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Matt Cannon, Level 2


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I have been waiting for a lot of things in the mail. I think the USPS is slower nowadays.

After thanksgiven to new years is the hardest time of year for the USPS. I have been told the number of packages increases by nearly 400% in some regions.

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Man i'm itching to see your close Matt, and i'm just the spectator.

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Slam it Matt! :)

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Gripper is here, mail just arrived!

90% sure I will attempt tonight if the kids cooperate.

Coffee is on.

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nice, mash those handles.

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Three things:

1) Not even close. I think my best attempt was about 1/4" off. Those are bad misses. And it surprised me because everything felt great! I'm disappointed, but not defeated. I will get revenge in 2012.

2) Apparently the "action" camera setting I found recently is not a good one. It doubles the frame rate which is excellent if your hand is moving around. The clarity is much better. But apparently the max video length is 2 minutes! Shortly after I opened the box and took my first attempt, the video stopped rolling. So anything after the first attempt would not have counted anyway.

3) I love this process. Call me a grip romantic, but everything about the cert process is exciting to me. Training with the cert in mind and visualizing the destruction of a goal gripper. Anticipating the arrival of the gripper. Even this unsuccessful attempt was exciting and extremely valuable. Because now it's a vendetta.

I do well with vendettas.

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I will enjoy watching your vendetta unfold. Think "Edmond Dantes."

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Spoken like a true grip junkie. The MM2 cannot put off what is inevitable.

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Good attitude, you got it next time.

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Great attitude Matt.

As you stated I too find that how I feel doesn’t correspond to my performance at hand. Some times my hands feel great and I "know" I can smash my #3 and then I try and am way off from were I normally am. Other days I’m like "no way my hands are to stiff" but I nail it. I don’t get the CNS.

2012 you will get it for sure.

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Sorry to hear that Matt but great attitude brother!

I like certs too because of the focus and drive required to achieve it. Good luck getting revenge on the sucker in 2012!!!

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Sorry to hear it Matt!

But glad to see your attitude is still strong and you're going to put the MM2 on Vendetta notice. Excellent!

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I see what happened here. Matt, you obviously got ahold of some decaf.

A little espresso and she's all yours next time!

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at least the camera crapped out on a miss.

do you think you planned your peaking wrong? what would you have differently? or, do you think it was just an off day? normally when something like this happens to me I try to think about what I had been doing for a couple of days and see what could have made the difference.

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Guys, thank you for the support and the kind words!

Eric, gripper is headed back. Coffee was DEFINITELY caffeinated because I was up until midnight and then slept lousy after that!

at least the camera crapped out on a miss. do you think you planned your peaking wrong? what would you have differently? or, do you think it was just an off day? normally when something like this happens to me I try to think about what I had been doing for a couple of days and see what could have made the difference.

I believe I planned as well as I could for this attempt. I certainly felt "peaked" prior to the attempt and my final workouts reflected the level of strength I wanted to have going in for the cert. What I will do differently for next time is ensure I have some extra in the tank. I knew this was going to be a near-max effort. It would be nice to make it less so. I probably won't sign up again until I've closed my 167 BBE a few times.

Here is the only thing I can figure that contributed to my poor performance. Kind of a funny story. When the gripper arrived, the package was COLD. This is Minnesota in December and it had been in the mailbox for probably an hour. So I put the package by a heater vent and threw a blanket over the top. Well time goes by and I'm getting ready for the cert; setting up the camera, etc. My 20-month-old son is with me and he is sick. It was nearing his bed time so he was also tired. Therefore he would NOT let me set him down so I was carrying him everywhere as I set up. So I'm almost ready to put him down to sleep and I look in the kitchen for the package. Not there. So I blame him. "What'd you do with it buddy?" He says a few of the words he knows (cat, eat, lights) but not very helpful. So now I'm beside myself. WHERE IS THE PACKAGE? I completely tore apart the house, retraced my steps multiple times, carrying that 35lb meatball the whole time. Probably 30 minutes pass of this and now I'm wondering what the hell I'm going to tell Bill? Now I'm cussing under my breath, flushed, irritated, tired of carrying Mr. ThickBurgerKid. Finally I take a seat on the couch to gather myself. Calm down. I look over across the room and see the blanket. Oh yeah, the gripper was cold. :trout

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Oh man, great story! I hate it when stuff like that happens and have a heavy toddler myself.

- Aaron

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I would guess that it was all the stress of thinking you lost it rather than the exertion. last saturday my wife's car died. when the tow truck got there he fixed a nonproblem. after thinking the car was going to need to go to the shop I had a terrible gym day. stress. bad stuff.

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That is a great story Matt. Cat Eat Light…Thanks buddy that helps a lot. :)

I have wondered about temp and spring stiffness for a while. I wondered if it affected some of my results. Now it’s freezing in Flagstaff so I will calibrate a few grippers cold In my garage. Then Ill heat them on my vents (maybe 100 degrees F) and see what the #s do.

Maybe this is why Texas, Tucson and Phoenix have a skewed representation of heavy gripper closers.

If there is no change then it dose not matter because I know hands don’t perform the same gripping frozen grippers. That is why I have been storing some on top my computer.

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Three things:

1) Not even close. I think my best attempt was about 1/4" off. Those are bad misses. And it surprised me because everything felt great! I'm disappointed, but not defeated. I will get revenge in 2012.

2) Apparently the "action" camera setting I found recently is not a good one. It doubles the frame rate which is excellent if your hand is moving around. The clarity is much better. But apparently the max video length is 2 minutes! Shortly after I opened the box and took my first attempt, the video stopped rolling. So anything after the first attempt would not have counted anyway.

3) I love this process. Call me a grip romantic, but everything about the cert process is exciting to me. Training with the cert in mind and visualizing the destruction of a goal gripper. Anticipating the arrival of the gripper. Even this unsuccessful attempt was exciting and extremely valuable. Because now it's a vendetta.

I do well with vendettas.

Good attitude Matt, you'll get it next time. The vendetta is oooon :rock

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Next time you will smash it for sure.........and it will be even sweeter because of the revenge factor.

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Next time Matt; funny story :yikes

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