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Race To The Red Nail


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That's very sound advice Mike. Very much appreciated. I know that Ninja nails are being sold again and they are working on getting the cert rules in English on there website. Do you think you would feel the same about their stock as you do FBBC?

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That's very sound advice Mike. Very much appreciated. I know that Ninja nails are being sold again and they are working on getting the cert rules in English on there website. Do you think you would feel the same about their stock as you do FBBC?

I think the main thing is a level of consistency that is at least an 80-90% range. Even rated steel varies a little, for instance the end piece of a section of 0-1 drill rod is 10# harder or so than the rest of the bar. Reds have varied, but they are pretty much known to be between 400 and 440. that's only a 10% variation. And from 2005 or so on, the wraps have been standardized as well, so when I look at the list, I have a reasonable expectation that I am performing a similar feat as guys 10 years before me.

I haven't bent the Ninja nails but they look cool. Everyone has different goals, mine isn't necessarily to be on every list everywhere. I am more interested in pursuing my potential (mediocre as it is).

At steelbenders, our certs are calibrated and on video and they are what I am most interested in. 5 years later, I can look back at Wiggy DU'ing a 455# @ 21/64" bar in doubles and I know exactly what that bar feels like. Diameter as well as #'s factors in significantly. The type of metal does as well. Everything bends differently, 0-1 doesn't heat up the way CRS does and SS binds up through the bend and becomes extra difficult on the crush.

I'm slightly autistic, so I think the actual numerical aspect of bending appeals to me as much as the strength aspect :whacked

This is what it looks like when I organize my bending work:


Edited by Mike Sharkey
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sorry to lite your post up, but basically, this is what im hearing: "so and so had easy stock, but the stuff i got from FBBC recently is ridiculous hard. so im not even gonna bother"..

...now does that sound like the thinking of a winner?

Hahaha, I hear you Tommy. I appreciate the encouragement. Seriously. The mental component is super important, and I can definitely tend to defeat myself. JT told me the same thing. You have to THINK you can do it.

The main thing I was trying to say, is for me, I like working with calibrated steel because it allows me to progress incrementally. I have to work for every pound, so being able to go up 10# at a time on a bar is crucial for me. I'm in no way trying to take away from anyone's previous efforts, and when I can post up a SS Hex I will probably feel differently about doing a cert ;). But the first batch of steel I had from FBBC, 7" bastards I could bend in IMP's in under 2 minutes. The current ones I can't kink in DOUBLES. So yes, I will be working on my bending until I am strong enough to destroy the current steel, but it won't be my focus.

Bending steel is like chess. Its a river in which an elephant may wade, and a gnat may swim. What I am trying to say is we need different things to motivate us. The Red Nail Roster motivated me specifically because I felt like everyone on it got their by doing basically the same thing. I wanted to reach that level. It meant something to me because I believe anyone can get there with the time and effort. I am not specially gifted physically and I set out to prove something to myself.

I never cared about the stories of Brookfield kinking it on his thigh or people using leathers because I knew that he could have bent it under the current rules if he wanted to. Same thing with the 'leathers'. I'm sure all of those dudes could use IMP's and bend the same steel, might take a little practice or an extra couple weeks of work, but whatever. The standard of that list is rock solid in meaning. The 'Bastard' list simply doesn't have that motivating factor for me because the elements lack quantification. I like numbers. Who am I chasing? What's the standard? Looking at the BB wraps list on steelbenders, I see you and EJ and JT with 600# + bends and I know exactly the goal I am working for. I see Chad with a 420# Ostlund @ 7" bend I know exactly what that bar feels like. The more elite steel on FBBC is a different equation, imo. Even the 'easy' square or 'easier' ss hex is a world class bend, and if one can attain it, the result is very obvious. I hope everyone who takes an interest in bending can pursue it and enjoy it, regardless of where they fall in the spectrum.

Edited by Mike Sharkey
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Well said Stephen. Richard Bean, one of the guys on Bender's Battlefield, said he estimates these bars around 540 - 550.

I do not doubt these numbers one bit for the current bastards. Even though I have only done bending maybe 8-10 times total in my life, the last time I tried I did manage to bend a 1/4" x 5" CRS from steelworks fairly easy. Probably around 350-375# estimation. I then tried to bend one of my bastards from my FBBC beginner's bag and barely even wobbled it at all. I seriously thought I broke my wrist in the process. Once I hit it, I knew I had bit off more than I could chew. Felt like it was easily 480-500#.

480 - 500 is a good estimate for the current Bastard batch. I was refering to the Hexabastard being 540 - 550.

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^Good Bend :mosher I can't wait to get up to that level. @Mike, you definitely are organized and have your gameplan in action and it's working for you. Right now, My priorities are getting on the Red Nail Roster and beyond that, I don't know. Lol. I might try out these Ninja nails and then to the FBBC stock.

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^Good Bend :mosher I can't wait to get up to that level. @Mike, you definitely are organized and have your gameplan in action and it's working for you. Right now, My priorities are getting on the Red Nail Roster and beyond that, I don't know. Lol. I might try out these Ninja nails and then to the FBBC stock.

Your at that level now, you just don't know it!

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Thanks Tom. I tried to cold bend a Red last night and only wobbled it. I think I'm going to warm up tonight and see what I can do.

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Tom Scibelli sent me a few bars to try out. I really appreciate it man. I know what I need to get for a challenge now :) and if I want a hole rubbed in my hand.


Stay tuned for second video.

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Some really great stuff happening in this thread. I have been busy with a little gripper, but I'm going to pick up the bending and join you guys. I bent a little last night.

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Nice bending Acro! Very cool stuff.

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Awesome work Delmar! You made the drill rod and SS look too easy! The bastard is super tough in IMPs, nice work sticking with it. You'll be killing those like you do reds in no time!

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Thanks Tom! I'll be contacting Ironmind sometime in June to get that cert and then I'll be working on trying to break into the 7" IM list on Benders Battlefield. That might take a while :)

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Seriously quite a feat to do a bastard of this level in IMPs. Well done!

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Seriously quite a feat to do a bastard of this level in IMPs. Well done!

Thanks Isaiah :) I knew that sucker was the hardest of the night, but Damn!! Lol

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Bent a red nail in IMPs without rubber bands for the first time tonight. Warning: This might be the ugliest bend you ever watch. Form was even worse than usual because it felt awkward without the bands. First time bending anything without bands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for starting this thread Chez. So happy to be done with this: http://youtu.be/1rribmHLTjM

Awesome! You destroyed it like I knew you would. I had no clue you signed up. Big Congrats dude! I gotta stop messing around with grippers and step up also.

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