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Arnold's Sorinex Mighty Mitts Contest Contestants Beig Considered


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131 kg on the RT,




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131 kg on the RT,




I see Straps in his 145kg DB row.


The 131kg RT sure sounds awesome. I hope he is filmed doing that someday! :)

Ioan is obviously one very strong man!!

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I wish I would hear from Felix and Ron Love they were two good competitors. Ioan seems like a real strong one. Too bad he couldn't arrange a "big sweep" like Big Rich doing the light and heavy GNC grip gauntlet, won every vendor booth challenge contest ( including pressed a 140lb Inch for 20) certified on the #3 and 3.5, AND won every event at the Mighty mitts in two days. I have spoken with other past competitors and they are all pushing themselves to their best shape ever. Even though I do not train Rich and Tex they both applied said they are "really going for it this year" so all this has to be considered in final selection. RS

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I wish I would hear from Felix and Ron Love they were two good competitors. Ioan seems like a real strong one. Too bad he couldn't arrange a "big sweep" like Big Rich doing the light and heavy GNC grip gauntlet, won every vendor booth challenge contest ( including pressed a 140lb Inch for 20) certified on the #3 and 3.5, AND won every event at the Mighty mitts in two days. I have spoken with other past competitors and they are all pushing themselves to their best shape ever. Even though I do not train Rich and Tex they both applied said they are "really going for it this year" so all this has to be considered in final selection. RS

Ross Love has been battling back pain and has subsequently dropped lots of weight and is now concentrating on an olympic distance triathlon. He was strong.

I hope to see Mark in LA, but will email him about the Arnold for you.

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Richard, this year, you are bending over backwards trying to make sure that everyone who is qualified hears about this, and has a chance to participate. I appreciate your efforts to do that. It is obvious that the biggest issue holding back people from participating is cost, and you are doing something about it this year as well.

I think we all learn a little bit more each time one of these things is held, and I am glad adjustments are being made to make it as best it can be.

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Be interesting to see Nathan Holle compete. I have seen rumors on th internet that he is quite strong.

It doesn't make any sense for someone like John Brookfield to compete. He has lots to lose and very little to gain.

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Be interesting to see Nathan Holle compete. I have seen rumors on th internet that he is quite strong.

It doesn't make any sense for someone like John Brookfield to compete. He has lots to lose and very little to gain.

What does he have to lose?

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Assuming winning some cash and earning the title as "Winner of Mighty Mitts" is little to gain.

Okay, that's fine but I still don't get losing his reputation.

Could you elaborate please?

i think I know where you're headed but I don't want to assume again. LOL!

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Assuming winning some cash and earning the title as "Winner of Mighty Mitts" is little to gain.

Okay, that's fine but I still don't get losing his reputation.

Could you elaborate please?

i think I know where you're headed but I don't want to assume again. LOL!

I am going to say who I think the most Fearless Real World Competitor in the Grip World is: Andrew Durniat. He is always Game, never has any excuses, and does not cherry pick his contests or events.

My proof? He has been at all Mighty Mitts so far, was in the Vise Grip Viking Challenge last year and is entered this year, has won the Nationals, is hosting the Nationals this year, and participates in just about every other decent contest that is held.

Any experienced gripster who has been paid large sums of money at events and on television for performing in their specialty: John, Stanless Steel, Slim, Dennis, etc. has lots to lose by being perceived as anything less than mortal. They would be foolish to enter contests. They don't need to prove anything to anyone. Plus, they are all over 50!

I enjoy reading about potential candidates, but not Fantasy ones.

In that vein, if there is anyone who wants to compete, but does not have the money for travel? They ought to apply anyway and have their application reviewed regardless of financial capacity. It is a very limited qualified group. It should be approached, in my opinion, as "who are the best in the World and are they interested in competing?"

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Hubgeezer, you make an interesting point in your quote:

"Any experienced gripster who has been paid large sums of money at events and on television for performing in their specialty: John, Stanless Steel, Slim, Dennis, etc. has lots to lose by being perceived as anything less than mortal. They would be foolish to enter contests. They don't need to prove anything to anyone. Plus, they are all over 50!"

This seems to imply that strongman performers are not as strong as grip strength competitors. How else could one know without entering a contest. The names you mentioned are hand strength specialists by their own admissions. Why would one consider them fools if they were to enter a contest? And yes, anyone who makes claims has something to prove if they are to be considered legit. Over 50? Implying what? I don't want to speak for anyone. They are humans just like anyone else. If they claim to have strong hands. Prove it!

I do agree about Andrew. Super STRONG! Not stuck on himself. Not afraid of any challenge and a great guy with lots of CLASS. Andrew along with some others are truly world class competitors!

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My training partner recently attended a training seminar with Dennis. He noticed a couple of things; (1) Dennis has moderately large forearms but very, very thick wrists in both dimensions; (2) Dennis' hands and wrists are very strong.

My training partner is not particularly weak (TNS #3's and over 300lbs on the 50mm LGC vbar) but came away from that meeting very impressed by Dennis' strength.

Being a performer is different from being a grip strength competitor. Not every strong man likes to compete.

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I think Brookfield is past his prime and on top of that, he has "small" hands so these particular set of events would have been bad for him even in his prime I bet. I don't know why you posted that video Scott, he teaches a lot of Conditioning stuff nowdays, seems a bit distasteful to make fun of him because of that? Even at his current age he's still way stronger than most people, his video of the Tower of Terror witht he 112# kettlebell is VERY impressive.

