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1mo Since I First Tried A Red Nail

king crusher

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My plan was to bend one each of I j k l m them try the red again. But I realized my first try at the red was a month ago today so I tried it again. Probably shouldn't have as my hands friggin hurt now. Not even sure I'd want to try to unscrew a hard food lid.

Anyway, I did bend it but only enough to fit a penny and dime solidly under it. I then stopped the video because my hands already started to hurt.

Maybe I shoulda tried some timber ties to warm up? Is it a bad idea to try a max bend without a warm up?

I know it is in lifting so I suppose I already know the answer. Dumb.

Next time I'll work out first like I usually do to get my hands ready. No part at all except my hands are the weak link so it frustrates me.

Anyway here's the attempt and second video shows the bent red.

It won't work on mobile I think because dumb YouTube recognizes the song in the background. What the?


Here's the vid showing the bent red


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I'm not a huge fan of warming up. All my bends are done after a workday. So it's not like I just woke up. I use my hands all night at work playing with grippers or an ugly rubber. Same thing goes for the gym. I never warm up. I jump right into lifting heavy. But after the lift or the bend I take special care to stretch and cool down.

Honestly a warm up bend after being sore already may have caused you some sort of injury. I'm at work not on wifi so I didn't watch the video, but I'm sure you gave it hell.

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I always found that I was very well warmed up when I did 3x15 pushups and 3x20 bw squat and like 2x10 of these

with a 8kg kettlebell followed by one medium hard bend.

After that I felt very well prepared for hard bends.

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Well I've tried two different reds now. And both are very hard, seems twice as hard as a k drill rod I did without much trouble. On paper that should be around. 360ish and reds are 420? I've read some go over 440 though. Anyone bought reds within the last few months? How do they seem compared to a year or two ago? Seems like it's a huge difference from a k drill rod for sure.

I still have to try a l and m though.

My right pointer finger knuckle is the sorest. Needs some rest.

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Well I've tried two different reds now. And both are very hard, seems twice as hard as a k drill rod I did without much trouble. On paper that should be around. 360ish and reds are 420? I've read some go over 440 though. Anyone bought reds within the last few months? How do they seem compared to a year or two ago? Seems like it's a huge difference from a k drill rod for sure.

I still have to try a l and m though.

My right pointer finger knuckle is the sorest. Needs some rest.

I got my shipment of Reds last week and have bent 6 of them so far. They are pretty close to most Reds I've bent in the past. Low 400's I'd guess.

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I bought some reds a couple months ago and to me they feel pretty stout. I even started a thread about it back then and there's been a few people say that the newer ones with the spiral pattern are harder than the spiral ones that were a couple years ago.

Can't say for sure though because I've been out of the game for a couple years. I've bent one in single imps but I'm not consistant enough to cert. I want to be able to absolutely destroy something much harder before I go for a cert. What's to say that they don't send the 3 reds for the certs and they're like the 515# bastard bars a few years ago.

I've bent some square that was cal'd at 375 pounds and these reds are way harder than those. Every part of the bend is harder too, not just the crush.

One thing to remember as well, is while I agree that drill rod is a good training tool because of the increments available, it has a much different feel than reds - at least to my hands. I've had some drill rod with a tough kink but typically the kink on bends like the red are harder.

You'll get it. If it were easy, there wouldn't be a cert for it.

Hey Sean, do your reds have the spiral pattern to them?

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Well I'm happy I did bend it some at least. But I noticed in reveiwing the vid that I didn't wrap my thumbs around the bar like I did on the K bend. Not sure why I reverted to that crappy mistake.

My knuckles are sore. My hands have never had soreness like this from anything else besides bending. I've only bent 14 pieces of steel so far ever so will my hands get used to this abuse??? How had it been for you guys now and when you just started?

