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My First Crack At Bending


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This is my 1st day of bending stuff. 1st 60D nail I just kinked trying to learn DO style. I just could not get things started that way. All the other bends were reverse bend (terminator style). The hardest one on the right is 6" G5.

Right now flexibility is an issue for me that needs work. Also my technique needs to be polished.

This progression was only possible with the coaching and instruction of the guys at the Cactus Grip Contest. Thank you! You are a fun bunch of guys to be around!


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Excellent first day of bending Rich!!! That's an excellent starting point. Getting that kind of expert instruction in the beginning is priceless. Hope to see you stick with it and destroy ever harder steel man.

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That was way better than what I could do when I first started so you are already ahead of the game so to speak, Great Job!

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Thanks guys.

I can feel the after affects of the bending today. No injury.. just a very good deep muscle soreness throughout my forearms.

I also have soreness in my mid back - rhomboid area. I think that’s just from flailing around in the beginning trying to get a feel of DO.

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