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Race To The Red Nail


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You guys are both ready to cert!!

Awesome work Brian!
How long does it take to set-up a cert with ironmind typically? ?

It kind of all depends on how long it takes ironmind to find someone to be the judge, then you have to coordinate with a judge a time that works for both of you. For me, I emailed ironmind on April 9 and certed May 4.

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Awesome guys! I'm sure we'll see both of your names on there in a matter of time. It only took a few days to find my ref and a week later we we're ready to rock!

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Indeed…ideally, we would all have easy access and knowledge of progressive steel (and in a dream world...rated steel too).

I liken this idea to having an enormous gripper collection (cough cough Chez). You can slowly work your way through the grippers at 5-7lb increments and get stronger that way.

Because I started my bending journey, knowing nothing of rated steel or O-1 Drill Rod, I looked for a different way to "bridge the gap". Much like the gap between the #2 and the #3, the gap between the IM Blue Nail and the IM Red Nail is enormous.

I used something I called "Reduced Padding Progression" to get me there. The real focus on the term should be on the reduced progression part. The idea of bending a Red in doubles is to use it as a stepping stone. When you first bend a Red (no matter the padding), it's a milestone. If you never could move a Red in singles…and you bend it in doubles, you are demystifying something that seemed impossible.

What Chez mentioned about different leverages is true…when you compare doubles to singles…but less so when you compare 1's to 1 1/3's. At that point, the difference is very minor.

On my Red nail journey, I did crazy volume, probably way more than necessary…but what should be obvious from looking at it is that I was always moving downward with the padding from week to week, and even during each bending session. EVERY single Red I bent honed my technique, and made me stronger…regardless of the padding.

Additionally, since most of the extra padding bends are stripped to singles by the crush, I feel that there is very real and direct correlation to better bending. There were several days that my knuckles were totally destroyed, that I was still able to get some good bends in with larger pads.

Like all padding reductions, when I went from 1 2/3 to 1 1/2, there was a slight adjustment for technique, and a slight adjustment for pain tolerance.

If I had to guess, I'd say a Red in 1 1/3's is pretty much the equivalent of an "M bar" bend.

Rob…you are strong enough to bend the Red in IMPs. Because of the wraps and steel you have at your disposal, I've suggested continuing bending the Red with the BGW's for a few more bends, simply to build your confidence, hone your technique and speed a bit. You've come far, quite quickly, I'd like to see the momentum continue.

Nate, this is some damn good advice man! I hope the guys really wanting to improve their bending are reading and paying attention. One of my old bending buddies just texted me to say he liked your post. He hasn't bent in several years. But I wanted to let you know it had an impact on him because he said he went out and bought some steel. For the first time in at least 2 years. Whether or not he will actually get some wraps (I played detective and found a Michael's craft store - for leather - a few miles from his house) is another thing. But just buying the steel is a good start as far as I'm concerned. He was not permanently injured, but quit for personal reasons. I would like to see him climb the ladder again. He was well past the Red when he quit.

Cesare and Brian,

Very cool that you guys are both ready it appears! I say hammer it and get it crossed off the goal list. Brian, what is your bodyweight? I have it in my head that you are around 160lbs. Am I in the right neighborhood? Edit: Uh, yeah. I just read your signature line. 148lbs. That is super light. Makes it even more impressive in my mind man. Although my best bending was definitely done when I was a tad under 200lbs - I had better flexibility - I can't imagine doing my best bending at sub-150lbs.

Edited by bencrush
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It takes a bit longer to get conditioned being a lighter guy but I really want to pull this through to show that anything is possible no matter your size. Hoping it'll motivate the lighter guys out there to get into bending and grip.

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Just got confirmation from ironmind and my judge and scheduled the bend for this Friday once I get out of work. I was extremely lucky to line it up for Friday as that was the day I was planning on bending anyway. This will be giving me 4 days of rest from bending and 3 days of rest from all upper body exercises so I will be prime to bend (I didn't go crazy yesterday, just enough to get a good upper body session in). I also wanted to knock this out before I go up to AC this Saturday as the recovery from that was my biggest fear. Extremely anxious at this point so the biggest challenge for now will just be to relax and not think about it.

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If any of you guys are in town and want to come by, just let me know and I'll verify it's cool with my judge. East Rockaway, NY

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That's awesome Brian! It's going down this Friday! Don't forget a camera.

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Kick azz Brian. . No worries bud!!

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Good Luck, even though you don't need it because you put the time in to train hard.

Please post a quick update tonight when you get a chance.

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Boom baby!

Dedicating this bend to my soon to be born son, Dominic. 4 more weeks till this Red Nail Bender is a daddy! Told my wife once we found out she was pregnant that I wanted to get this cert for him and before he was born.

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Awesome Brian!! You squashed the crap out of that bar! I've been looking forward to this all day, congratulations on a major achievement.

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Boom baby!

Dedicating this bend to my soon to be born son, Dominic. 4 more weeks till this Red Nail Bender is a daddy! Told my wife once we found out she was pregnant that I wanted to get this cert for him and before he was born.

Hell yeah! Congrats man.

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Way to smash that nail brother! Awesome work bud!!

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congrats! well earned! I love to see the light weights keep up with the big boys!

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