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A New Stupid Human Trick, Turkish Get Up With The Inch Dumbbell


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I wrote a reply but it was lost when I accidentally clicked on a link. Now my attention is fading. It's probably for the best.

BTW, 5a. That's exactly the challenge I saw. It was a dare to compare challenge. Not so much the 5b you refer to.

PM me if you want me to answer your questions. I have a few thoughts I don't mind sharing for sake of conversation.

I'll PM you this weekend.

Thanks Daniel!!!

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I have wanted to give this a try since Adam put up his first video and I have not had a good day to go for it until last night.

I warmed up with a 24-kg kettlebell and realized that I was in trouble because it had been more than 2 years since I had done a TGU.

I said to heck with it and tried my 127-lb Slater Shot Loadable DB anyway.

The toughest part for me was doing the initial portion, sitting up with dumbbell. I am just so out of practice, but I think the Inch is doable fo sure. I'd feel a lot better about it with a spotter to take it away from me if I were to lose control, but you guys know how well I keep a partner...

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I want to go off topic a little here. How many of you actually do (or have done in the past) significant training on the Turkish Get Up? And what did they do for you?

I've done them (gave them an honest try for a period of time) and honestly just can't seem to find the magic here as a training movement. I've never tried going really heavy with them - my best was probably a 40K KB for a few reps. After doing them enough to find the groove so to speak - they made me tired if I did enough of them but ..............

I keep reading about them like they are some kind of fix everything that's wrong with you exercise and I simply haven't seen it. What has been you guys experiences?

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I want to go off topic a little here. How many of you actually do (or have done in the past) significant training on the Turkish Get Up? And what did they do for you?

I've done them (gave them an honest try for a period of time) and honestly just can't seem to find the magic here as a training movement. I've never tried going really heavy with them - my best was probably a 40K KB for a few reps. After doing them enough to find the groove so to speak - they made me tired if I did enough of them but ..............

I keep reading about them like they are some kind of fix everything that's wrong with you exercise and I simply haven't seen it. What has been you guys experiences?

Good mobility and warm-up. Kool-aid drinkers use them to cure cancer

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I want to go off topic a little here. How many of you actually do (or have done in the past) significant training on the Turkish Get Up? And what did they do for you?

I've done them (gave them an honest try for a period of time) and honestly just can't seem to find the magic here as a training movement. I've never tried going really heavy with them - my best was probably a 40K KB for a few reps. After doing them enough to find the groove so to speak - they made me tired if I did enough of them but ..............

I keep reading about them like they are some kind of fix everything that's wrong with you exercise and I simply haven't seen it. What has been you guys experiences?

They certainly have a cult-like following, as Andrew mentioned, but I can really "feel" my lack of mobility when doing these.

Like I said the last time I did a TGU was in 2010. It was when I did the RKC. I just don't enjoy the movement, but I did a fthick-handled dumbbell at one of the Night of Strengths and wanted to see what I had in me still.

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I use them as an assistance exercise for my pressing. They are supposed to be good for rotary stability, and rotator cuff in addition to what is mentioned above. However, they don't get all the rotator cuff, so I still have to do some other exercises as well for that. Are they going to cure a 'wrecked shoulder' as claimed? I think the shoulder is too complicated to allow most injuries to be fixed by one modality.

I think they are fun to do, and they have a bit of that Olde Time feel to them.

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I have wanted to give this a try since Adam put up his first video and I have not had a good day to go for it until last night.

I warmed up with a 24-kg kettlebell and realized that I was in trouble because it had been more than 2 years since I had done a TGU.

I said to heck with it and tried my 127-lb Slater Shot Loadable DB anyway.

The toughest part for me was doing the initial portion, sitting up with dumbbell. I am just so out of practice, but I think the Inch is doable fo sure. I'd feel a lot better about it with a spotter to take it away from me if I were to lose control, but you guys know how well I keep a partner...

Jedd - that was pretty remarkable given the fact that you haven't done TGUs in so long.

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Thanks. I appreciate it.

It would be cool to see what someone who does these all the time with heavy bells could do. There was this one beast at my RKC from like South Africa or something that was pulling off some pretty strict double kettlebell presses with the beast (106-lbs). He was also doing Turkish Get Ups.

The NJ Beast that just certed on 3 - Noah Bitter - when he comes up here, I am going to see what he can do with it.

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