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On paper that should be around. 360ish and reds are 420? I

Steelbending is not unlike powerlifting in that it is percentage based but relates to overall human capacity. i.e. most people can DL 300#. 400# is harder but doable, but probably not without a bit of training and technique work. 500# or more is quite challenging and much more rare, and above that is entering elite levels of strength. Steel is the same. Anything over 400# is something that doesn't just happen. Its a different level of challenge.

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I'll get the red but this hand pain is not good. Hopefully it goes away for good.

Like last nights attempt, I only stopped due to hand pain. My body/muscles were not even bothered or tired at all that's what's annoying me.

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I bought some reds a couple months ago and to me they feel pretty stout. I even started a thread about it back then and there's been a few people say that the newer ones with the spiral pattern are harder than the spiral ones that were a couple years ago.

Can't say for sure though because I've been out of the game for a couple years. I've bent one in single imps but I'm not consistant enough to cert. I want to be able to absolutely destroy something much harder before I go for a cert. What's to say that they don't send the 3 reds for the certs and they're like the 515# bastard bars a few years ago.

I've bent some square that was cal'd at 375 pounds and these reds are way harder than those. Every part of the bend is harder too, not just the crush.

One thing to remember as well, is while I agree that drill rod is a good training tool because of the increments available, it has a much different feel than reds - at least to my hands. I've had some drill rod with a tough kink but typically the kink on bends like the red are harder.

You'll get it. If it were easy, there wouldn't be a cert for it.

Hey Sean, do your reds have the spiral pattern to them?

Tim, yes they have the spirals running through them.

Just before I got my hands on these Reds I tried a piece of Drill Rod that was 7" x 460lb rated by Mke K.(can't remember the diameter) it was significantly harder than these Reds though.

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I'll get the red but this hand pain is not good. Hopefully it goes away for good.

Like last nights attempt, I only stopped due to hand pain. My body/muscles were not even bothered or tired at all that's what's annoying me.

Welcome to steel bending. The limiting factor is rarely strength at the beginning. It's technique, pain tolerance, and your ability to build a base level of strength in the hands that can take the punishment of the steel.

Lighter stock and volume work when you begin to bend steel is the answer to helping prevent this. Without the base work of volume and acclimation you will just keep hurting yourself.

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So you're saying Sean that I should just buy a bunch of the 60d spiral and mash them a bunch at a time? You must be right though because I really have not bent many pieces of anything. Only 8 timber ties, 2 weak bolts, 4 pieces of drill rod and linked the red. That's all of my bending right there. So what do you recommend?

This pain in my hands is annoying and at times really hurts. It's the tops of the hands and index knuckle. It can come and go.

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When I first discovered I could bend a real 60d, I kept bending them and bending them. Next day or so, the back of my hands had the worst soreness I've ever experienced. I had to sleep on my stomach with my hands in a heating pad under my pillow. I'm assuming that's a form of tendonitis and after a few days it got better but when I tried to bend again, it started right back up. Wasn't until I took a couple weeks off that it healed up.

A physical therapist told me that Tylenol was good for it because it's an imflamation of the water "jacket" around the tendons. I would assume that vitamin C is good for it as well.


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So you're saying Sean that I should just buy a bunch of the 60d spiral and mash them a bunch at a time? You must be right though because I really have not bent many pieces of anything. Only 8 timber ties, 2 weak bolts, 4 pieces of drill rod and linked the red. That's all of my bending right there. So what do you recommend?

This pain in my hands is annoying and at times really hurts. It's the tops of the hands and index knuckle. It can come and go.

I'd take a week off and let the hands heal up. I'd also buy some 60'ds and a bunch of DR that you feel is a 50-70% sub max bend and cut it to 7" lengths. Shoot for bending 2 times per week and aiming for 5-8 bends/ session over the first two weeks and increasing that volume every couple of weeks. The 60'ds are cheap and the DR cut to 7" will keep your longer stock technique going. There were days that I'd bend 20 - 30 60d's in imp's without any pain the next day. I'm in a rush now but I'll add to this when i can get to a computer and have more time.

The main thing is it'll come with time. I promise you that in the near future a Red will feel like a warm-up for you.

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