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Joe, to be clear, you think this guy:

Can compete with this guy?

I disagree.

You're making fun and missing my point I believe.

Regardless of who you are, if you claim to have strong hands beyond what we would call average

(whatever that may be) prove it by entering a grip contest. Strong hands are strong hands whether

you're a performer or a competitor. The feat you show Rich doing does require strong hands BUT

a strong back also. Let me ask you a question Scott: Who has the stronger hands, the guy that no-sets

a pair of #3's or the guy that deadlifts #500 on a 2" bar? If one is to be accurate here you would have to say

the guy closing the #3's. Why? Because you take the whole posterior chain out of the equation. Who has the strongest hands,

not the strongest bodies with a strong pair of hands attached. LOL! To me personally, the difference is HUGE!

I wonder if Rich can rip through 3 decks of playing cards like John did years ago. I would be interested to see if Rich can

TNS a pair of #3's for reps as easy as little man Tommy Heslep did? This scenario becomes very interesting when you take

the lifting component out of the equation.

I can come up with tests for each hand strength component without involving the largest muscles of the body. At least this would make

it a more even playing field. I would venture to guess that more individuals have strong hands and weak backs than those that have strong hands AND strong backs.

BTW, I was in no way discounting Rich's enormous strength. I'm just curious if the feats were more hand/arm dominant if he would

still be in a class by himself?

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Hmmm. I don't think the current discussion is exactly what Richard Sorin had in mind when he started this thread. Sorry for having personally contributed to some of the off-topic nature of the discussion.

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Hmmm. I don't think the current discussion is exactly what Richard Sorin had in mind when he started this thread. Sorry for having personally contributed to some of the off-topic nature of the discussion.

You're right!

Sorry about that Richard.

My contribution can be deleted if the mods seem necessary.

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I am not making fun of Brookfield. What he's doing in that video is hard, no doubt. My point is he's diverged from the pure strength athlete who can compete with the elite of elite, like will be found at Mighty Mitts.

The average grip contest competitor is nowhere close to these guys either. Just being selected to compete says a huge amount about someone's level of strength, grip or otherwise. Look at the top tier guys we're hoping to see - Jedd, Mobster, Adam Glass, Andrew, Horne, etc. - all massively strong guys that also train grip. They are dedicated strength athletes, period. Heck, most of them earn their entire living from the weights.

This will be one of (if not THE) most exciting contest of the year. It has the draw to pull contestants from the INTERNATIONAL strength community. Sorry Hubgeezer, I bet more speculation happens in this thread :) Everyone is looking forward to what Sorin is putting together! If I had more vacation time, I'd consider attending the Arnold, JUST to see the contest. Forget bodybuilding :sleeping: , grip is where the action is at :grin:

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Most of us couldn't do the weights involved WITH STRAPS. A 500# dead lift for reps just for starters. You don't get up on that stage by being a Grip Specialist alone but by being darn strong all over.

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Some very good points. I did once question the Monster barbell weight since 500 lbs "is heavy" . I was told and do now understand better that being a strong man/pesson is part of what the Arnold's promoters and crowd are looking for. While 500 is heavy as Dr. Todd explained "less than HALF the present deadlift record". There was NO one on the stage for the last two years that couldn't do a 500 deadlift but the grip part DID stop many. Heck, Felix has deadlifted 900 , has truly giant hands, is a world class Worlds Strongest man competitor, AND trained for the grip events including the axle and still didn't win! Mentions of the greats out there that are past their prime would pose no threat to their reputation they certainly earned them! I am thankful for all they did to help us ALL along! I had an hour conversation with a wold renowned hand surgeon who along with his associates have expressed what he considers a high mark in testing the limits of human hand/grip strength and wants to get involved. Arguing does seem to quell when Andrews name comes up... light , tough, strong as hell , dead game, and a great supporter of strength.....by example. I never have heard a complaint from him ever or asking for a handout. There are many special strength feats that are skill related and serve to entertain and mystify but still are stunt or exhibitions of strength, all good but, it has its place. We possibly as the "dark horse" qualifying test or as a tie breaker event for the Mighty mitts stage may even use a Baseline/Jaymar type HIGHLY accurate digital readout device to to decide according to the good doctors who "has the strongest hands in the world". RS

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I will have the final invitations decided by mid day of Tuesday of this week following (Jan. 10 2012) I wonder if the Grip Board, the largest grip site (I think worldwide) would not come forward with their decision and "sponsor" one of their own grip prodigies that they presume is the flag bearer of grip strength. I also wish input and perhaps support of this and the Mighty Mitts by involving perhaps people like Wannagrip, Bob lipinski,Chris Rice and other quality men as being stage side technical experts and give real moral support for "the guys of grip". RS

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Agreed, I would like to see wannagrip as a judge, that would be cool. And good promotion for the gripboard a well.


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Guys, sorry I just saw this thread... ive been out a while. Been battling a lot of injuries this past year. Hell I had a torn pec when I competed at MM last year lol. Anyways.. they are more excuses than anything and for that I apologize. What Andrew said is true... im going to be getting back into my grip training in April, but I would feel absolutely terrible taking someone elses spot that truley deserves to be there. If I am fortunate enough to be selected in 2013, I can promise you ill be ready.

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Ross, You did real well out of the gate in 2011! Sorry about the injury ! Your name was brought up right from the start...2013 awaits!RS

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