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Your Hand Size


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I thought it would be interesting (to me at least), to know your hand size.

It would be cool if you could write down both your height and your hand size.

Reason this interests me is that you watch youtube vids of guys from the board alot, and you see this and that guy CCSing or TNSing this and that gripper, and you're thinking "that guy looks about my size, and that #3 TNS looks really easy for him... I wonder how large those hands are..."

It would just be really interesting to know these things as you've been following people here on the board for years now.


1. Your height

2. Your hand size (first crease of wrist to top of middle finger)

Edited by Norden
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I thought it would be interesting (to me at least), to know your hand size.

It would be cool if you could write down both your height and your hand size.

Reason this interests me is that you watch youtube vids of guys from the board alot, and you see this and that guy CCSing or TNSing this and that gripper, and you're thinking "that guy looks about my size, and that #3 TNS looks really easy for him... I wonder how large those hands are..."

It would just be really interesting to know these things as you've been following people here on the board for years now.


1. Your height

2. Your hand size (first crease of wrist to top of middle finger)

Since we do a lot of pinch here...adding a number "3. Your hand span." would make this even more informative.

1. 6'4"

2. 8.5"

3. 10"

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I thought it would be interesting (to me at least), to know your hand size.

It would be cool if you could write down both your height and your hand size.

Reason this interests me is that you watch youtube vids of guys from the board alot, and you see this and that guy CCSing or TNSing this and that gripper, and you're thinking "that guy looks about my size, and that #3 TNS looks really easy for him... I wonder how large those hands are..."

It would just be really interesting to know these things as you've been following people here on the board for years now.


1. Your height

2. Your hand size (first crease of wrist to top of middle finger)

Since we do a lot of pinch here...adding a number "3. Your hand span." would make this even more informative.

1. 6'4"

2. 8.5"

3. 10"

Good idea. Forgot about that.


1. Height

2. Hand length, first crease of wrist to top of middle finger, like this: http://www.farinfraredgloves.com/images/measurehand-inches-length2-300.gif

3. Hand spread, top of pinkie to top of thumb, like this: http://www.girlscoutsofpaloalto.org/images/esthandspan.jpg

Edited by Norden
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Handspan 10 1/2

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My hand size is in my sig, probably below average for my height

The great richard sorin didn't have huge hands and he did some of the greatest grip feats of all time

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182cm tall.

93kg weight.

8'' hands.

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I think too much is being made of hand size affecting grip strength. There are plenty of examples of guys without mutant hands doing world class feats with sub 8 inch hands. Glass, Sorin, and perhaps many more have all manhandled blobs and inches and lifted incredible weight on thickbar. In fact, when you think about it, having large hands may be a detriment in axle lifting in particular. This is because in order to stabilize the axle and prevent it from slipping down the fingers into a pinch, one must use the wrist strength and that is affected by leverage. A longer palmed individual has less leverage from the wrists because the bar is at a greater distance from the beginning of the wrist. However, a short handed individual can overcome the circumference of the thickbar by using that wrist power. This can be debated because I really haven't fully thought this through,

For the purpose of this thread my measurements are: 6 foot 1-- 7,7/8L/just a hair under 8R-- around 9, 1/2 span

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I think it all depends on the person and how bad they want to

complete there goal, I think with enough work anyone can

do these things but far as big hands making axle harder

It dont seem hard for me.....

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The one question I have about smaller hand sizes is, "is the credit card set fair for smaller hands?" Can somebody close the #3 with a CCS? Of course they could, but it would be closer to a TNS for somebody with larger hands. In other words, a CCS is way harder for 7" hands than 8"+ hands. Credit card sets are geared towards larger men with larger hands, just as most of IronMind is biased towards heavyweight men in general. I would be content with closing a #3 no matter what the set, and there are plenty of other certs and goals before I'd concern myself with an IronMind CCS.

Again, I believe small hands can close the #3, but I don't agree with the CCS.

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Just some food for thought, not trying to stir up controversy. Definitely open for debate too, I'd like to see some other opinions on this :)

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What about hand thickness or width? Maybe measure all the way around the hand?

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The one question I have about smaller hand sizes is, "is the credit card set fair for smaller hands?" Can somebody close the #3 with a CCS? Of course they could, but it would be closer to a TNS for somebody with larger hands. In other words, a CCS is way harder for 7" hands than 8"+ hands. Credit card sets are geared towards larger men with larger hands, just as most of IronMind is biased towards heavyweight men in general. I would be content with closing a #3 no matter what the set, and there are plenty of other certs and goals before I'd concern myself with an IronMind CCS.

Again, I believe small hands can close the #3, but I don't agree with the CCS.

I do prefer the block set to ccs which is why that and MMS are used the most in contests. Ironmind originally just used a parallel set I believe so it was interesting that they went to the CCS vs a block set. Though the ironmind hub lift is geared toward smaller hands I feel. Also the rolling thunder world record is done by a guy with hands that are just over 8 inches long.

I think more events could be included in general that might favor smaller hands such as narrow pinch for one example. Though honestly with ironmind the world records are always going to be done by HW's on average and thats not just due to hand size but overall strength as well. Grip sport has weight classes and there own world records.

Edited by Stephen Ruby
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I think the first thing wrong with guys small hands is they think they have small hands. Size means nothing in my opinion. I think most guys limit their abilities by putting the idea in their head that they arent as big as other guys. Sure your gonna be limited if you think you are limited. First thing you need to do is get that crap out of your head or use your so called disadvantage as motivation and drive yourself through that negative mindset. I think it also depends on how far you actually are from achieving your particular goal. If you have tiny hands and your trying to palm a basketball maybe you need to change your goal as you could train your whole life and never be able to achieve that ability. Now if your an inch or quarter inch from certing the 3 then maybe you need to bust your butt more, seek training advice from someone who has been there. It took me 10 years to cert the 3. There were times I told myself that I never would and I gave up throughout the journey. But something inside me kept telling myself to keep trying. All in all you have to enjoy pursuing your goal. If you keep telling yourself your limited and its harder because I'm smaller or shorter than I wouldnt think you'd have much fun training and then you lose sight of your goal. If you think you can't then save your self the time and effort and quit. Some people have to work harder than others to achieve the same thing. Thats life. If you listen to what others say too much you can get discouraged. Work your weaknesses, set small weekly goals that keep you on track. Keep it fun. CCS is no joke and you have to earn the title. I once believed I had no chance in hell to do it. You will get stronger. If your not strong enough then squat and deadlift to get more overall strength. Thats what worked for me. Put the grippers down for a few weeks and squat and deadlift with the same passion. I bet you gain a quarter inch on your crush easy.

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Right: 7 3/4 Left: 7 7/8

Span: 8 3/4

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I once believed I had no chance in hell to do it. You will get stronger. If your not strong enough then squat and deadlift to get more overall strength. Thats what worked for me. Put the grippers down for a few weeks and squat and deadlift with the same passion. I bet you gain a quarter inch on your crush easy.


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