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Anwnate Red Nail Journey Part 2


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Nov 19


(DO) IM Red IMDbls (for kink, singles for finish) (1)


(D0) IM Red IMDbls (kink 15degrees only) (1)

Very frustrating...feel very unsure of kink technique. It could well be that I'm torn down and simply need to get stronger. I'll know more on Monday.

Nov 20

Got a surprise call from EJ Livesey (Benders Battlefield). I had PM'd him on BB. Talked on the phone for an hour. There was a bit of a disconnect between us since I didn't understand much of the bending language, but knew most of the players involved. He answered many questions and offered several suggestions. He's very intense.

Recently on the Gripboard, I suggested to Tommy that he cut down three IMpads to transition from 2 IMpads on the Gold (1 3/4, 1 1/2, 1 1/4) down to singles. I planning on doing something similar with the Red. (Note: I later found out on the BB that EJ don't agree with using larger pads to move steel and then reducing. However it has worked great for me so I highly recommend it.)

Nov 24

Gonna try and bend more often (EJ suggestion) and toughen up my hands.

(DO) G8 (2) IMP's Singles (PR) , 6" Bolt 5/16" (1), Red (1)

I am starting to think I may eventually be able to (DU) a Red. I may make a few attempts in the near future. Additionally...down the road, I think I'm eventually going to be able to bare hand a Red (ends ground smooth of course). Don't ask me why...hubris maybe?

Nov 25

(DO) Red IMDbls for kink and part of sweep...finish in singles (3) (PR)

Cut some IM Pads to transition from doubles to singles.

Red 1 and 1/2 IM Pads (1) (PR)

I've got around 60+ Reds left, but with volume bending, I don't think they will last that long but I think. After I'm able to bend 5 in a session often, I'm going to start cutting them down. I now have a Gold sitting on my desk as motivation. Barring terrible injury...I'm crazy confident I'll (eventually) bend and then cert on the Gold. I know it's seems ridiculous, but when I hold it in my hands...it just feels like it needs to go down. Spoken like a newbie convinced he'll close the CoC#4 I suppose. lol

[Current Red Total 10…all partials finished]

Nov 26


(DO) Red (3) IMDbls for kink and part of sweep (on 2 and 1.5IMP's for 1)...finish in singles


(DO) Red (1) IMDbls til 4", finish in singles

Nov 27

(DO) Red (6 total) (PR) IMDbls (2), IM 1 2/3 (1), IM 1.5 (2), IM singles! (PR)

5/16 unknown 6" bolt (1)

Getting stronger...bending better. I think I'm basically done with IMdoubles for 7" Reds. I'll save em for off days only.

[Current Red Total 20]

Nov 28

(DO) Red (5 total) IM 1 2/3 (2), IM 1.5 (2), IM singles NO RubberBands! (PR)

My first NoBands singles bend was a clusterf-ck...taking 9+ minutes. As I progress I'll need to practice w/o bands...cause completely loose wrappings screw the pooch. Holy crap my hands are really torn down...especially my thumb pads. Talk about perpetual pump!

On a separate topic…when EJ saw a video of me bending, he mentioned I'm not getting the bar high enough in the kink…meaning I'm relying too much on my arms and wrist. Additionally I should hold the bar right up against the chest to use less upper arm and more easily engage my chest.

Nov 29

(DO) Red (5 total) IM 1 2/3 (1), IM 1.5 (2), IM singles (2…no bands) These went pretty smooth and quickly. (PR)

[Current Red Total 30]

Dec 1

Chez came by and MMS'd the #3.5 (on two different grippers). Hopefully they are clear enough. I talked to him about my bending and about pad progression etc. I did multiple bends in front of Chez. I've gone from ISOing G8's to multiple Reds in less than a month. I may have actually impressed him. lol. Felt good…since the dude's a pretty well rounded monster.

(DO) Red (6 total on the day) IM 1 2/3 (1), IM 1.5 (2…1 of which was 10deg prekinked), IM 1 1/3 (1), IM singles (2…1 of which was 1-2deg prekinked)

Dec 2

(DO) Red cut down to 6" IM Singles(1) (PR), kind of a surprise here…thought it would be insanely difficult. The kink wasn't much different…the sweep crush was harder…or I'm beat down…or both.

I bought and cut up some 5/16 HRS from HD.

(DO) 5/16 HRS 9", 8", 7", 6", 5" IM Singles (5 total…1 each) Simply not a challenge…any of it. Not being cocky…the steel was terribly weak and the length made no difference. Not going to buy any of that crap again.

