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Spacer Mtrl For The Euro Pinch

Mikael Siversson

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By rounds system I mean rounds system within each offered width, not one single rounds system across all widths.

I believe it would be easy to make the pinch go faster. Do it rounds style, like a powerlifting meet. If you have 2 loaders, change the width in between lifters. With 10+ people, you could be strict on the amount of time taken when the bar is ready. This would cut the event time in half.

Right now you get multiple groups of people following themselves with rising bar. With 15 or more lifters, 2 platforms. I think the most fair way to divide people up would be by how much you are opening with- Maybe 180-200 for the dividing point.

Bob, I don't see how changing the widths in between lifters will be any easier. You still have to take off all the weight, loosen an inside collar, pull out an insert, put in another one, and then do that multiple times? Where's the time benefit. Plus it sounds like a good way to get a weight calculation wrong by forgetting how much one of the inserts weighs.

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Two devices/platforms will cause bickering. I for one would not want to pinch on any device but Jedd's if Jedd's was available and would not attend a contest where I was forced to do so. I think strictly managing the time on attempts would cut down the time tremendously. There is also the warm-up thing, which I do enjoy but when you have 3-4 people each doing a warm-up set at multiple weights as we go up, that's more and more time.

what if the 2 different devices were used for different classes that weren't in competition? in other words if women and elite used one and the open used another(I'm thinking of gripmas here)

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Two devices/platforms will cause bickering. I for one would not want to pinch on any device but Jedd's if Jedd's was available and would not attend a contest where I was forced to do so. I think strictly managing the time on attempts would cut down the time tremendously. There is also the warm-up thing, which I do enjoy but when you have 3-4 people each doing a warm-up set at multiple weights as we go up, that's more and more time.

what if the 2 different devices were used for different classes that weren't in competition? in other words if women and elite used one and the open used another(I'm thinking of gripmas here)

No. The appeal with the euro is moving up the list; so if I'm at a contest, I'm going to want to be able to use "the good one".

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Anyone care to give me some width numbers???

I need what the majority believe to be the 4 most popular widths (mm).

Guys, with my idea there will be no need for 2 apparatuses at a contest.

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Anyone care to give me some width numbers???

I need what the majority believe to be the 4 most popular widths (mm).

Guys, with my idea there will be no need for 2 apparatuses at a contest.

i would think 48,54, and ive heard alot of 64 i think lately thats all i got.

Joe i sounds like your about to do alot of work here on some idea, cant you let the cat out of the bag? or are you afraid if you just talked about it everyone would have a fit so thats why u want us to see it in action first? I bet your using blocks. how about a diagram or something of your idea? will it be availiable at comp your putting on?


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Sorry, four popular widths I would guess:

48, 52, 54, 58

46, 56, 64 after those.

Thank you very much Matt!

My video explanation is downloading now.

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Anyone care to give me some width numbers???

I need what the majority believe to be the 4 most popular widths (mm).

Guys, with my idea there will be no need for 2 apparatuses at a contest.

i would think 48,54, and ive heard alot of 64 i think lately thats all i got.

Joe i sounds like your about to do alot of work here on some idea, cant you let the cat out of the bag? or are you afraid if you just talked about it everyone would have a fit so thats why u want us to see it in action first? I bet your using blocks. how about a diagram or something of your idea? will it be availiable at comp your putting on?


The cat will be out of the bag here real soon. :D

My video explanation will answer all your questions/concerns.

And no, it's not blocks. ;) Hopefully, you'll be pleasantly surprised!

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Here's the video guys!

There's other things me and Eric discussed about this modification that I didn't mention in the video but

would be glad to discuss them here.

I apologize if my flow of speech was off a little. I had so much to say in a short amount of time that

my mind raced ahead of itself.

Hope this helps!

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Two devices/platforms will cause bickering. I for one would not want to pinch on any device but Jedd's if Jedd's was available and would not attend a contest where I was forced to do so. I think strictly managing the time on attempts would cut down the time tremendously. There is also the warm-up thing, which I do enjoy but when you have 3-4 people each doing a warm-up set at multiple weights as we go up, that's more and more time.

what if the 2 different devices were used for different classes that weren't in competition? in other words if women and elite used one and the open used another(I'm thinking of gripmas here)

No. The appeal with the euro is moving up the list; so if I'm at a contest, I'm going to want to be able to use "the good one".

I think you might want to ask ahead then because I think that there are plans for 2 2hp's at gripmas. and, I know, that there are plans for 2 at nationals. also, there is a trend in thinking that the crust all over jedd's plates is not optimal. andrew swiped his with steel wool before the comp to clean them up. and he said that was aaron 's idea. I also know that Rico has been a big proponent of cleaning the plates.

