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Anwnate Red Nail Journey Part 1


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Here's a start-to-finish Red Nail Journey. Maybe someone will find something useful in it. I'm posting it here (in addition to my log) since Benders seem to mainly stick to bending sections.

ANWNate's SuperSecret Ninja Workout (A.K.A. Bending Log)

(This log is likely imperfect, since I rarely wrote things down directly after doing them. It is however pretty darn close and best as I can reconstruct. In the end, it's probably a pretty good overview of my bending experience.

12/24/12 - I was going to go for a double Cert like Hannes…but frankly I don't know what is going on with my right hand pinky. After only 2 workouts using it again, it hurts like crap. Today, I am doubting I'm going to be able to Cert the #3 by Feb/March. So I'm saying screw it and signing up for the Red Cert. right now.

Thanks to a few people who have been kind enough to keep my bending on the "down low" at my request. I thought it would be neat to go for the #3 and do a "surprise" Red Nail. But…since it doesn't look like it's gonna happen any time soon, I might as well bend "out loud" so to speak. I'm so annoyed at my finger…I just can't bear down on it properly.

BTW…I use an angle grinder to cut my steel down and grind the ends smooth. It saves the pads from getting religious (holy…haha) and also makes it slightly harder to grasp…which makes my nail grip stronger. I grind them all at once when they get there…saves time.

For the most part…I keep my wraps in rubber bands. I'll keep them there until they get really loose…I really hate the wrapping part of bending, so I try and get as many bends as possible without rewrapping.

A special thanks goes out to Jedd Johnson. His Bending Ebook was a HUGE reason I was able to progress so quickly, but even more importantly …safely! It should be standard issue for anyone who wants to get into bending. I think it would be foolish for a beginner to spend a dime on steel and not be willing to purchase the nail bending book. In fact, as a tribute, I went ahead and bought a Diesel shirt in time to Cert in it. Thanks Jedd.

All nails/bolts bent to under 2” or less with single IMP's with bands unless otherwise specified)

Aug 12, 2012 (Wojo’s – First Bending Ever)

John was extremely patient and helpful in teaching me Reverse Style bending.

(RS)…Green(1), Yellow(1), Blue(1), G5Bolt(1)(40deg?) (PR obviously)

Dammit, I am now infected with the Bending Bug!

About a week later, I eventually ordered Red+Blue nails from IM. At this point, I committed myself to bending once a week on Tuesdays.

Aug 28 (Tuesday)

(RS)…Blue(10), Blue 5 ¼(1) (PR)


Sept 4


(RS)…Blue(2), Blue 5 ¼(1), G5Bolt(1) (PR)

(DO)…Blue 5 ¼(6), G5Bolt(2) (PR)


Sept 11

Week- OFF

Sept 18

(DO)…Blue(2), Blue 5 1/4 (1), Blue 4 ¾ (2)(90deg), G8Bolt (1)(tiny kink only) Damm G8's are springy!

Sept 25

(DO + RS) G8Bolt (1...ISO x 5)

Oct 2

(DO + RS) G8Bolt (1...ISO x 5) Not obvious...but I feel I am getting stronger.

Oct 9

(DO)…Blue 4 ¾ (1), Blue 4 ¾ (2) (90deg finish off), Blue 4 ½ (1) (PR) , Blue 4 ½ (2) (90deg)

(DO + RS)

Oct 16

Week OFF

Oct 23

(DO) Blue 4 3/4", G8Bolt kink 3/16th in middle (essentially an ISO…this is getting annoying.)

Ripped open 3 callouses...called it a day.

Oct 29 (Changing bending day to Monday...need extra rest between WO's)

G8Bolt kink 3/16th in middle (essentially an ISO)...frustrated at these springy G8 bastards...going to try doubles next time.

remark from the future…(This is where I started to have real breakthroughs with "Reduced Pad Progression".)

Nov 5

(DO) G8Bolt IMDbls (3) (PR) Mentally, it was very important for me to bend this stock. Made me realize, it could be done, that I could do it, and that I just need to fight through the discomfort of the kink. Without using the doubles, I don't know how long it would have taken to push past the pain to realize that the G8 is just a piece of springy steel…nothing more. Seeing how little progress I had, I honestly doubt it would happen in the next 6 months. What a waste of bending time that would have been.

(DO) Blue 4 ¾ (4), Blue 4 ½ (6)



After finishing this G8 off I did two more to prove I could. They were way easier. Just knowing I could do it once…took all it's power away.

Nov 7 (Extra bending day...feeling the need to bend)

(DO) Blue 4 3/4 (1), Blue 4 1/2 (1), Blue 4 1/4 (1), Blue 4 (1), Blue 3 3/4 (1), Blue 3 1/2 (1), Blue 3 1/4! (1), Blue 3 (1...bent to 2.5 only) (PR's)


I think I may have run out of usefulness for the blue. Maybe some short (DU)? I haven't been doing any (DU) because my pinky is still jacked. Frankly my entire run at the #3 has been significantly held up because of it…very annoying. I eventually finished that 3" off in doubles.

Nov 13

Morning...right after WO.

(DO) G8Bolt IMSingles (PR) (1)…not gonna fool around…going right after the Red now.

IM Red IMDbls (1...down to 3.25 only)(PR)



(DO) IM Red IMDbls (for kink and part sweep) finish off in singles (2) PR


After today, I think Red will eventually yield to me like Blues do now...so I ordered another 50 and 6 Gold. Might be cocky, but they bent surprisingly easily/quickly.

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