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1-arm Deadlift With Hook Grip


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Its close to a WR, isnt it??

It was a record for the 105kg bodyweight class, previous record was 219kg. The absolute record in competition is 255kg. Hermann Goerner is reported to have done 729# I believe. I plan to continue training the lift and get the 255kg barrier next.

Hey any idea what the record is for a class around 78kg?

C&PP - 116.6K

LH DL - 200K

RH DL - 167.5K

These are the Open class 80 kilo weight class IAWA records - the American records may be different but the American ones are not available on line so I couldn't look them up for you.


All the 95 kilo 60 to 65 year old class USAWA records now belong to me now for those lifts but only the L & R DL for the IAWA records - I screwed up the C&PP.

Not to get too off topic, but how the heck do these records work? I found a bunch of World Groups? I didn't have a ton of time to look, but it wasn't making sense.

It doesn't seem too complicated. There is the USAWA and the IAWA - there may be British etc branches as well, I don't know. They are governing bodies like the ones in Powerlifting - Olympic lifting etc. Setting a record under them means the same as under any other organization - you hold "their" record. The All Around part means there are tons of lifts that may be contested at an event - you can read the list and rules for each lift in the link I posted. Different contests will feature different lifts to be done there - there are 3 judges for each lift and at this contest at least, they were very strict in their enforcement (I got two lifts turned down). It's a fun group of lifts and the odd lifts appeal to me generally. I also like the fact there there are few or no specialists or pros that are out there spending their entire life training for them - it's average Joe's - real people like myself. There are age groups and weight classes and while no one who set any of the records was thinking they were a Misha or Poundstone etc - we were setting PRs and competing with our peers - it was a great time and I recommended it to you all.

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OK I see what you mean now. Just go to the Index and look up the lift you want. Then go to that "Group" to find it.

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very strong!! Didn't Goerner do his with no hook, pure grip strength? 727 i think .

This info is WAY off Terry. this is from David Horne's website:

This lift [the 330kg one hand deadlift] was an unofficial lift. His best official lift was performed in England with Paul Getty and W.A. Pullum as witnesses to this world record attempt. In a very interesting article in the Health & Strength mag of Dec 5, 1957 Pullum tells the readers the story. On this occasion Goerner lifted 602 1/4lb (273.1k) and held it for several seconds for the famous weightlifting referee W.J. Lowry. Getty, the famous millionaire was so impressed with this feat he gave Goerner £25 in cash. Goerner was so struck by this gesture, he asked for another 50lb to be placed on the bar, so that Getty got value for his money. Goerner lifted this 652 1/4lb (295.8k) succesfully but as the referee was about to count the hold, the bar rolled out of his hand and took a large flap of skin with it. My opinion on Goerner's 330k is that he may have got it, or could have at least been close, as it needs a good grip, very strong back, and a good hook grip, in which Goerner had most of these. Regarding his 251.5k that he was meant to have done without a hook grip, well all I can say on the subject is that if he couldn't hold onto 295.8k with a hook grip, then no way is he lifting 251.5k without. Obviously the bar on the 251.5k lift did not revolve, or is a slightly cambered in which you wouldn't really need a hook grip. For this reason I don't include it in the list.

For him to have done 727 without a hook is of course not possible. I mean, even with a hook today's best one-hand deadlifters aren't even reacing 600#. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever his true max was, he used a hook grip of course! Must have been one strong fellow though!!

Interesting article. I'm having a poster made with all of Goerner's records listed on it for the gym.

The USAWA / IAWA has been great fun to try some different lifts and meet great people. Like Chris said, I encourage all to try it and take part.

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very strong!! Didn't Goerner do his with no hook, pure grip strength? 727 i think .

This info is WAY off Terry. this is from David Horne's website:

This lift [the 330kg one hand deadlift] was an unofficial lift. His best official lift was performed in England with Paul Getty and W.A. Pullum as witnesses to this world record attempt. In a very interesting article in the Health & Strength mag of Dec 5, 1957 Pullum tells the readers the story. On this occasion Goerner lifted 602 1/4lb (273.1k) and held it for several seconds for the famous weightlifting referee W.J. Lowry. Getty, the famous millionaire was so impressed with this feat he gave Goerner £25 in cash. Goerner was so struck by this gesture, he asked for another 50lb to be placed on the bar, so that Getty got value for his money. Goerner lifted this 652 1/4lb (295.8k) succesfully but as the referee was about to count the hold, the bar rolled out of his hand and took a large flap of skin with it. My opinion on Goerner's 330k is that he may have got it, or could have at least been close, as it needs a good grip, very strong back, and a good hook grip, in which Goerner had most of these. Regarding his 251.5k that he was meant to have done without a hook grip, well all I can say on the subject is that if he couldn't hold onto 295.8k with a hook grip, then no way is he lifting 251.5k without. Obviously the bar on the 251.5k lift did not revolve, or is a slightly cambered in which you wouldn't really need a hook grip. For this reason I don't include it in the list.

For him to have done 727 without a hook is of course not possible. I mean, even with a hook today's best one-hand deadlifters aren't even reacing 600#. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever his true max was, he used a hook grip of course! Must have been one strong fellow though!!

Maybe Chris James could answer this one? I think he did it without a hook grip, his grip is one of the best of all time.

I think its wrong for dave to be saying that in no way he is lifting 251.5k without a hook grip. based on reading that he couldn't hold onto 295.8k. Goerner was a real grip master. and indeed must have been one very strong fellow!!! I'll have to dig out my goerner the mighty book.

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Goerner pulled the 251kg with no hook grip and the 727 lbs with a hook grip.

