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Best Way For A Beginner To Strengthen Tendons?


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Probably food for a different thread but what is tough for you all to handle as an individual? I deal easily with heights of any kind but have claustrophobia that I can deal with but certainly don't enjoy. I struggle with extremes of heat but withstand relatively deep cold pretty well. My nightmare job would be working deep underground in something like the deep mines I have seen on TV in Africa where the temperature goes crazy high. I deal easily with being alone in the wilderness but hate cities and crowds. You???

I hate Hot Weather and can never get used to it. I Love Cold Rainy Weather. I have a Fear of Height's and Flying. I am Flying to the UK in 2014 to Compete at one of the British Grip Event's and Visit Scotland & Ireland but I am already Worrying about the Plane Flight :unsure But it will be Worth all the Stress I think. I also Love the Outdoor's and Camping. Driving and Visiting the City is a Nightmare.

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Agreed one mans nightmare is another man's paradise. My girlfriend is originally from Guyana so to her 120F at jungle humidity... no problem.

In extreme heat I begin to get very irritable and develope pretty bad heat rash. However to adjust myself for winter, I usually go polar bear swimming or at least walk around in nothing but swim trunks in the snow/ cold, but she cries every time that winter rolls around :P

Also... does climbing even help with the thumb???

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Agreed one mans nightmare is another man's paradise. My girlfriend is originally from Guyana so to her 120F at jungle humidity... no problem.

In extreme heat I begin to get very irritable and develope pretty bad heat rash. However to adjust myself for winter, I usually go polar bear swimming or at least walk around in nothing but swim trunks in the snow/ cold, but she cries every time that winter rolls around :P

Also... does climbing even help with the thumb???

Yes, climbing does help with the thumb. More specifically, climbing on holds called "pinches" is the most relevant. Climbing is very interesting, because it's not just sheer strength when it comes to performance. If you have a pinch type hold, it comes down to how you balance your body to create the lowest amount of torque on the hold (and arm), and how you ultimately contact the hold. You develop a large muscle memory for the thousands of body movements and hand positions on holds, which helps create a familiar feeling.

People start routes and sometimes can only do some of the moves. But from repetition, it becomes familiar and fluid, and eventually your body recognizes it all in order and you eventually complete the route. Some of the strongest climbers in the world can barely do 15 pullups, however, as a whole, they know their bodies extremely well, and can move in a way that is energy efficient, balanced, and powerful.

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I have been recommending this book for years now - and not just to climbers but for all grip athletes. Performance Rock Climbing by Goodard and Neumann. One of the best training books out there PERIOD. I doubt there is anyone on this board that can't learn "something" from it. A hidden gem of a training book if I ever saw one. It really is that good. There's lot of others but that's the best.

I just checked Amazon - $15 buys it for you.

Ordered and on its way. Thanks!

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