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Yellow Nail


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Was able to get a kink and partial sweep on a Yellow with the Reverse technique after a very brutal forearm workout. Harder than doing it DO. The reverse technique takes alot of practice and form so next time I will do some bends with a 60D spiral until I feel I got it down and try for a yellow here and there with it.

Tried going for a grade 2 DU and it didn't budge. This to me felt even harder to do than the Reverse technique but with practice comes perfection so aint nuttin to it but to do it.

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Was able to get a kink and partial sweep on a Yellow with the Reverse technique after a very brutal forearm workout. Harder than doing it DO. The reverse technique takes alot of practice and form so next time I will do some bends with a 60D spiral until I feel I got it down and try for a yellow here and there with it.

Tried going for a grade 2 DU and it didn't budge. This to me felt even harder to do than the Reverse technique but with practice comes perfection so aint nuttin to it but to do it.

Try doing your bending first, then do the rest of your workout after that.

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Reverse and DU seem way harder to use than DO. I haven't even tried those yet. Good luck with your attempts!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cranked out the Yellow last night with a Reverse Bend. Did a mini workout before, Did 2 reverse bends with 60D timer ties to warm up. Got a pretty good reverse bend with a Grade 2 bolt then just went for it. My technique is pretty bad and I know in my head how to do it but my form is all over the place with the harder steel. Still was able to get it as far as it would go Reverse before I finished it off. Will have to keep practices to be consistent.


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Solid bend brotha! Very aggressive, I like it! I've reversed a couple of yellows since moving up past the blue. They're no joke. I'm working on DO for G5's and reversing a blue.

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Thanks! Glad to hear you got the Yellow reverse as well. Definitely keeping me on my toes. Where were you able to find some Grade 5 bolts? I didn't see any my last trip to Home Depot. I'll have to check again.

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I got the G5s from fatbastardbarbellco.com along with some G8s and 1/4" x 7" square stock to work up to bending the red. They are very tough. I haven't been able to crush the G5s past 2 inches in the past few weeks. I can't even budge the G8s. I can kink the square if I attack it on a corner. I think it's due to overtraining on my part because I got two G5s in competition. I'm going to take a week or two off due to that and a lot of muscular/tendon pain in my hands after my workouts. I did manage to reverse a blue just now though. :)

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Here's a pic of the Blue and 60d I bent earlier today.

Try and get the ends as close as possible, because you will find with the bigger bends, the crushdown (within 2") may be the sticking point.

Even with your easier bends, crush them for all you are worth, even to make the ends touch.

Edited by mmainlands
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Here's a pic of the Blue and 60d I bent earlier today.

Try and get the ends as close as possible, because you will find with the bigger bends, the crushdown (within 2") may be the sticking point.

Even with your easier bends, crush them for all you are worth, even to make the ends touch.

Ok. I'll focus on that in my next workout.

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Some really solid bending progress here guys!

Thank you sir!


I was able to get the square stock today ( on a corner, which makes it easier) as well as a G5 and a blue reversed! Here's a pic!

square stock and G5

I'm sure the G5 is not below 2 inches. I need a ruler. I've noticed that the leathers I'm using have a radius of about an inch when wrapped around a bar. I think this may be a factor in my not being able to crush confidently. I'll look into in my next workouts and adjust for that.

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I had a pretty solid workout today. I bent a G5 in Bender's Battlefield wraps, kinked a G8(which is my goal right now) to 90 degrees, and reversed another Blue. I tried for a reverse on a G5 but couldn't get it kinked. I made videos of all three bends, but I could not get them uploaded to Youtube. This is becoming a problem as I'm getting up there in the bends and it's important to have video to corroborate my claims. I will figure out how to get them uploaded and post them here. For now here is a picture of the damage.


Let me know how you're comin' along buddy!


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Dude.....that is freakin awesome! Your bending progress is crazy. I haven't been able to bend and probably won't be able to till after my arm wrestling tournament on the 28th. Right now I'm in the healing phase where I take about 2 weeks off to fully rest and recover from my strenuous practices and lifts. I am itching to try and reverse a blue then double overhand a G5 and catch up. How often are you bending?

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Thanks for the support sir! Dude. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to accomplish those after your tourney. Your yellow reverse was pretty solid. I'm trying to keep it to bending only once a week. I get anxious and want to bend stuff due to the trash talking from all the unbent stock I have. But then my hands hurt really bad and that convinces me to lay off. I just started taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin which seems to speed my recovery. Good luck with your tournament man! Will you be posting any video?

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Yea I have to just keep focused. I will definitely be posting up some vids of the tourney. This is my one year anniversary from when the very first tournament I did at the same venue. Last year i was competing in the 176lb class as an amateur but this year i will be competing in the 154lb pro/open class so it's a big jump in competition. (I lost 20lbs due to Crohns disease but don't feel it's effected my strength).

You should look into Orange Triad. It's a multi that is highly rated and has glucosamine already in it. I been taking it for a while and my recovery is pretty solid.

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That does sound like a big jump. I had to Google Crohn's. That's tough man. I'm not sure if you believe in God but, I'll be praying for you bro if you don't mind. Matrix, what is your name? I watched a few of your other arm wrestling videos and I like your style. Top roll heavy. Arm wrestling is fun!

I'll check out Orange Triad. Do you get it online?

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PM'd ya. Google Orange Triad and click the link to the link for shopping and it'll give you the website with the best price. I'm always ordering from different sites but it's been a great product.

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Hey Brian,

Finally got those videos to Youtube.

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alright, I'm impressed. I gotta kick up the training on bending. Well done Isiah.

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Haha. Thanks Chez. Honestly, once you get your technique down you're going to be smashing some serious stock man.

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Here's a re-post of the blue.

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Thanks dude, bending is still so frustrating to me. I have to admit grippers came kind of easy for me. No excuses though, I need to practice practice and practice.

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You've got the strength for it. You muscled that blue pretty handily. What about it is frustrating you?

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