(DO) Red IM 1 2/3 (1) attempted DU in between kink hits…not much movement, but frankly I think I'm fried…possibly could have movement when fresh.

Will continue to mess around with Reds using combination of (DO) and (DU) and in future (DO) and (RS). Doing so should make me a better bender, more well rounded and strengthen my wrists. Can't wait for Christmas Wrist Developer!

Getting close to 40 Red total (7 in singles…1 of those 6"). 50 more Reds, 12 more Golds and 4 more IMPad pairs should arrive tomorrow.

Will continue to attempt cut Reds along with standard ones. I hope to use 7" Reds as warmups and work down from there. After I bend my first 5" Red in IMSingles…I will make my first Gold attempt in IMDoubles.

Dec 5

(DO) Red (4 total) IM 1.5 (2), IM 1 1/3 (1), IM singles (1),

(DO) Red 6" IM Singles(1…kinked only to 10deg), Red 6" IM1.5(1…kinked to 30deg)

Very tired. I have a feeling that bending is straining my heart a bit. Need to be careful, concentrate on exploding more and straining less.

Dec 6

Today was a GWO (general work out) day which takes even more out of me. I decided to bend a Red after each major set…the last two were a bit slower going and had to switch pads.

(DO) Red (4 total) IM 1.5 (1), IM 1 1/3 (3…2 of kinks started in singles) Tore two deep calluses off my index fingers struggling with the singles. Made it difficult to bear down…ended up finishing them off in 1 1/3's. After today…no more general working of Red's with 1.5IMPs. 1 1/3 is plenty of protection now. I hope to eventually wean off of those too, but maybe it's not so bad to keep using them as warmup pads. Gonna try and hold off bending until Monday the 10th. I'm such an addict now…I may have trouble.

Dec 8

I was supposed to keep away…however I got pissed off and decided to take out my aggression on steel. Kinda sets me back a little on recovery etc…oh freakin well. I kept my word and unwrapped my 1.5's…not using them for Red's anymore. I'm trying to incorporate bending over my index finger in addition to my middle…it's awkward, but I guess it'll make me less of a one finger pony. Not having a lot of success with it.

(DO) Red (3total) IM 1 1/3 (1), IM singles (2) the last one I crushed down to 1".


Anger may be the path to the dark side…but it also pushes the crush envelope. I can not wait until Xmas and David Horne's WD shows up! I'm gonna save oodles on steel. Mini goal for the week. I want to bend 3 Red's in singles Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. At some point I need to let go of my rubber band blanky and consistently start killing 'em without. Mini goal for the month…gonna bend a Red in one IMPad…ala Paul Knight style.

[Current Red Total 50…any partials completed]

Dec 9


(DO) Red (2+total) IM 1 1/3 (2), IM singles (1…kinked to 40deg…tore dime sized hole in right palm)



While I could have manned up and finished the bend…or covered, taped, manned up and finished the bend…I chose to stop and allow myself to heal up. Definitely could have/would have finished if it was a Cert. I'm not sure how it happened…I think I started a crush/sweep motion without a firm grasp on the nail. I did feel it slip. The rip location is way more to the center of my palm than what I am starting to consider my "sweet spot" for the end of the nail. For comparison, the non tear picture of my left hand shows a callus on the "sweet spot." While I hate leaving a nail unfinished, I don't want to create a bigger problem to delay my progress. I think I'll use this as an opportunity for a rest week from grippers.


I wondered if I could (DU) without aggravating that palm tear. I made several attempts at (DU) a pre-kinked (15deg) Red. It shook pretty hard but didn't yield. I feel pretty tired and my wrists ache from the effort. I think my wrists need to strengthen up quite a bit…particularly for the (DU). I think I'll need stronger wrists for the Gold. I'm asking a lot out of them without much prior training. I'll keep testing the (DU) once a week or so…and of course work the (RS) when the WD gets here.

Dec 16

Did an evening General Workout due to schedule conflicts. It's always harder for me to bend right after Bench and Flys. Bent a little pre-bent Red Stock to test the waters. I was amazed at how horrible/difficult it was to get back into the bend on the first one. I literally ended up using doubles to warm my hands up.

(DO) Red (3 total) IM 2's (1…prekinked to 20deg), IM 1 1/3 (1…prekinked to 5deg), IM singles no bands (1),

I'm going to try and keep bending to 3 or less per day…additionally, I want to make sure I am bending without bands more and more often and with reduced pads (perhaps IM .5's for Reds). While I really want to dive into 6" Red stock wholeheartedly…I need to focus more on my right hand CCS #3 Cert. I've been told repeatedly they don't exactly go hand in hand. I'm not convinced of that, but I should probably lean a little on that side until I know for sure. I want that double Cert by Feb/March and our bodies don't like sticking to timetables.