I talked to Joe Assiratti who witnessed personaly Goerner lifting the 295kg , he said it was done with ease , not straddled but performed in front of the bar like a normal deadlift. He held it for several seconds after the down count was given for effect but then ripped the skin off the hand.

This was his biggest lift performed in Great Britain not ever.

It was an impromptu lift done for Mr Getty , and not his best by any means.

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If you head over to Joe Roark's Ironhistory site there are several threads which discuss the lifts of Goerner and the 727lb lift in particular - I think it would be interesting reading for you if you haven't already seen it.


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Ok, Quick question....I assume the grip is the limiting factor in the one hand deadlift. If a deadlift was attempted bar in front ala Goerner, just how much could be done if the lifting hand was tied to the bar with a strap? You should do far more than half of your best deadlift in this manner. My ratio was 1.43 x my best one hand equaled my best deadlift in training(with straps) If you took Bennie Magnusson's 1015(even gave him another 25-40lb. for straps)it would turn out at a 1039 deadlift could spawn a 727 one arm. Also consider his pulling over 1100 on the Hummer tire deadlift at the Arnolds using straps. Considering a great hook grip "might" approach the holding power of a strap it seems that huge numbers just may be possible. That would be a great event for Mighty Mitts next year! Hmmmm RS

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I don't know why, but I've always felt that a true test of grip would not use a hook grip for the 1HDL. But I know my opinion carries little value so there's that, heh.

Richard's ratio info has made me curious... what was Goerener's best regular, two handed deadlift?? His ratio of 1HDL to regular DL must have been the closest in history unless he was a 900 pound deadlifter which I'm inclined to doubt.

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I don't know why, but I've always felt that a true test of grip would not use a hook grip for the 1HDL.

Totally agree with that, Surely thats the point of the one hand deadlift, to test your grip strength? I think that would make a good event at the mitts, bar out in front (not straddled) one hand deadlift , clean grip on an olympic bar. Nearly everyone has a barbell, and is more accessible to everyone. I think more people would have a better understanding just how strong someone's hands are when doing this lift.

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Goerner's best in the two hands was 360 kg at 100kg bodyweight using a clean grip.

When he was older and heavier as a professional , using a reverse grip , he pulled 830 lb , barbrell and one man sitting on each side.

I contributed a lot to the Goerner thread and to other books, etc. Some believe the lifts , some question them and some don't believe at all.

I've personally talked to people who were there, not theorizing and they thought that he was capable of even more.

The one hand deadlift would be an awesome grip event for the Arnold and would give the more "normal" sized handed people a more even event.

Also some sort of gripping device attached to a big digital board so the crowd could see it . Like the Collins dynameter that Desbonnett took around with him where ever he went.

This would also be smaller hands friendly.

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The dyno suggestion is awesome Chris! Everyone says repeatedly that grippers are too boring for an audience. But there has to be a test of "crushing" strength. A dyno attached to a huge digital scoreboard could be fun, IF (big IF here) the audience also has a similar device to try it as well! I remember a while ago John Wood posted photos of himself squeezing a dyno with two hands. It was a very nicely made apparatus that said "how do you compare yourself to primates?" or something to that effect. The thing had vivid colors and showed supossedly what several primates could squeeze (chimp, orangutan, gorilla or something to this effect, in order of ascending strength).

I bet hundreds if not thousands during the Arnold weekend would try and squeeze that thing for fun to see where they stand. And this might intrigue them to see how the Mighty Mitts competitors fair on the same equipment. Or maybe not...? Just thinking out loud here. :)

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There used to be one in the primate house in Chester zoo. People were lining up waiting to see how they fair against a chimpanzee , gorilla , etc.

Arturo, i think this would be a great crowd pleaser also.

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I like what you fella's are saying here. I do think Andrew' huge 518 deadlift is "fairly" close to his best two hand. If you multiplied 518 X 1.43 it would be 740.74.I think Andrew said he has pulled in the mid 600's so perhaps there are huge differences in human possibilities if Andrew can do that much one armed.....( considering Andrew with a mid 600 deadlift ability, could it not be possible then that another body that can move, support and lock out 1015lb. use almost all his body and yank up 727 one handed? I would as my son said at lunch "bet on that one"

I really enjoy Chris James comments about talking to actual people that "were there" during Goerner's hey day. It was stated by some historians the max Goerner did was 600lb and now 295Kilo which is 642lb. rears its head for the "Getty lift". I also was told the lift(Getty) was done in a strict, "correct" position for Mr. Getty with no support by off hand on thigh allowed and heels were placed together.(a pretty hard way to go). The accepted or "most used" way most probably including Goerner on his 727 was done as a regular deadlift with bar placed in front, left (off hand) placed pushing down on left thigh.Those simple changes would add MANY pounds. I purchased an entire file some years ago from a gentleman historian in England about Goerner. It was amazing how many articles were written as poorly written copies of earlier articles about the man, Words were wrong,places and dates changed, numbers deleted, changed, or printed backwards repeated and written by men that never even saw Goerner. Sadly, with some of the "early guys" this is all we have to go on but still held as gospel. After laying out the many clippings and writings I just cringed and thought what was really done?RS

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The most i've pulled on a standard bar is 605#, summer strong #2. I pulled 750# on a trap bar for the FitExpo trap bar hold, but have not pulled a max single in a while. I think the percentages will vary but not by much.

Could Bene pull and lock out 727# plus. Chances are strong. However, 500+ lbs. does some funny things when balanced with one arm and hanging on half your body. The oblique training surprised me more than anything.

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