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Two sets of pinches at Gripmas or two tracks? Either way, this is the first I had heard of it for Gripmas. I thought Andrew was going to have one group on Pinch and another group on something else, say Grippers. Then they would switch spots and both would be using the same implement...

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48, 52, 54, 58

I would say those are pretty close.

I think Maryanne uses 44 and Woodall uses 64

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Joe, I like your concept. It is a good idea. The only way to know is to try.

I know one nice thing about using the same gripping area is that it is so heavily seasoned. Your way could cause some people to pinch on seasoned areas and others on non-seasoned areas.

One thing I wonder is if adding face plates could cause front loading and a possible advantage.

Look forward to seeing the trials.

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That's brilliant Joe!!! I think it makes perfect sense. I like how much thought you put into it. I hope it catches on man! This is something I can see saving up to buy - as a promoter.

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Apart from being massively resisted by people who have already spent a lot of money buying the original Euro pinch set up (in the context of replacing a world standard), lifts done on an apparatus of this nature cannot be compared in a meaningful way to lifts done on the original Euro set up. By centralising the mass (using outer steel plates 22-23mm thick instead of 6mm) you make the lift easier, especially for people with weakish wrists. At 45mm the weight of the set up would change from about 16k to 44k, changing the feel of the lift (apart from eliminating the 1HP as a competition option). It took me five years to duplicate my 2HP result using two 20k steel plates as a base on the Euro.

The reason people like the Euro pinch so much (featured in almost all grip competitions these days) is that it is THE world standard in pinch lifting. Yes it takes a while to complete the event but it is the golden standard nonetheless. The fact that it was invented by David Horne adds tremendous credibility to the lift as well. It is highly unlikely that your idea would be adopted overseas as a new standard and that basically kills the idea right there (assuming you intended it to became a new pinch standard).

People like the idea of climbing the list but climbing a list adopted by perhaps some US organisers does not have the same appeal as climbing the global list.

The reason people are trying to lift the Inch is because it is a lift with a long history (and yes I know US replicas have a slightly thicker handle). The Euro has now been with us 7 years.

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Joe, I like your concept. It is a good idea. The only way to know is to try.

I know one nice thing about using the same gripping area is that it is so heavily seasoned. Your way could cause some people to pinch on seasoned areas and others on non-seasoned areas.

One thing I wonder is if adding face plates could cause front loading and a possible advantage.

Look forward to seeing the trials.

Thanks Jedd! Your input is important and useful. Front loading issue was discussed but really can't say without experimenting

with the implement.

I appreciate the positive feedback bro!

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Apart from being massively resisted by people who have already spent a lot of money buying the original Euro pinch set up (in the context of replacing a world standard), lifts done on an apparatus of this nature cannot be compared in a meaningful way to lifts done on the original Euro set up. By centralising the mass (using outer steel plates 22-23mm thick instead of 6mm) you make the lift easier, especially for people with weakish wrists. At 45mm the weight of the set up would change from about 16k to 44k, changing the feel of the lift (apart from eliminating the 1HP as a competition option). It took me five years to duplicate my 2HP result using two 20k steel plates as a base on the Euro.

The reason people like the Euro pinch so much (featured in almost all grip competitions these days) is that it is THE world standard in pinch lifting. Yes it takes a while to complete the event but it is the golden standard nonetheless. The fact that it was invented by David Horne adds tremendous credibility to the lift as well. It is highly unlikely that your idea would be adopted overseas as a new standard and that basically kills the idea right there (assuming you intended it to became a new pinch standard).

People like the idea of climbing the list but climbing a list adopted by perhaps some US organisers does not have the same appeal as climbing the global list.

The reason people are trying to lift the Inch is because it is a lift with a long history (and yes I know US replicas have a slightly thicker handle). The Euro has now been with us 7 years.

Hello Mikael, I appreciate your thoughts and not knowing you very well I don't really know how to take your comments

except to accept your criticisms and move on.

As far as trying to change the world standard, I never said nor mentioned that. I'm simply putting an idea out there

that could hopefully help solve an issue that's obviously important to everyone. If this idea won't work then maybe it could spark

another possibility in someone else's mind that would work. None the less, accepted or not I will go ahead with a proto-type

and give it a pinch or two and see how it works out. :)

I will use it at my contest to be different and unique if nothing else.

Concerning David Horne, I have HUGE respect for him :bow and what he's achieved and done in and for grip. I'm in

no way trying to undermine his accomplishment. No way! Just trying to be helpful, that's all.

I must ask, have you given the issue any thought as far as a solution? I would like to hear your thinking also.