Dec 17

(DO) Red (3 total) IM 2's (1…prekinked to 15deg), IM 1 1/3, IM 1/2 no bands…(that is 1/2 pad per side…single wrap coming soon) Palm ripped back open on bend. (PR)

G8 (3)

Blue 3" (2) bent in IMP's (That's the last of my Blue stock.)

Dec 18

Hands pretty shot for whatever reason. Threw doubles on…bent one warm up bend and called it a day.

(DO) Red (1) IM 2's

Dec 19

(DO) Red (3 total) IM 1 1/3's(1), IM singles no bands (2),

Dec 20

(DO) Red (4 total) IM 1 1/3's (1), IMPs (2 no bands), 6" 1 1/3's (1)

Dec 23

Went to Chez's today. Did some bending right after the training session/comp. practice.

(DO) Red (3 total) IMPs 1 1/3's (1), IMP no bands…(2) Description below.

Bent a warm up Red in IMPs 1 1/3's…prob around 45 sec.

Bent the second Red in IMPs no bands around 30 sec.

Chez used a online counter clock for the last. Red IMPs no bands 15 seconds.

That one was bent crazy cockeyed and the ends ended up about 5/8 skewed(far right with tape). Pic below.


I'm more and more convinced I'm gonna bend a Red (ends ground smooth) without pads and without pain…down the road. They are getting easier…and knuckle discomfort is lessening. However, I'm not bending over my pointer at all…just hook with it like Chad Rikiki.

Dec 24

Didn't mean to bend anything other than a warmup today…but in the evening I needed to quiet the wolves…so afterwards, I did more bending.

(DO) Red (6 total) IM 1 1/3's (1), IMPs no bands 58sec (3) (PR!...no video…guess it didn't happen…shucks. ), IM 2's Red 6" (2…again kink was normal…sweep crush was harder).

[Current Red Total 75]

I barely made 3 bends in a minute…the rubber bands are a killer. However it did create inspiration.

I spent 10 minutes making my first generation "Crown Nail Holder".



No more wasting time taking bands off when you Cert with multiple Reds.

While it's true that band removal give you recovery time…I estimate that 4-12 seconds of that minute are somewhat wasted (last 4 nails). Screw that!

I got a few nails in the mail (Compliments of "The Claw") a little while ago. Thanks Daniel!

My Crown Nail Holder is going to see some action on Wednesday when I tackle the Bastards. I cut one regular "Bastard" down to 6".

My hubris amazes even me.

Ok…calling an audible here. My pinky still hurts…I wonder when it will ever stop so I can train effectively with it. I'm going to give up on the double cert and lock up the Red Nail. Hopefully, I'll Cert the #3 at some point this year…so freaking frustrating. I don't know if I can adequately express my annoyance.

Dec 25

I messed around with the WD2 today…managed a Level 9 in a sub-max effort…that's a huge difference from my WSH effort.

(DO) Red (2 total) 1 1/3's (2)

Just keeping the joints moving…a Red a day keeps wussiness away.


(DO) Red (1 total) 1 1/3's (1)

Because of my impending Red Cert. (waiting to be assigned a judge), I'm now gonna hold off on the FBBC Nails. I can see myself getting injured on 100% bends just prior to the Red Cert (although I don't really have the experience to judge what the heck those are). I am very curious as to how taxing the Shiny will be. I am however going to try and get 3 Reds under a minute on video this weekend. Frankly I suck at performing on video…grippers, nails, whatever…must be some kind of mental thing. I'll have to get over it, cause I want video proof of my Cert. I'm aiming for 50 seconds for the 3 nails (leaves me a little wiggle room).

Tried the WD again…Level 6 was crazy hard compared to yesterday(didn't even attempt 7)…looks like I'm going to have to be careful how often and how I train on it. I think I'm gonna let it sit until I cert.

Dec 30

(DO) Red (7 total) IMP's with bands(3), IMP's no bands (4)

So…I decided to see where I was this morning and did a couple of Reds. They went down really easy, so later on I decided to try a practice run with my Crown holder/rack (since I apparently have some time before my Cert) (no word).

