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When You're Pushed...

Matt Brouse

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Dude, your DB lifts are ridiculous. I like the vids, keep posting.

Thanks, will do. In fact...

Been starting workouts with a good 1 or 2 efforts at this lift. Hit it today. Will post full session details later...

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So nice, I posted it twice.

Also, this, in line with my FB trend of sharing my failures:

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This is from the decathalon contest this past weekend:

This too: The crushed to dust challenge

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Inch DB Power Clean and Press 150x1 (3 presses for grins). BIG TIME! Psyched to legitmately clean this badboy. Took a few tries over the last few weeks.

Axle Lifts

Power Clean and Push Press

Up to 286lbs.

Continental Power Clean and Push Press

Up to 317lbs.

Alt. Grip Continental Clean

Up to 363, NEAR miss at 376lbs.

2 Hand Pinch

Up to 172 for 4 sets of 2... volume PR to be sure


A couple vids from today, not my camera, though.

Eagle Loop Deadlift

Singles up to 765lbs. First time doing this, not my favorite, will inevitably do it again, though.

DO Axle Deadlift (obsessed, much?)

233x1, 283x1, 323x1, 373x3 Boo-YA! Happy with that.

2 Hand Pinch

Up to 173 or so... for 1.


Haha... wow, legitimately don't recall posting those videos earlier... wow.

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Barbell Strict Press 198x3

Barbell Jerk Behind Head 357x1

Some random squats

Inch DB - two of these were double lifts (a bell in each hand)

Right 172x7 singles

Left 150x7 singles

Several futile attempts on the green Inch...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fun with heavy things:

A little sporadic this week due to house stuff, yikes. Now to move. Yikes, again...

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  • 2 weeks later...

6-5-12 Tuesday 262lbs.


1 Mile Walk with 30 pound sandbag


Axle Power Clean Push Press to 275x1

Barbell Push Press Behind Neck Up to 231x5

Oly Squat 231x5x3sets

Dips BWx10

Step-Ups (24") 55lbs. x 5


Sled Drag .25 mile at 80lbs.

6-6-2012 260lbs.

Deadlift up to 455x1

Power clean 225x1 + Chin-Ups x 1 - 18 rounds in 10 minutes

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How was that 1 mile walk? I'm guessing brutal. For some reason long carries like this appeal to me but then I never do them.

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With only a 30 pound bag (keeping in mind I'm a few pounds heavier than you) it wasn't too much bother. I dig it though.

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  • 2 months later...


Kettlebell circuit

1 arm snatch, 10ea @ 16kg

1 arm clean and press, 10ea @ 16kg

1 arm alternating clean press 10ea @ 24kg

2 rounds, 6:45

2" VBar to 240 Left, 260 R

Inch DB 172x10 Right, 148x14 Left

Not bad, gonna add a heavier set of snatches to that circuit and work it for a while.

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BW 257lbs.

1 mile bike to and from the gym. Nice living close.

EZ Bar Preacher Curls 65x10, 85x10, 105x3, meh...

Alt. DB Curls 50x10x3

Hammer PullUps BWx3, meh...

One of the trainers at this gym is just scary.

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Steinborn lift to 160kg. PR. Feels much better now that I've squatted a few times.

Mobile events tmrrw AM.

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Deadlift 455x5

Push Press 242x5

Front Squat 264x5

Incline Bench 250x5

Half penny 25 x 5rl, x3rl

2" vbar 220 x 5rl

Inch Farmers Walk 172r/148l x 20ft, x 25ft

Inch hand to hand 148 x 2 x 2

Not bad overall.

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Nice overall workout. Inch farmer's walk!!!

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9-5-12 BW 258.5

My conditioning sucks as per usual

Axle power clean and push press 231x5

Barbell power clean 262x5

Push press behind neck 242x5

2 Hand Pinch 180x2x4

Dips +85x5


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  • 4 months later...

Hell of a press there big guy- Anything done with an Inch Bell is impressive!

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