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New Job At A Hardware Store!

Josh O'Dell

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Hey guys today is my last day as a armed security guard, I will then be

starting a new more productive job at the same rates. Im very happy with

everything at this new job for one no more sitting alone fpr 12 to 13 hours

two i can be active and be around all the bolts and nails and potential parts

for homemade grip projects;) Im over joyed and greatfull. One huge benifit

Will be all the steel and bolts with my discount, I plan to start my bending

back up, I even told the manager at my enterview about the rednail and how

i was certified. He was impressed also at my knowledge of steel and hardware:)

I learned alot from bending and blacksmithing. Anyway just wanted to let you

no i will be returning to bending, But not so much till after Nationals. PEACE

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Glad you're excited about the new job. Glad you got out of the security racket. Carrying a gun is highly over rated, ask me how I know. Get out of the security field as quick as you can or you get stuck.

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Oh i no man its just extra weight on one side after

the initial ol cool i get to carry my fav gun at work

all day;) Then after breathing dust and toxic smoke

working long lonely hours that gun dont mean jack

Well you no. Anyhow time for a normal job with good

ol work, Im a country man and love to work hard and

relax with some brew(sorry Chez im out of wine lol).

And the good ol soreness of a hard days work.

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I know exactly what your talking about.

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People have not a clue what security

is like. Its mentally demanding which

is muchmuch harder than physically

Demanding. I like people and communication

Seclustion will kill you.

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I agree. The clients and long hours are what I hate the most. I don't mind the traveling and I like the days I don't have to arm up. Believe me I am trying desperately to get out of this field. Congrats on making the switch. You deserve it.

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Thanks EJ, Im sure you will find something you

enjoy to. Im also going to be knifesmithing alot more

and selling my knives so that will help to.

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Dude pm me a link you your knife stuff. I am a HUGE collector. And am always looking to buy exotic or one-off stuff. I have a pretty nice collection of custom stuff, michrotechs, Bali's, and shurikens.

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What is this stuff contagious? I have also dabbled in knife collecting. Of course I was a teen in the 80s when "First Blood" came out and all us kids wanted a "Rambo" knife. Unfortunately, the guy who made those knives for the first 2 movies (Jimmy Lile) passed away a long time ago and those knives are now mucho collectable.

Stallone also collects knives for those who don't know it.

Anyway, glad you like your new job and enjoy your bending.

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Lol try being a corrections officer. Not much better

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going to be knifesmithing

If you are good at it, there is a market for high end custom chef's knives. Check out http://cutbrooklyn.com/ his knives are in demand and go for $500 or more per knife.

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I will post up some pics win i get home later, Nothing to special just old file knives. and i have none at the moment but plan

to be back in production soon..

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Here are some of my very first knives, all made

from old files.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude those knives look cool. Especially the first one. What's the process of making one?

I wonder if old mower blades could be used?

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I blacksmith so make mine by forge

and anvil. Here is one i just finished

from a railroad spike. And yea a lawn

Mower blade works amazing.


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That thing is Awesome! So you heat it to orange to twist it??

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Yellow yea its a blast

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