I decided to go for 5 Red challenge (A Rack of Reds I like to call it…as in "I'm hungry for a Rack of Reds.") in the afternoon. I warmed up with some crappy wine and another Red. This Warmup Red with bands went down in like 18 seconds (including a stop to check width). You could say I was feeling pretty cocky. I hit the first noband Red in like 15 seconds, but felt a little awkward. The second one didn't go so well. I think physically I was a little tired since I had previously bent 4 Reds today, but even more so, I think I was a little beat mentally trying to catch all this on video and still staring at 3 more in front of me…and one still in hand. Basically I wussed out and stopped.

I collected myself mentally and caught my breath…and decided to finish the 3 nobands. Having failed my challenge already, I finished off no#2 noband and then did noband no#3 in like 22 seconds. Reclaiming a little confidence, I decided to attempt noband #4, and finished her off in 25 seconds. I was then feeling pretty tired all of a sudden. I attempted noband #5 (#8 on the day) and just met a painwall on the kink. I wanted the bend, but didn't have the balls to blast through it…so I called it a wrap.

I suck at Video-ing…and failed the challenge, but showed it to a few close friends anyway. I'll at least have something to compare it to if I run another Cert. prep video. I definitely am going to warm up with wine and weights only. I will also only prep 3 Reds if I do this again. I wish I knew when my Cert was going to be, but I don't expect to be contacted today (being the 1st and all). I am seriously hoping to do it this Friday…or just before (or even during) the contest (NY Grip Throwdown) on Saturday, but I've got no idea where the Ref is going to be coming from or how far he'd travel.

The Red Cert is a certainty, but I want to do all 3 Reds for the challenge of it.

Jan 1, 2013

(DO) Red (1 total) 1 1/3's (1) (45 sec or so)

Took it nice and easy. Whole chest was cracking as I bent it…didn't hurt, but with my back out of whack, I didn't really want to unload at all, (just greasing the bending groove if you will),

[Current Red Total 86]

Jan 4


Thank you for following up with us. The holidays have slowed the process of finding a referee, but we will have someone for you shortly in the immediate Brooklyn area. Sorry it’s taken longer than expected, and we apologize we won’t be able to do the attempt this weekend because of the short notice (mailing the Red Nails, etc.). But we should have someone for you early next week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Looks like it'll be a week before the Cert…I gotta bend something…maybe after the Throwdown.

Jan 5

Throwdown. I set PR's for 20mm Grippers in a Comp (137L, 152R), PR in DO Axle (293) and PR on the 2HP (167). I took 2nd in the Medley and 2nd to Chez overall in the Contest. Won 2 beautiful grippers and 5 Red Nails. Woot.

Post NY Grip Throwdown. Wanted to attempt 3 bandless under a minute on video. Vastly underestimated how much effort I had put in on the day.

(DO) Red (2 total) It was basically a clusterf--k. I managed the first in ok time…but I was just too freaking weak to finish off the second one immediately (although I finished it a little later). Still glad I bent something though. Slightly opened my middle finger knuckle (kink area) to where it was bleeding a little. Brian smashed a Red in doubles pretty far down. He's on the cusp of owning the Red.

Jan 7

Post general workout

(DO) Red (2 total) 1 1/3's with bands (2) (14 seconds, 22 seconds) I took it easy on this bend (knuckle opened back up from Throwdown…shoulda put bandaids on). VERY Frelling sore from Throwdown and workout.



"Mike Sharkey has kindly agreed to be your referee for your Red Nail certification attempt, and he is expecting to hear from you so that you can arrange to meet for your official attempt. His contact information is as follows:"

Mike and I haven't met face to face…I think we live at opposite ends of Brooklyn (North and South). We chatted for a bit via facebook…most likely going to schedule it for Monday evening…though I'm not really opposed to doing it early on Sat or Sun if the nails arrive sooner. Gonna see what works for him and hopefully invite Chez, John (wojo) and Brian (matrixsleeper) to the Cert.

Now, at least I have an idea of how to schedule my training around this. I've got a lot of goals I'm working towards, it'll be cool to focus on something else for a bit. I imagine I'll train hard on Thursday a.m. maybe bend like 2 Reds and then vegetate until the Cert. I really want all three nails…not to showoff so much as to prove something to myself. The actual cert itself isn't really in doubt…I could get up at any hour of the day and Cert a single Red. I think the Red is like the gateway drug for benders. I'm pretty hooked.

Jan 9

(DO) Red (5 total) IM 1 1/3's(2), IM singles no bands (3) (prob 18-20 seconds a piece),

Jan 10

Last WO before Red Cert. Worked hard. Nails after.

(DO) Red IMPs no bands (2) with a couple of minutes in between (didn't time them…prob like 10 seconds and 15 seconds)

[Current Red Total 97] This number isn't exactly a coincidence…I wasn't going to bend on Wednesday at all, but noticed my Red number was so close. I intend on making it an even 100 on Cert day.

