this time around. Whatever you're doing keep it up.

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Very nice. Is that Fastenal stainless? Either way that brand, is oddly tough. That's the stainless that made me strong. The stainless that I always bent. I actually have 12 feet of the round and 12 feet of the hex ready to cut.

You smoked that bar. You're getting much stronger much faster this time around. Whatever you're doing keep it up.

Thanks EJ. Yes the SS is from Fastenal. I used this stock a lot back when I was bending regularly. It surprised me how easy I took it down. I've just been bending once per week lately, hitting 6-7 bends total in a session but keeping my rest to a minimum. A minimum being the time it takes to rewrap a bar. I've also been doing some good stuff in the gym 3 times a week to improve my all over strength. That's helping the most.

Edited by Sean Cashman
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Sean...I just copied and pasted and it embedded just fine.

No idea why it didn't work for you.

You can always monkey with the "preview post" function and possibly adjust things before posting.

Nice bend BTW. As I've said before...you are a supremely efficient bender. :)

P.S. Did you use the "link" function? It's unnecessary and can actually prevent an embed. (just paste the link and it should show)

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Sean I use the [ media ] url [ /media ] to imbed my videos and have had no problems - minus the spaces between the brackets and the word media

Edited by Lucasraymond
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Lucas is this the same stuff you sent me?

Awesome job Sean. Beast mode

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Thanks Nate. I just copied and pasted straight in from youtube without using the link function. And thanks for the kind words. With my strength levels I need to be efficient :grin: or the steel isn't moving!

Lucas, I'll try the media in brackets and see if it works. Cheers for the tip.

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Yes king crusher this is the same 304 SS bar that I sent but mine is not from Fastenal...idk what Sean thinks as far at rating but JT Straussner and Robert Miller thought low 500's for the bars that I had!

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Yes king crusher this is the same 304 SS bar that I sent but mine is not from Fastenal...idk what Sean thinks as far at rating but JT Straussner and Robert Miller thought low 500's for the bars that I had!

The SS I have from fastenal is no where near 500. It's much easier. I'm not great with guessing poundages because bends can feel easy one day and hard the next. But it's much easier than 500lb.

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Lucas and Sean, how do each of yours compare to a red nail? Might be a good baseline to see if they are different.

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Lucas and Sean, how do each of yours compare to a red nail? Might be a good baseline to see if they are different.

The Red is a warmup bend for this stainless.

There is an entire world from Low 400's to 500's when it comes to 7" stock. Basically my reds are easy compared to the SS.

Edited by Sean Cashman
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SS is much harder than the red nail, especially the sweep and crush (mostly)...the first time I bent the stainless I could not get it past 2.25" but have since bent one down to 1.75" using the single hand crush (one that Sean uses) versus the interlocking crush at the end.

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The 303L is the stuff guessed to be in the low 500s. It's hardened SS and Fastenal doesn't carry it often, it's a specific order. This stuff I'd say is 450-475, as Sean said one day it's easy and the next it's hard.

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I had some 304 calibrated once and it hit 465. Crush was tougher than the numbers showed though.

I've got some 304 right now that's probably right at that if I were guessing.

Seems like stainless has gotten much more expensive in the past several years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone needs 7" x 5/16" I can get it fairly easily at cost...if anyone is interested in some I may be able to get u 15-20 bars...PM me if interested and I'll see what I can get and the cost of it.

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What is everyone getting is per foot? I can get 5/16" HRS also if anyone is looking to work up to the red nail! Also cut to any length for both of them!

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