Seriously! I'm all for positive criticism, it just means more if a alternative solution is supplied along with it. ;)

Take care my friend...

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That's brilliant Joe!!! I think it makes perfect sense. I like how much thought you put into it. I hope it catches on man! This is something I can see saving up to buy - as a promoter.

Thanks Ben!

Very meaningful coming from you buddy!

Having the device in my hands could change everything for better or worse.

We'll see!!!

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Overseas it is not regarded as much of a problem at all as competitions are arranged a bit different with rather few events contested (e.g. four in the WSH series). If you have lots of competitors and include a medley as well at the end then yes the competition will drag on. It is ultimately up to US organisers whether they want to compared pinch lift performances with the European standard.

I must ask, have you given the issue any thought as far as a solution? I would like to hear your thinking also.

Seriously! I'm all for positive criticism, it just means more if a alternative solution is supplied along with it. ;)

Take care my friend...

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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Two devices/platforms will cause bickering. I for one would not want to pinch on any device but Jedd's if Jedd's was available and would not attend a contest where I was forced to do so. I think strictly managing the time on attempts would cut down the time tremendously. There is also the warm-up thing, which I do enjoy but when you have 3-4 people each doing a warm-up set at multiple weights as we go up, that's more and more time.

what if the 2 different devices were used for different classes that weren't in competition? in other words if women and elite used one and the open used another(I'm thinking of gripmas here)

No. The appeal with the euro is moving up the list; so if I'm at a contest, I'm going to want to be able to use "the good one".

I think you might want to ask ahead then because I think that there are plans for 2 2hp's at gripmas. and, I know, that there are plans for 2 at nationals. also, there is a trend in thinking that the crust all over jedd's plates is not optimal. andrew swiped his with steel wool before the comp to clean them up. and he said that was aaron 's idea. I also know that Rico has been a big proponent of cleaning the plates.

I hope someone has a camera running for the events that would follow if someone tried to clean all the seasoning off of Jedd's plates before an attempt. :grin: I doubt you'll see Horne or Jedd de-seasoning their devices anytime soon.

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I hope someone has a camera running for the events that would follow if someone tried to clean all the seasoning off of Jedd's plates before an attempt. :grin: I doubt you'll see Horne or Jedd de-seasoning their devices anytime soon.

jedd himself admitted that the surface was much better when he took steal wool to it last summer.

and I had a thread about this on hornes page where he said that they do clean it off.

there's a pretty big difference between polished and as crusty as jedd's was. and I think that the super crapped up is not optimal.

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I think if someone doesn't want the seasoned steel they could just spin the device 180'. The steel still has some texture there as well.

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OK I'm back from climbing. Glad to see everyone has an opinion on something they know absolutely nothing about as far as the setup I was talking about. I was not talking about Joe's idea as I knew nothing about it. I'm still asking for a "wait and see before judging" but that is obviously impossible here. Jedd and David have both agreed to at least seeing the idea before judgement - perhaps you all might do the same?

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I hope someone has a camera running for the events that would follow if someone tried to clean all the seasoning off of Jedd's plates before an attempt. :grin: I doubt you'll see Horne or Jedd de-seasoning their devices anytime soon.

jedd himself admitted that the surface was much better when he took steal wool to it last summer.

and I had a thread about this on hornes page where he said that they do clean it off.

there's a pretty big difference between polished and as crusty as jedd's was. and I think that the super crapped up is not optimal.

This is the misunderstanding. I thought you were talking about stripping it. Crust flakes off when you apply pressure and is worse vs. good seasoning is like a pine tar dip IMO.

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I believe it would be easy to make the pinch go faster. Do it rounds style, like a powerlifting meet. If you have 2 loaders, change the width in between lifters. With 10+ people, you could be strict on the amount of time taken when the bar is ready. This would cut the event time in half.

Right now you get multiple groups of people following themselves with rising bar. With 15 or more lifters, 2 platforms. I think the most fair way to divide people up would be by how much you are opening with- Maybe 180-200 for the dividing point.

Bob, I don't see how changing the widths in between lifters will be any easier. You still have to take off all the weight, loosen an inside collar, pull out an insert, put in another one, and then do that multiple times? Where's the time benefit. Plus it sounds like a good way to get a weight calculation wrong by forgetting how much one of the inserts weighs.

It would be more work, but it might save time because of how much time is wasted with people following each other.

For most width changes you don't need to take all the weight off, right? Just pop the insert in? Yeah, it takes a bit of time. As far as forgetting what the inserts weight, if you marked the inserts it shouldn't be a problem.

All in all, it would take more setup but I think it would be faster because of not waiting for people following each other. Also, it would take away the problem of lifters competing for records/placings in different flights. WHo knows, I could be wrong.

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