Jan 13

I wasn't going to bend anything until tomorrow, but I got very concerned I was going too long between bending.

(DO) Red IMP's no bands (1) (6 hits) Looks like it'll have to be 101 total Reds on Cert day.

It went pretty quick but I didn't feel comfortable at all. Would you believe I'm still not sure how I'm going to approach the kink? I just it's best to just let my body take over and stop thinking about it. I need to make sure I'm really warmed up on Tuesday or all 3 won't fall under 60 seconds.

I want to loosen my shoulders, my wrists and monitor my breathing.

Talked with Mike Sharkey tonight…he basically said I was psyching myself out…just get the first one locked and then let the chips fall as they may. I believe it's a good approach to take.

Jan 14

Mike Sharkey cut a Bastard down (Big) for me to give a shot on after the Cert. He seems convinced I won't have a problem with it. Did some yoga stretching with wife before bed.

After much deliberation, I've decided I would go ahead and kink one Red in 1 1/3's as a warm up…maybe one hit on the sweep. I don't want to surprise my body with a Red kink…after so many days off (5 full days)…but I don't want to waste energy on a complete bend. After that, I'm going to wrap all 3 nails and let them sit in my holder for about 15 minutes. I want to bend at 8pm sharp.

Jan 15


CRAP CRAP CRAP! I have an painful tightness in my chest this a.m. I immediately worry about the whole heart issue, then remember I was pretty uncomfortable stretching last night. Additionally, I often wake up with weird back pains etc. I'd like to attribute this to nerves, but as I try to stretch out this morning, certain movements obviously aggravate the situation (especially getting into kink position). I've spent an hour stretching on a foam roller. It's helped…but it's still there. I'm going to continue stretching throughout the day…and definitely take a hot shower before I leave for Mike's. I'm tempted to go get a deep tissue/sports massage…but the el cheapo in me is raging against that idea. I literally can't stand how very movie-line this "pre cert injury" is. Our hero…at the wire…finds the motivation to overcome the last minute hurdle thrown his way! Gimmie a break! I'm very annoyed at this last minute development.

To sum up...I was a little too revved up for the Cert. The first fell at 14 seconds, the second at 40…but the third I hit a wall and didn't fall until 130 Seconds.

Here's the clip.

I was too shot after this to do much damage to the Big Bastard...managed a minor (5-10 kink). After a little recovery I melted another Red DO and reversed an "H" whatever that equal...don't know. I also put a minor kink into a 60d DU. Need to strengthen the wrists. Mike was an excellent ref and host. Afterwards...Mike, Wojo, Jose, the wife and myself went out for a whiskey or two. Good times.

So...that's 102 Reds in 64 days...time to focus on the #3 Cert.

Anyway…the wifey chose this as my Cert pic (assuming all goes well with IM)


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To sum up...I was a little too revved up for the Cert. The first fell at 14 seconds, the second at 40…but the third I hit a wall and didn't fall until 130 Seconds. Here's the clip.

I guess I was tired last night/this a.m. failed to put clip in.


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I haven't had a chance to carefully read everything in your two posts yet, but it appears to be a great resource for those of us striving to bend the Red. Thanks.

Congratulations (pending IM I suppose) on the cert!

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Congrats on your red nail cert, big dog!!!!!

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Very cool to see it officially on IM. Congrats again buddy. They spelled my name wrong........... :(

Edited by Chez
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Very cool to see it officially on IM. Congrats again buddy. They spelled my name wrong........... :(

name shname...all know you as the mighty Chez...there could be worse things!

(BTW I did send in a correction days ago...guess it didn't take.)

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MM0 and Red Nail Roster...just like that. I think Wannagrip can update your avatar title.

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Nate you're the man! It was awesome seeing you cert the RED. Had a great time with you, Mike, John and your Lady.

Thanks man. Better get used to it.

We are gonna have to do it five more times here in NY/NJ...Mike, John, Chez, Brian and you. That's a nice bit of whiskey to drink.

I'm gonna have to give Maureen a pass. :grin:

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Nate you're the man! It was awesome seeing you cert the RED. Had a great time with you, Mike, John and your Lady.

Thanks man. Better get used to it.

We are gonna have to do it five more times here in NY/NJ...Mike, John, Chez, Brian and you. That's a nice bit of whiskey to drink.

I'm gonna have to give Maureen a pass. :grin:

I'm with you on that. Bendin and whiskey belong together!

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