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New Ironmind Nails..how Hard Are They?


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I was about to get some sleep when I heard the UPS man pull up. AHHHH, my package from Ironmind. Anyway, I had to open it up and check it out.

I decided to try a Red nail just to see how tough they were. Now I'm keeping in mind that I was basically about to fall asleep and got back up to try a Red with no warm-up or anything. Didn't feel like trying ironmind pads for the first time so I used my leather pads and wow what a fight. These reds have a weird almost candy stripe appearance to them and feel really tough to me. Not much spring to them but at least to my hands felt pretty mean.

Anybody else tried one or had one calibrated?

Also, anybody know what kind of steel this is? I always assumed it was 1018 as that type of steel can vary a lot but this batch almost reminds me of some 12L14 or even 1045 I've bent in the years past.

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If you mean one like this...it has been said that these tend to rate about 20-30lbs easier than the average Red. Most people who have bought in the last 3 months have received these.


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Wow. I guess I have some work to do. Well, it's only been probably 5 or so serious bending sessions since I've been back and I never was a world-class unbraced bender even back then.

Yes they're like the ones in the picture. The one Red nail that I've ever bent was one of the 460 pounders that was floating around years ago that stunned everybody because they had been rating in the 400 to 415 range.

There's just something about bending a red nail though. I know it's just a piece of cold rolled steel but the red ends just glare at you.

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That would've been my guess as well. 12L14 to me doesn't feel as springy as 1018 but on average it's slightly harder. Also, if you ever cut a piece with a hacksaw, 12L14 cuts easier because of the lead added.

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These spirals of current batch are soft. If we compare with gripper ratings, it would be 2.75 against 3.00.
It is HUGE difference, especially regarding to perceptions in wrist styles - reverse and D.U.

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Im with Mike, My cert reds felt around 420# to 440#ish they all vary

i have never had a spiral red. I waited till i could kill a fbbc bastard

in Imp singles before i signed up for the red.. If you can bend a new bastard

you can destroy any Red.

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I'm almost scared to order from FBBC now. From what I've seen on hear, it can take quite a long time to get your order.

I've got a local supplier that sells some tough 5/16 CRS that's been on par with the FBBC stuff whenever I've had it calibrated so I'll probably kill a bunch of that before I try to cert.

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Yea i cant blame you i also get my 7" 5/16" from the local machine

shop, Its only 4$ for a 12ft peice and they sheer it into sections

for a few more bucks! Plus you get it that day. I had some that

felt like a red and same a bastard. Also Fastenals crs is really tough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard the new spiral red's were softer... too bad metal vary so much! Not to diminish anyone's accomplishments... not there fault!

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